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Friends unite as one By Hannah Cochran

Cast of Characters Samantha: Avery: Kind, has grown up in Ohio all her life. Used to live in New York, moved to Ohio recently. Gets jelous easily Prone to whimsey. Recently has been prone to being rich. Snobby and is selfish Died when Rob was young. Likes to sell things.


Robs Father: Advertiser:

FRIENDS UNITE AS ONE SCENE: 1EXT. AT AVERYS HOUSE 12:00 PM SOUND: WALA WALA (TALKING IN BACKROUND) SAMANTHA: What a wonderful sunny day *sigh* AVERY: It is a very nice day! What would you like to do? SAMANTHA: I know! How bout we make a day of it? AVERY: What do you mean? SAMANTHA: Lets go up river and visit Rob! AVERY: Is Rob that guy you ALWAYS talk about? SAMANTHA: (*SHYLY*) yes. I would really like you to meet him. AVERY: It sounds great! Lets go! VOICE: A BIT LOW, DREAM-LIKE finally i get to meet that stuck up snob she ALWAYS talks about. I dont know why she likes him, he sounds like a snob. A rich snob, whats so great in that? When I meet him, I will make him say something really mean to me and hopefully Samantha will drop him on his butt and only be friends with me. Mwahahahahaha SOUND: ROWING ON THE RIVER SAMANTHA: We are here! AVERY: (SARCASTICALLY) Yay. (REALIZES THAT HER FRIEND HEARD HER)


CONTINUED: AVERY: I mean yay!!


SAMANTHA: We just have to tie the boat to the dock and then ring the doorbell. (UN -CERTAIN) I hope he is home. AVERY: You mean we might have come all this way for nothing? SAMANTHA: Well, yes. But unless the president is calling Rob will NEVER answer his phone or emails, so I can never ask when to come... AVERY: Well then lets hope he is home. SCENE 2 INT. AT ROBS HOUSE 12:30 VOICE: KNOCKING AT THE DOOR ROB: (ANGRILY) who is it? SAMANTHA: Rob? This is Samantha. I have a new neighbor named Avery that I would like you to meet. She is very nice and I thought you two could be good friends! ROB: VOICE: A BIT SLOW, DREAM-LIKE She has a new friend? I thought I was her only friend. How dare she turn her back on me and then show-off her new friend to me. As if her friend Avery is better than me! pff. no. Not possible. I will show her that she cant make me jelous. never. Rob Odgen does not get jelous, especially over someone who isnt richer than me. HAHAHAHA. Like anyone could be richer than me. HA. I make myself laugh! SOUND: DOOR OPENING ROB: (WITH A BIG SMILE) Hello Samantha! How dare you surprise me like this! (Jokingly)How are you darling. I am M-A-G-N-F-I-C-A-N-T! I was just going to send a boat down the river for you Samantha. (looks Avery up and down) and who is this? (disgusted) (CONTINUED)



AVERY: I am Avery. I just moved here from New York. ROB: Ahh. The big Apple. A disgusting place I have heard? AVERY: (SWEETLY) I guess it is for some people, but it is my home. The place I have grown up. And I only got mobbed three times (happy voice)Its the best place to live. ROB: Only three times? Thats lucky (sarcastically) Thats great for a place as dirty and full of spoiled people like New York. AVERY: Have you ever been there? (demanding) ROB: Darling! I wouldnt dream of going THERE! Unless I was in a nightmare! HAHAHAHA. VOICE: A BIT SLOW, DREAM-LIKE I MAKE MYSELF LAUGH. AVERY: I think that is rather rude to be saying bad things about New York when have never even been there! Hasnt your mother ever told you not to judge a book by its cover! SAMANTHA: AVERY! ROB: New York is not a book. It is a pile of boogers. (matter of factly) SAMANTHA: ROB! AVERY: If you dont mind I think youll find New York is not a pile of boogers and that Ohio is! SAMANTHA: HEY!




ROB: Sweetie, how could possibly grow up so naive? New York is not the place to be, let me count the ways. It is horrible, disgusting, dangerous, stupid, gross, --(interruption) SAMANTHA: ROB! AVERY: How could you possibly be friends with him Samantha? Dont you see how mean he is? SAMANTHA: He may be a little spoiled but-- (interruption) ROB: Samantha! How could you possibly like this trashy girl? AVERY: Hey! For your information this is the modern look. It isnt the 60s anymore, you dress like your in the same time as your Dad! SAMANTHA: AVERY NO! ROB: (FACE DROPS) I cannot believe you just said that. Im done with you. I am very sorry to put you in this place Samantha, but I will not be friends with her. You will have to choose. Sorry. (Adressing to Avery) You will leave my property now. SOUND: DOOR CLOSING AVERY: Well. He is very rude. And I am glad he backed-off or else I would of said something I regret. Like talking about his hair do. HA! Do you see that thing? It looked like he had a squirrel on his head! HAHAHAHAH--(INTERRUPTION) SAMANTHA: (MAD/DISSAPOINTED) AVERY! You dont get it do you? His father died when he was a child. He never had a father! I thought you were nice. How could you possibly hurt someone so much that you had never met before!




AVERY: Me! I am the one being mean? Did you not just witness that?! He was saying rude things about New York! SAMANTHA: Thats what he does! He says bad things about everything! I have told you so many stories about him. I thought you knew that! AVERY: Well. If you see me as a rude person then so be it! Like Rob said, I wont be friends with him. So you will have to choose. It is never fun being in this position but YOU made us fight. SAMANTHA: How is this my fault?! AVERY: You brought me here. I knew it wasnt going to be a good idea. I knew it. But you brought me here. Therefore, this is completely your fault. SAMANTHA: This isnt my fau-- (interruption) AVERY: When you realize just how mean he is, I will at home waiting for you to realize that I am a true friend and he isnt. Good day. SCENE 3 INT. IN SAMANTHAS HOME. 3:00 VOICE: A BIT SLOW, DREAM-LIKE SAMANTHA: I know Rob is selfish. But I have known him for so long. Avery is so sweet, I have never seen her mad. They can both be really nice friends. Rob is a snob, Ill admit that. But we have so many good memories. And I dont really know Avery too well, but she seems really nice, I guess she just had a blow up. I have no clue who to choose. I cant believe they are making me choose! How could they do this to me? (Time passes and then Light bulb!)I know what to do! It is the perfect Idea! I must hurry though, before the day is over! SOUND: CLOCK TICKING

6. SCENE 4 INT. IN THE PARK 4:30 (ROB AND SAMANTHA DONT KNOW THEY ARE BOTH COMING) ROB: Samantha, darling! I am so happy you chose me! I knew you were going to as well. We have so much history! SAMANTHA: Oh Rob! You mean so much to me! Thank you for coming. Im sorry it took me so long to tell you my decision. ((ROB SEES AVERY WALKING TOWARDS THEM)) ROB: What is SHE doing here? SAMANTHA: Oh. um. I just thought that I should tell her face to face and that you would appreciate it more if you watched. AVERY: Hi Samantha. What is HE doing here? SAMANTHA: Oh. um. I just thought that I should tell him face to face and that you would appreciate it more if you watched. AVERY: Right. Then hurry up. SAMANTHA: I would just like to say a few words before I tell you two my decision. AVERY AND ROB: Go ahead. SAMANTHA: Ill start with Rob. Rob, ive known you for what seems like forever. We met last year at the bank when I complemented you on your sway jacket. Then we just started talking and soon enough we were really good friends. I feel like in a way we always understand each other and I love being your friend. Avery, your new to the neighbor hood, but I feel like you fit in very well and I am glad you moved here. I know you pretty well and you seem like a great friend. But you two have decided to make me choose between which one I am going to stay friends with. I want to let you both know that this was a very hard decision for me to make and that I do not appreciate the pressure you two have put me in.




AVERY: Sorry. ROB: Yes. Sorry. Anywho. Without any *ahem* interuptions. Continue. SAMANTHA: For me to tell you both this I need you to close your eyes and stick our your right arm Avery and your left arm Rob. AVERY: Why would you need us to do that? (demanding) SAMANTHA: Just do it! AVERY: Fine. SAMANTHA: Now. Close your eyes. No peeking or I might change my decision. Okay. I love you both and my decision is because I love you both. But, I have decided who will be my friend, and that is... ( Puts handcuffs on their arms really fast) Both of you! I will not choose between you two. I wont be only one of your friends. You two will learn to like eachother and understand eachother to get out of those handcuffs. Or else, you stay in them. I am the only who has the key. And dont even think about trying to buy another pair and use that key, because I have a one of a kind handcuff set. So. Now you guys know my decison. And have fun with it. AVERY: What have you done! I cant be stuck with him and walking next to him. Do you know what clothes he wears?! ROB: (TO AVERY) Oh please! (TO SAMANTHA) Samantha, darling. Cant you see that we will NEVER understand eachother? This is no use. Plus. I am very rich, I have to look good, and being next to a smelly, under-dressed, disgusting person from ugly New York wont look very good for my carrer.




SAMANTHA: Oh quit your whining! Its no use. You guys are staying in those handcuffs until you are friends. I dont care if it takes weeks, I dont care if it takes months! You two are going to pay for putting me in that situation. I mean, how dare you do that to me! That was rude and selfish and I wont stand for it! ROB: I understand that you are upset SHE put you in that predicament. But, arent you going a little bit overboard? I mean, have you seen the way she dresses? Not to mention the way she smells. AVERY: For a matter of fact I dress just fine, thank you very much. And that smell is called perfume and deoderant. You should try some! ROB: How dare you talk like that to me! And dont think you are going to get away with it you little rat! AVERY: Rat?! I cant believe you just called ME a rat. If any of us should be called a rat it should be you! Have you seen your nose and ears?! ROB: OH I WONT STAND FOR THIS! IM NOT LISTENING TO YOU ANY LONGER! AVERY: GOOD! BECAUSE IF YOU WERE THAN YOU WOULD HEAR ME CALLING YOU A--(INTERUPTION) SAMANTHA: STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT! I dont want to hear anymore. You two are driving me crazy! Now, I am going home. Have fun and learn to like eachother. AVERY + ROB: But-- (interuption) SAMANTHA: No!Im listening to Nothing. Nada. (cheerful) Good bye.


Scene 5.INT. LEARNING TO LIKE EACHOTHER 6:30. DINNER TIME. (AT AVERYS HOUSE PACKING) ROB: Ughh. Hurry up. You dont have that many clothes. How long does it take you to pack?! AVERY: For your information I have lots of clothes. ROB: (SIDE COMMENT) None that are worth wearing. AVERY: I heard that! ROB: Good. Then you know its true and you can stop packing. AVERY: Ugh. Its only been five minutes. You are so impatient! ROB: Five very long minutes. Seeing what type of clothes you have makes me nautious. AVERY: *annoyed* Shut up. ROB: Just as long as I dont have to see those things you call clothes. (INTERRUPTION FOR COMMERICIAL) COMMERCIAL HOST: Go down to the hip store for some new hip clothes, all the cool kids are wearing it! You dont want to be like Rob and Avery, now do you? So, just hop on down to the hip store and buy some hip clothing, so you can become one of the cool kids. Have a nice day. (BACK TO AVERY AND ROB) AVERY: Okay, I am almost done. ROB: Finally.




NARRATOR: After two very long days Rob and Avery finally put their fighting to rest and started to understand each other. (AT ROBS HOUSE, WHERE THEY ARE LIVING) AVERY: What do you want for dinner? I was thinking pizza. ROB: Oh. I wanted Chinese food. But you know what? You have been so nice lately, let have pizza. AVERY: Oh gee! Thanks Rob! I like your shirt today. ROB: Oh thank you Avery. I finally understand you know, should we meet up with Samantha? AVERY: Sounds great! Scene 6:INT. IN THE PARK (MEETING SAMANTHA) SAMANTHA: Have you two finally learned to like each other? AVERY + ROB: Yes! AVERY: I finally understands why he dresses like that. It totally matches his house! It looks great! ROB: oh Avery, dont make me blush. I understand why Avery dresses like that, it is totally hip. She has such a hard life, poor thing. Moving from one state to another. (endearing noise) poop thing. SAMANTHA: Well, I am glad you two like each other and now we can all be friends. I have to go feed bow wow but I will see you two tomorrow. I will just quickly unlock the handcuffs. There we go. Bye! AVERY + ROB: Bye!




(SAMANTHA WALKS AWAY) AVERY: Finally. If she hadnt needed to feed that stupid dog bow wow then I would of bit my arm off. I cant stand another minute with you. ROB: Ill say. Walking next to you all day is a bad image for me. I dont walk with people who look like you! AVERY: Ugh. You are so rude. ROB: Right back at you. AVERY: Im just glad you agreed to act kind to each other so we could get those dreaded hand cuffs off. Now I dont have to be close to you anymore. Or compliment you. ROB: I guess we will never be friends. Im just glad that Samantha is so innocent, otherwise we would of never gotten out of those stupid things. AVERY: The only fault in your plan is that we have to be nice to each other every time we are around Samantha. ROB: You should have thought that through. AVERY: Me? You are the one who came up with the plan! ROB: You are insane. Get your brain checked! AVERY: Ugh!!!! (ROB AND AVERY STORM IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS) THE END.

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