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Robyn Wilson Eng Comp 102-102 Mr.

Neuburger 06 March 2012 Video Response A Film Unfinished While I was watching this film, I was shocked and amazed at the depravity the Jews lived in. I had always heard how hard the camps where but have never known about the ghettos until this class. As I watch how the Germans treated the Jews simply because they felt they race was unworthy of life, I was mortified. The film depicted how the Jews lost everything they owned except what they could carry in a small sack and most families lived in one room of an apartment instead of the whole house. As in most societies, there was the wealthy and the poor, which only the wealthy would be use while filming the camp at Warsaw, instead the reality of life. This video really caused me to think of the treatment of each individual no matter of race or gender. The Jews, no matter how they were treated or what happened still had a positive outlook that they would be free and they would go back to the way life was before the ghettos. That simply was not the case. As I watch different people, who were children of the time of this film, give their recounts of life at Warsaw ghetto, I cringed inside. This race was vital part of society where they Germans felt that or not, but they were starved, beaten and simply murdered for their beliefs. The Germans would stage how life really was due to the fact that they were mass manipulators, trying to justify their askewed form of reality. They would show the Jews eating properly, enjoying one another company and even practicing their religion such as circumcision, funerals and their ritual bathing. The depiction of life was ghastly. The Jews were so emaciated

from lack of nourishment, sleep and general hygiene. They lived by a huge pile of trash where they would just throw their trash from their window on top of pile because they were too weak to walk down. They were feed almost nothing, and lived atop one another and would have to tend to the sick even when they were too weak to take care of themselves. If the disease did not take them, malnutrition might. Life for children may have been masked some by their parents but they too would see how different life had become. They could walk by dead corpses of people they may have known just lying on the sidewalk. Even though they only lived in the ghetto for 5 years, this race witness death at almost every corner and still tried to remain positive that life would somehow get better and return to how it was. Word count: 442

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