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The Monkeys Paw is really such a nice and brilliant book. From what I have read, I can say that this story is full of mystery and horror. Besides that, I have learnt many moral values from this story like dont kill an animal for superstitious, be grateful of what we have and we need to accept the faith of our life. From this story, we can said that the people in this story believe in superstitious and they willing to kill an animal like monkey to fulfill the requirement for this superstitious. As we all know, the monkeys paw is a paw from a monkey that have been killed just for its paw. How can people do this kind of thing to an innocent animal just for the sake of superstitious thing. They believe that the monkeys paw that have been treated by a fakir has an ability to fulfill 3 wishes for three peoples. This is such a ridiculous thing if as a normal people to think that a dead paws of monkey can do whatever we wish for but in this story the ridiculous thing really happen. Mr. white had use this paw for 3 times and 2 of his wishes have been fulfilled but his third wish is not mention in this book and people has to think what is his third wish but we can predict that his third wish is not to wake his son from death. Although this superstitious thing is for real but we cant use an animal for our self. Animal also deserve to live like us. They have a life that given by God and it must be other way that we can use not by killing an animal. The second moral values that I have learnt from this story is to be grateful of what we have. Like Mr. White, he thinks that the monkeys paw given by the

Sergeant Major Morris should not be used as he already has everything that he needs. He has a happy family, a wife, a son and healthy body. But, because of his greedy wife, they have to accept the consequence of using the paw. After wishing for 200 bucks, the monkeys paw fulfill Mr. White wish but as a consequences for the wish they lost their son, Herbert. Herbet die at a factory he used to work for. The company that Herbet work for come to Mr. White house to send the 200 dollars for the death of Herbet. Yes, the paw really fulfill the wish but the consequences for Mrs. White greedy is she lost her son.

Lastly, we need to accept the faith of our life. In this story, the faith of Mr. and Mrs. White is they lost their son in a very tragic accident. Herberts death is a faith and already be arranged by God. No matter how hard they try to avoid this death they cant afford to change it. They suppose to accept the death of Herbert as part of their fate of life. But Mrs. White cant accept the death of her son. He force Mr. white to use the paw to resurrect Herbert. This kind of action is against the nature. No one in this world can resurrect a people from death. We as a Muslim, should accept the faith of our life and the plan that has been planned by Allah for our life. As a conclusion, what I can say is there are many other moral values contain in this story of The Monkeys Paw. We need to take the good moral values from this story and apply it in our daily life and the bad moral values from this story we should take it as a lesson to continue our life.

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