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1. Perseverance: Persistent determination, continuo or repeating behavior 2. Expedite (Verb): To do speed up a work, to accelerate. Synonym: Hasten.

Quicken Antonym: Impede. Slow down 3. Reticent (adjective): Reluctant to share one's thoughts and feelings, restrained or unwilling. Synonym: Reserved, Quiet. Antonym: Talkative 4. Embellish(verb): to decorate, to beautify. Synonym: Adorn, Smarten. Antonym: Simplify.

5. Quintessential: The pure and concentrated essence of a substance, the most perfect embodiment of something. Synonym: Perfect example, Ideal. Antonym: Atypical (main entry: Archetypal)
6. Bailiwick: A person's specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work. The office or district of a bailiff. Synonym: Area of expertise, Specialty. Antonym: No specific antonym. 7. Ambiguity: Something not very clear, doubtful. Synonym: Uncertainty, Vagueness. Antonym: Certainty. 8. Paucity (Noun): smallness of quantity; a country with a paucity of resources; Smallness or insufficiency of number; fewness. Synonym: Scarcity, Shortage. Antonym: Excess, surplus.

Aver Synonym Antonym Usage

To affirm with confidence; to declare in a positive manner, as in confidence of asserting the truth. (Law) To assert, claim, declare as a fact. Claim, Declare Refute Many companies aver that the most expedient path to bigger market share or an expanded product portfolio is through a merger or acquisition.


Synonym Antonym Usage

A ceremonial or liturgical form of prayer consisting of a series of invocations or supplications with responses that are the same for a number in succession. a prolonged or tedious account of complaints. Repetition, Invocation Instance.

1. Did you ever in your life have heard the litanies the way Archbishops choir
sings them? 2. The citizens recited a litany of grievances against the city administration.

Lenity Synonym Antonym Usage

The quality or state of being mild or gentle, as toward others. A lenient act. Kindness. Unkindness. Judge showed lenity in not hanging this culprit up, had I been the judge, I certainly would have done that.


Large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful: copious amounts of food, having or yielding an abundant supply: a copious larder; a copious harvest, exhibiting abundance or fullness, as of thoughts or words. Bountiful Scanty. The sweet dish made by my mom last night was so delicious that I ended up eating copious amount of it.

Synonym Antonym Usage


not corrigible; bad beyond correction or reform: incorrigible behavior; an incorrigible liar, impervious to constraints or punishment; willful; unruly; uncontrollable: an incorrigible child; incorrigible hair, firmly fixed; not easily changed: an incorrigible habit, not easily swayed or influenced: an incorrigible optimist. Hopeless Effective (main entry- useless)

Synonym Antonymta


He tells lies for the smallest things, he is an incorrigible liar. Reticent
disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved, Reluctant or restrained.

Synonym Antonym Usage

Reserved Talkative A reticent person will not make a good politician

Equanim ity Synony m Antony m Usage

Mental or emotional stability or composure, especially undertension or strain; cal mness; equilibrium. Composure Panic A great leader maintains his equanimity in worst of crisis.

Afflatus Synonym Antonym Usage

Divine imparting of knowledge. Inspiration. No antonym as such. The work of Leonardo Da Vinci and Shakespeare was not entirely afflatus but had a lot to do with their sensitivity and hard work.

Clemen cy Synony m Antony m Usage

The quality of being clement; disposition to showforbearance, compassion, or forgivenes s in judging or punishing; leniency; mercy. An act or deed showing mercy or leniency. (Of the weather) mildness or temperateness. Leniency, Forgiveness. Harshness The last resort for a person awarded capital sentence punishment is clemency through President.

Pugnacious Synonym Antonym Usage

Inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; combative. Belligerent, Aggressive. Peaceable, Agreeable. He has earned a reputation to be pugnacious, stubborn and someone who is unwilling to listen! Well not good, Id say. A feeling of profound respect for someone or something. Reverence, Awe. Disdain. After winning the world cup cricket 2011, Indian team has become a subject of deepest veneration for Indians.

Veneration Synonym Antonym Usage


A body of myths, as that of a particular people or that relating to a particular person: Greek mythology, myths collectiv the science or study of myth. A set of stories, traditions, or beliefs associated with aparticular group or the history of an event, arising naturally or deliberately fostered.

Synonym Antonym Usage

Folklore, legends. Factual. The part of the play was influenced by Indian mythology books where the conqueror crosses the river on back of a gian Volte-face Synonym Antonym Usage A reversal, as in opinion or a policy, A change of position so as to look, lie, etc, in the opposite direction. U-turn, reversal. Be direct, maintain (main entry- Divert) After suggesting a stringent punishment for defaulters, the company did a volte-face and rewarded them instead for being regular customers!

Congenial Synonym Antonym Usage

Agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character, congenial surroundings. Suited or adapted in spirit, feeling, and temper, etc.; compatible. Friendly, Affable. Hostile Congenial atmosphere in any organization usually proves to be really productive for employees.

Denouement Synonym Antonym Usage

The final resolution of the intricacies of a plot, as of a drama or novel, the place in the plot at which this occurs, the outcome or resolution of a doubtful series of occurre Conclusion, Completion. Start. The novel is very strange, unlike many this author has written, so you must be prepared for weird and turns and unusual denouement.

Euphoria Synonym Antonym Usage

A feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania. Elation. Ecstasy. Despair. After trying for three consecutive years, when finally music band won the award, they were in a state of euphoria!

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