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Year Time Theme Topic Objective

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Year 1, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 8.00 am 4.00 pm Learning About Living Things Animals 1.1 2.1 To observe and recognise external features of animals To observe and recognise external features of plants.


At the end of lesson, pupils will be able to 1.1.1 identify external features of an animals. record the external features of animals on a table identify external features of plants. T&L activities 1. Teacher reads several riddles to the the pupils. 2. Pupils discuss with peers and predict the answer of the riddles. Remark SPS: Observing Predicting Resources: Riddles SPS: Communicating

1.2.1 2.1.1 Phase (Time) Orientation (5 minutes)

Content Animals external features.

Elicitations of ideas (5 minutes)

Animals external features.

1. From the riddles, teacher ask pupils to act like the animals. 2. In group, pupils discuss how to act like the animals. 3. The best acting will be rewarded.

Value: Co-operative

Restructing of ideas (405 minutes)

Animals external features.

1. In group, teacher ask pupils to go around the bird park to do observation. 2. Teacher ask pupils to observe as many animals as they can about their external features. 3. Pupils will asked to draw the external features of animal in a table given by teacher.

SPS: Observing Value: Co-operation Appreciate the floras and faunas Resources: Worksheet

4. In group, teacher ask pupils to go around the orkid park to do observation. 5. Teacher ask pupils to observe as many plants as they can about their external features. 6. Pupils will asked to draw the external features of animal in a table given by teacher. 7. Year 1 pupils will be given different worksheet from others. 8. Year 1 pupils need to colour the bird and tree picture on the worksheet. 9. Pupils present their observation in the group. Application of ideas (60 minutes) Animals external features. 1. Teacher provides every pupil a worksheet. 2. Year 1 pupils will get different worksheet from other. 2. Pupils discuss with other group members. 3. Teacher and pupils have some discussion and check the answers. Reflection (5 minutes) Animals external features. 1. Teacher ask pupils what they have learnt on that day. 2. Teacher make conclusion on the topic Assignment after trip: Pupils will be asked to produce a book scrap on external features of animals and plants. Level 1 pupils will be asked to produce a scrap book on plants external features and level 2 pupils will focus on animals external features. SPS: Communicating Value: Co-operative Resources: Worksheet

Worksheet for Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 Name : ........................................................................................ Theme : Topic : Learning About Living Thing Animals and plants external features Class : ..............................

A. Draw external features of animal that have been observed Name of animal Location : : Name of plant Location : :

External features :

External features :

B. Label the external features of a bird below

Worksheet for Year 1 Name : ............................................................................................. Class : ........................ Theme : Topic : Learning About Living Thing Animals and plants external features

A. Colour the diagram below with suitable colour External features of bird External features of tree

B. Match the animal or plant with their external features

Beak Leaf Wing Leg Root Stem

Animal Plant

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