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University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts Department for Translation

Idiomatics and Stylistics


Animal idioms dog/pes

Nina taudohar 2. letnik 18061280 Mentor: doc. dr. Silvana Orel Kos

Contents 1Lexicographical part.................................................................................................................3 1.1English-Slovene.................................................................................................................3 1.2Slovene-English.................................................................................................................7 2General part.............................................................................................................................12 2.1Topic outline....................................................................................................................12 As part of the Idiomatics Project Work I investigated multi-word lexical units within the topic of animals, to be more exact, dogs. The task was expected to be difficult and it also was. I decided to search for different types of MWLU, such as proverbs, sayings and idioms related to the topic of dogs. I analyzed their meaning, frequency, how and where they are used, what their function is and gave an illustrative example. Already at the beginning I knew that there would be some MWLUs in English which would not entirely correspond to the ones in Slovene and the other way round. As expected, in some cases there were some difficulties in finding appropriate lexicographic equivalents. However, with the use of internet, dictionaries and different translational strategies I have found the appropriate solutions. ...........................................................................................................12 2.2Research methods............................................................................................................13 First I used internet resources and different dictionaries in order to choose ten English and ten Slovene examples out of a range of possibilities. To find the appropriate equivalents I used mono- and bilingual dictionaries. Corpora were of great help when trying to determine whether a certain MWLU is actually being used in discourse or not, and to provide some illustrative examples. I also used Google to check the frequency of an MWLU. In cases when I was not able to find an appropriate lexicographic translation equivalent, I tried to find my own equivalent that corresponded to the original meaning. ..................................13 2.3Conclusion.......................................................................................................................13 To conclude, it was much easier to analyze English MWLUs than Slovene ones. That is, there are more English dictionaries and other resources available. Although I was able to find Slovene MWLUs quite easy, it was much more difficult to find their appropriate equivalents. Analyzing English MWLUs I also found one or more appropriate equivalents in quite few cases, whether analyzing Slovene MWLUs that happened only in one case. In one case there was a Slovene MWLU where I found two different meanings of an idiom and therefore also two different translation equivalents. There are also examples, when we find a certain expression in a dictionary, but the corpora do not show the actual use of an expression. I believe, most of these MWLUs are used colloquially, and that is why the corpora do not give so many results comparing to Google. I found out that each of the MWLU has a specific function and can be used to express different things, for example: emotions, advice, general truths and similar. In one case I also found an idiom used as an euphemism. ..........................................................................................................................13 2.4Bibliography.....................................................................................................................13

1 1.1

Lexicographical part English-Slovene MWLU source YOU CANT TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms

( frequency 161.000 frequency (BNC) 2 register/style/function Informal; proverb Something that you say which means it is difficult to make someone definition illustrative example Source example change the way they do something when they have been doing it the same way for a long time They say you cant teach an old dog new tricks, but Im living proof. British National Corpus Pregovor pravi, da starega konja ne naui jahati, vendar sem jaz iv

translation Lexicographic tr. equivalent 1 Source 1 lexicographic tr. equivalent 2 source 2 MWLU source frequency frequency (BNC) register/style/function definition illustrative example Source example translation Lexicographic tr. equivalents source MWLU source frequency frequency (BNC) register/style/function definition illustrative example Source example translation Lexicographic tr. equivalents source MWLU source frequency register/style/function

dokaz, da lahko. Starega konja ne naui jahati.

Kar se Janezek naui, to Janez zna. FIGHT LIKE CAT AND DOG Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms 61.100 4 Informal; idiom To argue violently all the time We fought like cat and dog the whole time we were together or at least most of the time, she added. British National Corpus Ko sva bila skupaj sva se vedno oziroma veino asa prepirala kot pes in maka. Prepirati se, iveti kot pes in maka Veliki angleko-slovenski slovar THE DOG DAYS OF SUMMER 566.000 3 Informal; idiom The hottest days of summer At times during the dog days of summer, deeper parts of the bay become anoxic. British National Corpus V asu pasje vroine ostanejo globji predeli zaliva obasno brez kisika. Pasja vroina, pasji dnevi SSKJ IT IS RAINING CATS AND DOGS 142.000 Informal; idiom 4

definition illustrative example source example translation Lexicographic tr. equivalents source MWLU source frequency frequency (BNC) register/style/function definition illustrative example Source example translation Lexicographic tr. equivalents source MWLU source

Raining very heavily It was raining cats and dogs and the teachers were running in and out helping us get our stuff in. British National Corpus Deevalo je kot iz kafa, uitelji pa so tekali not in ven 5ern am pomagali pospraviti stvari. Deevati/liti kot iz kafa Veliki angleko-slovenski slovar DOG DOES NOT EAT DOG 50.200 2 Informal; proverb One disreputable person will not harm another disreputable person Stanislav Andreski is no believer in what he calls the principle that dog does not eat dog, the unwritten code that keeps members of the same profession from attacking each other in public even if attack is justified.,9171,903608,00.html S. Andreski ne verjame naelu, ki pravi vrana vrani ne izkljuje oi nenapisano pravilo, ki pripadnike enakega poklica odvraa od medsebojnega napadanja v javnosti, etudi je napad upravien. Vrana vrani oi ne izkljuje Veliki angleko-slovenski slovar HELP A LAME DOG OVER A STILE

idioms.htm frequency 192.000 register/style/function Informal; idiom definition To help someone who is in difficulty or in trouble You know, I dont believe in churches and parsons and all that, she illustrative example Source example translation said, but I believe in God, and I dont believe He minds much about what you do as long as you keep your end up and help a lame dog over a stile when you can. Ne verjamem v cerkve, duhovnike ter podobno, je rekla. Vendar pa verjamem v Boga in mislim, da se On ne ozira na to kaj pone,

dokler pone to kar je treba ter pomaga ljudem v stiski kadar jim lahko. Lexicographic tr. equivalents source MWLU source frequency register/style/function definition illustrative example Source example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source MWLU source frequency register/style/fu nction definition illustrative example Source example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source MWLU source Pomagati komu v stiski Veliki angleko-slovenski slovar (GO TO) SEE A MAN ABOUT A DOG Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms 926.000 Informal, humorous (used as an euphemism); idiom If you tell someone you are going to see a man about a dog, it is a way of saying that you do not want to tell them where you are really going, especially when you are going to the toilet I wont be long. Im just going to see a man about a dog. Takoj pridem. Samo nastran grem.. Iti nastran My own equivalent (but also found in SSKJ) NOT HAVE A DOGS CHANCE Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms 15.000 Informal, conversational; idiom No chance at all If youre the type of person who doesnt have a dogs chance of finding old statements and details then jump online and save yourself some time. %3D&tabid=77&mid=517 e ste tip loveka, ki ima teave pri iskanju starih poroil in podrobnosti, skoite na internet in si tako prihranite nekaj asa. (v tem primeru sem zaradi konteksta uporabila drugano ustreznico) brez vsakega upanja, ni anse (pog.) Angleko-slovenski slovar Password, SSKJ PUPPY LOVE Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms

frequency 2.260.000 frequency (BNC) 8 register/style/function Informal; idiom Romantic love which a young person feels for someone and which definition usually disappears as they become older illustrative Dev Patel's Mom Confirms Son's Puppy Love With 'Slumdog' Star example source example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source Freida Pinto (a newspaper headline) Mama Deva Patela potrdila sinovo petoolsko ljubezen z zvezdnico filma "Slumdog" Friedo Pinto Petoolska ljubezen Veliki angleko-slovenski slovar

MWLU source frequency register/style/function definition illustrative example

SELL SOMEBODY A PUP Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms 69.900 Informal; idiom To deceive someone into buying something which has no value The document, written on 13 September 1940 by Patrick Duff, then permanent secretary at the Office of Works, reveals how Churchill complained that Duff had "sold him a pup" and let him think that "this place is a real bomb-proof shelter". Dokument, ki ga je 13. septembra 1940 napisal Patrick Duff, takratni sekretar Urada za delo, razkriva kako se je Churchill pritoil, da ga je Duff oguljufal ter ga pustil verjeti, da je zaklonie resnino varno pred bombnimi eksplozijami".


example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source 1.2 Slovene-English MWLU source frequency

Oguljufati koga, predrago prodati Veliki angleko-slovenski slovar


register/style/functi on definition illustrative example

Pogovorno, ekspresivno; idiom Ljudje se med jedjo ne smejo motiti, nadlegovati s kakimi opravki In ker bi tudi mene mono motilo, da bi drugi otroci kriali in letali okrog moje mize medtem ko jem, priakujem in zahtevam tudi od svojih otrok, da ne motijo drugih! Saj verjetno poznate pregovor e pes ima rad pri jedi mir. 37884 As it would disturb me if other children would be screaming and running around my table while I eat, I expect and demand from my children not to disturb others. As you know, everyone deserves to eat in peace.


example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source

Everyone deserves to eat in peace My own equivalent

MWLU source frequency register/style/function definition illustrative example source example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source MWLU source

ZEBE ME KOT PSA SSKJ 30.200 Pogovorno; idiom (primera) Zelo zebe eprav o vremenu velikokrat govorimo, ko nimamo o em drugem, mimo njega preprosto ne moremo. Je mono, da loveka sredi maja zebe kot psa? Korpus Nova beseda Although we talk a lot about weather when there is nothing else to talk about, we cannot just by pass it. But is it possible for a person feeling cold in the middle of May? Feeling cold My own equivalent VEM, KAM PES TACO MOLI Slovensko-angleki slovar

98 Nova beseda) register/style/function Pogovorno, ekspresivno; idiom definition Vedeti kaj je skrivni namen govorjenja, ravnanja neke osebe illustrative Sicer mi tega ni nikoli omenil, ampak jaz po sedmih letih prijateljstva example source example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source e vem, kam pes taco moli. Although he never mentioned that, but after seven years of friendship I already know which way the wind blows. I know which way the wind blows Slovensko-angleki slovar,

frequency frequency (korpus


2 Nova beseda) register/style/function Pogovorno; idiom definition Bojee, preplaeno, ponino illustrative Domov sem se odplazil kot polit cucek, se ulegel na kav in se example source example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source poskual umiriti. I slunk away home like a beaten cur, lay down on the sofa and tried to calm myself down. To slink away like a beaten cur / with ones tail between ones legs Slovensko-angleki slovar

MWLU source frequency frequency (korpus

ODPLAZITI SE KOT POLIT CUCEK / KUEK Slovensko-angleki slovar 20.600 (kot polit cucek)

1 Nova beseda) register/style/function Pogovorno; idiom (primera) definition Na smrt utrujen, izrpan illustrative Pojma nimate! Po delu si utrujen kot pes. Spi kot otrok, za kaj ve 9

MWLU source frequency frequency (korpus

UTRUJEN KOT PES Slovensko-angleki slovar 7.710

example source example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source

ni energije. Korpus Nova beseda You have no idea! One feels dog-tired after work. You sleep like a baby, and dont have energy for anything else". Dog-tired Slovensko-angleki slovar

MWLU source frequency register/style/function definition illustrative example

(POUTIM SE) KOT PES V CERKVI SSKJ 102 (kot pes v cerkvi) Pogovorno; idiom Odve, nezaelen Kakorkoli, interneta v rednem olskem delu ni, ker ga ni mogoe uokviriti v tradicionalni sistem pouka, pa pa izpade kot pes v cerkvi - lahko je sicer prijazen, miren, celo pameten, a vseeno nima tam kaj iskati! %20PIVEC_Informacijska%20druzba.pdf However, internet is not included in regular school work, because it cannot be incorporated into the traditional educational system. It turns out to be unwanted it can be friendly, quiet and even smart, but it has still nothing to do there!


example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source MWLU source frequency register/style/function definition illustrative example source

Unwanted Slovensko-angleki slovar PES, KI LAJA, NE GRIZE SSKJ 169.000 Pregovor lovek, ki veliko govori ali grozi, ne naredi hudega Ombudsman je namre, metaforino reeno, pes, ki laja, a ne grize ker nima zob. Neposrednih vzvodov, da bi probleme reeval sam, nima. Korpus Nova beseda


example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source MWLU source frequency frequency (korpus

An ombudsman is actually, metaphorically speaking, a barking dog that never bites because he has no teeth. He has no direct means to solve problems. A barking dog never bites IZGOVOR JE DOBER, TUDI E GA PES NA REPU PRINESE SSKJ 1.160

2 Nova beseda) register/style/function Pregovor V sili se izkoristi kakrnokoli opraviilo; vsak, e tako slab izgovor je definition dober illustrative Vsak izgovor je dober, pa e ga pes na repu prinese, so vasih stari example source example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source rekli otroku, ki se je skual nekako izmotati iz tega, kar je upiil. Korpus Nova beseda Every excuse is good in trouble, said parents sometimes to a child, who tried to extricate himself from doing something bad. Every excuse is good in trouble My own equivalent

MWLU source frequency frequency (korpus Nova beseda) register/style/function definition1 definition2 illustrative example1 illustrative example2 source example translation1 example

BITI NA PSU 10.000 288 Pogovorno, ekspresivno; idiom Nekaj je zelo slabo Biti isto na tleh, slabo se poutiti Res, koncentracija dananjih otrok je na psu in ni drugae ni bilo, ko smo se z ladjo vozili na otoek Lokrum. Tudi Leopoldus je bil na psu. Sedel je na stolu in skrueno gledal predse. Korpus Nova beseda Todays kids concentration is poor, and that didnt prove wrong when we were going to the island Lokrum by boat. Leopold felt like nothing on earth. He was sitting on a chair, looking


translation2 lexicographic tr. Equivalents1 lexicographic tr. Equivalents2 source1 source2 MWLU source frequency register/style/function definition illustrative example source example translation lexicographic tr. equivalents source

sad. Being poor To feel like nothing on earth, to feel poorly/rotten My own equivalent Slovensko-angleki slovar VREME, DA BI SE E PES OBESIL SSKJ 6 Pogovorno, ekspresivno; idiom Zelo slabo, neprijazno vreme Teemo, pa tudi e je vreme, da bi se e pes obesil. We run even in foul weather. Foul, nasty weather Slovensko-angleki slovar

2 2.1

General part Topic outline As part of the Idiomatics Project Work I investigated multi-word lexical units within the topic of animals, to be more exact, dogs. The task was expected to be difficult and it also was. I decided to search for different types of MWLU, such as proverbs, sayings and idioms related to the topic of dogs. I analyzed their meaning, frequency, how and where they are used, what their function is and gave an illustrative example. Already at the beginning I knew that there would be some MWLUs in English which would not entirely correspond to the ones in Slovene and the other way round. As expected, in some cases there were some difficulties in finding appropriate lexicographic equivalents. However, with the use of internet, dictionaries and different translational strategies I have found the appropriate solutions.



Research methods First I used internet resources and different dictionaries in order to choose ten English and ten Slovene examples out of a range of possibilities. To find the appropriate equivalents I used mono- and bilingual dictionaries. Corpora were of great help when trying to determine whether a certain MWLU is actually being used in discourse or not, and to provide some illustrative examples. I also used Google to check the frequency of an MWLU. In cases when I was not able to find an appropriate lexicographic translation equivalent, I tried to find my own equivalent that corresponded to the original meaning.


Conclusion To conclude, it was much easier to analyze English MWLUs than Slovene ones. That is, there are more English dictionaries and other resources available. Although I was able to find Slovene MWLUs quite easy, it was much more difficult to find their appropriate equivalents. Analyzing English MWLUs I also found one or more appropriate equivalents in quite few cases, whether analyzing Slovene MWLUs that happened only in one case. In one case there was a Slovene MWLU where I found two different meanings of an idiom and therefore also two different translation equivalents. There are also examples, when we find a certain expression in a dictionary, but the corpora do not show the actual use of an expression. I believe, most of these MWLUs are used colloquially, and that is why the corpora do not give so many results comparing to Google. I found out that each of the MWLU has a specific function and can be used to express different things, for example: emotions, advice, general truths and similar. In one case I also found an idiom used as an euphemism.


Bibliography Grad-Leeming, Slovensko-angleki slovar (elektronska izdaja, verzija 1.1). Amebis, d.o.o Grad-kerlj-Vitorovi,Veliki angleko-slovenski slovar (elektronska izdaja, verzija 1.2). Amebis, d.o.o.


Slovar slovenskega knjinega jezika, SAZU in ZRC SAZU (elektronska izdaja, verzija 1.1). Amebis, d.o.o. Angleko-slovenski slovar Password (elektronska izdaja). Amebis, d.o.o. (British National Corpus) (Nova beseda)


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