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Instructions for Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

01 Namaskar (Salute) Start in a standing position, facing the sun. Both your feet should touch each other, palms joined together, in prayer pose.


Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) With a deep inhalation, raise both arms above your head and tilt slightly backward arching your back.


Padangusthasana (Hand to Foot Pose) With a deep exhalation, bend forward and touch the mat, both palms in line with your feet, forehead touching your knees.


Surya Darshan (Sun Sight Pose) With a deep inhalation, take your right leg away from your body, in a big backward step. Both your hands should be firmly planted on your mat, your left foot between your hands, head tilted towards the ceiling.


Purvottanasana (Inclined Plane) Hold your breath and take your right leg back to join your left leg. Now straighten both your hands, legs and back. Your neck spine, thighs and feet should be in a straight line.


Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) With a deep exhalation, shove your hips and butt up towards the ceiling, forming an upward arch. Your arms should be straight and aligned with your head.


Sashtang Dandawat (Forehead, Chest, Knee to Floor Pose) With a deep exhalation, lower your body down till your forehead, chest, knees, hands and feet are touching the mat, your butt tilted up. Take a normal breath in this pose.


Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) With a deep inhalation, slowly snake forward till your head is up, your back arched concave, as much as possible.


Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) Exhaling deeply, again push your butt and hips up towards the ceiling as in position 6, arms aligned straight with your head.


Surya Darshan (Sun Sight Pose) Inhaling deeply, bring your right foot in towards your body, in a big forward step. Both your hands should be planted firmly on your mat, right foot between your hands, head tilted towards the ceiling.


Padangusthasana (Hand to Foot Pose) Exhaling deeply, rise up and touch the mat, keeping both your palms in line with your feet, forehead touching your knees.


Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) Inhaling deeply, raise both your arms above your head and tilt slightly backward.


Namaskar (Salute) Return to stand facing the sun, both feet touching, palms joined together, in prayer pose.

Benefits of Sun Salutation

Increases strength, Improves muscle tone and coordination Helps burn body fat and combat obesity Helps balance and stimulate all the systems of the body particularly the circulatory, endocrine, digestive, excretory and respiratory systems.

Sun Salutation is best avoided by pregnant women, people suffering from high blood pressure, or those nursing back aches or injuries, chronic glaucoma, heart problems.

Steps :
1. Sit comfortably, keeping both the legs stretched in front. Bend your right leg at the knee and place your foot under the right hip. 2. Similarly, fold your left leg and place your foot under the left hip. Adjust your feet so that the toes touch each other, and the heels are apart. 3. Keep your knees together and let both the hips fit in between the heels. Place your hands on the thighs and keep the trunk and neck erect.

Benefits :

Improves blood circulation. Makes knee & ankle joint flexible. It gives longevity and strengthens the spine.

Steps :
1. Keep your hands by the side of your body in a supine position. While inhaling, raise both your legs to 90 and bend them at the knees. 2. Make a finger-lock with both your hands around them, a little below the knees. While exhaling, bring your thighs close to the chest by contracting the abdominal muscles. 3. Maintain this posture for a few seconds.

Benefits :
Strengthens the abdominal muscles and liver, spleen, pancreas and stomach. Expels gas by compression of the abdomen.

Steps :
1.Lie in the prone position with the forehead resting on the floor, legs straight and feet together, toes pointing backwards, arms bent at the elbows, palms flat on the floor, shoulders and arms on the sides of the chest and fingers kept straight and together. 2. Inhale slowly and the raise the upper body (head, neck and chest). Look at the ceiling (sky) with the neck bent as far back as possible. For raising the body, only the back muscles are to be used. 3. Do not push up with your arms. Waist, legs and toes should remain on the ground. Raise your body as much as possible, holding the position and retaining the breath for a few seconds.

Benefits :
Useful for cervical spondylysis, bronchitis, asthma and eosinophilia It removes weakness of the abdomen Tones up the reproductive system in women.

Steps :
1. Lie on your stomach with legs stretched, and feet together, chin resting on the ground. Keep both your hands under the thighs. 2 .While inhaling, slowly lift both your legs upwards and stretch as far as possible without bending the knees and toes. 3. Retain this position for some time and then, while exhaling, lower your legs slowly and bring back to the original position.

Benefits :
Helps to relieve arthritis and rheumatism. Strengthens the whole body, particularly the lungs, abdominal organs, sciatic nerves, prostate glands and the kidneys. Provides relief in cases of diabetes, constipation, dyspepsia, bronchitis.

Steps :
1.Lie down with face and the forehead touching the ground, arms extended along side the body and legs straight. 2.Bend your legs at the knees towards the hips, bringing them forward so that they can be held firmly by the hands at the ankles on the respective sides. 3.While inhaling, stretch your legs backwards and raise your thighs, chest and head simultaneously. Hands should be kept straight. The weight of the body should be on the navel. Knees should be kept close, if possible, with eyes looking upwards.

Benefits :
Strengthens the abdomen, especially around the navel, and the chest muscles. Improves the flexibility of the arms, shoulders, thighs, legs, lower back and abdomen. Relieves flatulence, constipation and menstrual irregularities

Steps :
1. Sit with both legs folded and placed under the hips. Let your heels touch the hips with toes touching each other. 2. Slowly part your legs in such a way that your hips rest between the feet. 3. Then tilt backwards, resting the elbows one by one behind. Gradually rest your shoulders and head flat on the ground. 4. Then stretch your hands upwards and make a cushion under your head. Breathing should be normal

Benefits :
Helps in treating ailments of the neck, back and waist. Makes the spine resilient and streamlines the abdomen.

Steps :
1.Sit in Padmasana and keep your spine and neck straight. 2.Close your eyes gently and inhale raising both the hands above the head. 3.Join the palms in namaskar mudra. Elbows should be straight and hands stretched upwards. Breathing should be slow and deep. Feel the beat of the heart.

Benefits :
Gives natural massage to the heart and lung muscle. Useful in relieving the lumber, spinal, shoulder, knee and ankle pains and varicose veins.

Steps :
1.Sit on the ground, stretching both the legs forward. Bend your right leg and place the heel under the left hip. 2.Now bend your left leg, cross it over and place your foot by the side of the right knee. Try to hold the left ankle by passing the right arm over the left side of the left knee. At the same time, exhale and take the left arm behind the back and press the right side under the ribs. 3. This has to be done by twisting the trunk to the back as much as possible. Maintain this posture for a few seconds and increase the duration to two minutes gradually.

Benefits :
Massages the liver, spleen, bladder, pancreas, intestine and other abdominal organs. Strengthens the spinal nerves. Useful for obesity, dyspepsia, diabetes and urinary disorders

Steps :
1.Stand erect, with legs apart and, while inhaling, spread both hands to the sides parallel to the ground. 2. While exhaling, bend the trunk to the front and twist to the left, looking upwards and keeping the left arm at 90 to the head. 3. Place your right arm on the left foot without bending the knees. This is the final pose. Maintain it for a few seconds. 4.Take a deep breath and, while inhaling, raise the trunk and hand and come to the normal position.

Benefits :
The spinal column becomes more flexible. Fat deposited on the sides of the body is reduced. The calf and thigh muscles get toned up.


Steps :
1. Stand 3 to 4 feet from a wall. Separate your feet so they are hip distance apart and hold your hands at shoulder height. 2.Extend your arm and make contact with the wall. Your hands should contact the wall at the height of your shoulders. Palms should be flat against the wall with fingers pointing toward the ceiling. 3.Bend your arms with your elbows pointing down. Let your body come closer to the wall until your nose almost touches. 4.Tighten from your chest and push off the wall, exhaling. Let your body come back to its starting position, and make sure you are not pushing from your neck.


Steps :
1.Start on your hands and knees with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 2. Slowly lower your torso to the ground stopping when your elbows are at 90 degrees. 3. Exhaling, push yourself back up to the starting position. Make it harder: Perform the push-ups on your toes instead of your knees.

Steps :
1.Place hands on a chair behind you. Heels should be flat on the floor, your bottom hanging above the chair. 2. Bend elbows and lower yourself towards the ground. 3. Stop when shoulders are level with your elbows. 4. Exhaling, raise yourself back up. Make it harder: Straighten out your legs so that the back of your heels is touching the floor.

Steps :
1. Stand with back straight and your feet hip-width apart, hands forward. 2. Bending your knees, tilt your hips backwards and lower your bottom to ground. 3. Keep your head upright and looking ahead, and make sure knees dont go further forward than your toes as you lower yourself. 4. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor. Push through your heels, back to the starting position while exhaling. Make it harder: Bring your arms out in front at shoulder height as you squat. You can also hold dumbbells either side of your body.

Steps :
1. Stand with your fee shoulder-width apart. 2. Step forward with your right leg and slowly lower your left knee towards the floor. Stop before it touches the ground. 3. Your right thigh should parallel to the ground. 4. Lift yourself back up to the starting position, stepping your left foot towards your right. 5. Repeat the same with the other leg. Make it harder: Holding dumbbell in both hands, extend arms out in front at shoulder height. Step forward with your right leg and lower into lunge. Twist as far as you can go to the right, keeping arms straight. Return to starting position, bringing dumbbell to the centre and repeat with left side.

Steps :
1. Lie on your back with your legs bent, feet flat on the floor and your hands on your thighs 2. Use your stomach muscles to lift your shoulders off the floor and slide your hands up towards your knees. 3. Stop when hands are at your knees. Lower yourself back to the floor. Make it harder: Perform on a Swissball: Lie with ball in small of your back, feet flat on the floor. With hands across your chest, curl up, stopping at 45 degrees or when you feel your stomach shake. Lower yourself back down.

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