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APSTRAKT Optina Istono Novo Sarajevo je u poetnom procesu intenzivnog razvoja, to predstavlja izuzetnu priliku ali i odgovornost lokalne

samouprave da se sve aktivnosti u tom pravcu provode u skladu sa principima odrivog razvoja. Sa aspekta energetski odrivog razvoja potrebno je postaviti model na osnovu kojeg bi se mogle izraditi potrebne analize razliitih aktivnosti kao i intenziteta njihovih respektivnih primjena uzimajui u obzir sve relevantne injenice, ukljuujui i finansijsku opravdanost. Na taj nain bi se i u budunosti mogla vriti provjera i verifikacija odredjenih implementiranih aktivnosti i mjera, kao i njihove uinkovitosti. Model Optine Istono Novo Sarajevo izradjen u LEAP-u je uzeo u obzir sektorski podijeljenu potranju za energentima i to u domainstvima, komercijalnim uslugamastambeno-poslovnim objektima, transportu, i industriji, kao i ostale parametre kao to su migracija stanovnitva, klimatske promjene, i porast standarda stanovnitva, a kroz analizu razliitih scenarija, sa posebnim aspektom na GWP, je pokazao koje su to smjernice kojima bi se osigurao odrivi razvoj., Usporedbom rezultata odnosno smjernica sa Poveljom Gradinaelnika dolazi se do njihove signifikantne korelacije, to navodi na zakljuak da su principi sadrani u Povelji od strateke vanosti za razvoj optine u skladu sa principima odrivog razvoja, a ujedno omoguavaju kontinuitet u implementaciji, monitoringu, verifikaciji, i finansiranju relevantnih projekata. ABSTRACT Municipality of Novo Sarajevo East in the initial process of intensive development, which is a great opportunity and also the responsibility of local government that all activities in this direction are carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. From the standpoint of energy for sustainable development it is necessary to set the model upon which one could make the necessary analyses of different activities and the intensity of their respective applications taking into account all relevant factors, including financial viability. Doing so one would be able to examine and verify the implemented activities and measures, as well as their effectiveness. Model of Eastern Novo Sarajevo Municipality developed in the LEAP took into account the sectoral demand for energy, namely the household, commercial servicesresidential and commercial facilities, transportation, and industry, as well as other parameters such as migration, climate change, and an increase in living standards, through the analyses of different scenarios, with emphasis on GWP, and established the directives that would ensure sustainable development. Comparison of the results and guidelines with the principles of the Covenant of Mayors determined their significant correlation, suggesting that the principles contained in the Covenant are of a strategic importance for the development of the municipality in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, and may subsequently provide continuity in the implementation, monitoring, verification, and the financing of relevant projects.

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