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Muscles Highly vascularised Muscle fibers elongated cells 3 types of vert. Muscle Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle Cardiac muslce

Smooth Muscle
Smooth muscle Spindle shaped Central nucleus Tubular organs Circular + longitudinal Digestive system autonomic nervous system Contracts slowly Fatigues slowly

Cardiac Muscle
Cardiac muscle Found in heart Does not fatigue autonomic nervous system

Skeletal muscle
Skeletal muscle Attached to bones Locomotion Striated Btn 0.01 to 0.1 mm multinucleated voluntary nervous system fatigues quickly

Skeletal muscle attached to skeleton by tendons Cartilage Continuous w/ muscle Fuses with periosteum At least two muscle involved in moment Antagonistic muscles

Lever systems
Flexor decreases angle btn 2 skeletal elements Extensor increases angle btn 2 skeletal elements Adductor limbs away from body axis Abductor limbs towards body axis Rotator allows for rotation of part or all of limb

Skeletal Muscle
Muscle fibres (MF) cylindrical parallel MF surrounded by Collagen Tendons Muscle Fibres Sarcolemma Myofibrils Sarcomere Myofilaments Myosin Actin

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

Muscle striation
Light and dark bands I band light A bands dark Arrangement of myofilaments



Actin Thin filament

Fibrous actin (F Actin) Tropomyosin
Rod shaped 2 F Actin

Troponin complex Troponin T

Troponin C Troponin I


Myosin Thick filament

2 regions Rod myosin heads Project from the rod ATPase activity Heads hooks Actin


Sarcomere filament arrangement


Arrangement of myofilaments


Contraction sliding filament theory

Hugh Huxley, Andrew Huxley Not related Papers published same month Sarcomere shortened during contraction A band? H zone and I band? Filaments slide past each other Actin filaments move inwards Sarcomere contract 30% of length


Muscle contraction
Initiated by action potential from motor neurons
Neuromuscular junction Axons highly branched 100s muscle fibres Motor unit Muscle fibres Activated by 1 motor neuron Simultaneous contraction

'all-or-nothing' response
Muscle fibre stimulated by impulse Contraction occurs if stimulus = or above threshold level Response is maximal After contraction Absolute refractory no contraction Relative refractory period


Action potential arrival


Muscle contraction


Myofilaments - Actin


Muscle contraction


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