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Valera, Veronica Ann M.

D-4R A Reflection Paper on the play Articulo Mortis

February 15, 2012, was the day I watched this play entitled Articulo Mortis . Before I came to DL Umali Theatre that night, I am completely clueless about what the story of this play is all about, I just know personally some of the actors, one reason why I was eager to watch this play with my friends, but the concept of the play was unknown. So we entered the theatre and sat down and in a few minutes the play started. At first, honestly, it was really creepy as if we are going to watch a horror film. And then, the characters of the play started to appear. They looked scary and as they began to say their lines, they gave me the idea that the story of the play is about death. Articulo Mortis is a story about five people who died in different places and situations and met in that unknown place where they say souls go to after death. The play was comprised of scenes which showed the occurrences after their death. There was so much drama in each part of those five persons who each has unique stories about how their lives were when they were still living, their stories about how they died and their stories about their loved ones and so on. The drama which took place in almost every scene gained its redemption, of course, at the end of the play. Each of the five main characters illustrated different stories which most probably the audience can relate to. It was very touching and emotional, I was in tears in this one part. It was very enlightening, too. Listening to each of them say those essential things about life, family, friends and their love for them, I have realized so many things. We must live our lives to the fullest, make each day count, and let our loved ones feel our love and care for them every time and not wait before it s too late. We must live fully, inspiring the people around us and influence in the best way we can. The play also included scenes where the loved ones of the departed showed how they felt after the death of those five. It made me feel that even the simplest of our actions whether it s good or bad, our achievements and even our imperfections are remembered and loved by the people that really care for us and that it will actually not stop just because something happens, they will always love us. The end part of the play showed that the characters after the dramas and whatsoever got their redemption which was the happy ending of each of the main characters, although one of the main cast s ending. I have to say, was pretty creepy, in my opinion, and controversial. The character of that girl who was murdered and raped did not get her salvation during the end of the play. It was shown that she still can t accept her death since she was murdered and it was really a case of injustice. It made me realize that sometimes, it s just the way it is. Of course, she can t her death because the cause of her death was outrageous and inhumane. It is something that can t be accepted easily even after death, in my opinion. Maybe the best thing we living people should do about this is to pray for them every time, to help these souls get the peace they want and need.

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