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from: Seder Night Customs and Linguistic Forms in the Aggadeta D'pischa (Haggadah of Passover) in the
Tradition of the Jews of Yemen, Zemach Keissar
In contrast to the custom prevalent among Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews, who recite a blessing over two and a
half matzot, Yemenite Jews[8] recite it over one and a half matzot both on the Seder night and all other nights of
Passover (Shabbat and weekdays alike).
Maimonides (Hilchoth Chametz Umatzah, 8-6) specifies: "He takes two sheets (of matzah) places the halved one
within the whole one and recites the blessing "hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz" (Who brings forth bread from the
Rabbi Y. Kapach, adds the following commentary:
"Our Rabbi (Maimonides) did not differentiate as to blessing over one and a half (matzot) between the
night of the fifteenth (Seder night - 15th of Nissan) and the night after it, whether it is a weekday or
Shabbat, whether a Shabbat or holiday or an intermediate day (Chol Hamoed)... therefore we carry on
the tradition of our ancestors from the earliest generations to recite the blessing (hamotzi...) all during
the Festival of Matzot on one and a half matzot. And this can be learned simply from the language of our
Sages of Blessed Memory in the Talmud in Berachot (39.b):
'All agree that on Passover he puts the halved piece into the whole one and recites the blessing,
What is the reason for this ? because it is written - bread of poverty (lechem oni."


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1. What is the custom1 of (most) Ashkenazim and Sephardim for:

a. how many matzot to use

b. which matzah(ot) to make haMotzi on

c. which matzah to make al akhilat matzah on

d. which matzah to eat from first

e. how much to eat from each matzah

2. What custom do many Teimanim (Yemenites) follow regarding:






Always follow the custom of your family and community.


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Monday, April 2nd
Review material learned in class.
Tuesday, April 3rd
Review material learned in class.
Wednesday, April 4th
Review and work on Thursdays assignment.
Due Thursday, April 5th
Prepare a dvar Torah based on packets 24 and 25.
Search for Chametz.
Friday, April 6th
Burn your Chametzcheck with your shul for what
time. Have a Chag Kasher VSameach!

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