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TOPIC: Sr. Callista Roy's Adaptation Model I. 3.51.1 Cite major sources from which Sr.

Roy derived her model for nursing. 3.51.2 Define major concepts of Sr. Roy's Adaptation Model. 3.51.3 Discuss each type of stimulus and adaptive mode. III. 3.51.1 Identify specific adaptation problems/nursing diagnoses in each of the adaptive modes. IV. 3.51.1 Identify assessment findings that demonstrate adaptive responses in each adaptive mode. 3.51.2 Discuss nursing interventions that may be used in facilitate adaptation. 3.51.3 Compare Sr. Roys Adaptation Model to the nursing process. I. Theory Overview A. Nursing is a Science B. Sister Roys Model C. Definition D. Usefulness E. Nursing Theory Sr. Roys Model A. Man is a Biopsychosocial Being B. Goal of Nursing to Promote Adaptation C. Health is a State of Being & Becoming Integrated & Whole D. Environment is all Conditions, Circumstances, & Influences Affecting Adaptation E. Nursing Activities Promote Adaptation Classification of Stimuli A. Focal Stimuli - The stimuli most immediately confronting the person. B. Contextual Stimuli - Other stimuli present that can be identified as having a positive or negative effect on the immediate situation. C. Residual Stimuli - Those internal or external factors whose current effects are not clear. Often related to learned attitudes toward self or others, past experiences, beliefs or opinions. D. Identify the Stimuli a. Focal b. Contextual c. Residual E. Identify the Stimuli a. Focal b. Contextual c. Residual F. Identify the Stimuli a. Focal b. Contextual c. Residual Concepts A. Input- Stimuli can come from the external or internal environment, which may or may not be observable or measurable. B. Coping Processes - Take place within the person as they respond to input stimuli, not observable. C. Output - Behaviors that are observable, measurable or that a client can report on subjectively, such as pain. The nurse assesses these. D. Apply the Concepts Coping







Coping Processes 1. The Regulator a. Automatic Neural, Chemical, Endocrine Responses to Stimuli 2. The Cognator b. Perception, Information Processing, Judgment, Emotion Coping Responses 1. Adaptive (Effective) - Promotes integrity and wholeness of the individual/family unit in terms of survival, mastery, and growth. 2. Maladaptive (Ineffective) - The response does not promote psychic or physical integrity, may undermine the stability of the client system.


Adaptation Modes A. Behaviors promote integrity in each mode B. Physiologic-Physical Mode - Physical responses to stimuli 1. Oxygenation 2. Nutrition 3. Elimination 4. Activity & Rest 5. Protection 6. Senses 7. Fluid & Electrolytes 8. Neurologic Function 9. Endocrine Function 10. Examples of relationship to NANDA Nursing Diagnoses 11. Examples related to Patient Safety, Pressure Ulcers and Falls C. Self-Concept Mode - Reflects the attempts of the person to maintain psychic integrity. This involves what the person believes is his ideal physical and spiritual self and his attempts to maintain this image. 1. Physical Self a. Body Image b. Sexual Dysfunction c. Unresolved Loss 2. Personal Self a. Anxiety b. Guilt c. Powerlessness d. Low Self-Esteem 3. Examples of relationship to NANDA Nursing Diagnoses D. Role Function Mode - Reflects the persons identity as a social being in relation to an identified group that has meaning. Primary roles such as spouse or parent, secondary roles such as breadwinner, childcare, house cleaner, or cook, and tertiary roles such as gardener, volunteer, or dog trainer. 1. Role Distance 2. Role Conflict 3. Role Failure 4. Role Transition 5. Examples of relationship to NANDA Nursing Diagnoses E. Interdependence Mode - Reflects patterns of human behavior related to affection, interpersonal relationships, nurturance and affirmation. 1. Loneliness 2. Separation Anxiety 3. Inadequate Resources


4. Ineffective Pattern of Dependency & Independency 5. Examples of relationship to NANDA Nursing Diagnoses Use of Roy in Nursing Process A. Assessment B. Is Response Effective or Ineffective? C. Identify the Stimuli D. Nursing Diagnosis E. Goal Setting F. Plan/Implementation G. Evaluation Setting Priorities A. Threat to Life & Integrity B. Threaten to Change Patient/Family C. Affect Normal G&D


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