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MSW 4th sem




Now a days, the study on the population constitutes a very potential part of the geography because man is the center of the entire physical, environmental and cultural elements. It is very interesting and important to study and to find out the reason, that though the Indian constitution has prescribed and strictly mentioned and safeguard for schedule caste ,schedule tribes and other backward classes. Indeed, the state government(Assam) have a separate department for the welfare of the tea tribe (including Santhal) and in the constitution of India mentioned in another provision which are fifth schedule that special provision for development of the tribal of the north-east. But due to lack of attention, this community is still very backward; basically, those santhal who are living in Assam. And they have been conferred an inferior status. There are number of problem they have been facing since long time, which are commonly related of their social and economy. Still, they has to identity as a Dalits and untouchable (which is the stupid word) people by the other majority community. At presently also this community is the most vulnerable, backward position in comparing with other majority community.


Moreover, in the following researcher had mentioned there are some of the important problems, which are connected with socio-economic terms.

1. Concept of society and economy:

Socio-economic condition is the most common and indispensable part of the human being. This is the main backbone for the development of human life. Human gets of their status form the well socio and economic condition. For civilization and standard of living of the human, socio-economic is the very helping process. And Without well condition of it, people always deprived from their actual right and privilege, and always suffering by the exploitation, discrimination, crime, etc. There are three basic fundamental needs of the human which helps the man to survive for a normal life, this were cloth, shelter and food. Unless one of these, the people unable to existing humanity and lost of their civilization. In this perspective, society helps the people to get and fulfilling of their needs. The social and economy of these two words are inter-related, because without well condition of economy, society cannot be developed. On the other hand, Society helps the people to develop their high economic status. So, people cannot live without its presence. Individual can attain their dignity when these two aspects are equal for them. Society is contributing to the man for better living and progressive life. In everyday life, society support and offer an up growing, civilian, equal and


peaceful life. Here, we have mentioned some of the important components of the society which are closely enrolled with the society, such as education, culture, religion, arts, festival, living condition, communication, believe , myth and many more. Economic condition is typically involved improvements in a variety of indicators such as literacy rates, life expectancy, and poverty rates. Economy is the sub-system of the society (Dhar, ____). It plays an important role for upliftment of the society .That is why, it is called man is not only social animal but also economic- (Aristotole). Every society has its own economic system for the betterment of society. Development of the society or individual progress depends on its economic condition because society has various needs and cannot do lonely. So we may call that economy is the crucial part of human. One cannot think to survive without economy because economy in general means the livelihood. It can give the perfectness of simple life.


Histories of Santals in India are only persisting in songs and folklore of Santal tribe itself. Historians from different region have come and wrote different things regarding them and large populations believe that is only the truth about Santals. Pandit Raghunath Murmu, who develops Santhali manuscript, written Santhals are from Pre Aryan period. And they were the real great fighters during


British regime. Santhals were the first who fought against Permanent Settlement Act of Lord Cornwallis during 1855. It was during late 1850, when Sidhu Murmu, Kanhu Murmu, Chand Murmu and Bhairo Murmu hoarded around 85,000 Santhals to wage a war against British to object all the law which were objectionable to them at that point of time. So, Santhals with their entire musical instrument like Tumdak, Tamak, Banam, and Tra and weapons. Start moving towards Calcutta. But they had to face British army on the way and could not able to reach Calcutta. It is also recorded that Baba Tilka Majhi was the first Santhals leather who raise weapons against the British in 1789. It was due to great famine in 1770 and the consequences of Court of Directors orders influenced by British Prime Minister Pitt the Younger. Court of Director issued ten year of the settlement of Zamindari and later in 1800, it was permanent. This resulted in minimal chance to negotiate between local Zamindars and Santhal villagers. Baba Tilka Majhi made bold step to kill one of the British lieutenant with arrow from the top of banyan tree. Later Baba Tilka majhi was hanged till death from the same tree to show example for such deeds. More on Santals can be read at



The Santal in India are traditionally known as the first peoples or indigenous people. SANTAL was among the first group of people to arrive in India before any other communities such as the Aryans, Dravidians, Mongolians etc. hence the moniker first peoples. Adivasis evolved from hunter-gatherer societies to developing cultivation-based societies. The history of the SANTAL in Assam was started from the 1850s onwards and is directly connected to one industry tea. The British discovered tea in the early 1820s when the native tea leaf in Assam, long brewed by the Singpho tribe, was presented to a certain military man by the name of Bruce. The British East India Company (in realising the possibility of regaining monopoly from China in tea production) took over Assam in 1826 from the Ahom kings through the Yandaboo Treaty. Soon in 1837, the first tea garden was established at Chabua in Dibrugarh District of Upper Assam, and in 1840 the Assam Tea Company started production of tea on a commercial basis. The tea industry started expanding rapidly from the 1850s onwards. Vast tracts of land needed were cleared for the establishing of new tea plantations, and soon by the turn of the century, Assam became the leading tea producing region in the world. . The British tried abolishing certain local agricultural means of production and imposed heavy taxes on the subsistence farming of local peasants, but it was ultimately felt that uprooted labour would be far easier to control and exploit. This is where the import of labour began in the 1840s primarily from the Adivasi regions of Central and Eastern India. In 1859 only 2000 Adivasis were recruited which increased to 110,000 by 1909 ( R.N. Chakravorty, SocioEconomic Development of Plantation Workers in North East India (Kolkata: National Library Publications, 1997). While causality is impossible to establish


fully, a couple of important events overlap with this period that can be directly linked to this sudden increase. The British government passed the Transport of Native labourers Act in 1863 to license and legitimise formerly informal recruitment systems. Recruitment carried on through highly abusive contractual networks and numerous episodes of fraud, forcible recruitment, kidnapping, and torture have been recorded as frequently occurring during the recruitment process. There is even the rumour that the British orchestrated a famine in the Chotanagpur Santhal Paragana areas by stopping food supplies from reaching there so that the Adivasis would jump at the opportunity to work in the tea gardens of Assam. All the Adivasis in Assam trace their immediate history through this torturous route of indentured, immigrant labour brought in to work in the tea gardens and it is precisely this labour that has resulted in the now legendary Assam tea. Indeed DR. B.B. Das writes in his paper Migration and Settlement of Tea Garden Labourers in North East India: Tea is the product of the cumulative toil of the labourers. It is mainly because of their hardships that we have the golden brew which cheers thousands. The North East region of India is home of the worlds finest variety of tea. It also accounts for a large bulk of the worlds tea output Indeed DR. B.B. Das writes in his paper Migration and Settlement of Tea Garden Labourers in North East India. R.N. Chakravorty, Socio-Economic Development of Plantation Workers in North East India (Kolkata: National Library Publications, 1997). 1.5.2 SANTAL LANGUAGE:


The Kissam Koya and Oraon belonging to Dravidian-language-speaking clan are few in numbers in this district. The Santhals, Kol and the Munda tribes belong to Austric family and are the prime tribes and they do have own mother tongue. Santhals have their own language, which belong to Austro-Asiatic language family. Santhals have well developed manuscript called Ol Chiki developed by Pt Raghunath Murmu in 1920s. Initially Ol Chiki was regarded as copied one and also considered as, which doesnt have any characteristic of language. But after lot of studies, when it was found that Ol chiki is alphabetic, and does not share any of the syllabic properties of the other Indic scripts such as Devanagari. It uses 30 letters and five basic diacritics. It has 6 basic vowels and three additional vowels, generated using the Gahla Tudag Santhals did not have a written language until the nineteenth century. Therefore, the script is a recent development. A distinct script was required to accommodate the Santali language, does not combine any features of both the Indic and Roman scripts. The modern Ol Chiki script was devised by Pandit Raghunath Murmu in 1925. He wrote over 400- 450 books covering a wide spectrum of subjects. Pandit Raghunath Murmu is popularly known as Guru Gomke among the Santhals, a title conferred on him by the Mayurbhanj Adibasi Mahasabh.

Ol chiki scripts


Macphail , R.M (1988) . (Ed) . Campbells Santali English Dictionary. Colcutta: Firma, KLM. . Private Limited. Risley, H.H. (1981). The Tribes and Castes of Bengal.Calcutta: Firma K L Mukhopadhyay.

1.5.3 ART AND CULTURE OF THE SANTAL: Santali culture is such that it had and has been attracting many scholars and anthropologists since centuries. The first attempt to study the Santali culture was


done by the Mughals and which followed by the Christian missionaries. Unlike many other adivasi groups of the Indian subcontanent, the Santals are known for preserving their native language despite waves of migrations and invasions from Moguls, European, British and others. Santali culture is depicted in the paintings and artworks in the walls of their houses. The Santal people love music and dance. Like other Indian people groups, their culture has not been influenced by any mainstream Indian culture and or by Western culture, but traditional Santhals have own way of music and dance. Santal culture differs from Hindustani classical music in significant ways. Onkar Prasad has done the most recent work on the music of the Santhal but others preceded his work. The Santal traditionally accompany many of their dances with two drums: the tamak and the tumdakThe flute tiria was considered the most important Santhal traditional instrument and still evokes feelings of nostalgia for many Santhals. Santali language and music traditionally revolved around Santhal religious celebrations. However, Santhal music and dance both retain connections to traditional celebrations. The names of many Santhal tunes are derived from the traditional ritual with which they were once associated. Sohrai tunes, for example, were those sung at the sohrai festival. Santali rituals are mainly comprised of sacrificial offerings the spirits or bongas. The Santhals are musicians and dancers par excellence and have dances for every imaginable occasion. The martial dances Golwari and Paikha are marked with vigor, virility and a lot of jumping and leaping in the air. They carry bow and arrows while doing martial dances and perform mock fights and attacks. Their courtship and marriage dances are typical. These dances, romantic


and lively in nature, are performed on full moon nights. The loud drumming, resembling thunder, calls the belles of the community and they come dressed in their fineries, adorned with flowers, feathers and assemble under a large banyan tree. The young men come forward taking strides with drums and lilting songs on their lips, and then the dance commences in two rows, their arms interlinking in pairs. Santhals have their hunting and sowing dances. On Dassai festival men-folk dance from one locality to another. Then there are the Jhika and the Lagren type dances in which men and women dance together. Men form the outer ring and the women the inner circle. The Dhong and Lagren are exclusively confined to women. The Lagren has many forms and variations according to the occasion, be it a marriage, a festival or social gathering. All these dances reflect their collective nature, cohesion, community feeling and social awareness. They are great spontaneous collective singers and dancers. The Santhal women and girls can be seen singing and dancing while engaged in their daily chore like sowing, plantation, journeying to and from the forest. They work and sing simultaneously and in between pause for a round of dance. They use song and music as a convenient tool of dancing. Dance is a super ordinate and all the rest is subordinate. (Singh, K.S. 1985. Tribal Society in India. Delhi: Manohar Publications)




Santhals have Jaher and Gosade are two places where Santhals do religious activities. Santhals dont have even shape of God and do not believe in idol worship. Santhals follow the Sarna religion. The common God and Goddess of Santhal are Marang-buru, Jaher-era. Santhals pay respect to the ghosts and spirits like Kal Sing, Lakcher and Beudarang etc. They have village priests known as the Naiki and Ujha. Animal sacrifices to the Gods are the common practice common practice among the Santhals to appease the Gods and Goddess. Santhals do believe in many Gods and Goddesses except common GOD and patrimonial one. According to them the Sun is omnipotent. He is the creator and father. The earth is believed to be their mother. She brings up all. Mother earth is the female and the Sun God is the male and all other are their off springs. Different clans of Santhals worship the God with different names. The ancestral GOD is important and followed by some rituals in regular interval of time. Santhalis worship the powerful Sun God.

JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF SANTAL: The Santhals traditionally had an organized judicial system for the management and solution of the various problems within the community. They make every effort to solve the social problems arising within their community by


themselves. The Santhal system of governance, known as ManjhiParagana, is compared to what is often called Local Self Governance. This body is responsible for making decisions to ameliorate the villages socioeconomic condition. The head of the Santhal community is called Manjhi Hadam (headman of village). He is the chief of the executive, judicial and all other functions within society. He is assisted by other office bearers like Paranik, Jagmanjhi, Jagparanik, Naike, Gudit, etc, who work in their respective fields to solve various kinds of problems. (Singh, K.S. 1985. Tribal Society in India. Delhi: Manohar Publications) 1.5.6Population list of the santal in state of India: Santals are the largest tribal community found mainly in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal. The population of the Santals, according to Census of India, 2001 is more than 6 million7. Highest concentration of them is found in Jharkhand with 2,410,509 people which is 34% of the total tribal population and nearly 10% of the total population (26,945,829) of thestate.8 Closely following are West Bengal with 2,280,540 people which is 51.8% of the total tribal population (4,406,794) and 5.5% of the total population (80,176,197) of the state9, Orissa with 629,782 people, nearly 7.85% of the tribal population (8,145,081)10 of the state and Bihar with 367,612 which is 48.5% of the total tribal population (758,351) and 0.44% of the total population (82,998,509)11of the state. The total figure in these four states comes to 5,658,443,that is, 93.52% of the total Santal population in India.12 Other states which provides abode to the Santals are Assam (2,00,000) and Tripura


(2,200).13 Outside India Santals are also distributed in other South Asian states like Nepal found in the districts of Jhapa, Morang and Sunsari, Bangladesh in the Chattagram hill tracts and Bhutan where a significant number is found to be engaged as daily wage labourer. Globally speaking they number some 6.4 million. In another account14 their number varies greatly with 96, 05,000, their distribution being 19, 97,222 in West Bengal, 1039425 in Bihar, 20,67,039 in Jharkhand, 9,29,782 in Orissa, 12,23,032 in Assam and 23,48,500 in Madhya Pradesh. The data derived from(www.sencus ublished/SCST/dh_st_westbengal.pd

The major criterion of Santhal Community are described in the following points 1.2.1 Poverty: Poverty is the most widespread and major socio-economical problem of santal community at the present time. There are most of the santal people are living under poverty due to various reasons such as, low income, land less labor, lack of communication etc. 1.2.2. Illiteracy:


literacy is the main backbone for the development of the any community. But, now at present also, illiteracy is the main obstacle for the development of Santal community. Educationally they are so backward that they dont get the appropriate facilities by the government or any other local administrative body. 1.2.3. labor and Landless labor: Within the Santal community, another most visible problem is that maximum people are labors and they dont have land ( landless). Though they have some land but it is not sufficient for their fulfillment of basic needs. As wage labors they do hard work for the whole day, without paying adequate wages or salary. 1.2.4. Political discrimination: Though, being a democratic country the constitution of India is also providing equal rights , opportunities , special schemes, programs for the development of tribal community; unfortunately the santhal are still not getting the facilities in true sense.

1.2.5. Traditional method of cultivation:



Before it was called that Santal were the originator of the cultivation in India and 90% of Santal are living on cultivation, they were the main cultivator of the British ,(history of the Santal, Auther-H. murmur) but their cultivation method is traditional as well as very poor. Till now, they depend on nature and for that production is very low. 1.2.6. Geographically isolated: As most of the Santal are habitants of forest area, their geographical status has been found isolated. The communication system is not appropriate and access to other facilities is also very poor. 1.2.7. Inadequate infrastructure: Due to inadequate communication or proper marketing facilities ,their infrastructure is very low. In fact the mortality rate is high, transport system is not developing, and educational institution is so less sand here banking infrastructure is also inadequate.




Our constitution provides almost an ideal framework for establishment of sovereignty, socialist, secular, democratic, and republic state. From this concept equity of opportunities and public employment would ensure equally for all. Therefore certain provisions were designed for this vulnerable section of the community. Though, There is a sustainable list of that the seclude tribes are 8.2% percentage or 84 million of the total population of the India (census india2011). Particularly in Assam there are so many tribal community, and the santhal is the major community among them but they are so vulnerable in comparing with other tribal community. And nobody will see of their this problematic situation. So it is very necessary to study to take of their problem. And, under the Gossaigaon sub- division 54 thousand of the total population is consisting the santhal . This community is the majority in this area. But it is very pathetic condition to see the picture that they are so vulnerable, victimize , discriminate, disadvantage section of the society and socio- economic condition is vary low. Moreover, though it is to be proud that the santal is the main ancestor of the primitive cultivation and their main occupation is to do cultivation but till now, there are most of the santal dont get ownership of the land And always dominating by some of the political leaders or some of moneylenders. Their living condition also varies low. And the maximum of their earning process is to daily wage, hunting animal from forest, sell wood from the forest, no water facilities, no shelter or some one mud house, sleep on ground, no electric and communication facilities.



So it is very important to make a socio- economic study on such disadvantaged section to find out the root of the problems. This topic will mainly focus on the socio- economic characteristics of the Santal community of this particular Grampur area.


The aims and objectives are very important for research. It helps the researcher to stay within the particular research boundary. Here, we have mention the objectives of this research. 1. To find out the earning process and economic status of the santal community. 2. To know the educational status of the santal community in different level.


3. To know and understand the political impact and discrimination on santal community.
4. To know and understand the agriculture process and other accessibilities

of the santal.

1.6 PROGRAME AND POLICY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRIBAL COMMUNITY: 1. Tribal area development program: 2. Community development agency: 3. NREGA [National rural employment grantee act: 4. Hill area development program: 5. Community development program: 6. Tea tribe development program (social welfare administration S.L . Goal)


1.7. REVIEW OF RELATED LITARATURE: The review of related literature helps the researcher to understand about the research. It helps the researcher to concern about the tools which proved to be useful and in the previous studies of the advantage of the related subject of the research. Though there is too compulsory to follow the review if literature. But unfortunately , researcher faced difficult to find the santal community. But few of the elite or important person who had preserved If it will be think to necessary mentioned of the few of the book or material for on the getting the information and no existing previous research about

important book or information about of this communities and of their culture. name of important person who have greatly contribution of researcher and in the research then firstly, would be mentioned the name of Banjamine Hamrom , The principal of Grampur H.S School who is the most impetus person among whole santal community in Assam and he is also writer of sandals History and scripts, 2. Sotishhamram, the teacher of Haraputa M.V School, 3.Metias Tudu, the honorable president of Gossaigaon sub-division 4.Sona Tudu, the 82 years old church mother who helped me by given some of valuable information.


For lack of space we shall not get into its details but shall only look at their state of exploitation and low self-image in Assam because of which even some of their own leaders, including priests and nuns, treat them as a community incapable of looking after itself. In this statement I speak of exploitation and low self-image in the same breath because the tea garden workers, basti dwellers and their dependants experience the two together. For example, while in Assam as a whole 25% of the children in the 16-14 age group are out school their proportion is 43% in the plantations ( Crawford, T. C. 1989. Castes and Tribes on the Tea Estates of North Eastern India. Gurgaon. Vintage Publishers.) In the Northeast, the British rulers enacted the Assam Land Act 1834 followed by the Wasteland Grant Rules 1838 in order to get land easily for the tea estates. They hoped that once deprived of their livelihood, the Ahom, Koch and Boro landowners of Assam would work in the plantations (Goswami 1999: 68-71) Moreover, there are some of the books on santal we have followed The Ancestor of Santal writer R. Ghosh from this book I mainly got history and culture about the santal. lifes . About the programme and scheme of the tribal (social welfare administration S.L . Goal) .about the santhals administration . (Singh, K.S. 1985. Tribal Society in India. Delhi: Manohar Publications)

Perspective on tribal development by S.Narayan, published 2008, I

got from here some of the conceptual idea about the tribal community and their


The British government passed the Transport of Native labourers Act in 1863 to license and legitimise formerly informal recruitment systems. Recruitment carried on through highly abusive contractual networks and numerous episodes of fraud, forcible recruitment, kidnapping, and torture have been recorded as frequently occurring during the recruitment process. (R.N. Chakravorty, SocioEconomic Development of Plantation Workers in North East India (Kolkata: National Library Publications, 1997). free encyclopedia jump to navigation search. About the sandals national and state population data. Form www.censusindian

1.8. Hypothesis of the study: The hypothesis is usually considered as the principle instrument in research. Its main fact is to suggest new experiment and observation. Hypothesis is the conceptual frame it could be null hypothesis. development of the santal community due to - Insufficient education development.
Low agriculture productivity and backward economy. Political discrimination. 23

The following hypothesis is

formulated for testing the statistical study .There is no in the socio-economic


1.9. Limitation of the research: The limitation of the research means what types of the problem have been facing the researcher at the time of research. Some of such problems are mentioned below8.1. The first and one of the most important problem is the communication barrier due to which the respondents were not open up enough to express their feeling and thought. This might be due to language problem. 8.2. Another most important problem is that lack of consciousness or awareness. Due to this problem they feel that whatever is happening its ok. It is the nature and rules of God (superstition). 8.3. Lack of sufficient time to collect the data was another limitation of the study. Within a short span the researcher had to visit many respondents. 8.4 Review of literature was also a difficult problem for the researcher . Though there are few books on that community , it is too difficult to collect because most of these books are not available in Assam . And these are not preserved by the Central authority.





2.6 Description of Universe :

The present study is confined to Grampur panchayat, Gossaigaon sub- division, under kokrajhar district. The topic was the socio-economic condition of Santal community. Into this study area of Santal colony, there are four small villages like- 1.Haraputa, 2.Rastecpur 3.Vieraguri, and 4.Haraputa. This is totally santal majority area. This was the historical place where the santal was first set up of their residence in Assam, at the time of British period. This area is the highly Santali populated area into the Assam there are more than 54,000 of the total population in this sub-division. It is the west part of BTAD or kokrajhar district and the corridor of entering in north east. There is Sri Rampur gate which connecting West Bangle and Assam. In the north side of 7 k.m distance of the Grampur there is a popular Sankas river which are traditionally believed the holy place according by the Hinduism and this river has been connected with famous river Bramputra and Tama. Kokrajhar town is the 33 k.m distance form this palace .which are the main capital area of the BTAD. The 37no high away also connects with this area. And in the south side the Dhubri district. Though there are some of the important places which are connecting with this area, but now a days Grampur


and total Gossaigaon sub-division is the most isolated area, by the Kokrajhar district. Because, of now this sub-division going to divide in to Dhubri district.


Total household -- 505(census 2001)

Total population6126(census 2001) Total male3205 Total female 2921 Total area-11 sq.k,m Total education institution: 1. Primary - vi , 2. M.V- iv, 3. H.S- ii 4. college . Commu nity hall 1 playgro und-2 Church 2


Market- 2 Bridge ii, N.H 37.


Total populationTotal maleTotal femaleDistrict HQTotal area(census) Density of populationMain source of incomeTotal forest areaTotal plan areaTotal literacy Santal majority area-



Here, the soil quality is dry or wet clay , in the rainy season the people is to be victimize by the heavy rainfall , agriculture production is generally depend on the natural sources and natural objects. This is totally remote or village area, the natural trees and natural resource is available. The language of the people is Santali, Bangoli, Bodo, elocal bengoli. There are two rainy session (March April and august October) north side of this village is the market. . one year. May, June, July, is the summer season. People generally go to the market or school by walking; in the

2.1METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY: The present study deals with the socio- economic condition of the Santal community understanding under Grampur panchayat, district kokrajhar. For . of any study it is necessary to follow a certain methodology

It is the way of approaching the problem. An exact methodology can be given or help the correct direction for successful or the completing the research. In many time it has seen that for the defective of the methods the research is facing many problem. In the following mentioned about the research methodology.



Designing is the most important part of the research. Before going to the research study it is important to make the design first. Generally there are four types of research such as exploratory, explanatory, descriptive and diagnostic research. Here in this research are generally followed of the descriptive research. There are two types of the descriptive research design such as- case method and statistical method. The case method is of that method which method is comprises the individual by the analogy. And the statistical method is of that method which method is highlights the class, Average, percentage. In this type the study is usually described characterizes of an individual into different group of community such as age, sex, occupation, house, water, communication, and etc. Here, in this socio- economic study are generally focused with of that perspective.

2.3 SELECTION OF THE TOPIC: My present topic is to statically research on socio-economic condition of Santal community, under Grampur panchayat, district- Kokrajhar. Socio- economic condition is the most important for fulfill the human needs. With out proper


socio economic condition individual wont be developed. Therefore man has to give first preference on the socio and economic condition. The topic was chosen because to see a picture or image in a mirror about the society and the whole problems of the santal community in compressing with other community. There are numerous problems in the Santal community likethey are exploited, victimize ,Vulnerable, political discriminated, bonded labor, communication, illiteracy, landless labor, and lack of so many other accesses. So, it is to be better to find out the as a whole problem and needs of the santal. Though it is difficult to find out the whole problem in a tiny statistical research or within few pages, but for the focusing of the santal community selected. in the present situation, and to concerned of weakness to the others ; the topics has

2.4 SELECTION OF THE UNIVERSE : Selection of the area is the most important part for a research. After selection of the topic we has to selection the research field of the study. The researcher always tries to select of the area, through 1. Good communication. 2. Common knowledge 3. Interest area
4. No barriers.

to use sampling methods or follow

some of the specific feature and criteria like -

( C.R Kothari, IGNOU)



It has been selected the area by the researchers own choice and interests because the researcher knew this area from the before. It was in the knowledge of the researcher and about their problems. It has been selected four villages within this study area. The all community is touching each other within the same parallel areas. At the first time the researcher selected the village through the use of random method and subsequently use group method. 2.5 -THE RESPONDENTS :

A study on socio-economic condition on santhal community in the Grampur panchayat, and into this village there are 7 small villages, but through the use of random sampling there had been selected four villages. Within the small four villages there are more than 270 families and it was difficult to go door to door and talk with the responds. 60 respondents were selected from the researchable area through the use of the sampling methods. The selected the responds

through lottery process. Researcher also gave priority the man and female both.




A sample is a small proportion of a population selected for an analysis. By observing the sample, certain inference may be drowning about the population. Sample is not selected haphazardly, but deliberately, so that the influence of chance or probability can be estimated. (IGNOU: IN SOCIAL WORK) Samplings are generally two types such as 1. Probability and 2. Non-probability. In the probability sampling there are all the population within the study area has equal change to become respondents and into this sample process there are various methods is to follow such as-random sampling, table sampling, statistical sampling, etc. And in the non probability sampling the researcher is selected the respondents of his own choice and self, Such as- judgmental sampling, experience of his own. In this research there is generally focused on the random sampling and biased sampling which is selected through the use of the lottery or tabulation methods. There have been selected 60 respondents among the 319 family through the use of lottery methods. Some of the respondents were selected by the use of biased sampling, for the better understanding of the research information. In these


methods male and female both had to given priority. Also, in this study were selected some of the elite person who have knowledge on that perspective

2.8 SOURCE AND TECHNIQUE OF DATA COLLECTION: Data collection is the essential and most important part of the research. After the hypothesis has been formulated the researcher should be collected the data. And before going to the data collection researcher should be concern which data tools will be help to understand easily. There are different methods of data collection. And it has to divided mainly two types 1.primary source of data collection and 2.sceondary source of data collection. Primary data are mainly three types of observation, questionnaire, and interview. And here in this research I have mainly collected the data through the use of

Questionnaire method Observation method

It was made a set of questioner schedule for each of respond and meet with them direct face to face, door to door. Before applying the questioner method researcher gave to preference to make a good relation with responds. And the


question showsome of the few elite person those who given the good idea about on that perspective. And in the secondary source of data have collected through visiting some of office. Like panchayat, circle office, books, journal, and to meet some of the key person who had knowledge about on the perspective of researcher research. Question technique are generally focused below the pattern Social background: Educational background and facilities on this.
Family background.

Occupation, with cluster. House, water, sanitation, health, food, dress etc. Economic background:
Cultivation process, types of cultivation. Cultivation income, savings, total expenditure.

Source of income, income level in different level etc.

2. DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS Data analysis is the most important in the research. In this part are generally measure the whole figure of the study and analyses the percentage and total no of the respondent and their reason through the use of why, how, where technique.





Human society consists of number of people and it is the nature of the people always live together and makes a society. Man is the social animal said Aristotle centurys year ago. We live society for living, working, and enjoying. Man cannot lives as man without society.


Each of the people has its own identity and address with a particular role and status as a member of the society. And every society is made by some of relationship among person and within that society there have a some particular rules and principle The role of individual and their attitude towards the society is to be identified by his/her age, sex, occupation, education, types of the cooperation, house pattern, sanitation, and etc. Here in the following research is going to mention the social status of the respondent in the study area. And it is the main component of the research which is to give a statistical over view of the research. In this part researcher mainly took help of the tabulation and pie-chart. family , dress, food,

AGE: Age is the most important feature of the social life of Human. A socioeconomical study, without appropriate age distribution research is not be possible to complete successfully, because of it gives the fragmental idea about the different situational fact. So, it is very necessary to understand the proper age distribution in the different level-



Table no-1 Age distribution of the respondents

Age S.L 1 2 3 4 5 categories 1530 3145 4660 61--above total Male 12 15 3 4 36 Female 8 10 6 2 26 20 25 9 6 60 total percentage 33.33 41.67 15 10 100

To see, in the above Age distribution table and it has column is to mentioned

found that in the 2nd

the name of the categories, and 3rd column is

mentioned the number of the respondents. And within the categories line of the age , there are mainly four division of the age group 15 30, 31 45, 46 60, 61 to more. Actually it was divided for the understanding of the different section of the peoples in different level. After calculating the all figure into different part in the table it has seen that 30% of age group is belongs to the 15 30 group categories. 41%within the age 31- 45, 15% from the age group 46 60, and 10% from the age group 61 to more.


To compressing the above data information it has understand that the male respondents is little more, then the women responds. And among the 31-45 age group is to given the highest priority because among this group of people are better know about the researchers research perspective and information. On the other hand, this group of people are generally guiding of their family, and involving with the social activity. So, it is easy to understand the data from of that group of people. And alternatively, 10% people taken from the age group 60 to above, because there have few of the person who are involved , but due to physically weak and some of dont want to communication.

Types of the Family: Family is the most important part of primary group of the society. It is the main elements of the society. And Family is the first group in which people find out of their identity in the society. It provides the enduring relationship in each or other. Usually, it is called the family is an institution of universal. So, it is vary essential to show the differences of the different types of family. Table- 2
S.L 1 2 3 Categories Joint family Nuclear family Metrical family No of responds 34 9 5 Percentage 56% 15% 8.33%



Particles family Total 60


20% 100

To see in the above table it has clearly found that there are four types of family which are mentioned in the sceond column part, such as- join, nuclear, matricle , patriacle . In this sceond column there has to mentioned the number of the respondents and the last colomn that is mentioned the percentage of the respondents. Joint family is to cover 56% of the people, nuclear family 15%, matriacle family 8.33, and patricle family 20%. It has found that to see the above table there are majority of the people of this area are like to stay in joint family . it is the nature of the santal to stay togather and build a strong cohesiveness among the family mambers. They like to stay


commonly with in the same family. And on the other hand, matriacle family type has been found in low percentage. The santal mother is the honorable person so she always kept away from extra burdan. And tillwhen, the father and young brother live , the mother dont take responsibility.

Size of the family: Size of the family means how much family mamber of each family. There are several group is to make for the identitifying the family size . This types of division is to helps the society to understant of their present condition and perspective. Table: 3 Size wise distribution of Family Catagories Respondants percentage 1 3 18 30 4 6 36 60 7 to more 6 10 Total 60 100



To show in the above tabulation it has

found that in the first row line there

is to mantion the different sub- group of the family mamber and group 1--3 within this category 30% families , 4 -6 among this 60% and 7 to more are only 10 persentage. The majority of the people are belongs to the 4-6 groups. the couse of illiteracy, there is no family planing among the santal , they dont know about the dirth control process, and think that it is the charity of God so he will see.the government would not take initiative of the awereness to the people.

Occupational structure of the respondents Occupation is an activity that serve as ones rugular source of livelihood or an avocation a person regular work or principle of activity. To measure the occupation is generally reveal the status of a person. And it is vary necessary of a socio-economic research to understand the occupational status of the researsed. Table:4 Occupational structure of the respondents categoriage service Cultivation govt Non Session regular govt al Labor Agric Nonulture agri busnis other s



No of 4 responds persentage Total number Total persentage


O %

24 40% 35

11 18.33 %

6.67 3.33 21.67% % 6 10% % 13

3.33% 6.67% 2 3.33 4 6.67%



To show in the above table it is clear to understand that the occupation is devited into four categories, such as service, cultivation , labour and busniss . and each of the division there are also another two sub-division. After calcluting the whole occupation pattern of the respondent it has clearly understand that labor and cultivation is vary high in this particular area. There is 58.33% of the people are under the labor and 21.67% are doing regular cultivation. 10 % of service holder and only 6% are busniss person and others. Due to the illeteracy and lake of opportunity , the people of santal they dont get job place or dont appoint some other profession. Professionally they mainly involve with this activities because they dont have own capacity to work and unable to search new things. Still they work for others like as a bondad labour.



Educational distribution of the respondents: Education provides necessary knowledge and skills to the people which enable an individual to operate idealy in the society. Education is the main back bone of the society without education no one can give the perfect idea about the society. So, it is vary necessary to analyse the educational condition before going to the socio-economic condition of a community.

Table: 6 Educational distribution of the respondents S.L 1 2 3 4 Categories Illiteracy Under matric Matric, H/S Graguate Total No of the responds 29 18 10 3 60 percentage 48.33 30 16.67 5 100



To show in the above table it has found that 48.33% people are illiterate, 30% are under-matric , 16.67% are post-matric and only 5% are graguate. It is vary pathetic seen of this commmunity. Becouse though the Indian government has been taken so mamy stapes and declared various scheme,project and programme for the development of the education but , still in this communities most of the person are illiterate due to improper facilities. Basically in this area , still 30% people are illiterate , there is mainly behind the cause of poverty , lake of facilities, lake of awere . Woman education: Woman education is the most important for the development of the society because there are half of the population in our society is woman. And on the other hand one single litterate mother can be actively influence on the society . thats why we cant neglete the woman education . and it is vary necessery to understant the woman education before going to the social condition of the community.


Table:7 Distribution of Woman education S.L 1 2 3 Categories Illiteracy Under-matric Matric , H/S Graguate Total No of the percentage 16 9 1 0 26 Percentage 61.53 34.61 3.34 0 100

To show the above figure it is clear to understand that 61.53% of the woman in this community are still belongs to illiteracy . 34.61% are belongs to under-matric, only 3.84% are post matric and graguate persentage is 0%. So , it is vary clear that this woman is really vary backwared, still they are spending a vary unconditional life. They are exploiting and domineting by the society and government. On the other hand people of the santal give few value in the education because they think that it is the burdan for the family, and if the children will sant for earning money then atlist family will save financially.


There are most of the

project for the developing of woman education but for

the lack of attention and lack of proper utilize , this could not be help of them. For insufficient or lake of special facilities the most of the woman still very backward position in the educational sector.

Basic education facilities in the primary level: For the development of the education it is very nescesary to provide the education facilities by the government and government should take some steps for the development of the education . In the following table is mention the basic education facilities within the 60 respondants Table:8 Basic education facilities in the primary level: Categories Mid-day meal Yes 46 Book 7 11.67 School building communicaton 60 100 5 8.33 teacher 24 40

percentage 76.67





53 88.33

0 0

55 92.67

36 60

Percentage 23.33

It is clear to see the above table that11.67 % respondants are getting the book facilities and alternatively 88.33% respondants are gatting the book facilities. majority of them has not getting this facilities. Teacher facilities40 % told yes and 36% told no. 76.67% are getting mid-day meal 23.33% are not getting. So, it is nescesary to give more facilities for development the education of this community. Though, as a indian citizen they has to getten the all facilities but due to unconciousness and political discriminating people dont gatting tis facilities.

Sanitation facilities of the respondents Sanitation is the most important things for the protection of the good health. Without proper sanitation facilities people sudennly could be affected by some the dangerous disease epidemics , like- diarrohea, diesentry, malaria, and also speared some of the contegious disease. So, it is very necessary to understand the sanitation condition of the respondents-

Table no:9


Availability of Sanitaion facilities S.L 1 2 3 4 Categories OPEN KACHA PACCA TOTAL Frequency 20 34 6 60 percentage 33.33% 56.67% 10% 100%

To see the above figure it has found that in the category column there is to divided into three categories of the sanitation, such as-OPEN, KACHCHA, AND PACCA. After manipulating the all there are 33.33% of the people are they dont have the sanitation, 56.67% of the people are using the kacha latrine, and only 10 person are using the pacca latrine. because there are maximum people whose have no communication with the panchayat and government office and So , it is very unsatisfactorial scenerio of this community. And to take in this weakness, there are some local leader use this scheme for own.

Housing pattern:



House is the most important part for servival of the human. Before beginning society man has been starting to make of their nest at a perticular place. It was the first beginning place of the society from where the society was spreading. It is the place of identity of the person. And it is too influence of a person for developing of their life. So, we need to understand the house pattern for the proper understand of the community. S.L 1 2 Mud Half-wall Categories No of responds 41 14 Persentage 68.34% 23.33%

3 4 5

Full wall building RCC Total

5 0 60 Table: 10

8.33% 0% 100%



To show the above table it has clear that there are 68.34% people of the santal are live under the mud house, 23.33% people are belongs to half wall, and only 8.335 people are full wall, none of the building. They live in the Mud house, it is not only for the poverty and lack of instrument or facilities , but also this is the traditional culture of the Santal, traditionally they like to stay in the mud house. On the other hand, This is the discrimination on the santal community by the government, because there are lots of schemes are for house construction, such as Indra abash yojona in the rural area but due to lack of attention this program is not implementing.

11.11 NUMBER OF THE HOUSE: House is the basic needs of the human. It is the first place of identity of individual person in the society. So, it is important to discuss the number of the house of the respondents. In the following table it has mentioned the number of the respon S.L Categories 1 I 2 II 3 III 4 IV 5 More No of responds 31 11 9 4 O Percentage 53.33 18.33 15.67 6.67 0



From the above figure, it has found that there are 53.67% people of this community those have only one house. 18.67% are living in ii houses, 12.33% are living iii houses, and only 6.33% are IV houses. Because of, most of them are under poverty, they dont fulfill of their basic needs. And another important thing is that Lack of finance and inadequate help by the government, mainly people for the poverty they would not make of their houses. So, they are still spending an unconditional life.

11.12 Housing facilities by the government The Indian government has been launching some of scheme of is not utilizing. housing

facilities for the below poverty line people. But still there are some of the area it

Table : 12


Housing facilities by the government Categories Yes No Total Frequency 6 54 60 Percentage 10% 90% 100%

To seen in the table it is found that there are 90% people of the santal they dont proper housing facilities by the government so it is very neglecting on the santal community. The fact is that people dont have communication with the with the panchayat. Source of drinking water: Source of water is the important things of the community. Because water is the basic needs of the human .without water it is impossible to live of the people. it helps the people to a good health. So, it is very important to know the water facilities of the community



To see the above table it has seen that from the total 60 responds, s there are 34 that means 56.67% people are using well, 14 responds 23.33% are tube well and 20% are still depending on natural. Though, water is the most important for life but at present. There are most of the santal they dont have their proper water source. So, this is the neglecting by the government on the santal are some of the community. It is the cause of the suffering the dungarees disease. The state government and the central government launching there scheme for the clean water but it is not implementing in this area.

11.14Drinking water facilities: There are some of the special project of the for giving the water facilities to the below poverty people. So, it should be necessary to understand the source of the water facility.



Table no:14 categories yes no Total 7 53 60 No of responds percentage 11.67% 88.33% 100%

In the above table it has found that there are 88.33% people do not getting the source of water facilities. And on behalf of, only 11.67% have getting the water source facilities. Though, there are two of the water supplies within this Grampur panchayat. but at present, there are lots of people are using the natural water source.

11.15 Source of lighting facilities: Lighting is the most important thing for the development of the any activities of the human. So it is very necessary to understand the lighting condition of the community. Most of the developing country they have given priority for the developing of the lighting condition. In the following table researcher is going to show the lighting of the santal community. Graf no. 1


In the above table it is seen that there are 66.67% of the santal people they dont have their electric facilities and they are depending on the kerosene. And 20% people use both the kerosene and electric. 12.67% are use the electric and 0% are candle. So it has been understand from the table that the government is not aware to take of their problem. It is the political discrimination on them.

11.16 HEALTH ASPECT Health is the main part of the human being, without health man is no existence. And without good health man cant be develop. Therefore, it is very necessary to find out the health condition of the respondents. Table:15




No of the respondents


1 2 3 4


7 44 9

11.33% 73.33% 15%



To see the above figure it has came to concern of the researcher that there are 73.33% of the people of this community are still under taking the conventional treatment. 15% of the people are taking domestic treatment who is provide treatment as depend on own inference. People still believed that the shaman is the best for the Domestic treatment. Therefore, there is no need to go to the Hospital or health camp.

11.17 Respondents health facilities by the government. Recently, there are lots of the scheme and programmed are implementing by the central and state government for the development of the health, such as NRHM, Mamoni, Majoni.


Table no: 16 SL Name of the item No of the respondents 1 2 3 YES NO Total 13 49 60 21.67% 81.67% 100% Percentage

In the above table it was generally discussion on the health of the respondents and to seen this shadow picture it has clear that there are 81.67% people of this community havent getting the health facilities. So, of this community and their Health condition is very poor and unhygienic and it is also could be called neglecting by the administrative body and the government.

Number of meals in a day In this table, it has mention of the eating time of the respondents. Because food is the basic need of the human. So it is necessary to understand of the food as a socio-economic condition study. Table:17 SL 1 No. of meals taken I No of responds 0 Percentage 0%



2 3 4 5


44 14 2 60

73.33% 23.33% 3.34% 100%

To show the above table it is understand that most of the people of in this community are taking two times food in a day. There are 73.33% people of this area are taking two time food and 32.33% are iii times and only 3.34% are iv times. They mainly under the poverty problem.




ECONOMIC CONDITION OF THE RESPONDANTS Economic is the most important part of the human. Without proper economic condition society cant be fulfill of their goals. Economic can give the individual to achieving of their basic needs. Therefore, it is called that man is not only the social animal but economic also. And without understand the economic background of the respondents this socio-economic research is worthless. As the research economy background plays the decisive of the research. So, it is very necessary to understand the economic condition of the community.

12.1 Main Source of income of the family Here, in this following table it has tries to identify the source of the income of the family. It is important to find out the income source of the family as a socioeconomy study.

Table: 18


SL 1 2 3 4

Categories Service Cultivation Labor Other Total

No of responds 5 13 39 3 60

percentage 10% 21.67% 65.% 4.33% 100%

To see on the table, it has found that among the 60 respondents there are 65% belongs to the labor. And 21.67% are of the cultivation, 10 % are doing service and only 4.33% are doing the other like business. So, it has been understand to see the figure that there are most of the people in this community who have them searching labor. And they are economically condition is very backward . Though there are some of the person is regularly involving with the cultivation


but due to insufficient production it is not much more contributed to uplift them. So, they helplessly accept, some of the unacceptable job. But it is not the sufficient for their fulfill the basic needs.

12.2 Measure of the land As a economic study it is important to concern the measure of the land of the respondents. So, in this tabulation part it has seen the measure of the land of the respondents.

Table:19 Categories 15 (bigha) 610(bigha) 1115(bigha) 1620(bigha) 21more No of responds 27 21 6 2 4 percentage 45% 35% 10% 3.33% 6.67

To see the above figure it is found that there are 45% people between the land 1 5(bigha) and 35% are between the 610(bigha), 10% belongs to the 11


15(bigha) , 3.33% are between the 1620(bigha) and 6.67% are between the 21. 12.3 Total Family income:(monthly) Here, in this table it has been trying to show the total family income the family. Table:19 Name of categories 10003000 3001--5000 5001 to more

No of responds







To see in the above table it found that there are 61.67% of the family, those have their family income between the 10003000, 25% respondent belongs to income 30015000, and only 11.67% are their family income is within the 5001more. There are majority of the person, those have their monthly income 10003000. Actually, they have no external income source and maximum involving with the labor, though they have some land for cultivation but this is very less production. On the other hand, they are geographically very backward place. There is no other external source of the income in this area. So these are the few main root cause of their less income.



12.4 Monthly Saving of the family Savings is a process of setting aside a portion of the current income of or future use, or the resource accumulated this way over a given period of time. Individual saving may be measured estimating disposable income. Saving is important to economic progress. So it is necessary to discuss the savings of the respondents. Table: 20 Name of the item Nil LIC Post Other Total office No of respondents 48 8 0 4 6o percentage 80% 13.33% 0% 6.67% 100

To see the above table it has come to the concern to the researcher that there are 80% of the people in this area they dont have their own savings and only few 13.33% of them are LIC and 6.67% are other savings. The fact is that, the person of the santal earning process is very low and most of the respondent is


under poverty line. Moreover, they dont have communication with this sector. The money also expending for their own personal needs. So, to see the occur picture it is clear that most of the people of this community are living under the poverty line. And they are living to depend on the hand.

12.5 Types of cultivation There are various types of cultivation in the agriculture but here is to just mentioned the three types of cultivation, such as-shafting cultivation, wet cultivation , and the dry cultivation.

Table: 21 S.L Name of the item Shafting cultivation- A Wet cultivation B Dry cultivation C No responds O B-36= C-24 C-24=B-36 of priority parentage 0 B+C C+B 0% 100% 100%



It is clear to understand that in the table there are three types of the cultivation system such as- shafting cultivation, wet cultivation, and dry cultivation. People are basically following the two types of cultivation dry and wet. 12.6 Cultivation system

Cultivation Total responds 60

Traditional No-36 Percentage 60%

Modern No-11 Percentage 18.33%

Both 13 Percentage 21.67%

It has seen that in the above diagram there are three types cultivation system is to divided into three part such as traditional, modern and both. And 60% of the person of this community are doing traditional cultivation, 18.33% are doing modern cultivation, and 21.67% people they involve with the both system. After showing the table it is understand that majority of the person of this community are involve with the traditional cultivation. They dont get proper facilities about the cultivation or they also dont accept some of the mordant the technology which will be chance to lost of their original land fertilizer. On the



other hand, the instrument range is so high, love traditional method, inadequate help. 12.7 Main problem of the respondents in cultivation. Cultivation is the main backbone of the people in the rural area. Because, according to the census 2001there are 72% of the people living in the rural areas and 80% of villager depend on the agriculture. And basically the Santal their main occupation is cultivation. So, it is very necessary to find out the problem of the agriculture of that area.

Table: 22 Name of the item Natural calamities Fertilizer Water Seed P-1 5 47 55 2 P-2 55 13 5 58 100%






Communication Marketing

5 23

55 37

To see the above table, it has to understand that there are three columns part in the right side of the table where is too mention the priority of the respondents. Table no: 23

Government facilities on agriculture

SL 1 2 3 Categories YES NO TOTAL No of responds 7 53 60 percentage 11.67% 88.33% 100%

To show in the above table it is come to subjugated that there were only 11.67% people getting the agriculture facilities by the government and on the other hand there are 88.33% of the people, they havent getting the agriculture facilities by the government. So it is needed to provide the agriculture facilities by the government. People should be aware and communicate with the government agriculture office or panchayat for their agricultures development.



13. SECONDARY OCCUPATION OF THE RESPONDENTS: Though, the cultivation is the primary occupation of the Santals people under the Grampur panchayat. And it plays a decisive role of their economic condition but they are not regularly involved with the agriculture, on the other hand, this cultivation production is not sufficient for their economic needs. So, The peoples of santal whenever earn money from the other secondary source of income, like- catching the fish from the pond, river, lake; make the arrow and bow and sell in the market, bamboo crafts , sell the wood, honey bee , hating the animal and sell in the market, make the local wine and sell in locality. 13.1. To catching the fish: The Santal people traditionally expert to catching the fish from the pond, lake, river, etc. So, few of the people, they comments that to catching the fish is the traditionally blood relation with the Santal people. Therefore, most the Santal people are engaging to this profession and it is the additional income of the santal. And In this Occupation are generally involving the woman. They make a group and with some handmade instrument and searching the whole day.



13.2. To make the arrow and bow and sell in the market. Bow and arrow is the main heart of the Santal. And it is the traditional symbol of the Santal people .every santal people loves the arrow and bow, and always kept of their house. It is also considered as the main weapon of hunting `the animal and instrument of self security of the Santal. Therefore, most of the santal people are interested to buy this instrument for their own security. Of this reason, there are most of the Santal people to product this instrument and sell in the market. 13.3. Wood sealing: wood selling is also another most external additional income of the respondents. There are lots of individual those who are included of this profession. They cutting down the wood branches form the forest and sale in the market for individual quality. 13.4. Domestic handcraft production is the income source of the respondents. they product khaloi. some bamboo tools , a musical apparatus and some other instruments for using the domestic action like- jharu, kula, passi, naingol,

14. RESPONDENTS PERTICIPATION IN DECISION MAKING PROGRAMME Participation in the decision making program is the very essential for every people. The Indian constitution has mentioned the six fundamental rights which will be applicable of all the people in this nation. In this fundamental rights


article -14, there has to mentioned the equal rights of the citizen and people freely take participate in the decision making program. Otherwise, it is to be concerned that violation of the fundamental rights of the people. And it is also the social responsible of the people. So, it is very necessary to understand participation of the decision making of the respondents.

Table no: 25 S.L No of respondents percentage Total percentage Village meting Yes 27 45% 100% no 33 55% panchayet yes 7 11.67% 100% no 53 88.33%

To see the above table it has found that there are two types of participation category in the decision making. Such as- village participation and panchayat or local government decision making participation. In the village meting participation time. there are 45% people are participating and out of the 55% respondents arent getting chance to take participate in the decision making



On the other hand, in the local administrative body people getting chance only 11.67% and out of the 88.33% people were not getting chance in the decision making time. That is the main reason of the santal people to unaware about their rights and the facilities or opportunities. This is the neglecting by the government on the Santal community.

15. Communication of this area: The communication system in this area is very poor. There are only two PWD roads and only one street road but it not sufficient or well. People are always facing problem basically in the rainy season. There is one bridge but it build by the bamboo. Market facilities are so far distance. People go to the market by walking and by cycle.







Finding is the most valuable part of the research because this is the principle gist or essence part of the research. Findings are generally focusing the whole scenario of research within a few line or page. And the totalities of the research are depending on the finding chapter, this is the indication of the research, and it carries the result of the ending research. Without proper finding, the totality of the research is chance to be vain. So, it should be always connective with the data analyses chapter. Here, though it is mention the finding chapter but with problem chapter also because all the finding are focused on the problem of the Santhals. In the following finding part it has attempting to mention the few of the close situations of the santal which are always including or touching of their living condition.

15. 1.Insufficient Educational Growth: Education is the main backbone of the entire nation for development in every aspect. And alternatively, illiteracy is an obstacle of all the development. To remember of this quotation, the Indian government has been initiating lots of programs and scheme and law for the upgrading of education. Such as- free education facilities in the primary level , compulsory education up to 14 year age, free book up to M.V school etc.


But still in the Santal community there are 48.67% of the people of that area are illiterate and it is very pathetic scenario in the educational sector toward the santal. On the other hand in particular woman education is very unconditional or insufficient condition. This is identification of the Santal community who is still depriving of their fundamental rights or basic needs. So, educational backwardness is the main problem of the santal at the present times. This is the main obstacle of their development and self-reliance. They dont getting the school, playground, book and teachers facilities at the primary level also. All the problematic aspect are inter linking with this condition.

15.2. Inadequate housing facilities: Housing facility of the Santal community is very poor under the Grampur panchayat. There are 68.67% population of the Santal they dont have well condition house and still they live in the Mud house and not only the mud house but also there are number of 58.67% people live only one single house with together all the family members. And this house is also not well maximum having broken down in the rope side, most of the houses where standing on the single sticks and so short like hut. They faced every year victim in the rain season because mud wall is not capacity to catching the wall. This is the neglecting of the government on the santal people. There had been so many schemes like, Indhra awash yojona which are centrally sponsored program for the development the house of the poor person. but this scheme are


not utilizing properly in that place. Only 10% people had been getting the housing facilities.

15.3. Inadequate sanitation facilities: Sanitation is the very important part of the human life because there are so many diseases are spreading due to inadequate latrine. Thats why, every country has been initiating for the developing of the sanitation. And even the Indian government also has been allotting some of the scheme for building the latrine, Bathroom, and urinals or good sanitation facilities. But still in the santal community there are 33.33% people they dont have latrine, using toilet in the open field. 58.67% people though they have latrine but not sufficient which are the kachcha these are made by the leap of banana tree, Branch of tree or wood etc. for such a condition the people of the santal suffering or affecting some of the chronic or contiguous disease. This is also obstacle of the santal for their development. needs and basic facilities. Hence, it is to be called that the Santal people are not getting of their basic right; they are deprived of their basic

15.4.lack of drinking water facilities : Water is the main indispensible part for the survival o f the human, because there are 85% water in the human body and which is give the life of the people,


without water man cant be live. Therefore, people always be needed water and should always be sincere about the clean and filter water. But it is very sadness picture in the santal community in the hamlet place which was Grampur panchayat. In this area majority of the people are santal and they dont have their water facilities. There are 56% people, they using the well and still 20% people who dont have their water facilities, which is very insecurity for the living. physical . Who still depend on the natural water, like- River, pond, other well. And few of them use only tube well. It is very horrible for the

15.5.Poor economic condition: Poverty is the main obstacle of all the development of the society. This is main root cause of all the third world country. It is called the main evil of all the anti-social activities. And this dangerous evil are still adversely affecting in the Santal people. Instead of, several poverty alleviation schemes there are majority of the people in the Santal community under the poverty line. Even also most of them are craving of the whole day and taking rice only one time in a day. Still they have to be searching wages of the whole day to other door to door and they dont getting the actual salary from the owner. Some of the owner and money Lander taking advantage of their normal situation and dominate of them. So this is the violation of right on the santal people. On the other hand, though they are under poverty line but most of them does not have BPL card.


15.6. Inadequate cultivation process: Though most of the santal people has been involving since primitive age with cultivation and though this is the main occupation of the santal particularly in this area. But in continuing, their cultivation process is not satisfactory. They still following the traditional system of cultivation still depend on plough, biofertilizer, and natural water, fallow seed, and old harvesting method. Therefore, the productivity of the land is very low. Another important problem is that too much grass in the land which is do barrier for the cultivation, thats why the producing capacity is very low. On the other hand, for the traditional mind they could not accept the new thing and think, always be stay same position or want to do same thing, even the plantation process or lack of multicropping system. Another important fact for the low production is that the dry soil so, the water capturing power is very low. People unconsciousness is the another unproductive problem. 15.7. Lack of the basic amenities: Lake of the basic amenities is the most important subject at present in the Grampur panchayat in kokrajhar district. 1.Particularly in the Grampur panchayat there are numeral problems but among these several problems mostly included the lake of electric facilities is the principle problem. There are number of family, which are continuing out of lighting facility. Still 66.67% families are using the kerosene; and 23% families are using the electric.


2. Majority of the people those has been depriving from the hospital or proper health facilities. They are always depending on the domestic and conventional physician. Though, there are various dangerous disease has been affecting but it is really wonderful that they people believe on the anger of god and its happening by the nature. Road and marketing facilities are also unfavorable and poor condition. Road and communication plays a most significance role for the development of the society. But in Grampur inhabitants basically the santal populated area, the people without complaining has inhabited easily.

15.8.lack of awareness about their rights and scheme: People of Santal, they are so unconscious about their right and privilege. Till now , there are so many Santal people those are dont know their panchayat name basic information like- education, village name , their culture, market name, scheme , and etc. So, unaware , lack of information and rights is the major problem of the santal people.. 15.9. Lack of employment opportunities: The Santal, in this



depriving and far

distance from the equal

employment opportunities. There are only 10% people who are getting the job


opportunities and another 90% people who are out of these opportunities. They are still searching work the whole day of the peoples door to door. But everyone hate of them for the unqualified skill or capacity. Maximum day people of santal sitting of nothing to do and entangle some of unlawful activity like - drinking, prostituting, etc. 15.10. Political discrimination: The Santal in the Grampur area they are politically discriminating by some of the major political parties. The majority of the people from santhal community is not aware of various government schemes and programes, because they are not informed well by the concerned political parties. And they dont get opportunity to take part in decision making to protect their rights 16

5.2 CONCLUSIONS Conclusion is the ending session of research. Usually, in a conclusion part, it is tried to mention the overall perspective conceptions of the total research theme. Here, is to enroll the actual information and consequence


of the total study. In this last part, the researcher as far as possible attempts to draw the overall result of the past study experience. This is to understand that from the small statistical research on the santal community, under the Grampur panchayat, it has been concluded that the Santal is the most backward, vulnerable, and neglected sections of the society. There are ample numbers of problems seen in this particular community and this is really impossible to mention the whole problem within the few pages or a small study. The people of Santal community are quite simple and fight with poverty silently in spite of its numerous problems. The overall situation of Santal community adversely affects the socio-economic aspects in an increasing manner. Looking at the pathetic nature of Santals, it can be realized that they are physically, mentally, socially, economically and politically deprived one. Besides introducing various schemes for the Santal, positive attitude towards them should be inculcated not only from government or political sides but form all levels of community so that it can influence for their upliftment in all dimensions. 5.3 SUGGESTIONS It is tries to be mention there are few of the important suggestion to showing the pathetic scenario of the Santal. 16.1. To give the major important of their educational upliftment like, utilize the free book, free teaching, free mid day meal, special care for the child and woman education. School facilities should be providing available. Education


awareness program should be held in this universe where all the people must be participation for a short time. Special morning or night class should be held for the aged or woman person by the providing special teacher. Also, Should be held other education related program or activity such as- street play, book fair, quiz competition etc. 16.2. Establishment of Hospital under this universe and village health camp should be held in time to time. Free health checkup and awareness camp on health should be held or related exhibition should be held on time to time. 16.3. Drinking water supply should be supply in the Grampur panchayat. Or otherwise, the tube well facilities should be distributed to all the family in this universe. On the other hand, people should be conscious about using of the water. 16.5. Free chance for take participation in the decision making program and village meting and other organizing activities. Otherwise it would be possible to be a developing or democratic country.

16.6. To give opportunity for the employment in government organization and provide the right salary as follow as the minimum wage law, wage payment should be paid correct time. 16.7.For the increasing of the production of cultivation government should be taking initiative by providing the agricultural instrument, Fertilizer, seed,


water pump machine, and other needs which will be solve by the counseling or directly communicate with the agriculture office. And with marketing and communication condition should be developed.

8. Government should be take stapes for the proper utilizing of the scheme and program. Also should take initiative by proving some special program on the development santal community.


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