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Comment [L1]: Make sure the paper has all inch margins, your name, English class number,

and the date.

The video game takes place during 1100 to 1300 A.D. the time of the Crusades. While playing, the gamer will fight their way through history by completing missions, pillaging, and conquering the holy land. The gamer should progress through the game learning about what caused the Crusade, what helped the Crusade last as long as it did but they will not learn how it ended, this part of the game has been open to change. Instead the players will be fighting over the city of Jerusalem to see who in the end would own the city. This was a crazy but amazing era of time. Some new arts of combat along with new types of skills were learned during this time period. Many people think that the Crusades were a time where the Catholic Church sent out soldiers to convert people to the Christian faith and if they didnt they were slaughtered. None of these are in fact true instead the war was a holy war and the Christians did not win. The period of the crusade lasted so long that it had many leaders. The people involved with this time period were England, France, Germany, The Dutch, and Italy. On the Muslim side of the things there werent really a certain group of people that fought just for the Muslim side. In the beginning the Turks were the ones who initiated the Crusade by attacking Jerusalem. This put the Catholic Church in an uproar and caused a chain reaction of recruiting and readying the forces of the main European countries for war. During the first crusade the Christians were successful of recapturing the city of Jerusalem but during the later battles soon to come they would lose Jerusalem forever. This was because during the first crusade the Muslims werent under any main commander nor were they all fighting for the same cause. Soon after the first crusade a man named Saladin would change this. He would focus all of the Muslim countries to rally under him and take back what they thought they deserved the city of Jerusalem.

Also you need your last name and page numbers. Comment [L2]: Indent paragraph Comment [L3]: I think that you should start off your paper a little differently (please dont be mad). When you are trying to get someone to like one f your ideas, or your paper, you should begin with an EYE CATCHER ! i.e. The Crusades is a fun filled game where you must complete missions, conquer holy land .. . . . . Comment [L4]: maybe change up THE GAMER to THE PLAYER or something Comment [L5]: Another idea, I think that the main purpose of this game and how you figured it out should be included in your intro. Comment [L6]: Indent paragraph

Comment [L7]: I like how in this paragraph you showed that you knew the actual historical aspect of the Crusades. ! perfect ! My only advice is to read over it a couple of more times, and see if there is any wording that you want to change.

The gamer will start off as a level 1 in their races beginner town. They will have daily quest of peasant life that will level them up to level 5. Once they reach this level they are recruited by someone of their faith to recruit them for the holy war. Once recruited they will be given a trainer and begin to practice their role which will depend on which side they choose. If the player chooses the Christian faith then they can be a Knight, a Wizard, an Archer, a Priest, or an Inquisitor. If they choose the faith of the Muslim their choices are a Warrior, an Assassin, a Sorcerer, a Prophet, or a Hunter. From level 5 to level 15 players will be given missions to complete that will help you build your skills. Once level 15 they will be shipped to Headquarters and meet your king and leader of battle. From there they will be sent towards the holy land outpost of the chosen faith. On the way the players can meet friends to help them with their missions/quest and possibly kill or be killed by foes that can have gained access to their faiths outpost. By the time you reach your outpost you will be around level 45. The gamer is now ready to change the history of the Crusades. Along the way the player have learned what the crusades were about and how your side was affected or affected the time period. Now its up to the gamer to change the outcome of the Crusades. Once gamers have chosen their side they will be able to choose a race from the areas that practiced these religions. On the Muslims side people can choose from Egyptian, Turkish, Tribe-man, or Saracen. If the individual chooses to be a Christian the races include English, German, French, or Dutch. These were the main races that were involved or surrounded the area during the Crusades.

Comment [L8]: Indent paragraph (if this is one)

Comment [L9]: Great explanation of the game !

Comment [L10]: The main advice I have for you is to have a better structure and flow to your paper as you go from paragraph to paragraph. Kind of let your intended audience exactly what you are talking about.

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