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Journes Calculabilits 2011 e e

Lundi 5 mars
(Salle 1D23)
9h - 9h40 Petit djeuner. e

9h40 - 10h35

Emmanuel Jeandel. Eective dynamical systems This will be a survey of recent results on the computable properties of dynamical systems, more accurately on eective symbolic dynamics. In particular we will see how the theory of the eective sets encountered in symbolic dynamics (the eective subshift) dier from the general theory of eective sets.

10h40 - 11h50

Olivier Finkel. Logique, complexit et calculs innis e Cet expos se situe dans les domaines des calculs innis, de la thorie (descriptive) des ensembles, e e de la complexit, et de la thorie des automates. On consid`rera tout dabord lacceptation de mots e e e innis par des machines nies avec les conditions usuelles de Bchi ou de Muller. L ensemble des u mots innis sur un alphabet ni tant naturellement muni de la topologie usuelle de Cantor, lene semble des Borliens de cet espace topologique est alors dni ` partir de lensemble des ouverts e e a par oprations successives dunions et dintersections dnombrables. On exposera les rsultats sure e e prenants suivants : (1) du point de vue de la complexit topologique des omega-langages accepts, e e un automate ` un compteur sut ` obtenir toute la complexit dune machine de Turing. (2) la a a e complexit topologique dun omega-langage ` un compteur peut dpendre du mod`le de thorie e a e e e des ensembles dans lequel on se situe. On verra que de nombreux probl`mes de dcision pour les e e omega-langages ` un compteur, comme les probl`mes de luniversalit, de linclusion, de lgalit, a e e e e sont 1 -complets donc en particulier situs au-del` de la hirarchie arithmtique et hautement e a e e 2 indcidables. On consid`rera la notion dambiguit pour les omega-langages accepts par machines e e e e de Turing. On caractrisera les omega-langages accepts par machines de Turing non-ambiges, e e u donnant ainsi un analogue eectif dun rsultat de Arnold sur les syst`mes de transition. e e

11h50 - 13h30 Repas et caf e

13h30 - 14h25

Wolfgang Merkle. Constant compression and random weights Central objects of study in algorithmic randomness are Omega numbers, i.e., real numbers that can be eectively approximated from below but are Martin-Lf random. Tadaki introduced Theta o numbers as the weight of the set of strings that can be compressed by a constant number of bits relative to their length with respect to the coding given by some prex-free Turing machine. He showed that in the case of a prex-free universal Turing machine any Theta number is an Omega

number and he asked whether this is in fact a characterization of Omega numbers. We answer his question in the armative and thus obtain a new characterization of Omega numbers. In addition to the one-sided case of the set of all strings compressible by at least a certain number a of bits, we consider the two-sided case of the set of all strings that are compressible by at least a but no more than b bits. We demonstrate that such sets cannot contain any r.e. set, but somewhat surprisingly, for suciently large b the corresponding Theta numbers are left-r.e., too. Indeed, with some additional eort, the characterization of Omega numbers as Theta numbers can be extended to the two-sided case. [Joint work with Jason Teutsch]

14h30 - 15h40

Mathieu Hoyrup. Computability in ergodic theory Ergodic theory turns out to be a fruitful eld of investigation as it provides many theorems that are in essence non-constructive. I will present recent results at the intersection between ergodic theory and computability theory, among which the (un)computability of the ergodic decomposition, and results involving the algorithmic theory of randomness.

15h40 - 18h Caf et temps libre. e

18h-19h15 Serge Grigorie. Deux questions de Turing : quest-ce quun algorithme ? Quest-ce quune fonction calculable ? (expos ouvert ` tous) e a O` en est-on aujourdhui de ces deux questions poses par Turing dans son article fondateur de u e 1936 ? Le succ`s de la formalisation mathmatique de la notion de fonction calculable, ainsi que lavae e lanche de rsultats corroborant la th`se de Church-Turing, ont clips pendant longtemps la 1`re e e e e e question. Apr`s quelques travaux de Kolmogorov (1953) et Schnhage (1969), tous deux non concluants, e o cette question a t reprise dans les annes 1980 par trois chercheurs, Robin Gandy, Yiannis Moee e schovakis et Yuri Gurevich de faon indpendante. c e Disons-le de suite, il est illusoire de chercher ` dnir en toute gnralit la notion dalgorithme. a e e e e En eet, cest une notion en devenir ! Il sinvente toujours de nouvelles formes dalgorithmes : au-del` a des algorithmes squentiels traditionnels, il y a des algorithmes parall`les, interactifs, temps rel, e e e analogiques, hybrides, quantiques. . . Malgr tout, il peut tre possible de formaliser des formes dalgorithmes. Yuri Gurevich a montr e e e que cest le cas pour les algorithmes squentiels et les algorithmes parall`les. e e Nous montrerons limpact des ides de Turing dans ces travaux. Tout particuli`rement comment e e lide doracle est intrins`que ` celle dalgorithme, ce qui nest pas le cas pour la notion de fonction e e a calculable.

Mardi 6 mars
(Salle 1D06)

9h - 9h40 Petit djeuner. e

9h40 - 10h50

Hugo Herbelin. A basic introduction to reverse mathematics The reverse mathematics program, started by Friedman in the 70s and consecrated by Simpsons book in 1999, aims at classifying the mathematical theorems by their logical strength. One of its main achievements is that the logical strength of many standard mathematical theorems is captured by 5 key subsystems of second-order arithmetic. These systems, named RCA0 , WKL0 , ACA0 , ATR0 and 1 CA0 assert the existence of arithmetical sets of stronger and stronger complexity. We will 1 give their denition and investigate how to describe them uniformly by relying on interpolation instead of comprehension (in the names, CA stands for Comprehension Axiom).

10h55 - 11h50

Tarik Kaced. Essentially conditional information inequalities Information inequalities for Shannon entropy are not characterized for more than four random variables. Recently, three known conditional inequalities have been shown to be essentially conditional, i.e., cannot be obtained from an unconditional inequality with Lagrange multipliers. We will present a simple geometric example which also proves a slightly stronger result.

11h55 - 13h30 Repas et caf e

13h30 - 14h25

Jrme Durand-Lose. Signal machines : localization of isolated accumulation e o Signal machines can be seen as a way to automatically extends a drawing consisting of line segments in Euclidean spaces. Dealing with a continuous setting, accumulation points might occur. We characterize exactly the possible localizations of accumulation points as enumerable computable real and dierence of such. These reals are natural extension of computable reals of computable analysis.

14h30 - 15h25

Antoine Taveneaux. The axiomatic power of Kolmogorov complexity A famous result of Chaitin states that essentially no string can be proven to have high Kolmogorov complexity : for any given recursive and coherent theory T , there exists a constant cT such that no statement of type Kolmogorov complexity of x is greater that cT is provable in T . Therefore if one adds to T all true statements about complexity of strings, one gets a stronger theory. We will show that is equivalent to adding all true 1 -statements, and present some quantitative aspects of this result. We will also discuss the situation where only partial information about Kolmogorov complexity is added. [Joint work with L. Bienvenu, A. Romashchenko, A. Shen and S. Vermeeren]

15h30 - 18h Caf et temps libre. e

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