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The most defining event I had was the first time I won an English contest representing my school.

I had always been good at school, but never participated in a competition representing my school. I was thirteen. When our English teacher told my partner and me that we were selected to represent our school in the regional English contest organized by the English Open Doors program, I didnt show any enthusiasm. Actually I accepted reluctantly. After that, our teacher told us that the contest was on preset dialogues. We were supposed to choose two out of three dialogues. During the next two weeks, we stayed after school practicing them. I told my parents about this after a week Id been aware of that. But the verve they showed changed my mind. They thought it was the most important contest Id participate, so they were very excited. Due to we practice a lot, and it took a long time to do it the way our teacher wanted us to do, I felt we could win the competition doing our best. The night before the contest, I was very nervous. Actually I couldnt sleep well and went to the bathroom four times. It was a really uncomfortable situation, especially because I knew I should rest for this kind of event. That day we got to San Fernando, where the contest took place, by bus. In fact we practiced a little bit while in the bus. After the breakfast the organization offered us, the contest started. The first stage was quite easy because all the other students were less prepared than us. So we classified first of that group. After lunch the last stage started. It took place in the school auditorium, and our performance would be presented in front of all participants. We waited until one of the judges asked us to go to the stage. Once finished, there were three tags left. Our teacher told us our performance was flawless. I thought she said that to get less nervous. At the end, the judges took about fifteen minutes to choose the winners. One of the judges told the audience the results. I was thinking of the fact that we hadnt been as backed up as we expected, when he told and the first place isColegio Mistral, the emotion we felt cant be compared to anything. I think it was surprising for the other competitors. Our prize was a radio and an on-line English course. After that we stayed after the dinner we were offered and came back to Las Cabras by bus. I was tired but very happy; proud of me and what wed done that wonderful day. When I got home, my family had prepared a delicious dinner. They hugged me and I almost cried because whatever the result would be they would be proud of me. The next day was incredible. When I got to school all the teachers there gave both me and my partner their congratulations. Our schools principal told us that he was very proud of us. Then, in the classroom, our classmates did pretty much the same thing. Later, our English teacher told us that we were classified to the national competition. It opened the door to me to be selected in next school competitions. Actually when in secondary, I competed in many school contests and won some of them. I participated in regional English debates contest once and our school won. I also was selected to go to regional geography contest when I was 14. Besides I won communal spelling contest twice consecutively and obtained 3rd place in regional stage of the same contests. I consider this as a defining event because many reasons. First of all, because due to that I realized I wanted to study something related to English, so it clarified in a way the doubts I had at that time. Second, because I realized everything I set as a goal can be achieved by doing my best. It was also important because we showed that people from countryside can be smart as well. And mainly because I showed I can overcome to difficult situations. But the most important reason is because since that day I became a better man, a better person than I used to be. I could meet new people; some of them became my friends. Since that day I became more confident and I lost that fear to talk in front of people. Although being shy sometimes, Ive always kept that ability I acquired.

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