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This week spent getting back to grips with everything after last week in Valencia.

Paul Bellew representing the American company was with us and interviewed 20 Physiotherapists in the Holiday Inn. Prior to that he was in Porto where he interviewed about 30 Physiotherapists. There are many steps on the route to USA for these candidates, but I have no doubt but that it will be worth it in the end. Thirteen Nurses from Porto travelled to Northern Ireland this week- congrats to all involved on that major feat of organisation. First candidates started working in Belgium and again Julie de Mol is on the ground in Porto on March 1st and 2nd. Julie and Iva Nemeckova have been working closely together and now have Dutch Classes on offer in Porto office and online! Eileen O'Malley Our search for Doctors continues throughout the Iberian peninsula and further , we will shortly advertises dates for the recruitment events. Welcome to Ana Luisa Almeida to Porto office, who will liaise with French speaking candidates and Employers and also to Dave Cook, Liverpool for business development in UK. ~ Eileen O'Malley

Valencia - Protesting Nurses

Arrivals in Belfast Airport - January 2012

This last month was eventful, as we had our second recruitment session for Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists for the USA. Successful results for our candidates arose from their motivation towards grabbing this opportunity and expand their horizons to new grounds, prone to learning and growing as a multi-faceted professional career, meeting a new culture and country and, in some cases, taking the first step towards a personal dream of working and living in USA. And we are happy to be part of it. We also had a new recruitment event for nursing in United Kingdom, and although this event is summing up the years, the overall feeling is that there is always room left for having higher expectations, as commitment and enthusiasm levels grows from the feeling of work well done and positive impact on others life. Liliana Costa It has been about three months since I joined Best Personnel team, and there has been at least one personal reward for me to take home each day. ~ Liliana Costa Les mois de janvier et fvrier se sont dcouls avec une telle vitesse que nous n'avons pas eu le temps de remarquer la hausse des tempratures et les fleurs sur les arbres. Pourtant c'est bien le retour du printemps ici, au Portugal. C'est aussi le retour de nos clients anglais et amricains qui nous ont visits durant le mois de fvrier. Un lger vent printanier nous a amen un nouveau projet en France. Des nouveauts aussi du ct de Belgique, Julie et Iva ont inaugur le cours de nerlandais qui aura lieu une fois par semaine pendant les prochains 4-5 mois dans notre bureau Porto. Vive le temps plurilingue BPL ! ~ Sylwia Markiewicz

Sylwia Markiewicz Ya estamos en Primavera y se puede sentir en el ambiente! A finales de Febrero estuvimos en Valencia haciendo nuestro segundo proceso de seleccin de fisios para Estados Unidos, siendo este una experiencia muy positiva, con unos muy buenos candidatos y, como no, un clima excepcional. Inmersos ahora en procesos referentes a enfermeros, esperamos que el ao no haga ms que ir a mejor, poniendo en prctica algunas ideas que tenemos en mente y que creemos que seria un salto de calidad en nuestro servicio bastante interesante. En breve inauguraremos nuestra nueva web, en la cual estamos poniendo todo nuestro empeo para que sea una web mucho ms intuitiva y funcional. Os mantendremos informados!! Carlos Prez ~ Carlos Prez Mis primeros das en Dublin fueron mejor de lo esperado. Dublin es una ciudad cosmopolita y muy acogedora a la vez. Llegu con mucha ilusin, con ganas de crecer tanto a nivel personal como profesional, y creo que mi decisin de haber venido a Dublin cumplir con mis expectativas y me ayudar en un futuro a conseguir metas ms altas. La gente en Dublin es muy abierta y amable. He conocido a muchas personas de muchas nacionalidades desde mi llegada, las cules espero mantener amistad por mucho tiempo. En el terreno profesional, est siendo una gran oportunidad para m hacer prcticas en un campo que siempre me ha motivado, y a la vez pertenecer a un equipo de trabajo experimentado en el cul puedo aprender mucho y mejorar el idioma al mismo tiempo. Eduardo Moral ~ Eduardo Moral

Spring is the most beautiful season in Ireland. Flowers blooming everywhere, just like the business in Best Personnel. It is so exciting that two large groups of candidates have already landed in Northern Ireland; also our first candidate has started working in Belgium. Looking forward the French and US markets will be harvest very soon. I believe that the better we do, the more candidates will get a job, which will be the best result I want to see. ~ Yuehua Qiu (Lizzie) Lizzie No ms de Fevereiro tive a oportunidade de viajar para o Porto para estar presente nas entrevistas que iriam decorrer para Fisioterapeutas para os Estados Unidos. Foi um prazer acompanhar o cliente, participar nas entrevistas e depois receber o feedback do candidato aps terminadas. Bastantes contractos foram oferecidos, o que demonstra a qualidade dos candidatos que passam pelas nossas mos. Foi ptimo poder trabalhar com as colegas do escritrio do Porto e claro ter a oportunidade de mostrar um pouco da bela cidade do Porto ao nosso cliente bem como dar a saborear os deliciosos pratos tradicionais. Penso que foi uma evento de grande sucesso onde o outcome foi positivo tanto para os candidatos como para o cliente. Estamos a organizar o nosso prximo evento e esperamos voltar a ter o sucesso alcanados nesta vez . Liliana Silva ~ Liliana Silva Wij zijn druk in de weer met kandidaten voor Belgi. Na onze eerst succesvolle plaatsing in Belgi, vliegt eind deze week de tweede kandidate over. We geloven erin dat de volgende kandidaten snel zullen volgen! Afgelopen week was Julie in Porto om de kandidaten een goed/ juist beeld te geven over leven en werken in Belgi. Daarnaast hebben we onze eerste les Nederlands gegeven aan de zeer enthousiaste kandidaten. Het project Nederlands' is hiermee goed van start gegaan en wekelijks zal Iva de kandidaten op ons kantoor in Porto les geven. Daarnaast heeft Julie wekelijks een Skype-gesprek met de kandidaten om hun uitspraak bij te schaven. Deze kandidaten krijgen de kans om in een Belgisch ziekenhuis te starten van zodra ze een A2-niveau Nederlands hebben. Naast dit alles zijn we ook op zoek naar Java-flex ontwikkelaars die tijdelijk in Luxemburg/Belgi wensen te werken. Belgium ~ Iva Nemeckova & Julie De Mol

Iva and Julie - Re-Learning Dutch in Porto Bonjour tous! a fait dj plus ou moins un mois que je fais partie de l'quipe internationale de Best Personnel, en faisant l'valuation du niveau de franais des candidats durant les entretiens. Ce n'est pas par hasard qu'une enseignante m'avait dit il y a longtemps : Ana, il faut parler la langue franaise car a fait du bien et c'est chouette ! Jusque-l tout se passe trs bien et a reprsente, indubitablement, un dfi professionnel trs attirant. Le fait de pouvoir parler le franais couramment, avec des candidats portugais qui cherchent des nouvelles expriences l'tranger, notamment, en France ou en Belgique, rend le boulot trs facile. Et pourquoi pas la Suisse? a peut tre un nouveau march exploiter ?! On ne sait jamais... ~ Ana Almeida No final do ms de Fevereiro celebrei o meu primeiro ano a trabalhar com a Best Personnel. Sinceramente espero que seja ainda o primeiro de muitos, guardarei sempre as aprendizagens que fiz durante este ano que passou . Estou muito grata aos restantes membros desta equipa que contribuem para o ambiente positivo em que todos trabalhamos e para a qualidade do nosso trabalho. Obrigada a todos! Gostaria tambm de deixar uma palavra de apreo aos profissionais portugueses que ajudamos a encontrar novas oportunidades fora de Portugal. O empenho e coragem com que muitos se lanam aventura, com sentido de tica, responsabilidade e esprito de entreajuda, dignificam a imagem dos trabalhadores portugueses no mundo. Enquanto compatriota no posso evitar sentir-me orgulhosa, por isso tambm para eles fica o meu sincero obrigado. In the end of February I have celebrated my first year working with Best Personnel. I sincerely hope that it is the first of many, I will always keep all that I have learned during this last year. I am very grateful to all the team members that contribute to the positive environment in which we work and for the quality of what we do. Thanks to all! I would also like to leave a word of appreciation to the Portuguese professionals that find new opportunities abroad. Their courage and commitment to dive into a new adventure, with great responsibility and a sense of ethics and mutual help dignifies the image of Portuguese workers all over the world. As their compatriot I cant help to take pride in this and would also like to thank them. ~ Ana Teresa Andrade Things have been hectic of late but it is certainly encouraging to see activity levels in general up so high. On Monday of this week I was up in Northern Ireland again, to meet a new group of nurses, newly arrived, and to make a small contribution to their induction meeting. I mentioned integration more generally suggesting that they also quickly develop friends locally as well as this will help both socially and linguistically. There are always going to be some challenges even with strong language skills in developing fluency with all accents and dialects. We continue to maintain close communication with the new placements ourselves and do our best to deal with any issues relating to housing, the job itself and general assimilation. I have helped with the meet and greets' for some of these cohorts, going to the airport and ensuring they are met by the managers. We feel it is very important as far as possible that they see friendly faces during each step of the journey. Daniel Roberts A lot else has happened with many recruitment events but the arrival of the new nurses has certainly been a stand out for me over recent weeks. ~ Daniel Roberts Yours sincerely, Eileen O'Malley Director

Ana Almeida

Ana Teresa Andrade

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