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Difference Between Urban and Rural Communities

There are classifications of human settlements as rural and urban in different countries and criterion for marking as a community as rural or urban is different in different countries. Mostly a settlement is classified as urban when the density of population is high. So you would find cities and towns densely populated whereas rural areas such as villages and hamlets are sparsely populated. This has become all the more evident in modern times because of large scale population of disenchanted youth from rural areas to cities in search of better employment opportunities. There are countries that are dominated by rural areas while there are some that have very little rural communities. In the west, you would find that very few people are engaged in farming activities that form the backbone of rural communities whereas there are countries like India where despite all the modernization, agriculture still remains the major source of income for a majority of the population. As a result, in countries like India rural communities are more than urban communities. In this article we shall try to highlight the differences between these two types of communities.

Industrialization Urban communities are characterized by large scale industrialization that is evident from the high number of employment opportunities in these areas. The situation is similar whether we talk of a city in a developing or a developed city. On the other hand, rural communities are conspicuous by the absence of

industrialization though there are advancement in terms of farm equipment and machinery.

Pollution One thing that is always associated with urban communities is pollution. On the other hand, rural communities are blessed in this regard as they can still breathe in pure and natural air. This has to do with not just industries but also modern means of transport such as motorcycles, cars, buses and other modes of transport.

Lifestyles Rural communities are markedly different from urban communities if one looks at both from the point of view of lifestyles. Life in cities and towns is very fast paced and people seem to be in an eternal hurry trying to beat the clock. On the other hand, life is relaxed and slow paced in rural communities. People in villages have more time for leisure activities and seem to enjoy nature more than people in urban communities. Rural communities get pure dairy products and other food products such as vegetables and fruits whereas there is also possibility of contamination and pollution when it comes to these things for urban communities. All this is reflected in better health and fitness of rural communities than urban communities.

Rural communities are not that bothered by fashion and fashionable clothes as their counterparts in cities. There are no shopping malls in villages and people

happily make do with what is on offer while people in urban communities remain perplexed with what is in fashion and what is outdated all the time.

Parties and social gatherings are an integral part of the lives of people in urban communities while these are very few in case of rural communities One thing in favor of urban communities is that because of technological advancement, they reap the rewards of better civic amenities though even on this count rural communities are never complaining and happy with what they get. In brief : Urban vs Rural Communities Rural communities are sparsely populated while urban communities are densely populated Urban communities reap the rewards of advancements and technical gadgets whereas rural communities are closer to nature and reap health benefits There is much pollution in urban communities while there is much less in rural communities Rural communities are not much concerned with fashion while fashion remains at the top of priorities of people in urban communities Lifestyle in rural communities is natural and relaxed while it is fast and stressful for urban communities.

Cross Cultural Politeness Beyond Please and Thank You

Its no secret that it is essential to understand how to be polite and respectful when doing business or meeting a different type of community. But how different can politeness really be from one culture to another?

A number of unwritten principles of politeness exist which must be followed if you want to show respect and consideration to the people who doesn`t belong to your community. Some of us have been taught from a young age to say please and thank you, to give up our seat for people who might need it or to apologized after bumping into someone.

Although we know what we need to do to be polite in our community, many of us are unaware that doing the same thing in another culture may not be showing politeness. Failing to understand how to be polite when working across cultures can lead to communication breakdowns, damaged relationships and a loss of credibility. Cross cultural awareness training can equip us with the skills necessary to avoid these intercultural politeness pitfalls.

One case of cultural variance in the understanding of politeness is the use of expressions of gratitude. In some cultures, people only expect to give or receive thanks for acts of altruism and not for tasks that are intrinsic to a persons job, such as a bus driver or waiter. In other cultures such as the UK, however, people thank others for performing any tasks that benefit them. An example of this would be thanking the bus driver when leaving the bus.

Politeness is not always reflected through the use of please and thank you as in the example above. Using an indirect or direct style of communication can also

influence the level of politeness you are showing your international counterparts. When doing business in Japan, for example, youll find your counterparts consider the use of direct questions to be challenging and therefore impolite. Conversely, doing business in Germany , you may find your German counterparts sometimes consider indirectness to be impolite, as the speakers intentions are unclear.

One theory of politeness states that in the process of communication people should consider the socio-cultural norms of people from other countries, develop tolerance and sensitivity towards these norms and work out strategies to make people feel comfortable in each others company.

An intercultural training course such as Working Effectively across Cultures stresses the difference in perceptions of politeness across cultures and provides specific strategies to help anyone doing business with other cultures overcome any misunderstandings that might arise.

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you not because they are nice, but because you are ~Author Unknown

Community service

Community service is donated service or activity that is performed by someone or a group of people for the benefit of the public or its institutions. Volunteers may provide community service, however, not everyone who provides community service is seen as a volunteer, because some people who provide community service are not doing it of their own free will; they are compelled to do so by: Their government as a part of citizenship requirements, in lieu of military service; The courts, in lieu of, or in addition to, other criminal justice sanctions; Their school, to meet the requirements of a class, such as in the case of service learning or to meet the requirements of graduation, or, in the case of

parents, required to provide a certain number of hours of service in order for their child to be enrolled in a school or sports team.

Some great ideas of getting involved with your community:

Beautify your town Plant flowers or trees where there aren`t any.

Clean up litter Pick up trash from parks, playgrounds, or the street.

Donate your time Mail letters, make phone calls, rise money, or collect signatures for a community service organization.

Volunteer Work without pay in the fire department, a hospital, or a school.




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