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Rhapsody means symphony of different cultures.... harmony in diversity...

it is very true for

medical school with people coming from different backgrounds, cultural and social
backgrounds... and while at CSMMU/KGMC, they co-exist in harmony... symphony...



For the Individual

Create leadership qualities.

Can add to the quality of life for people and enable them to lead rich, creative
and fulfilling lives and to achieve their true potential. Leisure and culture can
have a positive role to play in health care and education, and offer
opportunities for all to grow and develop as individuals.

For the Community

Leisure and culture can bring people together, helping to create a sense of
community identity and pride. At its best, leisure can play a major part in
helping to
Strengthen community involvement;
Encourage understanding;
Occupy and
Engage people's energies and help to reduce crime.

For the Environment

Investment in leisure and culture is an investment for future generations.

For the Economy

• Leisure and culture can generate income, support jobs and bring
business benefits. Participation in active leisure pursuits brings
health benefits, thus reducing health care costs and cutting workdays
lost to illness. An appreciation of a high quality of life can help to
attract and retain staff and generate investment in facilities and
business which they will need in future.
• However these activities and services also have an instrumental
value. "cross-cutting" national issues
Co-curricular activities are in partnership
with the academic study for student growth.
Such a form of curriculum gives students a
good opportunity for learning and personal

Co-curricular activities are a highly important

aspect of the university education. It helps
build a solid foundation for moving on to
university education and life-long learning.
Regular engagements with different co-
curricular activities can motivate students to
become important advocates of various
issues, be they related to the campus, the
local community and the world. Their
learning experiences can be enriched by a
significant scale too.

Benefits of co-curricular activities include:

Being a well-rounded individual

Participating in a variety of co-curricular

activities prepares students for becoming
well-rounded individuals - spiritually,
mentally, physically, emotionally, socially,
and culturally – and complements students’
intellectual development.

Connected to the community

Students are able to acquire greater

understanding of human needs, concerns,
interests and values through their
participation in these activities. They can
also learn to interact with people locally or
internationally by providing services in their

Stand out from the crowd: being a global


The co-curricular activities can prepare

students for working, living and even leading
in a global context. Some of the activities
expose students to diverse social and
cultural issues through direct service,
experiential learning, group interaction and
personal reflection. It helps transform
students into advocates of social change on
world issues.

Develop life-long skills

By joining different co-curricular activities,

students are able to develop personal and
professional skills such as inter-personal
communication, critical thinking, creativity,
time management, financial management,
problem-solving, ethics and personal
balance. All these qualities and skills will
become invaluable assets for their whole life.

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