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Anglican Mainstream Sex & the City Conference

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Sex & the City Conference A Judaeo Christian conference for all
With Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D. (NARTH)
author of Shame, Homosexuality and the Practical Work of ReparativeTherapy (IVP, to be released April 2009)

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Anglican AID

Jeffrey Satinover, M.D., Ph.D.

author of Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth

Dr Grossman: LGBT education damages children

Arthur Goldberg. J.D. author of the just-released Light in the Closet:Torah, Homosexuality, and the Power to Change with others. Ideal for clergy, rabbis, psychologists, therapists, educators and others concerned about the plethora of sexual issues confronting us in todays society, including mentoring the sexually broken, the sexualization of culture, pornography, the Bible and sex, and marriage, the family and sex. There will be a special focus on how religious professionals and friends/relatives can respond biblically and pastorally to those struggling with unwanted SSA (same-sex attraction). Friday and Saturday, 24th and 25th April, 2009, 9.30 am 5.30 pm Central London venue COST 30/day, 50/both days (including morning coffee and afternoon tea), drinks reception/panel discussion Friday evening, 6.30- 8.30 pm, materials and registration Sponsored by: CARE and Anglican Mainstream CONTACT PLEASE NOTE IN YOUR DIARY AND PLAN TO COME AND BRING OTHERS. There will be a bookstall selling materials on a wide range of sexual issues, including works by the authors. Sorry, no plastic, only cash and personal cheques. If you are able to attend Friday evening, please let us know on the above email for catering purposes. If financial help is needed please contact us! If you are only coming for one day please let us know which day it is and which set of speakers Joe Nicolosi OR all the other speakers - you wish to hear. If you can make both days you will hear all the speakers (they repeat their sessions the following day). However, space is limited so first come, first served. We are recording the sessions and hope to produce both an audio version as well as a book from the conference. ***** 1 or 2
One Day 30.00 One Day 30.00

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Anglican Mainstream Sex & the City Conference

Resources for SameSex and Transgender Issues

AM Pastoral Resources Core Issues Desert Stream Ministries Exodus International Facts about Youth Glossary on Sex IIRTH JONAH International Leanne Payne Living Waters My genes made me do it! NARTH New Direction Parakaleo Redeemed Lives Mario Bergner Robert Gagnon website Top ten myths about homosexuality True Freedom Trust

***** For background information and more detail see below: We are very worried about the continued progress of the gay and in fact, the LGBT agenda across the board in the UK. Social, cultural, political and religious sectors are all being targeted and most of them are capitulating. The ramifications for gay living are not confined to even these realms, however. As various gay commentators observe, gays have been the pioneers for new models of doing relationships and sex for the rest of us, especially among the young. Did you know? Though slightly optimistic, Channel 4s 2007 How Gay Sex Changed the World is essentially correct. The LGBT contingent is but the first manifestation of a profound sexual sea change occurring today which will make the 1960s sexual revolution look tame. Given the present cultural endorsement and legal protection of these orientations, we will soon be in a situation where there is no turning back: the damage will be complete. In many cases, institutions do not want to draw attention to themselves or cause offence to their supporters by going against the flow. Religious institutions are no exception. Many do not know about what is really happening because it is not happening in their immediate vision, and prefer not to know. The result is silence by those who have been entrusted with Gods wisdom on these matters. This is exactly what the proponents of the gay revolution want. And we begin to treat the forces that are leading people astray as if they cannot be challenged. Many responses can and must be made. These areas are minefields and sincere people of good faith approach them differently. We believe that information and practical help are critical. Men and women of all faiths must become informed about these present developments and be able to offer hope to those who feel trapped by their sexual orientations. One reason many say nothing is that they do not realise there is a real possibility of change and a way out. People who feel saddled with Same Sex Attraction (SSA) do not have to capitulate to these seemingly intractable desires, nor embrace a gay identity and a lifestyle from which it can be very difficult to escape In June 2007, together with other groups Anglican Mainstream brought Dr Joseph Nicolosi to London for a conference entitled Time for Truth: Is Gay Real? We had 120 or so folk (strugglers and their families, therapists, pastors etc.) in attendance and in fact people who attended are still talking about its benefits. Joe has a proven track record over almost 30 years in helping people exit the gay world and we believe that his approach, Affect-Focused Therapy (AFT), needs to become far better known. Joe honestly addresses both success rates and causes of failure. He and his colleagues have worked with thousands of men and women with SSA over the years. In relation to the former, his experience indicates that approximately 2/3 of his clients are able to shed their unwanted SSA entirely or are able to enjoy significant reduction in their struggle and find that it no longer defines who they are or where they are heading in life. The final 1/3 either dropped out of the therapy programs or maintained significant internal resistance to the modalities utilized. Given that there is no magic bullet and all forms of therapy have their failure rates (even the church!), we believe Joes approach offers real help for many. AFT is transferable across the board to all sorts of deeply-ingrained patterns of dysfunctionality, sin, brokenness and pain. AFT originated independently and has no organic connection to treatment of SSA. Joe simply found that it worked well in that domain. Those who struggle against their SSA are prime cases where healing is needed, but if we are honest, we are all in the same hospital and we all need to be made whole and holy. This is one medium by which the process of sanctification can occur. To that end we are bringing Joe back for another conference in April 2009, where he will be joined by Dr Jeff Satinover, author of Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth (Baker) and Arthur Goldberg JD, author of the recently-released Light in the Closet: Torah, Homosexuality, and the Power to Change (Red Heifer), among others. A book launch of Joes latest work, Shame, Homosexuality and the Practical Work of Reparative Therapy (IVP) may happen then as well. The cost for the conference is 30/per day, 50* for both days, and includes a drinks reception and panel discussion Friday evening. We hope to collaborate with JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality) and Londons Orthodox Jewish community in holding our conference end-to-end with one they plan to hold on Sunday, April 26th and Monday, April 27th and sharing resources and speakers. JONAHs co-founder and co-director, American Arthur Goldberg, JD, has specialist expertise in the Hebrew Scriptures and homosexuality, what the psycho-spiritual journey of change looks like and the process whereby those with unwanted SSA can be effectively mentored by religious and mental health professionals. Arthur also serves as President of PATH (Positive Alternatives to Homosexuality), a world-wide coalition of secular and faith-based ministries devoted to sexual healing and is presently involved in several therapeutic networks in the UK.

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Anglican Mainstream Sex & the City Conference

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Anglican Mainstream Sex & the City Conference

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