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Zoe 3: Divine Trinity

a Ripe Fire Work

2012 Metatron Media, Inc. All Rights reserved

table of malcontents

today................................................................................................................................... 2

high tides.. ...................................................................................................................... 3 fate clamor ................................................................................................................................ 4

Silent riot.

The next ............................................................................................................................. 5 An apology A time ................................................................................................................................. 6

Facing life

Pro-Zen................................................................................................................... 7
Color field8 CBGCLF

today All that is present will give way to what will be The silence of yet to come cacophony Reality the source of all pain and promise and Yet there stands a vision falling in torrents Here No more life led into an abyss for the purposelessness of a fleeting kiss One not led by passion but by the lack thereof, For our statements stay where they have always been, in a love. Ancient of days realized for the hours now are shorter; than they have ever been Receding fraction withheld by chance, Era-altering din.

high tides Toast of towns all over the map, Prophetic pairings with the photographic nature traps are held in bloody hands and then where are we left? And let with a light feeling in our breast malformed and distant in the place of a soul Furrowed eyes become soil in the midst of wickedness and all is gained and lost in an instant Called to the forefront for the mystery kept all calm contained to those in no need of the whispering tumult Collapse the expectations in one fell swoop hold back for the sake of truth is of None other pray hopeful the eyes of eternity To Discover fate I found a boundary once and pressed it for answers but Got no response In repose that haunts none could be had for Limits have no cause to respond for they are Not aware of their own end.

clamor Distant in disposition found wanting for a similar proposition No catch to the ultimatum that would paint me a similar story Of the whispers that transcribe translation Into the lexicon worth mentioning Onward we traverse the best And worst of times Ducking Greek Gods for Nice and nine Still rhyme most well Vicar slipping to the slope scattered for reasons that I could quote losing the meaning in the most dense of smoke. Foresting costs all you have for art Has been cannibalized like mahogany only treated twice as bad.

Silent riot. I wandered down the road of loneliness although Acquaintances stood fourteen abreast Yet here I was determined to rest the love That leaves when hearts held then turned through a sieve Or is it a tourniquet? Mashing the emotions captured yet easy to forget Many voices voice opinions devoid of compassion Ensuring the lime light time Will be a flash in the pan Demonstrating Arms that flail away at the first sight of land Still holding the pride of flying Yet and still we will possess and hold the curve For the obvious turning that we depose. How would you like to behold The setting sun? Giving then back the attributes of the other ones

The next How about letting three interactions By Three factions be? They wouldnt bother a care in the world All accepting its transformation Patience caused us to wait for history Withstanding the hints of tyranny Of speeches Mothers at bridge clubs amiss All gather to one spot and sanctioned Approval all for the lot Ill take em all got caught coming from a generous place deep still selfish did it seem for relationships teem with expectation and optimism until one lets routine bow the knee to traditions rutted stagnation will always fight passion -for unbelief in stasis

An apology Erase me from history if you must But I cannot be held inside an academic Framework cold to the touch Isnt that what expression is? Or else learning to micro manage imagery to the Point where we all pass irrelevance And border on the absurd for reasons that 5

Encapsulate the code of mankind Unity is our only aim Those that refuse to change for tradition will Not let is be are painfully forgetting the detach men of the body For from responsibility eternity runs Call to bear on history the Revolutionary guitar long untrimmed

A time Make no mistakes No Really None at all for the lording of light Has cancelled many calls and who cares what Has transpired in the name of what we thought Was good for us Cryptic rhythm takes the hurled Insults in stride for aesthetically Pleasing divinity will not hide for long We all the design the universe was shown How galaxies flame out so well! Extinguished by the same hearts that befell reality Time not the measure but Mythology.

Facing life Left no surface unturned for that matter Burned with a desire that could not be quenched A diploma wrenched from cold, disparate lands Focusing of the follicles that reflect all colors and Types of the kinds life lie A most gracious spectrum Fully expecting a maelstrom released for their freedom 6

Explicitly states the conditions under which it will thrive Paint covers fingers only Because it has to and out unfolds the abstract nature of any type Categorized and taut For this very reason positrons know more than one season High bright and loud for the most rocked a crown appeasing.

Pro-Zen Upon a ravine stunted in time slid a mallard duck convinced he would be just fine. Although a menacing flock of geese blocked His way hed determined to swim there. Into the box he froze shaking water off of his back and on looked the flock quietly growing a little older. Apart from the scatting whippoorwills details escaped the irony I managed to posses when the field house in reality became a destination. Attendant answering my question before Id asked, No open gym today. But I had not cared although I clutched under arms a ball. I become warm in the small amount of time deemed to resemble all. This is the motion of righteous claiming to whisper the truth in its stead. Letting the great imagery crash upon ones head. So I stood on a path in a patch of greener in the smelly onion after all taking this tragedy seriously way really not my forte. Explanation forthcoming. Stream off. Im all for the hurt that builds Although not intentionally

Color field. Golden explained to sienna no one would help A hue so close to the darkness Even in any case brown would be the most common I knew that was not her name then Ochre got into the discussion Extolling the virtues of not himself but the shades that neighbored him All the while yellow wanted a better more exotic Sounding name but yellow is exotic Exclaimed the most expensive one want to nice suits and Talking of the old days Ultramarine riots he says Rioting in the streets is for imbeciles Responds violet in her royal regalia regarding her cousin Crimson with an indifference that makes Blood ashamed of their lineage Rich and respected During a party persimmon as the picture Parity Verdant and freshly understood for gardens Are framed by the oldest of them all Sprouting like sprigs stalking Paintings for centuries to come.

CBGCLF All creation groans and waits Anticipation crackling electric like an oldie But goodie Boldly heralding the celestial cloud hoodie For we are given to giving gifts From the eternity inside inspired by the creator Who behind mastery does not hide? But in plain sight courageously giving the Sight blinding light Uninspired talks to negativity a back seat prepared 8

Permanently for it was Love That became our medium material More than reality Onward we walk into a future wrought with uncertainty Then again Purpose makes courage An eventuality and the winds of Change roar fearlessly.

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