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Laguna College of Business and Arts P. Burgos St.

Calamba, City

Reaction Paper
Special Topic 1
Planet Philippines
Abe, Marjorie Ann D. II-ED1 July 05, 2011 Mrs. Ma. Lorena Montes Tagala

Philippines, a country with huge diversity of species, gifted with many resources, endowed with fertile soil and lands is yet to be destroyed by mankind. Last Tuesday, June 28, 2011, we watched a documentary concerning on environmental issues. Planet Philippines, documented by Richard Guitierrez. It mainly shows the different problems of the environment especially at forests and vast bodies of waters. Most of the concerns that had been pressed was the reasons on why our nature is suffering and being destroyed. At Shamma, Alcoy Forest and at Northern Sierra Madre, trees are slowly being wiped out. Animals will not have homes anymore, flash floods will often occur and the air will become more polluted. As a matter of fact, deforestation is the second reason on why our environment really suffers. But, it is a positive thing to say that some of the forests are not yet being touched by mans sinful hands. One is the Pigmy forest at Davao Oriental. It is called as Pigmy because every tree, plant, every species living there is said to be small. I hope this forest and all the other forests can be safe from mankind or much better if it can be restored back to its original situation. When it comes to our bodies of water, the main problems are excessive and dynamite fishing. Excessive fishing because, if people would get many fishes for food consumption, then other species of fish would have nothing more to eat and thus, through that simple reason, the ecological balance shall be destroyed. The same as with dynamite fishing, coral reefs are being damaged and some other species of fish dies because of the impact of the explosives. Theres also ecological balance in caves. Bats eat small insects and they give in waste materials which in turn would be eaten by snakes and the cycle continues. So, if one species will be extinct it has a great effect to other living species.

Nature is the one to suffer from all mankinds doings. We get our resources from the environment, we should be thankful enough, but in return we unconsciously destroyed all Gods endowments. We are to blame for climate change, we are to blame for pollution at cities, we are to blame for the melting of polar ice caps, and we are to blame for the extinction of some species. Let us try to help bring back the lively, clean and green environment that we know. We should not just watch, we should not just turn our backs from these problems and say I dont care. We should take part, we should be responsible enough to try. The environment is being destroyed due to mans technological needs. Plants and animals living in forests, bodies of waters, caves and other specific places are on their way to extinction and Im afraid to say that this will lead to mankind being extinct as well. Practice control in using to technologies, always save energy, put even a small garbage to the trash can. Do a simple contribution.

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