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The WeBuildEmpires Project

Injection | Injection Volume One | Issue Twelve

How to buy and sell companies with no money, no credit checks and without leaving your house.

Short Title: How two brothers turned $400 into over $14,000... Official Title:

Turning $400 into $14,000, flying monks secret to getting 900 years ahead of competition, lap dances for charity...

And More!
Holey Moley Builders This week I learned how fun it can be change a flat tire, I was on the highway in a beat up van from Rhonda (an APs sister in-law) and POP it went out and we went swerving and then gently glided against the railing. I was oddly surprised to hear the music still blaring right afterwards. {Twilight Zone-ish Stuff} One day several years ago I almost got ran into a median at 70mph - I most likely would have died - by a drunk driver, but I Thankfully made and it the SAME song was playing... it has become one of my favorites; If I could turn back time... by Cher. Anyway - everybodys okay and I hope you are well. ===> How two brothers turned $400 into $14,000 and the exact secret they used ===> The monk who could FLY... this is why almost nobody every grows their company by 10x ===> Two words means an extra Brilliance from within WBE) Heres what in this Injection:

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If a friend sent you here, if its your first time or if for any reason you have had the misfortune of NOT getting my emails (and other stuff) then drop everything and go to:

You can put your first name and email address and Ill make sure you never miss an Injection, Deal$, openings in WBE, etc.
Im always a buyer - and so are my friends - if you want to buy assets (usually real estate and companies) right alongside us then this is your chance.

$10,000 in a week?

(and other Builder


And whole lot more... like $16 muffins, lap dances for charity and how smiling can double your business. As always you can create a FREE account here: You can also check here to see when applications for Builders are being accepted here: Love to hear how youre using the Injections/Episodes to change the world Thanks for everything!

Deals will be here...

Badass Trivia: What luxury has been served in the U.S. Senate since 1904? (first 19 correct answers get... three gold stars!)

- Azam

The (Unnecessary) Cost of One Mans Obsession.

Obsession is a gift, this guy changed the world with this...
Charles had a life riddled with failure and what many would call bad luck. He failed at several business ventures and was deathly ill and imprisoned for his debt before his real trouble began. Always looking for a new business angle he was introduced to a type of elastic, it had many uses but the material was too unreliable to be taken seriously. Thats where Charles obsession began. He began experimenting with the elastic constantly. He borrowed money from friends and acquaintances and anybody else who would listen. Always in debt with failed experiments, he was in and out of prison and detested by creditors. When he ran out of money he sold his wifes jewelry, their furniture and other belongings and moved them into a boarding house. When his son died of malnutrition he didnt have money for a coffin. But the elastic experiments went on and became dangerous They almost killed him. Whenever something went right or a business of his would start to succeed, something always seemed to happen and Charles and his family were penniless again. Finally, after years, Charles did figure out the secret to making the gum elastic more useful - by vulcanizing it, this idea would change the world but given his history none of his contacts believed in him. One day Charles got news that his daughter was sick, he went to visit her but as he arrived at the train station he found she had already died. He immediately collapsed and was rushed to a hospital where he also died. Penniless and over $200,000 in debt. Not a happy ending. When I think of his story Im always taken back at the cost his obsession had on his family and how different his life wouldve been if he learned the skill of being a Transaction Scientist (of making money) - I think everybody has some obsessive brilliance in them that can change the world, but too many people think it involves the kind of risk Charles took, it doesnt have to. Most people arent doing anything they really care about it - it doesnt cost much money to buy back your time; when you no longer do stuff for money and you can focus on your passion; you can afford to be obsessed and not the starving artist. Before Charles died his idea was bought, but he didnt make any money and about 40 years after his death an unrelated but inspired Ohio man named his company after Charles. The vulcanized gum elastic that changed the world is known as rubber. Charles full name: Charles Goodyear.
Learn to buy back your time and afford to be obsessed with your passion: Apply to become a Builder HERE

Start from zero and hit $10,000 - $30,000 a month by...

Giving away HALF your company and making FIVE times as much money!

Also we cover the CXM: Start from zero and hit $10,000 - $30,000 a month by...
How to have hundreds of professors, consumers, salespeople, consumers, etc. working around the clock to tell you what words, ads and dialog will make you the most money... Then getting those same people to put deals together for you and bring you checks every week. Only available to Builders. Apply here:

Have a question, story or something youd like to see me put here?

Let me know - I always love hearing from you - check the last page for contact details...

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How to Turn $400 Into $14,000?

This comes to us from Rich and Tim Lade and they used an article from a previous Injection as his inspiration to focus marketing budget on only the biggest and baddest clients. Instead of spending $1,100 we took $150 and focused it on the best clients and then we followed up with the best responses... a total of $400 was invested to get the $14,000 sales... With a better than 50% margin on their computers they are now trading $400 for over $7,000 in net profit - brilliant and easily replicable by anybody... this is also a great way to TF other companies.

Doing Badass Stuff? But thats just the tip of the iceberg - apply to become a
Tell me about it.. Send an email, use the comments section, give us a call - SHARE IT!
(I make sure that all the stories above are from people who went through our FREE stuff so anybody can do it... but the excerpts below are from within WBE)

Keith did that after going through Injection/Episode HERE.

Builder because youll get to see just how deep the madness goes:

What Builders Are Talking About Right Now at WBE...


A few of examples of Builder Brilliance in the last 24 hours How can staring at somebody grow your client list in less than 12 hours... Trenz Pruca A big secret to getting ritzy stores to send you their richest clients and paying you for it 4321 First Street Anytown, How can two simple words State ZIP make an extra $10,000 in one week?
Using a radio song and a (BLANK) to save a deal and make a quick $12,000

Using a simple (BLANK) to make more money in one week than all of last year

Lessons of brilliance are around us all the time.

Aside from the bizarre social experiments we sponsor/conduct I have a fascination with UFOs, mind control, the supernatural, time travel, and other unexplained crazy sh**... Ill make sure we start putting some of that here with the history stuff... and more stories of gratitude too.

The British Monk Who Could Fly

A British monk named Eilmer was obsessed with an idea. Something considered impossible. He was discouraged, insulted and threatened for his work, but still he continued. He wanted to do the unthinkable: To Fly. His notes and experiments were about to become famous because one day - going against the advice around him - he climbed the monastery and... He jumped. But instead of crashing to the ground his witnesses saw something beyond their comprehension Eilmer flew He went about 600 feet and although his abrupt landing wasnt perfect, he proved that it could be done. And he was smart enough to know what his mistake was, he put it in his notes; He needed a tail. That would never happen though because his abbey made him chose between flying or being a monk. He stopped flying.

The secret to giving your company a 900 year head start

Sometime later two brothers built upon this work and are credited today as the pioneers of human flight; the Wright Brothers. BUT the Wrights gliders were made of material that had been around for centuries so it could have been made much earlier. They built the tail The amazing thing is that Eilmer flew 900 years before the Wright Brothers. It took 90 centuries before anybody would look at Eilmers work and take the next logical step - a step he made clear in his work. An obvious connection that took 900 years to make. Every company Ive ever seen as a tail; an obvious connection that would put them centuries ahead (not just of their competitors) but they usually miss it, dont look for it or - worse... They dont believe it exists. Find the tail, its always there. Always? Yes ALWAYS!

- MFM Your Way Use these pieced and start from zero and hit $10,000 - $30,000 a month by...
Having churches and schools find the best ads, copy them and sell them and you wont hear a word from them until they depositing at LEAST $500 a day into your bank account... Only available to Builders. Apply here:

Want go get better at finding tails for your business and getting 900 year jump starts? This is your chance to change everything - Qualify and apply to

become a Builder here:


These are sent in by you.

Using these kinds of stories in your marketing can boost your compliance gaining by over ten times. So be creative and find the connection because its always there and it will make you smarter.

Taxpaying American? Ever Pay $16 for ONE Mufn?

A new report shows a habit of extravagant spending by the US Justice Department meetings - including $16 for mufns and $5 for a single meatball. One meeting can have a budget of over $400,000. Lesson: I get BS emails all the time about how patriotic taxes are (as if the sender/s are qualied to make that distinction) and I agree that a $16 mufn may not save the world BUT... how do you anything is how you do everything. Paying taxes is one thing, trusting Big Brother to spend it correctly is... fu**ing stupid. The story is here.

The GXM:
Heres one more one way Builders are saving the world...
The GXM (Goodwill Experiments Model) or the Goodwill Games is a pretty cool concept that was first developed by The Kids at our schools. The idea is simple; help somebody and measure the ripple effect over 30 days. A Builder volunteers somewhere once a week - then they build their skill by helping somebody and/or a company. That business (or person) is animated with the WBE Goodwill Spirit and they forward the favors. Then we document the stories from Builders and release a Monthly GXM Novel with these stories. Mission: A million dollars (or smiles) a month... Ill try and get a link here for you soon.

Lap Dances for Charity

A club in Chicago will give lap dances in exchange for donations of toys for children. Enough said. Lesson: I havent conrmed this but Im pretty sure this was an idea started by our good friend Sunshine (on our Team) because he had worked tirelessly in that... industry. This is also one of the biggest secrets to raising private money - Im serious. According to one report they raised ve carloads of toys worth of donations. The story is here.

Man Leaves Millions To... WTF? Davidson Jr. of Florida willed his $1M historic James H.
home to the U.S. government to help with the national debt. Lesson: There are thousands of people just like this who have millions and want to give it away and our CXM studies have shown they are twenty times more likely to invest in a business that supports their cause than the cause directly... lesson: get better at business building and money will ock to you. The story is here. Special thanks to Anita, Van and Wayne for the stories.

Only available to Builders. Apply here:

Pass this on. Save the World.

(seriously) I am so Thankful for all your great support. Im grateful. Remember with our GXM (the Goodwill Experiments) and other projects we are saving the world, one smile at a time. So helping spread the message is your way to help us save the world. Feel to get in touch with me with the info below, sometimes we get swamped but I promise either I or somebody on our Team will personally get back to you. WBE Answer from Last Time: A desert is defined by the amount of annual precipitation. The largest desert in the world is... Antarctica.

The WBE Project 310-765-1602 ext. 2 (Thats Millies line and shes on top of things, youll love her) Every single email, call, etc. is returned personally - we love our people. Thanks again! Azam Oh yeah - if you dont already get emails directly from me then make sure you go to and put your name and email on that thing on the side of these Injections - then youll never miss out again...

Pass this on to your friends but only the smart ones. (Theyll thank you)
The WeBuildEmpires Project

So remember:

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