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Why I Celebrate Christmas

I wasn’t going to do a blog on this, but I felt like it needs to be said. Jesse and Pastor
Howie have both done similar blogs and I hope this doesn’t sound too similar to theirs.
But I feel that some of the negativity is so loud that those of us who aren’t against
Christmas should speak up. I know all of the arguments, it was a pagan holiday, Dec.
25th is not Jesus’ real birthday, we don’t worship trees, etc, etc.

Well, I have a couple of things. I’ve mentioned this before, but those who hate
Christmas seem to always brush it aside or say it doesn’t apply. That is that our very
days of the week and months of the year are all named after pagan gods. Except for
July and August, those are named after Julius and Augustus Caesar, both of whom
claimed to be gods anyway. So, by the same measure that we do not or should not
recognize Christmas, then we need to change the names of the months and days of the
year. You see, by this argument, each time you say “Monday, Tuesday…etc’’ you are in
fact paying homage to a pagan god.

I know that may sound silly, but that is how the Christmas argument sounds. The idea
that by celebrating Jesus’ birthday on Christmas, I’m somehow not really worshipping
Jesus, or I’m somehow, accidentally worshipping some pagan god who happens to call
himself Jesus or whatever is kind of silly. If someone truly feels convicted to not
celebrate Christmas, then that is completely fine. I’m never against anyone following
the leading of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Yet I also know God convicts each of us of
different things at different times in our walk. The problem becomes when one is
convicted in a certain area, and wants to run around and impose that on everyone else.

I know during the election I was convicted not to vote. While I know many others were, I
did not tell others they were sinning if they voted. I tried to voice some reason to some
folks who I felt were getting carried away with all the horrible things that may happen as
a result of the election. But I wasn’t telling people they were pagans or sinners or
whatever. Once again, different people were led to do different things for different

I know all the scriptures folks like to use to condemn holidays such as Christmas and
Easter. Well, I have a few scriptures as well:

Ps 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Each day is a day the Lord has made, including Christmas. When we say that is a day
of Satan, we are giving Satan that which is the Lords. Now, to me that seems more like
witchcraft than anything; giving something to Satan that should be God’s, or giving
Satan power over something that is God’s. Each day should be Christmas. Each day
should be a day of rejoicing and thanksgiving. We should honor Jesus and his birth,
death and resurrection each and every day. Christmas included. So no, I will not give a
day over to Satan because some pagans chose to worship on that day many years ago.

I’m not going to post the Colossians verse because that one has been bounced around
plenty already. I think the above Psalms passage says plenty. But here is another

Mt 22:37
Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind.’

If we are doing this, even on Christmas, then I doubt that God will refuse to listen to our
love and worship because it’s on the wrong day. Though I know some will argue “You
don’t really love the Lord if you celebrate Christmas!” Well, I guess if you truly think that
no one will change it. I know my family and I love the Lord and Christmas is a special
time for us to get together with family to love each other and join together in worship.
I’m still not sure how that is a bad thing.

Ultimately, this whole argument reminds me of this:

2Ti 2:23
Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know
they produce quarrels.
2Ti 2:24
And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone,
able to teach, not resentful.
2Ti 2:25
Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant
them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,
2Ti 2:26
and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who
has taken them captive to do his will.

I could do a whole separate blog on this passage. And yes, I feel that this whole
argument of calling each other pagans and sinners over Christmas is foolish and stupid.
Nothing fruitful comes of these arguments except for dissention and division. Even
when some of us try to be courteous with others, we are responded to with harshness
and accusations.

As we see in this passage, even if we are in the wrong. Even if celebrating Christmas is
evil and satanic, the Word tells us to respond in kindness and gently instruct hoping that
GOD will bring them to truth. Even if we are 100% right and others are 100% wrong, it
is not we who can bring one to repentance. Only God and God alone can do that.
When we become God’s hammer trying to pound people in line, we are in a dangerous
place. It is dangerous because we are trying to assume God’s role, and I don’t think he
takes too kindly to that.

Anyway, I’m sure many will be critical of what I have to say there and that is fine. I will
not engage in any arguments or debates with anyone over this. Sure, you can say that
is a cop out. I say that I’m turning the other cheek and I will allow you to have your way
or to think you have “won.” Whichever side of this issue you fall on, may God bless you
and Merry Christmas!

Tim Miller 2008

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