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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN! Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.1.

1 Learning Objectives of topic 1 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 .1: Letters of the Alphabets Link Sounds to Letters Link Sounds to Letters Media/Programming

C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11










C20 C21 C22 C27

C23 C24 C25 C28

C26 C29


Graphics Description/Instruction Control button C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, 20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C27, C28, C29 appears on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the apple page for details. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the balloon page for details. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the cake page for details. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the dog page for details. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the elephant page for details. C9 : Control Button 9 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the flower page for details. C10 : Control Button 10 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the gorilla page for details. Page 1 of 35

C11 : Control Button 11 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the horse page for details. C12 : Control Button 12 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the lizard page for details. C13 : Control Button 13 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the juice page for details. C14 : Control Button 14 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the kite page for details. C15 : Control Button 15 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the lamb page for details. C16 : Control Button 16 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the monkey page for details. C17 : Control Button 17 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the north pole page for details. C18 : Control Button 18 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the orange page for details. C19 : Control Button 19 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the penguin page for details. C20 : Control Button 20 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the quail page for details. C21 : Control Button 21 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the rabbit page for details. C22 : Control Button 22 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the spider page for details. C23 : Control Button 23 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the train page for details. C24 : Control Button 24 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the umbrella page for details. C25 : Control Button 25 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the violin page for details. C26 : Control Button 26 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the whale page for details. C27 : Control Button 27 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the xylophone page for details. C28 : Control Button 28 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the yak page for details. C29 : Control Button 29 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the zebra page for details. Narration V1: Hi, kids! Lets link the sounds to the letters. V2 : Click on the images to listen to the sounds V3 : Lets have fun! Animation Description

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN! Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.1.1 Learning Objectives of topic 1 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 .1: Letters of the Alphabets Link Sounds to Letters Link Sounds to Letters Media/Programming



C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13

C14,C15,C16,C17,C18,C19,C20,C21,C22,C23,C24,C25 C C26,C27,C28,C29


Graphics Description/Instruction 1. The image of apple is appears on the screen 2. Control button C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, 20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C27, C28, C29, C30 appears on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the apple page for details. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the balloon page for details. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the cake page for details. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the dog page for details. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the elephant page for details.

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C9 : Control Button 9 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the flower page for details. C10 : Control Button 10 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the gorilla page for details. C11 : Control Button 11 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the horse page for details. C12 : Control Button 12 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the lizard page for details. C13 : Control Button 13 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the juice page for details. C14 : Control Button 14 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the kite page for details. C15 : Control Button 15 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the lamb page for details. C16 : Control Button 16 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the monkey page for details. C17 : Control Button 17 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the north pole page for details. C18 : Control Button 18 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the orange page for details. C19 : Control Button 19 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the penguin page for details. C20 : Control Button 20- If user clicks the button, then will go to the quail page for details. C21 : Control Button 21 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the rabbit page for details. C22 : Control Button 22 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the spider page for details. C23 : Control Button 23 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the train page for details. C24 : Control Button 24 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the umbrella page for details. C25 : Control Button 25 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the violin page for details. C26 : Control Button 26 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the whale page for details. C27 : Control Button 27 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the xylophone page for details. C28 : Control Button 28 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the yak page for details. C29 : Control Button 29 - If user clicks the button, then will go to the zebra page for details. C30 : Control Button 30 If user clicks the button, then user can hear the sound how to pronounce an apple word. Narration V1: A for Apple Animation Description

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN! Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.1. Learning Objectives of topic 1 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 .1: Letters of the Alphabets Link Sounds to Letters Link Sounds to Letters Media/Programming



C5 C6





Graphics Description/Instruction 1. 2. Appears a dog as an image on the screen. Appears C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8 on the screen.

Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the button, then user can drag and drop at the pink retangle to answer the question correctly. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the button, then user can drag and drop at the pink retangle to answer the question correctly. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks the button, then user can drag and drop at the pink retangle to answer the question correctly. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks the button, then user can drag and drop at the pink retangle. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user clicks the button, then programming will check whether the answer correct or wrong.

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Narration V1: Put the letters into the boxes in the correct order to build the word. Then click OK for the answer. V2 : Correct, please continue. V3 : Sorry, Please Try Again.

Animation Description

The letters wil be back on the original position.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.1 Montage Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Letters of the alphabets 2 : Sing a Song 1 : The ABC Song Media/Programming The song automatically starts once user



C3 C4

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. The main picture of the ABC song appears. 2. 3 main buttons C1, C2, C3 appears on the screen that always located on the right side. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user roll over the button, the button will bigger and If user clicks the button, it will skips the ABC Song and go to the second section. Narration V1: ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOP QRSTUV WXYZ Now I know my ABC Next time wont you sing with me Animation Description

V2 will starts right after learner heard V1. When V2 play, show text on the screen.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.1.2 Montage Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Letters of the alphabet 2 : Sing a Song 1 : The ABC Song Media/Programming This section user can skip this song by push the skip button.



C3 C4

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. Background and Banner appears 2. 3 main buttons C1, C2, C3 appears on the screen. 3. Text appears following the sounds Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user roll over the button, the button will bigger and If user clicks the button, it will skips the ABC Song session. Narration V1: HIJKLMNOP Animation Description When V1 play, show text on the screen

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.1.2 Montage Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Letters of the alphabet 2 : Sing a Song 1 : The ABC Song Media/Programming User can choose whether they want to replay the song or go to the next activity.



C3 C4 C5

Graphics Description/Instruction The control button C4 and C5 appears right after song stopped. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user roll over the button, the button will bigger and the color of the box will change from yellow into pink pastel. If user clicks the button, it will go back and replay the montage. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user roll over the button, the button will bigger and If user clicks the button, it will brings user back to the main lesson 3. Narration Animation Description

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.1 Learning objective of topic 2 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Letters of the alphabet 2 : Sing a Song 1 : Imitation of sounds Media/Programming After user hears the sound, it automatically goes to the next screen.



C4 C3

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. The image is appears on the screen. 2. The control button appears on the screen when user goes to this screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user roll over the button, the button will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will play the sound.

Narration V1: d d d d d

Animation Description User can hear the sound when they click C4.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.1.2 Learning objective of topic 2 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Letters of the alphabet 2 : Sing a Song 3 : Match the sound Media/Programming Can identify wheter the user dropped the wrong answer or correct answer.



C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9


Graphics Description/Instruction 1. The C4, C5, C6, C7, C8 and C9 appears on the bottom of the screen. 2. The six images are appears to help user to answer the questions. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the button D can drag and drop on the circle. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the button Y can drag and drop on the circle. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks the button O can drag and drop on the circle. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks the button M can drag and drop on the circle. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user clicks the button N can drag and drop on the circle. C9 : Control Button 9 - If user clicks the button J can drag and drop on the circle. Narration Animation Description V1: Look at the pictures below. Drag the letter that each The sound will stars automatically once picture begins into the circle. Each of the pictures starts with user goes to this screen. one of the letters in the box at the bottom of the page V2: Correct When user drop the correct answer. V3: Sorry, Please try again. When user drop the wrong answer.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3 Montage Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 3 : Simple words 1 : Zac the Rat Intro Media/Programming




Graphics Description/Instruction Appears an a letter as a image on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen.

Narration V1: Listen to the a sound a a a a a Short a is a kind of sound a a a a a.

Animation Description While the sound is playing, the a letter is moving to the left, right, up and down.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title Introduction to Zac the Rat Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 1 : Simple words 1 : Instructions Media/Programming The small box that pop on the screen after user click on the texts.

C1 C4 C5 C6 C2 C7


Graphics Description/Instruction Appears C4, C5, C6, C7 as a interactive button for user on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the word Zac then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the word the then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks the word rat then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the next screen. Narration V1: Z a c Zac V2: the V3: R a t Rat Animation Description When user rolls over the button, they can hear the sound. When user rolls over the button, they can hear the sound. When user rolls over the button, they can hear the sound.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3.1 Learning objective of topic 1 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 1 : Simple words 1 : Zac the rat Media/Programming


The small box that pop on the screen after user click on the texts.


C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. Appears Zac as an image of mice with t-shirt on him. 2. Appears clickable texts C4, C5, C6, C7 on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the word Zac then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the word is then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks the word a then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks the word rat then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the next screen. Narration V1: Z a c Zac V2 : Is V3: a V4: r a t rat Animation Description Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3.1 Learning objective of topic 1 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 1 : Simple Words 1 : Zac the read Media/Programming The small box that pop on the screen after user click on the texts.



C4 C5

C6 C7





Graphics Description/Instruction 1. The Images of Zac, can, ant and jam are appears at the same time on the screen. 2. Control buttons C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10 are appears on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the word The then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the word ants then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks the word ran then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks the word to then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user clicks the word the then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. Page 15 of 35

C9 : Control Button 9 - If user clicks the word jam then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C10 : Control Button 10 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the next screen. Narration V1: the V2: a n t ant V3: r a n ran V4: to V5: the V6: j a m jam Animation Description Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3.1 Learning objective of topic 1 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 1 : Simple Words 1 : Zac the rat Media/Programming The small box that pop on the screen after user click on the texts.



C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. The Images of Zac, can, ant, pan and jam are appears at the same time on the screen. 2. Control buttons C4, C5, C6, C7, C8 are appears on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the word Zac then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the word had then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks the word a then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks the word pan then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the next screen.

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Narration V1: z a c zac V2: h a d had V3: a V4: p a n pan

Animation Description Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3.1 Learning objective of topic 1 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 1 : Simple Words 1 : Zac the rat Media/Programming The small box that pop on the screen after user click on the texts.



C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. The Images of Zac, can, fan, ants and jam are appears at the same time on the screen. 2. Control buttons C4, C5, C6, C7, C8 are appears on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the word Zac then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the word had then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks the word a then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks the word fan then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the next screen.

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Narration V1: z a c Zac V2: h a d had V3: a V4: f a n fan

Animation Description Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color.

Page 20 of 35

Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3.1 Learning objective of topic 1 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 1 : Simple Words 1 : Zac the rat Media/Programming The small box that pop on the screen after user click on the texts.


C2 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9


Graphics Description/Instruction 1. The Images of ants are appears at the same time on the screen. 2. Control buttons C4, C5, C6, C7, C8 and C9 are appears on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the word The then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the word ants then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks the word ran then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks the word and then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user clicks the word ran then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C9 : Control Button 9 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the next screen.

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Narration V1: the V2: a n t s ants V3: r a n ran V4: and

Animation Description Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color.

Page 22 of 35

Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3.1 Learning objective of topic 1 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 1 : Simple Words 1 : Zac the Rat Media/Programming The small box that pop on the screen after user click on the texts.



C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. The Images of Zac, can, fan and jam are appears at the same time on the screen. 2. Control buttons C4, C5, C6, C7, C8 are appears on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the word Zac then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the word had then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks the word a then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks the word nap then will pop a small box near the word and start to spell then read the word. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the next screen.

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Narration V1: z a c zac V2: h a d had V3: a V4: n a p nap

Animation Description Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color. Each letter and word pronounced by the narration, the font would be in red color.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3.1 Learning objective of topic 1 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 2 : Simple Words 1 : Zac the rat Media/Programming


C2 C3

The animation appears closing the last story, after user click on the next button.

Graphics Description/Instruction User will see the closing of the story with image appears on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. Narration V1: The end Animation Description A flag that attached to a pole are moving to the right in purpose to close the last screen of the story.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title Learning objective of topic 1 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 1 : Simple words 2 : Drop the Letter Media/Programming Only the correct letter can be dropped on the pink rectangle, the wrong one will be back on the original position. After drop the correct letter, user will hear the sound and go to the next screen, automatically.

C4 C5 C6 C7
Graphics Description/Instruction


C2 C3

1. Appears a can as an image. 2. Appears C4, C5, C6, C7 as a interactive button for user on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the button can drag and drop on the pink rectangle that appears. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the button can drag and drop on the pink rectangle that appears. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks the button can drag and drop on the pink rectangle that appears. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks the button can drag and drop on the pink rectangle that appears.

Narration V1: r V2:p V3:c V4: f V5: C a n Can

Animation Description When user rolls over the button, they can hear the sound. When user rolls over the button, they can hear the sound. When user rolls over the button, they can hear the sound. When user rolls over the button, they can hear the sound. User can hear the sound after drop the right answer.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title Learning objective of topic 2 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 2 : Match Letters and words 1 : Alphabet Match Media/Programming





Graphics Description/Instruction 1. Appears the cards and monster as the narrative on the screen. 2. Appears cards as the decoration images on the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the main page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go into the alphabet match section. Narration V1: Welcome to alphabet match! Animation Description The Monsters mouths will moves following the sound. At the same time, the dialog balloon will pop when the monster talking.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title Learning objective of topic 2 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 2 : Match Letters and words 1 : Alphabet Match Media/Programming



C3 C4

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. Appears the cards with three different size: 6 cards, 8 cards and 12 cards. 2. Appears a monster as the narrative Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the module page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks the button, it will go to the page where has the 6 cards. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks the button, it will go to the page where has the 8 cards. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks go to the page where has the 12 cards. Narration Animation Description The Monsters mouths will moves following the V1: What the number of card you want to play sound. At the same time, the dialog balloon will pop with and press GO. when the monster talking.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3.2 Learning objective of topic 2 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 2 : Match Letters and words 1 : Alphabet Match Media/Programming All cards are programmed to match with 2 cards. If user mistaken match the card, means both cards will close back until user be able to match both card and finish the game.

C1 C4 C5 C6 C2 C7 C8 C9 C3

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. Appears the cards and monster as the narrative. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the main page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C9 : Control Button 9 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. Narration V1: Click on the card to flip them over. You can see two cards at the same time. Match the words with the alphabet that begin with the same letters. Animation Description The Monsters mouths will moves following the sound.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3.2 Learning objective of topic 2 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 2 : Match Letters and words 1 : Alphabet Match Media/Programming All cards are programmed to match with 2 cards. If user mistaken match the card, means both cards will close back until user be able to match both card and finish the game.

C1 C4 C5 C6 C2 C7 C8 C9 C3

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. Appears the cards and monster as the narrative. 2. The flipping card are shown O letter after clicked. Interactivities C1: Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the main page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C9 : Control Button 9 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic.


Animation Description

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title Learning objective of topic 2 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 2 : Match Letters and words 1 : Alphabet Match Media/Programming All cards are programmed to match with 2 cards. If user mistaken match the card, means both cards will close back until user be able to match both card and finish the game.

C1 C4 C5 C6 C2 C7 C8 C9 C3

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. Appears a monster as the narrative. 2. Appears 6 cards on the screen, 2 of it is flipped and shows a A letter and O for Orange with picture. Interactivities C1: Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the main page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C9 : Control Button 9 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. Narration V1: Click on the card to flip them over. You can see two cards at the same time. Match the words with the alphabet that begin with the same letters. Animation Description The Monsters mouths will moves following the sound.

Page 31 of 35

Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title Learning objective of topic 2 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 2 : Match Letters and words 1 : Alphabet Match Media/Programming All cards are programmed to match with 2 cards. If user mistaken match the card, means both cards will close back until user be able to match both card and finish the game.






Graphics Description/Instruction 1. Appears a monster as the narrative. 2. 4 cards have disappears after 2 letters correctly matched with 2 words. 3. The blue stars will fade-in and fade-out after user match the 2 cards correctly. Interactivities C1: Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the main page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C8 : Control Button 8 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. C9 : Control Button 9 - If user clicks, the card will flip and shows the graphic. Narration Animation Description V1: Click on the card to flip them over. You can see two cards at the same time. Match the words with the alphabet that begin with the same letters.

Page 32 of 35

Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3.2 Learning objective of topic 2 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 2 : Match Letters and words 1 : Alphabet Match Media/Programming After user finish the section, the monster and the bubble dialog automatically appears on the screen



C4 C3

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. Appears the cards and monster as the narrative. 2. Bubble dialog will appears after user correctly match all the cards. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the main page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 If user clicks the button, it will go to the level number of cards.

Narration V1: Great job! Lets try some more!

Animation Description The Monsters mouths will moves following the sound. At the same time, the dialog balloon will pop when the monster talking.

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Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3.2 Learning objective of topic 2 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 2 : Match Letters and words 2 : Match words to images Media/Programming When user clicks on the pictures at the right side and drag it to one of the word, then it will tells whether is correct or not.

C1 C4



C6 C3 C7

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. Appears the four graphics: doll, chicken, frog and bee at the screen. 2. Control button C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 appears at the screen. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the main page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user roll over the button, the picture will has stroke. If user clicks on the button, they can bring anywhere and drop it to the text given. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user roll over the button, the picture will has stroke. If user clicks on the button, they can bring anywhere and drop it to the text given. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user roll over the button, the picture will has stroke. If user clicks on the button, they can bring anywhere and drop it to the text given. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user roll over the button, the picture will has stroke. If user clicks on the button, they can bring anywhere and drop it to the text given. Narration V1: Great job! V2: Oops! Lets try again. Animation Description If user match the correct answer. If user match the wrong answer Page 34 of 35

Programme/Course Name: LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Module Name: READING SCO No. SCO Title 3.3.2. Learning objective of topic 2 Lesson No/Name Topic No/Name Section No/Name 3 : Read Simple Words 2 : Match Letters and words 2 : Match words to images Media/Programming When user clicks on the pictures at the right side and drag it to one of the word, then it will tells whether is correct or not.

C1 C4 C5 C2 C6 C3 C7

Graphics Description/Instruction 1. Appears control buttons C4, C5, C6 and C7 at the screen 2. Appears images on the screen for user to interact and answer the questions. Interactivities C1 : Control Button 1 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks, it brings the user back to the main page. C2 : Control Button 2 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger. If user clicks the button, it will go to the topic 3. C3 : Control Button 3 - If user roll over the button, the button size will bigger and If user clicks go to the previous screen. C4 : Control Button 4 - If user roll over the button, the picture will has stroke. If user clicks on the button, they can bring anywhere and drop it to the text given. C5 : Control Button 5 - If user roll over the button, the picture will has stroke. If user clicks on the button, they can bring anywhere and drop it to the text given. C6 : Control Button 6 - If user roll over the button, the picture will has stroke. If user clicks on the button, they can bring anywhere and drop it to the text given. C7 : Control Button 7 - If user roll over the button, the picture will has stroke. If user clicks on the button, they can bring anywhere and drop it to the text given. Narration V1: Great job! V2: Oops! Lets try again. Animation Description If user match the correct answer. If user match the wrong answer

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