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Dr. Scarlett Zirkle

Grades: PreKindergarten through Second

Curriculum In Pre-Kindergarten, children will learn the differences between speaking and singing, while incorporating spontaneous songs into the curriculum. The students will also learn the basic songs to sing in and outside of the classroom. In Kindergarten, children express their natural affinity for music by singing, playing percussive instruments, and musical games. The children will learn to sing in tune within range of five pitches, d to a, and will discover the qualities of good singing. In Grade One, children will continue to sing and expand their vocal range. They will be introduced to a steady beat, rhythmic aspects, an expanded vocal range, and musical notes. All of these will be incorporated for improvisation and percussive instrument playing. In Grade Two, all of the rhythmic, melodic, and singing concepts will continue to be incorporated. The children will learn about the basic musical composers that have shaped music as we know it today. With the reading of notes, an understanding of musical concepts, and some basic historical background, the children will be preparing for the recorder, a musical instrument, for the next year. Methods Music is presented in a variety of methods, which include whole group instruction, audio presentations, singing, and percussive instruments. Assessment It will be expected that all students participate in the Christmas Pageant and Masses throughout the year. Participation and a good attitude will be the determining factors for the grading policies.

Dr. Scarlett Zirkle

Grade: Third
Curriculum In Grade Three, the Music curriculum reviews all of the concepts presented in Grades One and Two. A study of music history will be presented with each piece performed and studied. Students learn how to play the recorders and study the instruments of the orchestra. The students will learn how to play duets, rounds, and trios with their classmates. Methods Music is presented through a variety of methods which include whole group instruction, audio presentation, recorder study, and singing. Assessment Competence will be assessed through teacher, self- appraisal, and informal tests. All students will be expected to participate in the Christmas Pageant and the Spring Program. Grading policies will mainly rest on classroom participation, at home preparation, and an eagerness to learn the recorder and the many facets of music.

Dr. Scarlett Zirkle

Grades: Fourth, Fifth and Sixth

Curriculum Students in Grades Four, Five and Six will review beat, phrase, rhythm, meter, the Pentatonic scale, and the major scale. Students in grade five start application of such techniques to form compositions within guidelines. A study of the history of music will be conducted, along with practical application of such knowledge. In Grade Four, the music curriculum continues to review all of the concepts presented up to this time. The children will learn more complex songs and musical concepts. They are introduced to the Pentatonic scale, the Major scale, and syncopation. Rhythmic percussive instruments will be used to help with syncopation and improvisation.

Students from grade six will intensely study one period of music each semester, and be introduced to form in music and opera. At this point, students will begin to compose and improvise their own pieces that they will later perform in class. Method Music is presented through a variety of methods which include whole group instruction, audio presentation, hand bell choirs, and singing. Assessment Competence in music is assessed through teacher and self appraisal, and informal tests. The main weight of the grade will be determined on classroom participation, an eagerness to learn, and any homework assignments turned in on time. All students are expected to participate in the Christmas Pageant and All-School Masses throughout the year.

Dr. Scarlett Zirkle

Grades: Seventh and Eighth

Curriculum The Seventh Grade music curriculum involves the study of the history of Gregorian chant, Baroque Era, Classical Era, and Romantic Era. Application of this knowledge will then be compared with the Modern Era of music. Students will compose an entire piece on their own, with no boundaries, of which they will later perform for the class. The Eighth Grade music curriculum involves the review of the periods from Gregorian chant to the Romantic Era, in addition to the Modern Era and music up to 2011. The students will give a final presentation on a selected piece of music or composer of their choice. Methods Lectures, videos, CDs, online references, and improvisation will be some of the ways the students will help complete their projects. All students will be expected to participate in the Christmas Pageant and All-School Masses. Assessment Students will be assessed through quizzes, reports, class participation, and preparation for class.

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