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GETTING A JOB BE ABLE TO If you arent able to understand the exercise, stay after class and Ill explain

it to you. Did the company decide to build the new factory? No. They said they werent able to make a decision so quickly. Was Nellie finally able to learn to play tennis? Yes, but it was difficult for her. The clerk at the library wasnt able to find the book Paul needed for his art class. I always take the 5:30 bus. Its always crowded, so I am never able to find a seat. When I called, John was at home, but his mother said he wasnt able to come to the phone. This soup is delicious Thank you. I didnt have a recipe, but I was able to make it anyway Its really crowded. Will we be able to get a table? My grandfather didnt know how to read when he came to this country, but he was able to open a business. Are you going to the game this weekend? No. I wont be able to go this weekend. I have to work at McDougals.

Test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. My grandmother isnt able get out often, so she really enjoys visitors. Although Marys baby is only ten months old, he , and he knows ten words. We didnt a reservation, but we were able to get on a flight to New York anyway. Mathew listened during the meeting, but he wasnt able to undersatand everything Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? Yes. The hare was faster, but the tortoise was able to win the race.

AS OBJECT USE: EL objetivo del verbo, por lo general, es un sustantivo o un pronombre. Sin embargo, los objetos de algunos verbos, pueden ser GERUNDIOS, algunos ejemplos de este tipo de verbos son: enjoy, allow, like, finish, hate, love y prefer. EXAMPLES: Eric loves collecting comic books. Sandy prefers buying only fresh meat and vegetables. She enjoys meeting new people. John dislikes going to big parties. We do not allow smoking in our office. I hate getting lost in foreign cities. Explorer: I feel tired all the time, doctor. What can I do? Eat well and exercise. Youll feel better. Oh no! I hate exercising! Practice: 1. Next weekend is a holiday. We want to stay at the beach; the only problem will be getting a hotel reservation. 2. Jacks hobby is repairing old TVs and radios. 3. My idea of a great lunch is eating at Hamburger Heave. They have the best burgers! 4. The most difficult part of the project will be planning it. After that, things should go smoothly. 5. The thing I like best is playing basketball. 6. The nicest thing about our vacations was not having to be anywhere at a certain time. 7. Mr. Proudys business is buying and selling art. He has a gallery on fifth Avenue. 8. To me, the most important thing is winning the race, not just running in it! 9. Why did you get such a low score on your test? My mistake was thinking I knew everything. 10. The thing I hate about the dentist is never knowingwhen it is going to hurt. Test 1. The course Laura is taking is called 2. Please come and get your son. One thing I dont allow in my house is fighting 3. Davids idea of an interesting vacation is traveling around the country by train. 4. One thing my family wants to try is camping. 5. The best part of the evening was finding out who won first prize. AFTER PREPOSITIONS

USE: Por lo general, una preposicin va seguida de un sustantivo o un pronombre. Si va seguida por un verbo, el VERBO es un gerundio. EXAMPLES: Mary left without saying goodbye. James had an accident after drinking too much. Always lock the door before going to bed. He read the newspaper while having breakfast. Im thinking about quitting school and getting a job. You cant get a good job without finishing school. Nut I need the money. Practice: 1. Jane and Martha saved a lot of money during their trip by not eating breakfast or lunch in restaurants. 2. Its a beautiful day. Why dont we walk to the stadium instead or taking the bus? 3. Mrs Thompson was late for her meeting. She apologized to everyone for arriving late. 4. Jerry realizer that school was important after finding out that he couldnt get a good job without an education. 5. Its a great day for playing tennis! Youre right. Lets go! 6. By not spending not much all year, albert was able to save enough to buy a motorcycle. 7. Shelia never buys a CD before listening to it. 8. The Morgans are staying home for the holidays this year instead of going to visit relatives. 9. After meeting you, I knew that there was no one else for me. 10. Sammy wasnt very athletic. He became a great soccer player by practicing every day. Test: 1. Jim and Janice are thinking about not going to the beach with us. Why dont they want to go? I dont know. 2. After reading the book, The Old Man and the Sea, I want to read more books by hemingway. 3. We have to sing Happy Birthday to Claudia before cutting the cake. 4. Wheres Kathy? She left the party without saying good-bye to anyone 5. Jerry is thinking about taking a computer course next year. EDUCATION Explore: College: A place where students go to study specific subjects. Im studyng history at college. Course: A series of lessons in a subject. Shs taking a course in dressmaking. Examination: A written or practical test of your knowledge (also known as exam). Im studying for my examination in mathematics tomorrow. Fail: To not be successful in doing something. I failed the exam so I have to take it again. High school: A school that children go to between the ages 14 and 18. After my son finishes high school, he will go to college. Learn: To get knowledge or experience. He speaks Spanish but is learning English. Pass: to be successful in an exam or test. I passed the exam with an 80%. Subject: Something you learn or teach at school. School students learn many subjects like history, science and art. Test: A set of written or spoken questions to examine your knowledge of a subject, or a practical exam less formal than an examination. We had a test in Spanish today and I think I did well. Training: Process of learning how to do something specific. The training for the job is six months. Practice: 1. Im studyng history at college 2. Shes taking a course in dressmaking 3. Im studyng for my examination in mathematics tomorrow. 4. I failed the exam so I have to take it again 5. After my son finishes high school, he will go to college

BUSINESS MATTERS BUSINESS HELLO, MR. James? This is Don Barnes, the president of greater electric. Im called in about your plans for the new factory. I interested in discussing the matter with you. Can we make an appointment for lunch instead of meeting at my office? Do you mind if I invite my bank manager, too? Its impossible for me to make any decision about the project unless I have HIS APPROVAL. Please call me this afternoon. Ill be in meetings all morning. Ill talk to you later. Goodbye.

LONDON Explore: Dear Yvonne, Im in Londond on business. I plan to choose a location for another T-shirt factory near the city. I have some offers, and Im going to see two places this afternoon. Please think about our discussion. I must have an answer as soon as possible. I disagree with your opinion that you cant manage the business. I think youll be great for the job. Arlene Practice: Dear Arlene, 1. I hope youre having a good time in London . I received your postcard. Thank you. I have thought about our discussion. I think youre right I can the business. So my answer is yes. Please send details about the offers you have gotten, and describe the location of the factories. How easy will it be to ship our T-shirts from there? I will join you there as soon as I can. Yvonne. 2. Sss 3. Sss 4. Arlene is in London. Shes there on business, because shes looking for a location for a T-shirt factory. Shes had some offers, and shes going to see two places this afternoon. 5. Arlene and Yvone has a discussion. Yvonne needs to give Arlene an answer as soon as possible. Arlene thinks Yvonne could be a good manager. Test: 1. Who is you in I think youll be great for the job? Yvonne. 2. Arlene wants Yvonne to think about their discussion. 3. Which sentence is true? Arlene thinks that Yvonne can manage the business. 4. Arlene wants to set up a T-shirt factory. MUST Se utiliza para hablar de una necesidad, obligacin o responsabilidad fuerte de hacer algo. Con frecuencia existe muy poca diferencia entre MUST y HAVE TO. En ingls formal escrito, MUST se utiliza en avisos pblicos acerca de reglas o reglamentos oficiales. MUST tambin puede emplearse para expresar seguridad acerca de una situacin debido a hechos o circunstancias existentes. Para hablar acerca de algo incorrecto o prohibido. Recuerda que no es igual a la forma negativa de HAVE TO, que solos significa que algo no es necesario. Se utiliza para preguntar si algo es necesario u obligatorio. Explore: All our workers must wear safety glasses. And workers must not smoke in work areas. Practice: 1. John isnt answering his phone. He must be out. 2. Bill is studying hard. He know he must do well on this test, because he got a low score on the last one. 3. Remember what the flight attendabt said: All passengers must report to Immigration HAD TO SE utiliza para hablar de la necesidad, obligacin y responsabilidad en el pasado. HAD TO es el pasado tanto de HAVE TO como de MUST. Se utiliza para la negative el did not, y en pregunta el Why did. Explore: - Why are you so tired? - I had to finish a paper so I stayed up all night. Then I got to class and found out that we didn't have to hand it in.


Aunque MUST y HAVE TO tienen significados parecidos en oraciones afirmativas, no pueden intercambiarse en las negativas. MUSt NOT (MustNt) se utiliza para indicar que algo est prohibido o no permitido. DONT HAVe significa no es necesario hacer algo. Explore: Dont worry. The sbottles are not dangerous. You dont have to wear gloves over here. And over there? Ooooh.. thats different. You mustnt touh anything without gloves over there. Practice: 1. Mike must not try to lift that box. It is too heavy. He woll hurt his back. 2. Why arent you ready for work yet? Its my day off. I dont have to work today! 3. Janes little brother. Tommy, can cross the steet by himself. He doesnt have to be with anyone, but he mustnt cross without looking. 4. Amy mustnt get to school late, or she will get into trouble. Yes, but she doesnt have to arrive an hour early, either. 5. Are you saving any money from your salary?. Im saving a little, but I dont have to save every penny I eran. Thats true, but you shouldnt spend it all. 6. You mustnt eat this now. Its for dessert. Cant I have a taste? No 7. Bob got a letter from his bank. He mustnt use his credit card until he pays all his bills. If he does, theyll take away his card. At last he doesnt have to pay it back all at once, just alittle every month. 8. Should we buy tickets for the football game ahead of time? We dont have to. They sell them at the game. 9. We mustnt miss the bus, but we dont have to run. Itll wait for us. 10. We dont have to pay for our new TV until they deliver it. The salesperson said we mustnt give cash to the delivery person. We should pay by check. Test: 1. Tom has a new car. He doesnt have to walk to school anymore. 2. Wed better hurry. We mustnt get to the train station late. We dont have to leave for a few minutes. Its still early. 3. I dont have to stay late today, right? You mustn't forget about the paper you promised to finish. 4. I know how to drive, but I dont have a license. You. drive without a license. You could get in trouble!

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