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ESSENTAIL USE CASE An essential use case sometimes called business use case is complete, meaningful, and well

designed from the point-of-view of users in some role or roles in relation to a system .A business use case is described in technology-free terminology which treats system as a black box and describes the business process that is used by its business actors to achieve their goal. The business use case will describe a process that provides value to the business actor, and it describes what the process does. Essential use cases are typically written in two column format, the column on the left indicates the intention of the user/actor and the column on the right the system's responsibility to hopefully respond. The actor(s) will try to do something and receive one or more responses to that action. As you can see the flow of the use case is apparent from the spacing of the actions and responses, although you may decide to number the steps to make it more apparent. REAL USE CASE Design oriented, shows reports, examples. Uses technological descriptions. Real use cases are undesirable during analysis and should only be used during analysis for specific reasons. Real use cases are handy for requirements gathering. STEREOTYPE USE CASE A construct that extends the UML vocabulary Adds new meanings to existing entities Depicted with << >> delimiters <<extend>> and <<include>> are stereotypes. Qno 2. And Get examples of the three concepts from above mentioned scenario. STEREOTYPE USE CASE. A weather mapping system is required to generate weather maps on a regular basis using data collected from remote, unattended weather stations and other data sources such as weather observers, balloons and satellites. Weather stations transmit their data to the area computer in response to a request from that machine. ESSENTIAL USE CASE. System Use-case Weather station Report

Actors Data

Weather data collection system, Weather station The weather station sends a summary of the weather data that has been collected from the instruments in the collection period to the weather data collection system. The data sent are the maximum minimum and average ground and air temperatures, the maximum, minimum and average air pressures, the maximum, minimum and average wind speeds, the total rainfall and the wind direction as sampled at 5 minute intervals.


The weather data collection system establishes a modem link with the weather station and requests transmission of the data.

Response Comments

The summarised data is sent to the weather data collection system Weather stations are usually asked to report once per hour but this frequency may differ from one station to the other and may be modified in future.

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