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SUPer easy!

TEST METHODS Error & guided self discovery

One of the most used methods to solve problems is the: "Trial and Error." Despite their lack of sophistication, finally is the most efficient, especially because it succeeds where other methods fail. Trial and error method always guarantees a learning experience, with the advantage that often the student will find many solutions as you experiment. But why are we afraid of experiencing the error? We hold, generational and socially, the limiting belief to believe that the "error" is somehow bad for us, when it is actually useful. Each "bug" is the feedback we need to formulate a new trial, which is expected to lead to new bugs and new trials until they finally converge in an acceptable solution. Thus we consider the error as a failure. It's actually a step in the path to success. If no errors usually means no success. The irony is that many of us may fear even more to success than failure. In our courses IOSUP, future teachers are faced with this method to a variety of situations to overcome acquired habits, comfort zones and limiting beliefs.

For us it is a dream come true to share the basic skills that form the cornerstone of our methodology. 1 to 3 ... Super Easy wants to be a help for all those who want to bring this experience to others. Based on the three basic SUP positions: Prone, Kneeling and standing. Each will be analyzed from four perspectives: - Safety - Material/Interaction - Methodology - Environment IOSUP works with an original and unique methodology in the world, who has years of experience. We are pioneers in the development of modern sport and SUP as the automation of professionals in Europe.

IOSUP Basics

IOSUP Co Founders, Fernando Ekahi Labad, Ekolu & Guillermo after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar in 2008.

1/ Prone
Basic position and lead to all sorts of levels, adverse conditions or potential danger as well as overcoming some foams. Significant help to familiarize the student with material.

SUPer 1, 2, 3 easy!


Students see for themselves the buoyancy of the board and correct positioning on it. Play with the volume by moving the weights.


Posture similar to surfing. Oar between chest and abdomen, we make the angle of the oar pull the mast of the table. Chin and shoulders as high as possible. Arched back. Paddling out his hands forward alternative to get the maximum water.


We are at the same level of the water being very easy to read the trajectory of the waves which are beginning to interact with our material.


It is the first contact of our student with the board, paddling and water. Feel their own autonomy is essential for learning and confidence in us.

2/ Knees
We look to use paddling. We initiated into declines, recoveries of boards or swimming to the board and risesing from the water. Posture widely used by experts in the waves or offshore cruises.

SUPer 1, 2, 3 easy!


Center of gravity higher than in the previous phase being greater instability on the table. Proper projection of our weight will make this move as little as possible.


Rowing and paddling against. Paddle grabbed by the neck. Note that the upper hand thumb pointing up. Wide turns, 360, reverse. Concept of operation of the lever.


The breeze will affect our course, position and state of the sea becoming more complicated developments on the same.


It's an awkward posture can lead to friction in the knee of our students or any of them have some injury prevents him from performing the exercise correctly. We will go through this phase as quickly as possible while still achieving our objectives and very attentive to the reactions of our students.

3/ Standing
We extreme the most of the parameters at this stage. Distances between students, water depth, floating barriers, proximity of swimmers, fishing lines, entrances and exits of vessels, etc. This should be under our absolute control.

SUPer 1, 2, 3 easy!


We erect and high center of gravity so that the table does react to the slightest correction. A poor postural positioning in the previous steps lead to instability at this stage.


Start row holding the "T" since this hand, the higher is the push forward rowing. With this move we will use all possible levers of the body, transmitting all the energy from water to our board. We will not allow to observe and analyze at all times the balance of our student.


In this position the vision of our environment is complete and the information we receive through the 5 senses must be used to our advantage to ensure the achievement of our is aims.


The natural tendency of students at this stage is not to divert view of the "nose" of their board. Give references outward from the spot will be tremendously beneficial to capture their attention and obtain smooth communication.

Why is it so important for us this methodology?

By applying this method, elegantly guided us to develop and apply our powers of observation and listening. The SUP is a simple activity but a complexity of details and subtle corrections, both technical level, as biodynamic, balance body/emotional and muscular tension due to stress states of conscious and unconscious. Therefore we must refine and enhance communication skills, observation and listening. The instructor will not only develop these three skills, but also conducive to the emergence of clearly every set of states needed to provide a qualitative answer. IOSUP is an ISA-Recognized International Surfing Organization. IOSUP's main purpose is to deliver SUP training programs , which it will do in many European countries and elsewhere if ISA Member Nations request their service. Mahalo Guillermo Pea, Ekolu Kalama & Fernando Ekahi Labad

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Copyright 2012 All rights reserved IOSUP. No part may be reproduced without express written permission of IOSUP (International Organization of SUP)

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