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A Night in the Woods By: Anthony v.


Based on: A true event

Cast of Characters Peter: Ralph: Peters Mom: Ralphs Mom: Narrator: 14 years old, althetic, Ralphs Friend Overweight, 14 years old, Peters Friend Mother of Peter Mother of Ralph

A NIGHT IN THE WOODS Scene 1: EXT. AFTERNOON (PETERS MOM DRIVES PETER TO RALPHS HOUSE) SOUND:CAR HALTS PETERS MOM Have a fun time Peter, and dont get yourself in any trouble. You are a trustworthy boy and should therefore act responsibly (Speaks seriously). PETER Please Mom, dont call me a boy. I am 14 years old and I always behave sensibly (irritated). SOUND: CAR DOOR SLAMS CLOSED PETERS MOM Bye Peter, keep in mind not to be a troublemaker! (enthusiastically) PETER I got it! Please, you are always so embarrassing. (iritated) PETERS MOM All parents are! You better get used to it. (PETER WALKS TO RALPHS FRONT DOOR AND RINGS THE BELL) SOUND: OUTSIDE SOUNDS, CAR DRIVES OFF, STEPS, DOORBELL, DOOR OPENS Scence 2: INT. RALPHS HOUSEAFTERNOON (PETER AT RALPHS HOUSE) PETER Hey Ralph, how are you doing? RALPH Im doing fine, thanks. Ready to go camping? PETER Always! FRIENDS HOUSE- EARLY




Come in! Want something something to drink or a bite to eat? NARRATOR: Peter and Ralph were extremely excited to go camping in the woods. However, Ralphs Mom was slightly concerned, due to the fact that she is always overprotective. The boys packed their bags and prepared to go camping in the woods for the night. RALPHS MOM Bye Boys! And watch out when crossing the road, I dont want anybody to get hurt. RALPH Bye Mom, Ill miss you. RALPHS MOM So will I honey! PETER Pathetic. (Whisper) NARRATOR Peter was utterly surprised by how Ralph was treated by his mother. If his mom would have acted like this around him, he would have gone crazy. SCENCE 3: EXT. AFTERNOON (RALPH AND PETER ARE ON THEIR WAY TO THE FORREST, WHERE THEY WILL BE CAMPING) SOUND: FOOT STEPS RALPH My feet are hurting me! Cant we stop for a minute (Moaning) PETER No, we cant. It will get dark soon and we still have quite a ways to walk (Serious). RALPH Can I at least have a cookie or two? PETER No, cookies are unhealthy, and remember what your doctor said? The more you weigh, the more likely you will die from a heart attack. You dont want to die from a heart attack, do you (Serious)? OUTSIDELATE




RALPH No, of course not! PETER See! Then shut up. We will stop instead, but only for a minute. NARRATOR It was getting darker and darker and Ralph was getting more and more tired until he noticed something. The two boys stood still. SOUND: FOOT STEPS CRUNCHING ON LEAFS IN BACKGROUND RALPH Peter! Dont you hear (Exited)! PETER I hear nothing Ralph! What are you talking about? (Puzzled)? RALPH I am constantly hearing footsteps behing us. Ever since we stoped. I have a feeling, something is following us. PETER Nonsense! RALPH I swear! Give me your flashight, Ill show you! SOUND: ZIPPER NARRATOR Ralph shone the flashilight onto the path behind him, but could see nothing. The boys continued to walk, until they had reached their destination: A dark area in the forest, that was overgrown by shady green moss, that covered the trees like a blanket. Ralph smelled the faint aroma of rotting trees. Imediatly, fear gripped his heart. SCENE 4: EXT. RALPH Do you really think its a good idea to stay here for the night? Id rather stay anywhere else. PETER Where else would we sleep? We cant turn back and anyway this is not too bad, why, are you scared? FORESTNIGHT




RALPH Oh no, of course not. I... just... PETER Whatever! Lets set up our tent first, cause im freezing. NARRATOR After the boys had finished setting up their tent, they had dinner and prepared for bed. Scene 5: SOUND: (YAWN) RALPH Im exhausted, this was a strenuous day. We must have walked a thousand miles. PETER To be exact, we walked for two hours, about 4 miles. (Pause) Good night! RALPH Good night. SOUND: BUSH RATTLING RALPH Whats that? PETER Probably just a mouse. SOUND: BREATH OF CREATURE RALPH I am certain that that wasnt a mouse. PETER What else would it be? A dragon (Sarcasm)? RALPH Maybe! PETER You absoulute fool! RALPH Im scared! INT. TENT- LATE AT NIGHT




PETER Good night! SOUND: SNORING, FOOTSTEPS CRUNCHING ON LEAFS NARRATOR Ralph cocked his head to one side nervously. He was absolutely sure that he could hear something. The sound grew louder and before he knew it, pounding footsteps were approaching the tent. Whatever it was, it was massive. Ralph cautiously opened the tent and peered into the eerie darkness. RALPH Peter? NARRATOR Ralph slowly forced his hand in the direction where Peter lay. To his surprise, Peters sleeping bag was empty. Too scared to speak, Ralph lay down and fell asleep. SOUND: JINGLE ADVERTISER: Are you tired of being tired? Then try Torepedos Energy Drink! 4 different unique flavors that will get you going. Gives you the instant boost. A different taste for every adventure! Torpedos Energy Drink! SOUND: (YAWN) RALPH Good morining Peter, I hope you slept well! Peter? SOUND: TURNING PETER Where are you? SOUND: OPENING TENT SCENCE 6: EXT. ForestMorning

NARRATOR Ralph slowly stepped onto the forest floor. His feet sinking into the soggy moss. He lifted his head and scanned his surroundings. He stared at the trees, that were covered by scratch marks, shaped by lethal claws. Then he gazed at a trail of blood that led to a bush. He was shaking in his boots. As he approached the Bush, he saw a bloody leg sticking out on one side. Instantaneously he backed off. As he drew nearer, he (MORE) (CONTINUED)



NARRATOR (contd) caught a glance of Peters Face. Bloody and almost unrecognizable. His lifeless body was laying in a dark-red pool of blood. 7: EXT. GRAVEYARD(FUNERAL) SOUND: BELLS NARRATOR Several Families had attended Peters funeral, including Ralph, who was still traumatized from the occurence. Slowly Peters coffin was lowered into his dark, damp grave. The crowd fell silent. Slowly, the coffin was covered by soil. SCENE AFTERNOON

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