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Love Facts! Did you know? 1.

The average person falls in love as much as 7 times before finally marrying his or her beloved spouse. 2. In Little Rock, United States, flirting is an illegal activity. A law to regulate the policy imposes a sanction of 30
days confinement in jail if one is found flirting.

3. German researchers analyzed that approximately 65% of people kiss with their head tilted to the right. 4. The oldest known love song was written 4,000 years ago and comes from an area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. 5. According to mathematical theory, we should date a dozen people before choosing a long-term partner; that
provides the best chance that youll make a love match.

6. Timing significantly influences love. Individuals are more likely to fall in love if they are looking for adventure,
craving to leave home, lonely, displaced in a foreign country, passing into a new stage of life, or financially and psychologically ready to share themselves or start a family.

7. People who are newly in love produce decreased levels of the hormone serotonin as low as levels seen in
people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Perhaps thats why its so easy to feel obsessed when youre smitten.

8. Men who kiss their wives in the morning live five years longer than those who don't. 9. Love can also exert the same stress on your body as deep fear. You see the same physiological
responsespupil dilation, sweaty palms, and increased heart rate.

10. Studies show that the risk of a secret love being revealed heightens romantic feelings for the
partners, thanks to increased levels of phenylethylamine (PEA).

11. Women often feel loved when talking face to face with their partner; men, on the other hand, often
feel emotionally close when they work, play, or talk side by side.

12. Plato asserts in his Symposium that initially all humans were whole, hermaphroditic beings with
four hands, four legs, two identical faces on one head/neck, four ears, and both sets of genitals. When these beautiful, strong beings tried to overthrow the gods, Zeus split them into twoman and woman and created the innate desire of human beings for one another to feel whole again.

13. Nearly 40% of men do not feel confident meeting a woman for the first time. 14. The maple leaf is a symbol of love in China and Japanand in North America, it was often
engraved on beds of early settlers to promote peaceful sleep and pleasure.

15. Men are more likely than women to believe that sex on television is portrayed realistically, while women are more likely than men to believe that portrayals of love on television are accurate representations of reality.


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