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|omo ~ lartnorsh|psA|m 1o lut An End 1o |ood 0osorts
Partnorahia Aim 1o Put An End 1o "Food Doaorta"
3y oomlo
Croatod 08/20/2011 - 17.44
3y: 1ElVAllE 1AYlOl
Vonday, August 20, 2011
3us|noss [1|
ArticIo Author: 1ElVAllE 1AYlOl
V|cho||ohoa|thshow.jpg [2|
last month, ||rst lady V|cho||o Obama toamod w|th tho lartnorsh|p tor a |oa|th|or Amor|ca to
announco a now p|an to put an ond to tho nat|on's many tood dosorts'-|ow-|ncomo aroas
across tho country charactor|zod by a shortago ot storos that supp|y attordab|o and nutr|t|ous
tood opt|ons.
Wo can g|vo poop|o a|| tho |ntormat|on and adv|co |n tho wor|d about hoa|thy oat|ng and
oxorc|so,' Vrs. Obama sa|d |n a statomont, but |t paronts can't buy tho tood thoy nood to
proparo thoso moa|s bocauso tho|r on|y opt|ons tor grocor|os aro tho gas stat|on or tho |oca|
m|n|-mart, thon a|| that |s just ta|k.'
Vany soom to havo takon hood ot tho t|rst |ady's c|ar|on ca||, as somo ot tho country's b|ggost
supormarkot cha|ns s|gnod on to hor campa|gn to orad|cato tood wasto|ands across tho U.3.
3UlElvAlU, Wa|groons, Wa|mart and a host ot othor rog|ona| rota||ors p|odgod to opon or oxpand moro than 1,b00 storo |ocat|ons |n
undorsorvod aroas nat|onw|do ovor tho noxt t|vo yoars, accord|ng to tho Wh|to |ouso. 1ho now or oxpandod storos aro oxpoctod to sorvo
upwards ot 0.b m||||on Amor|cans.
And low York, tho |argost c|ty |n tho U.3. w|th ovor 8 m||||on poop|o, appoars to havo tound an ottoct|vo way to spur dovo|opmont by |oca|
supormarkot cha|ns.
last 1hursday, a group ot o|octod ott|c|a|s, commun|ty |oadors and bus|noss |ntorosts gathorod |n tho 3outh 3ronx to announco tho opon|ng
ot a 8b,000-squaro-toot Wostorn 3oot supormarkot that w||| sorvo tho |argo|y |ow-|ncomo, prodom|nant|y 3|ack and ||span|c no|ghborhood
-known tor bo|ng ono ot tho poorost congross|ona| d|str|cts |n tho country, w|th ovor a quartor ot a m||||on, or c|oso to 40%, ot |ts ros|donts
||v|ng bo|ow tho povorty ||no.
1ho storo, wh|ch w||| a|so supp|y a much-noodod boost to tho |oca| oconomy by croat|ng ovor 120 now jobs, say ott|c|a|s, |s tho t|rst to opon
undor tho c|ty's |ood lota|| Expans|on to 3upport |oa|th (|lE3|) program, a two-yoar-o|d ottort a|mod at |ncroas|ng accoss to hoa|th|or
tood |n undorsorvod aroas. 1ho program |ncont|v|zos tho ostab||shmont and rotont|on ot no|ghborhood supormarkots by prov|d|ng zon|ng
and t|nanc|a| |ncont|vos to o||g|b|o grocory storo oporators and dovo|opors ||ko Wostorn 3oot.
Undor tho program, approx|mato|y ha|t, or $b.0 m||||on, ot tho tota| $11.b m||||on pr|co tag tor tho construct|on ot tho now supormarkot was
pa|d tor by var|ous roa| ostato and sa|os tax oxompt|ons approvod by tho low York C|ty lndustr|a| 0ovo|opmont Agoncy oar|y |ast yoar, w|th
tho supormarkot cha|n prov|d|ng tho roma|ndor ot tho tund|ng.
1ho |lE3| program was |mp|omontod as a rosponso to tho rosu|ts ot a study by low York C|ty Vayor V|chao| 3|oomborg's |ood lo||cy
1ask |orco that tound that many |ow-|ncomo aroas across tho c|ty's t|vo boroughs woro undorsorvod by no|ghborhood grocory storos. On a
nat|ona| sca|o, tho Wh|to |ouso ost|matos that approx|mato|y 28.b m||||on Amor|cans-0.b m||||on ch||dron among thom-curront|y ||vo |n
|ow-|ncomo commun|t|os that |ack storos ||ko|y to so|| attordab|o and hoa|thy toods.
low York C|ty |oa|th Comm|ss|onor, 0r. 1homas |ar|oy, sa|d, Obos|ty and 1ypo 2 d|abotos aro op|dom|c |n low York C|ty,' add|ng that
|ncroas|ng accoss to hoa|thy tood a|tornat|vos across tho c|ty's tood dosorts was cr|t|ca| to addross|ng thoso chron|c d|soasos.'
3tud|os, 0r. |ar|oy notod, show that |mprovod accoss to supormarkots |s otton assoc|atod w|th an |ncroaso |n consumpt|on ot tru|ts and
vogotab|os, a r|so |n hoa|thy oat|ng hab|ts and an ovora|| roduct|on |n obos|ty.
Vorta||ty ratos botwoon tho country's |ow-|ncomo and h|gh-|ncomo oarnors a|so vary w|do|y, as Amor|cans w|th moro d|sposab|o |ncomo
aro bottor ab|o to attord hoa|th|or tood opt|ons as wo|| as bottor accoss to hoa|th and mod|ca| caro |t and whon thoy got s|ck.
convortoo by
1ho Obama adm|n|strat|on, tor |ts part, appoars to bo tak|ng tho prob|om sor|ous|y. 1ho pros|dont's 2012 budgot a||ocatos up to $880
m||||on |n t|nanc|a| support to commun|ty groups, nonprot|ts, pub||c agonc|os and bus|nossos who can dovo|op toas|b|o stratog|os tor
addross|ng tho hoa|thy tood noods ot |ow-|ncomo commun|t|os.
t 100b-2011 1ho lotwork 1ourna|. A|| l|ghts losorvod. lr|vacy
5ourco uRL:|noss/partnorsh|ps-a|m-put-ond-tood-dosorts
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