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Hand-out Used to

Used + to infinitive means that something happened regularly or went on for a time in the past. I used to travel means that in the past I regularly travelled, but no longer do so.

Something USED TO happen = it happened regularly in the past, but no longer happens:

I used to play volleyball a lot, but now I cant because I have an injury in my knee.

Pmela used to spend a lot of money buying clothes. These days she spends less since she is more responsible.

Do you go to the cinema much? Not now, but I used to

You can say that you used to work/ she used to have/ they used to believe

I / you /we / they He / she / it

used to

Be Work Have Play


I used to have short red hair, but now I have got long black hair.

They used to live in the same street as us, so we often used to see them. But we dont see them very often these days.

The negative form is I didnt use to : When I was a child I didnt use to eat vegetables. My boyfriend didnt use to go to the gym. Now he is really fit.

Exercises: A) Complete the sentences with used to + a suitable verb. 1) Diana doesnt travel much now. She __________________ travel a lot, but she prefers to stay at home these days. 2) Liz _________________ a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car. 3) We came to live in London a few years ago. We ____________________in Leeds. 4) I rarely eat ice-cream now, but I _________________ it when I was a child. 5) Jim________________________ my best friend, but we arent friend any longer. 6) It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the new road is open. It _______________ more than one hour. 7) There__________________ a hotel near the airport, but it closed a long time ago. 8) When you lived in New York, ________________________ to the theater very often? B) Combine the given ideas into a sentence with used to, but now. 1) Years ago, I smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. Now I dont smoke at all I used to smoke two packs a day, but now she goes to bed early. 2) Amanda always stayed up late when she was a student. When she got a job after she graduated, she had to go to bed early. ________________________________________________________ 3) My neighbor Bill drove his car to work every day last year. Now he rides the bus.


4) At the beginning of the semester, Erick worked hard. Now, he is too busy with his social life. __________________________________________________________ 5) Millions of years ago, dinosaurs ruled the world. Millions of years ago, they also became extinct. __________________________________________________________ 6) The aliens had a large house when their children lived at home, but they moved to a small three-room apartment after the children grew up and left home. _____________________________________________________________ 7) Susan ate a balanced diet when she was a child. No shes a teenager and eats a lot of junk food. __________________________________________________________ 8) When I was a child, I didnt stay up late. Now, Im up late every night because I have to study a lot. __________________________________________________________ 9) When I was a kid, I didnt have a job in the summer. I went swimming every day during the summer. Now I have to work, so I can go swimming only on weekends. _________________________________________________________

II) George Medley is listening to a guide telling a group of visitors about the town of Stampford. He is talking about Stampford in the past

in 1990 : Job: waiter Salary: 1000/pcm Place of work: restaurant Means of transport: by bus Eating place : home

Now: Job: Businessman Salary: millions of pounds. Place of work: his own office Means of transport : Car Eating place: expensive restaurants.

Write 5 sentences about Peter, using the pattern: In 1990, he used tobut now he .

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