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WKNJ Newscast March 6, 2012 Format Diego Morales Good morning, its Tuesday, March 6, 2012 and its

_____8:00________ oclock and youre Listening to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey, and Im ___Diego Morales__________ with the news. In Local News We start of by making the best of a worst scenario The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the Department of Parks and Community Renewal have offered an exercise program for the physically challenged at Runnells Specialized Hospital in Berkeley Heights. The program is used to help people who have been impaired in any kind of accident or have any type of physical impairment. The program is great since it would not only bring people to a higher physical level but also a great social interaction. Its funny how people tend to forget that a health body leads to a healthy mind. The schedule is Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, from noon 1 p.m., from April 10 through November 1. Pre-registration is required by April 1, along with a current doctors release. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and the enrollment fee for the Modified Exercise Program is just $20! 11111111

In Other Local News Food Trade ! ! ! Yes food trade you heard me right. In NYC today is the last day to warp the International Restaurant and Foodservice Show. It is a program originally started to get people to try different types of food from all over the world. From isle filled with Jamaican platters and customs to rows of beverages of Japanese tradition. But theres more the show isnt just a wonder of taste from every angle there is also the latest technology around every angle. From your brand new sub zero refrigerator to your "100 percent compostable, biodegradable, microwaveable, waterproof, oil-proof and non-toxic" tableware. So step and look up for this online dont let your taste buds do all the work for you. 22

In National News In Local News, Student Gunman Tj Lang fired his gun in his Sharden Ohio school cafeteria; investigators first said that he chose his victims randomly however now they are saying that one of the students killed was dating his ex-girlfriend. 3333333333333333

In National News In Ohio a animal rights activist Solicited a hit man to kill a random person wearing fur either by shooting or slitting their throat. Apparently she tried to find the person on your local social site Facebook around October 2011 to try to get the deed done. Though she didnt find a person but rather an FBI agent. In where she asked the agent to bring a very specific set of tools; one that included a 4inch long knife sharp enough to stab someone. Included on the preferences she wanted the person to be at least 12-14 preferably older and wants the person to be dead in 2 mins but would be better if it was under 2. Then the location includes in front of the library so they can wave their signs around. Luckily she was apprehended and Mary is now in jail. 44444444444444

In National News, A series of Tornados have out broken from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes sigh 37 million people in its path. In Jasper Indiana 6 people have died due to a funnel shaped tornado, which went 70 miles per hour. A High School was destroyed there when the roof got torn off. No one was hurt and all students and staff where evacuated just in time. Some students took shelter in the basement. In Alabama a family that had just rebuilt their home from a pervious tornado had their home completely destroyed. James and Judy Hotkins are devastated to find the house where they married and where James was born tore to the ground. In Tennessee 6 people have been sent to the hospital due to hail accounts. 55555555555555

In other National News, Experts are saying that the economic meltdown of 2008 could be due to a wrongful deal made by lenders causing the houses to be foreclosed and leaving the new homeowner with excess money. Shockingly the countries top 5 lenders are at fault for this, including Bank Of America, JP Morgan and CitiGroup. However this does not affect every homeowner, just about 15%. Most may not even qualify for the return. 666666666666

Globally. . . In Ohio a animal rights activist Solicited a hit man to kill a random person wearing fur either by shooting or slitting their throat. Apparently she tried to find the person on your local social site Facebook around October 2011 to try to get the deed done. Though she didnt find a person but rather an FBI agent. In where she asked the agent to bring a very specific set of tools; one that included a 4inch long knife sharp enough to stab someone. Included on the preferences she wanted the person to be at least 12-14 preferably older and wants the person to be dead in 2 mins but would be better if it was under 2. Then the location includes in front of the library so they can wave their signs around. Luckily she was apprehended and Mary is now in jail. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7

In International News, Let me give you the power of sight. Yes you heard me theres actually a possibility for people who lost their eyes to see again. Apparently there are new opportunities to see again with cornea transplants. In Sweden there are 500 corneal transplants carried out yearly and about 100,000 in the world. Scientist have made a breakthroughs and have moved passed using animals as test subjects and stated testing them on humans. The process is shortly done after cultivating the new cornea with stem cells, which takes about 6 days. If this process can be supported much more efficiently many people that have lost their ability to see might gain it back again. But political and religious conflicts once again tie the arms to a better support system. 88 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88

In international News, The Shir Asad in Urigit, there was a shorter attack on protestor and 12 people the majority children where killed in this devastating attempt to stop a protest. 9999999999999

In government news, The Campaign trail Your Voice Your Choice candidate Romney was recorded in 2002 saying contradictory things to what he is supporting now. He was caught on tape saying he believes that the goes where the money is and that was Washington, however now he considers himself an outsider saying that Washington is never willing to give money. They are now calling him a hypocrite.

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In National News, A car broke into a Philadelphia Airport and drove around 100mph on an active run way. However, there has been 13 hundred attempts like this since 911. This raised suspicion and questions about how TSA security makes people take of their shoes for inspection but they dont even make sure the airport is safe outside. Bill Keating, Massachusetts congressman says there is no consistent national strategy for airport security. So while some airports just have a fence, others have high security cameras with heat sensors. TSA then said they check all airports every year in conjunction with the FBI, however last year only 17% got inspections thoroughly.

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In Government News, Rush Limbargh launched an attack on a 30 year old law student who was speaking her mind on the birth control controversy. Shandra Fulk believes that birth control should be covered by health insurance because of other medical reasons. Then Limbargh attacked Fulk on radio saying she must be paid to be saying this and then continued to insult her viciously. Later, President Obama called Shandra and apologized and told her that she was very brave and her parents must be very proud. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Now in Weather, In Kean University it is currently very sunny at maximum 43F and minimum 34F. And apparently its going to be like that all week so we should be very grateful considering it March. Tomorrow Wednesday it will also be sunny with high 62F and low 42F. Thursday it starts getting cloudy as well as Friday but both will be between 59F and 35F. Then we start the weekend on Saturday with a very beautiful day sunny with high 41F and low 33F.

13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Thats it for your news. Youre listening to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey. Im Diego Morales and well be right back after this.

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