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1424 West A Street Apt 304 Moscow, Idaho, 83843 Mobile: 208-310-6030 E-mail:

Career Objective:

Seeking a job, which gives me a platform to use and apply my analytical and communicate skills, my ability to identify and follow financial trends leading to the development of the company and also my professional growth.

Educational Background
Bachelor of Science, University of Idaho, expected May 2013. Majors: Finance and Accounting GPA: 3.6/4.0 Bachelor of Social Science, Guangxi University of Nationalities (China) Major: Mass Media Production & Mass Communication Current Status: Temporary absence from school.

Work Experience
Intern Agronomist, August 2009-December 2009. Guilin Merchants International Travel Company LTD. o Bargained the price with hotels, rental car companies and etc. o As a tour guide for people who went to travel. o Help Companys accountant to collected data at the end of year.


Computer Experience: Excel, outlook, PowerPoint, Word, Photoshop, and skilled to use Mac system. Communication and Writing Skills: Public presentations, Persuasive Writing and Review, Proposal Writing and Review, Analyze Report for Business, Negotiating and Good at Conversation. Business Skills: Analyze Finance Market, Collect and Analyze Accounting Data.

Awards and Memberships

Member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. 2012 Awarded Champion of Badminton by the ASUI in University of Idaho.

References Available Upon Request

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