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Black and White

Damn Things have been going from worse to worst these days. A boy who looked like he was only 17 years old said, his eyes were grey, and his hair was as black as night. The teens body was not really tall, and on top of his head, theres a pair of wolfs ear, the furs color was the same with his hair, black. He also had a wolfs tail, although currently, the tail was erect, as the person was agitated. His mouth forming a snarl and sharp teeth could be seen. The person he was speaking with was smaller than him, he was 15 years old and his hair was yellow, although the color was like wheat. His eyes were pure blue, like the ocean. On his back, there was a pair of white wings, which were drooped down to the ground, the boys eyes were directed to the ground, and he didnt look to the older boys eyes. W-Well You know how it is, they never consult us with us Even if we are the one they are speaking about. He murmured softly. You shouldnt say that, Cleo! The first boy exclaimed loudly, his mouth formed into a snarl as he leaned closer to the winged boy, grey eyes flashing dangerously. They are always the one at wrong! We never go out from this place! Even when we are allowed to go to the garden before He mumbled. But when the other boy, who he called Cleo was about to answer, his eyes went wide before he leaned and slapped his mouth shut. I sniffed their presence. Cleos eyes widened. T-They wont come in, right Aaron? His voice was shaking as he clenched Aarons shirt tightly. Aarons hand gently ran over Cleos hair as he tried to soothe the other down. The other could be brave against them if only those men didnt scar him for possibly forever. In fact, he could still remember when he first saw Cleo about 10 years ago. The other was really brave and thought they deserved some rights. And he would still have that same thinking if he didnt accidentally spill those words to one of them. He let out a small sigh as he continued to soothe the other down. What did one could expect to a small child? The other was able to not saying those for two years were a feat enough. And they chose to not risk it and do the thing that should get them sued. Their lives they spent inside the laboratory were not mandatory at least They were allowed to read in the library and sometimes, some of them sneaked and picked some books from the forbidden parts. Things that he silently suspected because of what those pointed at Freedom. Rights. Of course, at times, one of them got discovered reading those forbidden books and got punished Now they always made sure to put the books back before they got suspicious. And recently, most of them were getting smarter in using their instincts and advantages to go through them. Well he might need to tell Kyle that Cleo was taken by them more and more. He was worried for him The other was a closest thing he had to a smaller brother. He was shaken out of his thought when Cleo tugged on his sleeve. Hrm What is it, Cleo? Aaron murmured, pulling the other a bit closer as if that could protect him from everything. Are you still able to sniff them, Aaron? The other whispered, his dark blue eyes filled with worry and there was a small fear. A small smile tugged on his lips as he shook his

head. Nope I couldnt sniff them at all now. There were no sounds that indicate they are here too Aaron whispered back gently, glad that the other started to calm down. U-Uhm Cleo, you know we need to sneak out and go to where Kyle is Theres something I need to discuss with him. He murmured. Or maybe I can do it myself But Im worried about Cleo. He thought silently. Oh Alright. I can go with you, right? There was a small smile on his face as he said this. In truth, how Cleo saw him and how he smiled, it showed how innocent the other was. And Aaron wouldnt allow anybody corrupt the other He would protect Cleo until the other didnt need it anymore. Although he didnt know until when he could do it. But that was something for another time. Of course I would be too worried about you to do anything if you didnt go with me, in fact. Aaron said softly, silently petting the others blond hair. The smaller and younger male leaned closer to the other. Lets go as fast as we can then, I dont want for they to come when we are away. And Aaron knew the exact consequences if that happened. Of course, instead of just giving up he would give them hell first. Not to count he managed to secure good friendship between him and the others. Within their place, those friendship was what would save them This place that was more like hell than anything else. Continuing petting the other, he whispered straight to Cleos ear. Dont worry, they wont even realize we are out. There was a playful tone within his voice as he gently pulled Cleo to the door. His wolf ears were on alert, he wouldnt take any chances Probing the wall near the door silently, he tried to find that particular place until a small yet satisfying click was heard. The door slid away, revealing the corridor. The corridor was expanse, and the walls were white. In truth, Aaron wished that the walls to be other colors than white. They looked so dead and cold. Keeping the other as close as he could, he started walking to his right. 10 8 6 He started to count within his head, there wouldnt be much time for him to go to where Kyle was, and not to count they still need to discuss what they would do tonight. All that thoughts made his counting gone awry however Although he didnt notice it. He looked to the right of the door and started to press the right sequence as the door slid away What greeted him was something that smelled like leather... and certainly took away all his view except that brown color. You knew that suddenly coming to someones room without permission or notification was not acceptable, yes? The leather suddenly spoke, as it moved and reveal that it was a man who looked like he was only 22 years old, his hair was silver and his body was even built better than Aaron. His eyes were fierce emerald and his skin was tan. On his head, there was a pair of tigers ear, and there were even the whiskers on his face. The tigers tail flicked in annoyance. Scratching the back of his head a bit, he answered the other lightly. Im sorry Leon, but I needed to find Kyle and fast. He told the other quickly. Wasting no time to get into his point. He needed no dillydallying, especially if their plan would start The thought of freedom and nothing else was tempting, and he

almost considered just going and starting it. But no, he needed to stick to the plan if he wanted to have it forever, or at least have it going longer than a few hours. A small smile appeared on the part tiger, part humans face. Alright then, you knew how to go to his room and give my greetings to him. Leon answered. Will do. Aaron answered, nodding his head in an attempt to be respectful before he went back from the way he came from, the door. Letting the door shut behind him, he quickly started to walk the way he came before, this time wasting no time as he came across the door he was looking for. He done the same sequence as before and the door slid away revealing a man, who had bear ears on top of his head and from what he knew, he had the bears tail as well. The man started to stand, revealing that he was more than 2 meters. His eyes were violet, and his hair was sandy blond. Tell me what you want to say. His voice had a gruff tone inside it, making people could mistake that he was older than he truly was. Even though nobody knew how old the other was anyway Bowing his head, he answered the other quickly. I needed to tell you something, its about him. Aaron tried to look to Cleo as discreetly as possible. Cleo, as he was nearly oblivious to anything (it was his attempt to forget what happened to him) didnt notice. The half-bear raised one of his sandy blond eyebrows, What is it? Tell me. It was an order, not something he could refuse easily Gulping down, he whispered for Cleo to sit on the nearest chair and read what Kyle had in his place, after he looked at the other for permission of course. It was only after Cleo cheerfully took the seat and read the book did Aaron could allow himself to continue. Well you see, they seem a bit strange recently. They took Cleo a lot more and when he came back, he always tired and he wouldnt say anything. He was worried sick about the other, he was hoping nothing bad would happen He couldnt forgive himself if that happened. When Kyle didnt answer quickly as he hoped the other would, he waited, keeping his mouth shut. He knew that Kyle would snap at him if he dared to interrupt his thinking. Although Maybe it would be more than a snap. The other was the strongest from all of them, and he doubted that he could defeat the other. ron! Aaron! Do you hear what I said? A dark growl escaped Kyles throat as he said that. Aaron could felt his blood started to leave his face when he heard that. U-Uhm Im sorry, please repeat what you said again. He murmured lowly, his eyes darting towards Cleo, and he definitely was glad that the other still focused on his book. Fine, but you better hear me this time. A nod was quick to be formed. Good. I said that it means, we will need to hasten our plan They might plan to take Cleo permanently from us. Even though everyone see me as a calculating person, I do understand that I already see another, another person who was the same as Cleo. She was taken away Taken by those bastards. It was after she got taken a lot as well. The same as him. Im glad you spoke with me about that. Things were worse than what I thought The dark tone that coated some of his words was starting to make him wanting to scream for Cleo to run.

It would be a lie to say he was not glad when Kyle visibly relaxed. Im sorry. We need to discuss this quickly We will done the briefing tomorrow and do the plan tomorrow night. We cant do it faster than that, and the only thing you can do is to protect him for now, understood? Aaron immediately saluted as he gently picked Cleos hand. Lets go back~ we already finished Cleo. Cleo looked to him happily as Aaron gently pecked his forehead. Thank you, Kyle. Aaron whispered, looking back before he continued. Their walk back to their room was uneventful, which he was grateful for. He would hate it if he was the one that caused their plan to fail Especially since he was the one that wanted to escape the most. Although that was only because of the fact that he wanted to protect Cleo, the most important person in his life. Cleo Well, the other still needed him, he knew that. Soon enough, he would need to teach Cleo the basic of surviving, ensuring the other would stay alive even if he was not there anymore. He felt it was necessary, after all, he was not as important as Cleo was to them. It was not surprising if they chose to kill all of them and captured Cleo once again. Even though he hated to admit it, he didnt like the fact that he would leave the other It was just a matter of time. If only there was a way A way so he could be with him, to protect the other forever. Maybe it was just the maternal instincts within him that told him to do that, but he knew that his human side wanted that as well. To protect the one he cared deeply about. But true protection was that the other could defend himself if it was needed, after all, there might be a chance when he could not be there to protect him and he wished terribly that the other would never face that possibility. Not until now anyway. They made some plans and they would also pay the price when they done it, or when those were discovered by them. Opening the door the same way as when he opened the other door, Cleo quickly laid his body on his own bed and he himself just rested on his own, looking to the other with worried look though. No matter what, he couldnt put away that habit. Especially that one habit where he kept one of his eyes open, so he was ready if someone tried to attack him or Cleo. Or took the other. That was worse than attacking though -xxxThe next day came without a hitch, although he had no way to know whether the sun already came out or not. He looked to Cleo to which he noticed that he already awa His eyes widened as he looked to his eyes. His eyes were blank, and looked really empty. And he was suspended above the bed, without any means of floating since his wings were not moving. If he looked really closely, there was something like a soft glow surrounding around him. The glow didnt feel comfortable either. It felt strangely ominous. Standing on the floor, he walked closer although when he walked, he stepped on some of the sands there that make small sounds which alerted the other, breaking him out from whatever stupor he was in. My chance was blown He thought with a wince.

Hm? Aaron? What are you doing? Cleo asked him. He only shook his head, Cleos voice was the same as usual, and his eyes too Did he dream all of that? That glow was not there anymore as well. The plan would be done today and yet, he felt like something strange was going on. While Cleo was taken more, none of the others were taken away. He couldnt tell Kyle this though. He couldnt burden the other with unnecessary things Not when today would be the day they would feel freedom. He chose to feel a taste of freedom rather than keep pushing the schedule behind. He shook his head to answer Cleos question as he waited the time for their briefing. And the plan. -xxxHe stretched his body, the briefings finally finished and they all were ready to run away when the signal started. From all the excitement of finally leaving, he barely looked at Cleo, thinking about all the things he would finally do when he went outside. When he smelt their own people outside, he stood and went out as well, pulling Cleo as well. The sight that greeted him made him smile, all of them were finally out as he joined in as well. Running, he expected some resistance, but the place was eerily empty and silent except them. They were able to reach the exit without trouble Only to be greeted with onslaught of lights and the smell of guns. When his eyes were adjusted to the lights, he saw each of them got sedated And Cleo was walking towards them? WhatCleo, stop! He attempted to reach the other when he got shot with the sedatives as well. What he didnt expect while losing consciousness was that Cleo turned back to him with a smirk on his face. Cleo walked closer to him, the same aura from that morning was pouring out from him. Dont worry, Aaron For you, Ill ensure my controls on you are quick. You wont even feel anything. He and the aura were getting closer to him And then everything turned into darkness. Author: Amelia Veda


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