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PRSSA Executive Board Retreat, Fall 2011 I. Welcome a. Summer Sum-Up b. Review answers & share II.

Professor Bartoo III. What is PRSSA? a. PRSSA elevator pitch i. Individual (have three people share) ii. Develop a pitch as a group to use when asked about PRSSA b. Review About PRSSA and Reasons to be a PRSSA Member c. Review Get Connected to PRSSA National d. Review Minimum Chapter Standards IV. Review executive board positions & responsibilities a. General position overview b. Weekly responsibilities i. Attend executive board meeting each week (3:30 p.m. when we do not have a general meeting; 5:00 p.m. when we do have a general meeting) 1. Executive board meetings: Gore 320 ii. Submit weekly report (Sunday by 9:00 p.m.) iii. Respond to all PRSSA-related requests within 24 (business) hours iv. Act as an ambassador for PRSSA v. Be proactive! V. General Meeting Structure a. Welcome b. Member advantage/success story c. Executive board reports (brief, if necessary) d. Kudos e. Speaker/activity f. Review commitments g. Preview next meeting VI. Additional events and programs a. Skills Workshops (Jessica) i. Any progress? b. Blue Hen Bundles Fundraiser Update (Lindsey) c. Second general meeting: Monday, September 26 (Janie) i. Action item: Schedule room ii. Action item: Find and secure speaker d. Night With The Pros (Chelsey) i. Action item: Schedule room ASAP e. Mentor-Mentee Program (Jessica) i. Action item: Outreach to professionals VII.Ongoing tasks a. Outreach to other on-campus groups (Sarah) i. Action item: Set up meetings/e-mail leaders of other organizations and share our fall calendar with them b. Online presence

i. Elynsey update social networks and website 1. Action items: Copy contracts and be prepared to talk about Communications Committee (blog) at first general meeting c. Weekly e-mail (Jackie) i. When should this go out? VIII. Recruitment a. Fall Activities Night (Sarah) i. Shift 1, 4:30 pm 6pm: ______________, ______________ ii. Shift 2, 6pm-7pm: _______________, ______________ iii. Action item: Type up sign-up list (Jackie) b. Speak to classes sign-up (Sarah) IX. Goals a. Review SMART goals format b. Develop individual and group SMART goal c. Share goals X. Officer notebooks a. Weekly task log b. Complete by April 2011 XI. E-board Kudos! a. Thank you all for your hard work XII.Review upcoming commitments a. Speaking to classes: Sept. 6-9 b. General interest meeting: Monday, Sept. 12, 5:30 p.m. i. Arrive at 5:00 p.m. for e-board meeting and setup c. Send out weekly e-mail: Tuesday, Sept. 6 (Jackie)

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