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"Fettered" A short Story By C.S.


Forward "The tragedy is when you've got sex in the head instead of down where it belongs." ~D.H. Lawrence First and foremost, I wish to thank my readers for sparing their time to indulge me in my secret passions, both literature and erotica. This is a first for me in many aspects. I have written novels often. Erotica, never. I have fantasized often; performed little. I've always felt that literature (even less "sophisticated" novels as this) broadens our minds in a way no other medium can, save clear face-toface interaction. Taking time to sit and quietly listen to the words that someone else has kindly given us, without prejudice, without interruption or undue emotion, opens our thoughts to their point of view and allows us to contemplate at our own pace the validity of their words. I've primarily written this novel, not for those who already accept the benefits of a loving domination, but for those who do not understand the effect these relationships can have. And to you, I beg, allow your mind to ponder and absorb, without fear of judgment, the story about to unfold for you.

Chapter 1 Steve laid in bed, just emerging from the end of a restful sleep. He tried to bring back fragments of the dream he had during the night but only vague images arose. Steve had flashes of his wife, Amanda, leaning over him, an evil grin on her face. Being disrobed by her. Ropes. Chains. Countless fading memories that he knew he would LOVE to remember fully. But as he came closer to wakefulness the dream gradually faded to nothing. 'Oh Well', he thought to himself. 'That's the thing about dreams. They don't last forever.' Steve tried to roll out of bed and realized that his arms and legs wouldn't move. He shook off the lingering sleep clouding his mind and came to the horrible realization that he was, in fact, tied to the bed; albeit rather loosely but still... He was also very naked and, being morning, very erect. Steve half-heartedly fought the small chains binding him to the bed frame thinking that his wife had played a mean joke on him, but as he fought he realized that although the chains allowed for quite a bit of movement, he still could not loose himself or come to a full sitting position; not comfortably anyway. The house was very quiet and he laid back again, stewing. What if Amanda had just left him here? What did his wife have in mind? How long would she be gone? What was she up to during his incarceration? Several long, agonizing, minutes passed and then Steve heard Amanda laughing downstairs. Instantly, he felt better. Just hearing his wife's voice had lifted most of his mental anguish. But not for long. Suddenly, Steve caught himself wondering why she had laughed. Given his current state, the answers he came up with weren't entirely appealing. Soon, he heard her footsteps on the stairs and he waited anxiously for her to enter. Amanda entered the room in her usual pink cotton pajamas, looking every bit like the adorable little college girl she always does in the morning. Steve had always enjoyed seeing her in the morning because her hair, her clothes, even her demeanor just reminded him of a sweet almost-childlike woman who's morning ritual of sitting on the couch with her Care Bear and watching cartoons before starting her day suited her more than anything else. This time, however, it was different. Steve saw his beloved wife, looking as she always did, but with a glint in her eye he had never seen before. Almost malevolent. He became more concerned when she walked straight past him without a word, without a look, sauntered into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. For the next few minutes Steve sweated on the bed, his mind racing with thoughts of what she might do to him. He tried in vain to release himself again but to no avail. Soon, the door to the bathroom opened and Steve saw a woman before him that looked more at home in one of those Fetish Dungeon settings than at home with her stuffed animals. Amanda was wearing black leather boy-shorts and matching corset with riding boots that went all the way to her knees. Her dark hair was up in a very attractive but assertive look he had never seen on her before. Amanda

was a petite girl but in this outfit she looked like a lion tamer and Steve's forgotten erection throbbed once again. Steve's worries were gone. He and Amanda had NEVER done any role-play in the bedroom before and he thought this was quite the introduction to it.

Chapter 2 The second Amanda whipped her hand to Steve's crotch and gripped his member for all she was worth, Steve's apprehension came flooding back. She grabbed his stick like it was her last hope of piloting a doomed aircraft. She tugged on him hard and he raised his pelvis toward her to keep from having his manhood ripped from his body. Smiling, Amanda smacked his testicles and, instinctively, Steve jerked his body back to the bed, pulling his member to the extremes of its limit. He winced at the sensation; his reaction prompting Amanda to release her deathgrip on him and slowly lean forward to meet him face-to-face. As she lightly stroked his neck and shoulders, she spoke to him in a tone that sent shivers down Steve's spine. "Good Morning, my love.", She said sweetly. "I know you're wondering why I have you like this so I won't keep you in suspense any longer. I found the emails and web-chats you've been having with your 'personal trainer' as you call her. I have to admit, I'm a little hurt and angry at you." Amanda leaned back and sat herself on Steve's hips, allowing what she said to sink in. Steve's eyes were wide. He had been having online 'sessions' with a professional dominatrix for months now. He still loved his wife dearly but their sex life was boring him to no end. Steve had urges and needs that his wife had never really been able to fill. Sure, he enjoyed being able to sleep with a near-teenage looking girl on a regular basis but how could someone like that fulfill his desire to be enslaved by a dominant female? Steve was flinchingly brought back to the moment with a quick flick to his testicles. Amanda leaned over him once more. "I was hurt to think that you didn't come to me about what you were feeling. I am your wife after all. It IS my responsibility to take care of your needs", she said softly. Steve tried to retort. "But, Honey...." Amanda silenced him with a fingertip to his mouth. "From now on, all your needs will be taken care of." She said with another wicked grin on her face. Quickly reaching between his legs again, Amanda grabbed Steve by the balls and squeezed tightly, almost bringing a tear to his eye. In a new, authoritative tone, she continued her torment, accenting certain words with an added twist to his already aching manhood. "From now on, every Saturday and Wednesday you will be mine to do with as I please. You will NOT wear any clothes. You will speak ONLY when spoken to and you will wear your collar constantly. You will do what I say, smartly, and you will come when called. These are the only days you will be allowed to cum and even then only at my command.

If you're a good boy I'll even let you have me on Saturdays. If you fail in any of these simple commands you will be punished harshly." Steve's eyes were glassy with tears by the time she was finished and released him from her grasp, but his torment was not nearly finished. Walking over to the hamper, Amanda continued her abuse. "Personally, I've always thought of you as a stubborn man and I've been fine with it. But I HAVE always wondered how you'd react to a feminine dominant. You seem to respond well for your little online friend. Lets see how you respond to my control over you." Amanda returned with a pair of panties she pulled from the hamper. They weren't nasty or anything but as she brought it close to his face, Steve could tell they had definitely been worn recently. "Now, you made me angry with you and as a result, you need to be punished for it. I'm going to give you one hundred hard lashings to your stomach and you're going to use these panties to muffle the noise you make", She told him in a nononsense manner. Amanda then reached down and tried to open Steve's mouth so she could apply his gag. Steve, however, decided that he'd rather take his chances and thrashed against her assault on him.

Chapter 3 Amanda didn't seem phased at Steve's resistance to her attempt to gag him with the garment; she simply leaned back and said with a sigh, "I guess we're going to need a little training then." Tossing the panties back in the hamper, she reentered the bathroom and Steve heard a drawer open. Amanda returned with a very small, leash-like device that appeared to be connected to a controller or battery. Amanda pulled some black duct-tape from somewhere and applied it to Steve's mouth, distracting him with a few strokes to his cock. Steve's eyes widened again as he saw the device slide easily over his erect penis and cinch into place around it and his balls. Amanda tugged at the chains at the head of their bed frame and his hands were pulled out to their extremities away from Steve, rendering his upper body almost entirely immobile. "Just remember, darling, this is your own doing. You should have listened to me when I gave you an order" said Amanda as she stood back and readied a whip in one hand and the device's controls in the other. Steve snapped his eyes shut when the first lash impacted his chest and the sensitive skin of his stomach. A few strokes later he writhed against the pain, failing to imagine anything worse. His imagination was overwhelmed when, suddenly, a powerful electric jolt coursed from the leash-device into his groin and caused him to spasm in agony. For what seemed like forever the lashing continued, alternating with electric shocks to his privates. By the time Amanda was finished, her husband was whimpering on the bed, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Alright, I think you've learned your lesson for now", said Amanda. She loosened Steve's restraints and disconnected him from the bed while he sobbed and tried desperately to recompose his shattered ego. Steve sat up and Amanda sat beside him and pulled his head to her shoulder. Stroking his hair, she spoke softly, "I'm sorry I had to punish you but you need to learn that this is for your benefit. Once you submit to me you'll be much happier and I'll take care of all your needs." Getting up from the bed, she removed her attire and got into her everyday clothes, simple jeans and a light sweater. "When you're ready I want you to come downstairs and have breakfast. Just don't make me wait too long" She said as she walked downstairs. Steve sat a moment trying to assimilate what had just happened to him but, fearing another punishment, he hurried downstairs as ordered.

Chapter 4 As Steve arrived in the kitchen, his wife Amanda greeted him as if nothing were different than any other day. Never mind the fact that Steve was completely naked, eyes swollen from tears and bright red from his neck to his groin. Amanda turned and came up to her much more passive husband. She showed him a very think, black leather collar with his name stamped into it. "This collar is a symbol of the authority I have over you. WHENEVER you wear it, you will submit to me, even on days not scheduled for your service. Do you understand?" she asked him sternly. Steve nodded his consent and Amanda put the collar on him. It was tight, thought Steve, but not uncomfortable by any means and as Amanda stood back to admire her husband's new look Steve was very aware that, beyond all reason, his erection was threatening to return. Could he actually be getting turned on by this, he wondered? Amanda didn't give him time to wonder for long. "Now, this is how you will be eating your meals from now on" said Amanda, showing Steve a large bowl on the floor at the foot of the dinner table, a small rug accompanying it. "You will eat from this bowl and you will eat whatever I put in it. You can bring your bowl into whatever room I'm eating but you will ALWAYS be on all-fours at my feet and you will not use your hands as you eat." Amanda left Steve at the foot of the table and went to get his breakfast, which turned out to be oatmeal. Amanda sat at the table and began enjoying her own meal. Steve wasn't entirely sure how to start and stared blankly at his new food dish a moment before finally digging in, burying his face in it, taking quite some time to make a dent in it. As he ate he forgot about his exposed position and jerked to attention when he felt a small, slender object enter him from behind. Amanda had a small vibrator in her hand and was massaging his prostate slowly but very effectively. "Keep eating" she said as she massaged him. Steve could barely keep himself on the floor with his face in his bowl as he polished of the remnants of his breakfast. As soon as he was done, Amanda removed the vibrator and went out of the room to clean up before putting the dishes in the washer, leaving Steve on the floor, covered in oatmeal and dribbling lube from his hind quarters. Returning, Amanda gazed at her helpless hubby. "You look like quite the sight, sweetheart" she said with a chuckle. "Lets get you cleaned up, shall we?" she said, putting a leash on him and leading him from the room. Steve crawled along and started to turn towards the bathroom for his shower when Amanda tugged at his collar. "No, sweetie. You're too dirty for a shower.

You're going to be hosed off in the yard." Steve was horrified. It was bad enough that his petite, loving wife had been able to bring him to sobbing tears in no time but now he was to be displayed outdoors for the whole world to see? Fearing another punishment, Steve whimpered once and then followed his wife out back, his package shrinking more and more with each humiliating crawl.

Chapter 5 Amanda opened the door to the yard and Steve hesitated at the threshold. A quick tug to his collar prompted him to continue on. He was led out onto the grass in the middle of their large back yard. Amanda tied his leash off to a new post she had firmly installed recently and left Steve there while she went to get her things. Steve was shaking uncontrollably; to him every sound was a neighbor peeking over the fence. Every rustle was an unsuspecting child peering through to gaze upon Steve's helpless nudity and shame. Steve wanted to get this over with soon, not just because he wanted to disappear from these imagined prying eyes but he thoroughly felt dirty. He still had drying oatmeal all over his face and the lube in his backside had now dribbled all down his legs. He was also ashamed to admit it to himself but he was pretty sure the vibrator earlier had induced a little precum to find its way to the tip of his penis, which now felt quite sticky. In answer to his prayers Amanda returned with the hose, a sponge, towel, some soap and a bucket of warm water. He also noticed she was now wearing a tight, light pink, tank top and snug jean shorts. "Alright, sweetheart. Let's get you clean again so you can be allowed back in the house." said Amanda as she put her things down. She turned the nozzle on the hose and a stream of freezing water jetted towards Steve, who shriveled instantly at the shock. The water was intensely cold and Steve was fairly certain he was now a eunuch or at least looked the part. The shivering returned and Amanda giggled at the sight of her dear husband struggling to keep himself on all fours and not shout out loud while she blasted away the grime Steve had donned till now. Abruptly, the water stopped and Steve remained on hands and knees shivering, dripping and humbled before his wife. It was then that Steve realized his indignities were not over. He had to pee. Whether it was the cold water or to lack of a bathroom break when he awoke, he didn't know but one thing was certain; Steve's bladder could no longer contain itself. While Amanda prepared her soap and warm water Steve struggled to think of what to do. He wasn't allowed to use the restroom without her permission and Amanda would never allow him into the house soaking wet. He couldn't tell her his dilemma because speaking was prohibited. Steve whimpered a little as his mind failed to provide him a resolution. Amanda had heard the whimper and asked, "What's the matter dear?" Steve closed his legs and and gave his wife a look of pleading questioning. Thankfully Amanda understood his plight and she put the bucket down. "Ah, you need to use the bathroom, right? Well, I'm not allowing you into the house like this. When you're a bad boy you will not be allowed to use the washroom and will have to make outside. This might be the best time to train you for that", she said

as she released Steve from the leash. Amanda gestured to the far side of the yard, near the compost and said, "That corner over there is yours to make number one's and two's in when you've been bad. You can use it right now if you need. You'll have to clean it up once a week. " Steve wanted to protest but his bladder screamed and he simply crawled of to do his thing. He felt immeasurably silly in the corner of their yard, naked and on hands and knees waiting for the urine to flow while his wife casually did yard work twenty feet away but Steve forgot it all once the floodgates opened. Once finished, Steve shook his hips a couple times to shake off the last drops and then toddled back to his wife, who was now waiting for him. Amanda re-leashed Steve and sat on the ground beside him. She pulled the sponge from the bucket, bathing him in absolutely every nook and cranny with soothing warm water. Steve began to forget his compromising situation and thoroughly enjoy the treatment, particularly when Amanda took special care to clean and caress his manhood, which (much to Steve's delight) instantly recovered from its previous shock. Every now and then a stray splash of water would soak itself into Amanda's tight top and it soon became pleasantly apparent to Steve that his lovely wife was not wearing a bra. Soon the bathing was done and Amanda dumped the remainder of the bucket on her almost cooing husband and began to dry him off. Steve almost didn't notice when Cynthia, the next door neighbor, called over the fence at Amanda. Steve jerked at his leash as he tried to bolt for the house but Amanda had be absolutely sure that her efforts to restrain her husband in ALL situations were always going to be rewarded. Amanda called back to Cynthia and placed a hand on Steve's head. "Be a good boy and stay here while I go talk to my friend", she whispered to him as she got up and made her way to the fence. For several minutes Steve watched and listened to his wife ever-so-casually converse with her friend, who was thankfully still hidden behind the high fence. He couldn't believe that Amanda could so easily chat away to Cynthia knowing that just feet away her husband was naked and tied like the household dog. Soon enough, the conversation was over and Cynthia excused herself to do some baking. Amanda returned and finished drying her husband. Nothing was said between the two as Amanda collected her bathing supplies and led her husband back indoors.

Chapter 6 Back in the privacy of their home, Steve sighed relief. No more opportunity to have his naked rear end on display for the local females to snicker at. Amanda approached and said, "You look much better, honey. And, you're clean enough to be allowed in the house again. For the next few hours I have several chores to do around the house and then I have to do some shopping. You're going to help me out so I can relax tonight." Steve nodded his approval and for the some time he was allowed to stand and walk so he could help do dishes, fold laundry and aid his wife in her daily chores. After some time Steve was beginning to get tired. He had never realized how much work was involved in keeping the house as nice as Amanda had always striven to do. He found he had a new respect for the little girl he married. Soon, the house looked every bit the marvel it always did and Amanda thanked her hubby for his help. "You did a wonderful job of helping out around the house, sweetie", she said and patted his bare butt. "I think you deserve a reward", she added with a wry grin. Amanda commanded Steve to stay in the living room and await her return while she retreated to the Kitchen. Moments later, she returned, completely naked and carrying a bucket of ice water. "Now, my love, I want you on your hands and knees in front of the couch", she ordered Steve, who promptly dropped to his assigned position and awaited further orders. Amanda slid the ice bucket underneath Steve's pelvis, raising them with some books so that his cock and balls were completely submerged in the freezing water. "This is so you don't have an accident I have to punish you for", said Amanda as she sat herself on the couch in front of him. "Enjoy", said Amanda as she spread her legs apart and began to fondle herself in front of her husband, whose eyes were wide and nearly unblinking. His heart raced and he began to breath heavily as if he himself were bringing her to climax. Steve was subjected to the torturous pleasure for what seemed like both an eternity and a nanosecond all at the same time. Soon, Amanda was writhing in pleasure before him, eyes slammed shut and her slim, beautiful, legs struggling not to close on her hand as it wildly massaged her clit. Amanda's mouth opened and her body quivered as her womanhood shuddered out a massive orgasm in full view of her panting husband who ached in his groin at the sight of her womanly juices dribbling from her. Nearly oozing off the couch like so much silly putty, Amanda made her way to

Steve. Kneeling, she kissed him long and hard, more passionately than Steve could ever remember. She pushed her husband backward to a kneeling position and knelt in front of him, positioning her own, engorged, privates above the now heavily melted ice bucket. "Clean me", she whispered softly as she slid Steve's hand to her vagina. Steve paddled some water to her crotch and began to rub softly. Amanda cooed and drew his mouth to her breast. She ordered him to suck while he cleaned her and she held his head there for several minutes while he continued his duties. Soon, Amanda was done and she leaned back and stood before her husband, again displaying the stern look he had seen earlier. "I hope you enjoyed yourself", she said to him, adding "Now, I have to get some shopping done and I don't trust you not to play with yourself while I'm out." Amanda left the room, leaving Steve confused and alone, kneeling in the middle of the living room with an incredible hard-on. She returned very quickly, fully clothed, with a device Steve had always been leery of, a black CB chastity belt he had seen in several web advertisements. He had never enjoyed the idea of having his man bits crammed into one of these devices and his horror was obviously visible to his wife. "Oh, stop it. You know and I know that you need one of these", Amanda told him sternly before ordering "Now, lay back and I'll get you fitted." Steve hesitated and was rewarded with a swift, light, kick to the groin. He writhed and Amanda knelt down to force him into a laying position. Once there she jammed his package into the device and closed the apparatus around him, solidly fixing it into place with a small key lock. She stood back and ordered Steve to his feet. Steve complied and instantly noticed the extra weight dragging on his humbled manhood. "Now, go upstairs and get dressed in some everyday clothes", ordered Amanda, adding "And don't take too long. I'm told that the longer you wear that the more uncomfortable it will get."

Chapter 7 Steve drove his beloved wife to the supermarket, keenly aware of the cramped bulge between his legs. The chastity belt was, indeed, a little uncomfortable and it was all he could do not to fidget with it or try to rearrange it somehow. Amanda sat smiling in the passenger seat, fully cognizant of Steve's plight and they continued without a word till they reached the market. As Amanda began to shop and Steve pushed the cart along behind her he began to notice that the uncomfortable bulge was become an annoying tightness. As they strolled through the aisles the discomfort grew and soon Steve found that he was nearly willing to beg someone, anyone, to release him from his agony. Amanda chuckled now and then as she watched her "enthusiastic" husband (as she described it to onlookers) race through the store grabbing items as quickly as he could and in the most nonchalant way he could manage so as to draw less attention to himself. In record time, they had finished their grocery shopping and had loaded the car. It was then that Amanda decided to go shopping for a new dress. Steve tried to protest but received a quick yank-and-twist to his imprisoned anatomy and humbly drove his bride to their next destination. For an hour, Amanda unhurriedly tried on several dresses and skirts and derived untold pleasure from the agreeable, albeit sweat-beaded, face of her husband who tried desperately to convince her that each outfit was worthy of purchase, IMMEDIATELY. Amanda decided that he had suffered enough for the time being and they left with a newly purchased sun dress. After having a quick lunch, Amanda drove them home since it was obvious that Steve was far too distracted to drive them safely. They unloaded the car, in record time yet again, and came into the house with their groceries. Steve was ordered out of his clothes again and he complied instantly, hoping that he would soon be released from his 'bonds'. To his chagrin, this was not what Amanda had in mind. "Honey, you know I'm still upset with you for your Internet gallivanting", said Amanda roughly. "I found out about your online DOM and I've seen the pages you've been watching. I think you need to know how much it hurts me to know you couldn't come to ME with those desires", she added as she led Steve into the study. Steve hung his head in shame as he was led in and told to sit in his armchair. He submitted and was tied into the chair, still restricted by the chastity belt clinging to his privates. Amanda now encased Steve's neck in a new collar. This one was much, much thicker; more rigid. Once tightened into place Steve had no way of moving his head from side to side and could only look forward towards where

Amanda had placed the monitor. His mouth promptly taped shut, Steve could only sit motionless in his chair, looking onward onto whatever scene his wife was going to unleash upon him. "When you look at these girls online it really hurts me", said Amanda, twisting Steve's nipple to near-breaking point. Booting up the browser, Amanda opened the history Steve thought he had hidden so well and cued up many of the pictures and videos he had pleasured himself with in recent months. In horror, Steve watched as she set these up in a continuous, repeating, slide show. He knew what she was doing. Without his direction he could already feel his member reacting to the images before him, not aware of limited space it had or of the blinding pain it was adding to Steve's already aching loins. Pulling a single hair from his nipple, Amanda leaned in close and whispered, "Now you're going to feel that pain too." Amanda slowly rose, took a last look at her captive and turned and left the room, shutting the door softly behind her. For the next hour Steve writhed and moaned and cried as the pictures and sounds before him brought agony to his manhood where once it had brought only bliss. When Amanda returned she was greeted with the scene of her husband in tears, tied to his chair, forcing his eyes shut so as not to see the cause of his torment. His tear-glassy eyes opened when he heard the sounds of smut disappear. Amanda sat on his lap and stroked his hair gently. Looking into his eyes, she said quietly, "I see you aren't watching my little picture show, sweetheart. Does this mean you don't want to ever see these things online again?" Steve nodded agreement as best he could in the restrictive collar and Amanda got up from his lap. "Good", she said happily and began to untie her submissive man. Steve nearly broke into more tears when Amanda ordered him to lie down so she could remove the chastity device from his swollen member. Once it was off, Steve could feel life pumping through it again and all was better. He sat up and gave his kneeling wife a loving hug to convey his thankfulness and undying love. Amanda smiled, stroked his hair once again and told her good little boy to go downstairs for dinner. Steve happily complied.

Chapter 8 After dinner Amanda cleaned Steve up with a face cloth and they went to the living room to watch TV. Steve was allowed to remain on all-fours in front of Amanda so she could knead his cock and balls with her foot while they watched, occasionally sliding a big toe into his rectum during the commercials for feminine products. Before he knew it, it was already ten o'clock and Amanda turned the TV off. "Alright sweetheart, I think you've had a big day and it's time for you to get ready for bed", she told him as she gently stroked the nape of his neck. Holding his chin, she led him beside her upstairs into their bedroom and told him to lay himself out on the bed, face down. Steve followed her order and listened as Amanda entered the bathroom. She emerged again, naked, with some icy-hot ointment in hand. Steve was tied facedown, spread-eagle, on the bed in an all-too-familiar helpless state. This time, however, the bonds were not loose and Steve could barely flex his muscles as he pulled against the bonds. Amanda straddled her helpless, naked slave and nibbled his ear before saying, "Since it's Saturday today and since you've responded to your new rules far better than I expected, I've decided that you're allowed to have me tonight." Steve's heart and 'extremities' pounded at the thought. "But first...", added Amanda strictly, "I happen to know now that you like to get off watching guys get spanked and whipped by dominant girls. So, from now on, each night before bed you're going to get the spanking of a lifetime." Suddenly, Steve wished he could recant it all and go back in time to prevent all the horror he'd suffered today and in future. He looked pleadingly at his wife just in time to see her reach into the hamper and withdraw the familiar panties he had been presented with early this morning. Amanda strutted towards him, garment in hand. "Let's see if you've learned a little submissiveness today, shall we?", she said as she slowly shoved the panties in his mouth. This time Steve opened wide to accommodate the frilly underthings and tried to forget the fact that they had recently been housing his wife's moist girl-bits. His saliva re-moistening the panties, Steve caught himself almost enjoying the subtle fragrance of Amanda's sweet vagina wafting into his nose as she began applying the icy-hot cream to his buttocks. Lathered, bound and gagged, Steve felt Amanda get up from the bed and step

back and he awaited his nightly punishment. The first stroke of a short leather whip slammed into his ass and Steve winced. The lashings continued and mixed with the lathered ointment, sending fiery sensations all through his hind end. Steve writhed and heard Amanda giggling like a schoolgirl. He wanted to shout out but deep inside him something made him bear it and he even noticed a growing bulge in the bed between his legs. Soon enough, the whipping ended and Steve was left panting on the bed, his ass redder and more sensitive than it had ever been. Amanda put the whip away, tousled her hair to one side and leaned her breasts into Steve's face, whispering as she did, "Your turn."

Chapter 9 Amanda released her captive from his restraints and the subordinate man instantly tried to take her in his arms. Steve was pushed back almost immediately and Amanda said to him, "No, sweetie. Not like that tonight. Now lay on your back." Confused, Steve did as he was told and gave her a look of hurt as she re-tied him to the bed, prostrate once again, just as he had found himself this morning. However, while she made sure his arms were tightly bound to the bed, Steve's legs were purposely left a little more loose, allowing for more pelvic movement. Amanda stood at the edge of the bed, admiring her handiwork. She reached over and grabbed their lube, gently squirting a generous amount into her hand. She got on the bed and straddled Steve's upper body, giving him the most incredible view of her perfect back and tight ass. He wanted so badly to touch her, take her body in his hands and ravish it, but all he could do was pull against his bindings. Steve could only lay and gaze at the back of his lovely tormentor, unable to see what orgasmic havoc she would wreak on him next. Steve's eyes closed as Amanda's soft hand began gently stroking his penis. Her fingertips sliding ever so slowly from between his legs to the very tip of the shaft. Once in a while her fingernail would just barely graze the head of his penis and Steve would shiver in pleasure. Amanda would alternate between slow, soft motions and hard jerking that nearly brought Steve to climax dozens of times, kneading his testicles like dough as she did. Soon, Steve could barely contain himself and he began to moan softly, something he had never done during their intimate sessions. Amanda took the queue and turned herself to face Steve. She leaned above him and allowed him to just barely suck the very tip of her nipple as he strained his neck upward to do so. Then, suddenly and forcibly she shoved Steve back into the bed, holding her hands on his chest. "Enough, playing. Do me now!", she ordered and she hovered her dripping womanhood over his throbbing shaft. Steve thrust his pelvis upward and was rewarded with a sigh when his penis unerringly entered her. He began to move up and down slowly, burying himself as deep within her as he could manage and smiling as he saw her lick her lips with ecstasy. He began to move a little faster, hearing his thighs smacking her lightly as he did. Amanda lowered her head, her long dark hair flowing above him, her eyes closed tightly as she bit her lip. Steve felt himself inside her, harder than he could ever remember being. He

pounded at her, feeling her sweet juices dribble from his shaft down, between his legs and into the crack of his ass. He didn't care. His heart was smashing within him, his limbs strained against his bindings. Steve began to pound as hard as he could, unable to stop himself from sighing heavily, his eyes fixed on the image of his wife above him, her small lips parted in a silent, continuous moan. He felt her shudder and her eyes snapped open, gazing at him in disbelief at the feelings coursing through her. Amanda grasped Steve's arms tightly, closed her legs slightly onto his cock and slammed her vagina down on him hard just as he was on an upward thrust. Instantly, Amanda snapped her head back and howled a deep, long sigh as her body shuddered out the largest orgasm Steve had ever witnessed. Almost at the same moment Steve slammed his eyes shut as his legs tightened and he forgot how to breathe; his orgasm too bursting inside her, his essence shooting itself from him like a machine gun. Gush after gush, ending in one, final, quiver. Spent and drained, Steve opened his eyes slowly as he became aware of himself once more. Amanda was looking down on him with her college-girl eyes, smiling, her hair strewn about her beautifully. She leaned down and kissed her loving, submissive, husband and ran her fingertips along his chest. "Now, my love...", whispered Amanda, "Do you want to be mine like this forever?" Steve said nothing but kissed his new master hard and passionately. The rest of the night and forever after, Steve slept well beside his cotton pajama-wearing, teddy-bear-loving, college-girl wife; with a bright red backside and a smile on his face. END

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