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College of the Holy Cross Experiences Faculty Recruitment Results with HERC

The College of the Holy Cross is a founding member of the New England Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC). Dr. Timothy Austin, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College, is a New England HERC Dr. Austin has seen a particular advantage in recruiting full time, non-tenure track faculty to the College of Holy Cross through HERC and recruits between 12-18 of these positions annually. In its first year of membership alone, the very diverse applicant pool to the New England and National HERC websites. His campus diligently tracks faculty applicant source data and has found that it has received more qualified applicants from HERC than from advertisements in the Chronicle of Higher Education, its own departmental websites, and from unknown sources. Dr. Austin additionally reports benefitting from participation in the regional HERC membership meetings. The peer- to-peer information sharing and presentations from HERC partners have contributed to his knowledge base about recruitment and retention best practices. 11 of them and the whole faculty recruitment process has changed significantly during that time. In my view, the HERCs have been a driving force in much of While there are a lot of players in the new recruitment process, I think the HERC has the advantage of being a non-profit with a clear sense of mission, smart software, good marketing, and a real sense of keeping it simple and responsive to real needs with and year in and year out I am able to demonstrate a considerable return on investment on our institutional College of Holy Cross Faculty Recruitment Tracking - 2010 45.00%
40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% HERC
Dr. Timothy Austin, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College

Chronicle Dept Web Unknown Discipline Specific

HERC Works.

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