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Discussion: Univariate Graph 1 Univariate Graph 2 Univariate Graph 3 Univariate Graph 4 Univariate Graph 5 Univariate Graph 6 Univariate Graph

7 . Univariate Graph 8 Bivariate Graph 1 Age of Respondents Sex of Respondents Classification of Respondents Have Respondents Ever Receive Food Stamps? Does Respondent Know Someone in College with Food Stamps? Would Respondent Falsify Your Application in Order to Get Receive Food Stamps? Does the Respondent Think That Government Does a Sufficient Job at Giving out Food Stamps? Does Respondent Agree or Disagree with lying on Food Stamp Application? Would Respondent Falsify Application by If the Government is doing a Sufficient job at Allocating Food Stamps?

Multivariate Graph 1 Does Respondent Agree or Disagree With lying on Food Stamp Application based . on if They Receive Food Stamps controlling for sex Bivariate Graph 2 Would Respondent falsify application by If they received food stamps?

Multivariate Graph 2 How Respondents Feel About the Food Stamp Process by If They Ever Received . Food Stamps controlling for sex Bivariate Graph 3 . How Respondents Feel about the Food Stamp Process by If They Ever Received Food Stamps

Discussion: This graph shows the age of the respondents that took my survey. It shows that majority of my respondents were in the age category of 19-23 with 80.2%. This was the outcome because majority of the people in college fall in the age of 18 22 since that is the four years after you graduate from high school (if you graduate at age 18). The next largest category was the 18 and under age group with 13.86%..

Discussion: This Graph shows the sex of the respondents that took my survey. These two categories are almost equal with female ahead of male by only about 10%. The reason for this could possibly be because the female to male ratio on this campus is drastically in the females favor. If I had surveyed more of the campus then there would have been a much higher percentage of females then males.

Discussion: This graph shows the classification of the respondents that took my survey. This graph shows that I had representation of all classifications take my survey. The classification with the highest percentage was the junior class that had 26.73% of my respondents. This could be explained because I administered most of my surveys in class and I take mostly upper level classes. The next highest classification is freshmen with 25.74%. This could be explained because the freshmen has the largest amount of students on campus.

Discussion: This graph shows the amount of people who received food stamps and also took my survey. This shows that 71.29% of people who responded do not receive food stamps. This is logical because you have to reach certain criteria in order to get food stamps like, live off campus and have a job. Most students do not live off campus so they would not be able to get food stamps. 28.71% of my respondents did however receive food stamps. This was a higher percentage than I thought it would be because I felt it would be harder for college students to actually receive food stamps.

Discussion: This graph shows if the respondents that took my survey know someone currently enrolled in college that receives food stamps. Majority of the people who took my survey knew someone that gets food stamps with 86.14%. Only 13.86% of respondents did not know someone that does not receive food stamps. This could be because Tuskegee has a relatively small campus where most students know each other. So it would not take many students to have food stamps in order for you to know at least one person to with food stamps.

Discussion: This graph shows the amount of people that would falsify or lie on their food stamp application in order to receive food stamps. The graph shows that the largest percentage of respondents would definitively not lie on their application with 36.63%. What is alarming is the category of students that probably will falsify there application which was 26.73%. This lets me know that over one fourth of my respondents would falsify there application.

Discussion: This Graph shows how my respondents feel about the government and how they are doing on allocating food stamps. It shows that 41.58% of my respondents think that the government is doing an average job on allocating food stamps. This could be because most of the respondents do not themselves receive food stamps so they really dont know of the government is doing a good or bad job. Only 6.93% of my respondents think that the government is doing a very poor job on giving out food stamps.

Discussion: This graph shows if the respondents that took my survey agree or disagree with others lying on their food stamp application in order to receive food stamps. Surprisingly 61.39% of my respondents do agree with lying on the application. This is surprising because over half of the people agree on lying to the government. One reason for this could be that people may fill that it may be reasons that you need to lie as in the amount of hours you worked last month.

Discussion: This graph shows if the respondents that took my survey would falsify their application based on it they thought the government was doing a sufficient job at giving out food stamps. Most of my respondents thought that the government was doing an average job but that category had the highest number of respondents that probably would falsify their application with 51.9%. The graph also shows that 42.9% of people who felt that the government was doing a below and above average job said that the y definitively will lie on the application. This is because both of these categories received very low responses and thusly drove up the percentage accordingly.

Discussions: This graph shows a multivariate graph of how both males and females feel about lying on a food stamp application based on if they receive food stamps or not. This graph shows that a larger percentage of males agree with lying on the application then females with 80% of males agree and 71.4% agree. This could be because most females are less likely to do illegal things than their male counter parts.

Discussion: This graph shows how hard or easy the process of receiving food stamps is based on if the respondents get food stamps themselves. It shows a trend that most people who do receive food stamps think that it is somewhat easy with 75.2%. While on the other hand most people who have never received food stamps think that the process is moderate with 66.2% of that category. One reason for such a high number of people who receive food stamps thinking that it is somewhat easy is because many people think that it is a lot easier for people to get food stamps in the city of Tuskegee.

Discussion: This Graph shows how respondents feel about the food stamp process based on if they have every received food stamp while also controlling for sex. When we see the graph we see that 9.8% of females that dont receive food stamps think that the process is very hard while 12.9% males feel the same. Looking at the same category 7.1% who receive food stamps thinks that it is very hard to get them while 0% of males think the same. This is most likely due to the fact that males as whole think the process is easier than women. Just looking at the category of very easy 20% of males think that it is very easy to get food stamps while only 7.1% of females that receive stamps thinks that it is very easy.

Discussion: This graph shows if the respondents that took my survey would falsify there application based off of if they receive food stamps. The graph states that most people who do receive food stamps would definitively lie on their application with 93.67%. Also looking at the graph we see that the trend of people who would not lie dont receive food stamps.

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