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Providing Town of Clarence residents an update on the performance of Americas Political System P.O. Box 66, Clarence Center, NY 14032-0066 The premises of CLARENCE POLITICAL OVERSIGHT (CPO) are listed below: (1) America is only as good as its Governments. (2) Our Governments are only as good as our Political System. (3) Our Political System is only as good as the oversight of the American voters. (4) Our First Amendment allows any American to provide this oversight. CPO was formed to alert Town of Clarence residents that their oversight is needed to save America from economic and social chaos.

Premises for Issue #1

Our lack of oversight has allowed Politicians to degrade our Federal Government into becoming the USTB (United States Treasury Bond) Deficit Spending Fund. Special interest groups invest in this Fund by providing billions of dollars in Political campaign contributions. Politicians direct our Federal Government to use deficit spending for Tax Credits, Health Care, and funding of Federal pensions. Other deficit spending includes grants to State Governments directed by Politicians who are delivering on the promises they made to voters (Tax Credits, Health Care, and funding of State Pensions). Definitions A Tax Credit is the sum deducted from the Tax owed by the Taxpayer. A Tax Increase is the sum needed to offset the Tax credit. A Tax Increase is the sum needed to meet the promises made by Politicians. A Deficit is the sum needed to avoid a Tax Increase. Issue # 1 of CPO describes the action that is needed to prevent the USTB Deficit Spending Fund from causing economic and social chaos. Note: CPO Economic and Political Analyses are available on request. Analyses with third-party review are available as Editorials published by The Clarence Bee and The Buffalo News.

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