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{825}{889}And on that point,|members of the jury,

{892}{941}I rest my case.

{2234}{2282}Hello, Wanda.
{4019}{4052}Hi, Ken.
{4056}{4084}Hello, W-W-Wanda.
{4166}{4189}this is Otto.
{4193}{4255}Hello, Ken.|Wanda's told me a lot about you.
{4259}{4286}Hey! Great fish!
{4317}{4392}A squeeze of lemon,|some tartare sauce... perfect!
{4416}{4457}George back yet?
{4461}{4508}No, he had to g-g-go
{4512}{4567}to the b-b-b...
{4663}{4748}That's quite a stutter|you've got there, Ken.
{4752}{4816}It's all right, it doesn't bother me.
{4820}{4884}So er...|George needs a weapons man, eh?
{4909}{4932}A cup of tea, Ken?
{4984}{5022}Yeah, he'd like one.
{5026}{5090}I had a good friend in the CIA,|had a stutter.
{5093}{5130}Cost him his life, dammit.
{5209}{5252}Hi, George.
{5284}{5328}Hello, George.
{5332}{5358}Get you a Scotch?
{5459}{5492}this is Otto.
{5560}{5601}you're Wanda's brother?
{5605}{5639}Good to be here, George.
{5643}{5685}England is a fine country.
{5689}{5732}Did she tell you what we need?
{5954}{5997}Something like that?
{6059}{6107}Something like that.
{6149}{6182}Hello, Wendy.
{6244}{6273}Had a good day?
{6295}{6373}I spend the morning|trying to get a waste disposal man.
{6377}{6459}At lunch, Marjorie just|complained about her husband
{6463}{6533}then I have to play|three rubbers with Philippa.
{6537}{6606}I come back and|Sandersons have sent the wrong flowers.
{6610}{6647}Oh, no!
{6680}{6718}Would you like some tea?
{6804}{6840}I won the case.
{6844}{6926}This is the first moment|I've had to myself all day.
{7011}{7057}Hello, Portia! How was the show?
{7061}{7115}Awful, Daddy. I must have a new horse.
{7119}{7192}- But you liked Phantom.|- He's not fit for dog meat.
{7196}{7247}Can I change him? It won't cost much.
{7251}{7312}- Oughtn't we...|- I thought you were making tea.
{7316}{7376}- I am, darling. Sorry.|- I'd better get it.
{7380}{7435}- No, no, let me do it.|- No! I'll do it!
{7514}{7547}I won the case.
{7551}{7601}Now this is cracked.
{7639}{7711}They're worth about 100,000 each.
{7724}{7767}There are 1 35 of them.
{7771}{7832}That makes 1 3 millions, my friends.
{7836}{7863}Dollars or pounds?
{7867}{7890}Pounds, pet.

{7894}{7937}This is the big one. So...

{8244}{8271}The plan.
{8284}{8324}Yeah. Great. No problem.
{8343}{8410}What was the middle thing,|about the police?
{8443}{8513}We don't meet up|at Heathrow until Tuesday...
{8517}{8529}Yeah, yeah!
{8533}{8578}I haven't finished yet.
{8582}{8673}Because the police will watch|all the airports for 72 hours.
{8677}{8698}I know.
{8702}{8725}I know.
{8756}{8817}Do you want me to g-g-get
{8821}{8877}a b-b-big
{8994}{9027}A limo, OK?
{9031}{9079}And put diplomatic plates on it.
{9083}{9140}What if he has to speak in the break-in?
{9144}{9204}Nobody says anything during a break-in.
{9208}{9247}It's OK, Otto. Ken's good.
{9284}{9332}So, next week,
{9336}{9384}we won't have to look for work.
{9388}{9437}And it won't have to look for us.
{9464}{9512}Oscar Wilde.
{9622}{9683}You really like animals, don't you, Ken?
{9687}{9728}What's the attraction?
{9732}{9771}Because you can t-t-t
{9775}{9857}trust them, and they don't sh-sh-sh...
{9861}{9887}Shit on you?
{9891}{9948}Show off all the time.
{9952}{10009}You know what Nietzsche|said about them?
{10013}{10072}He said they were God's second blunder.
{10076}{10104}Bye, sis!
{10117}{10201}Well, you tell him from me that l-l-l...
{10222}{10252}Bye, George.
{10274}{10332}If you talk to Mom, tell her I said hi.
{10336}{10384}- OK.|- Don't let him touch you.
{10388}{10438}One more day, and we're together.
{10515}{10565}I'm sorry about my brother, Ken.
{10569}{10606}I know he's insensitive.
{10629}{10669}He's had a hard life.
{10673}{10706}Dad used to beat him up.
{12884}{12932}Anybody moves and you're dead.
{13684}{13730}Look where you're going!
{13734}{13772}Chauvinist pig!
{13776}{13858}Really, people here|just think they own the pavement.
{14534}{14562}That was fun.
{14566}{14606}I love robbing the English.
{14610}{14660}- They're so polite.|- The d-d-d...
{14664}{14702}- What is it, Ken?|- The dog!
{14706}{14736}We didn't hit the dog.
{14740}{14830}- $20 million and an insect worries him!|- It's not an in-in...
{14834}{14912}Stutter's not getting any better.|How about surgery?

{14916}{14939}Shut up!
{15944}{15971}Let's split.
{15975}{16060}- See you at Heathrow on Tuesday.|- Lie low. No celebrating.
{16064}{16099}No celebrating?
{16119}{16158}See you in a couple of hours.
{17346}{17374}To $20 million.
{17378}{17404}To a job well done.
{17408}{17431}To us.
{17435}{17502}To the best brother|and sister team since...
{17506}{17532}Romeo and Juliet?
{17544}{17627}Do you believe those Cockney klutzes|bought our story?
{17631}{17654}What morons!
{17658}{17713}- I want you to know something.|- What?
{17717}{17799}Even if you were my brother,|I'd still want to fuck you.
{17869}{17905}Make the call.
{17909}{17947}- Momento, carissima.|- No!
{17951}{17988}- Eventuale!|- No ltalian!
{18019}{18098}Per cominciare,|due insalate verdi con peperoni.
{18102}{18163}- E linguine primavera...|- No. No.
{18167}{18242}- Una cotoletta di vitello.|- Make the call, Otto.
{18246}{18281}Are you really ltalian?
{18285}{18321}Absolutamente. Si!
{18325}{18369}My name is Otto. It means eight.
{18373}{18412}Say arrivederci a Giorgio.
{18416}{18438}Bye, George.
{18442}{18489}The police, please.
{18559}{18605}Yes, hello.
{18609}{18682}Sorry to trouble you,|but you may like to know
{18686}{18811}that today's Hatton Garden robbery|was pulled off by Mr George Tho
{18815}{18902}He lives at flat three, Kipling Mansions,
{18906}{18988}Murray Road, London W9.
{19594}{19650}Police! Open up!
{19673}{19713}Come on, open up!
{19820}{19881}Open the door, or we'll knock it down!
{20128}{20171}George Francis Thomason?
{20988}{21027}We're rich, Wanda.
{21061}{21101}I bet these weeks with me
{21105}{21176}have been|the most exciting weeks of your life.
{21180}{21208}You said it.
{21734}{21798}What do you have to do|to make people trust you?!
{21801}{21832}Shut up.
{21836}{21900}People are always|taking advantage of me!
{21903}{21957}Shut up and think.|Where's he moved it?
{22029}{22053}What are you doing?

{22057}{22105}I'm thinking!
{22109}{22152}Thinking what I'll do to him.
{22156}{22206}I'll hang him up with piano wire...
{22210}{22283}- Where are you going?|- I'm going to talk to him.
{22304}{22332}Talk to who?
{22344}{22371}Talk to who?!
{22375}{22445}So, while installing these windows,
{22449}{22539}you knelt on some broken glass|from the pane you had dropped.
{22543}{22571}That's right, sir.
{22575}{22621}Your parents can confirm this?
{22625}{22656}Yes, and his aunt,
{22660}{22697}Georgina Thomason.
{22701}{22725}Good, Bartlett.
{22782}{22825}Sorry to interrupt you, sir.
{22829}{22880}Thomason. A young lady to see you.
{22884}{22964}- Anything else?|- No, thanks. Do you have to dash off?
{22968}{23000}No, absolutely not.
{23031}{23095}Ken's got the fish food. He'll be in later.
{23098}{23126}- Thanks.|- De nada.
{23130}{23171}What do you think, Mr Leach?
{23175}{23274}We may be OK on the glass,|but what else will they come up with?
{23533}{23576}Oh, George!
{23580}{23647}Oh, my God, I can't believe|this is happening.
{23651}{23698}That's not allowed in here, miss.
{23702}{23730}Are you OK?
{23734}{23762}It's all right.
{23766}{23812}I don't think I can handle this.
{23816}{23874}I was too afraid to sleep last night...
{23878}{23922}Leave it out, leave it out, OK?
{23949}{23991}Listen, listen, listen.
{24059}{24107}You stayed at my place.
{24134}{24181}We slept late.
{24185}{24233}You made me breakfast.
{24386}{24432}What's he doing here?
{24436}{24482}He wanted to see you.
{24499}{24551}Who did it, George? Kevin Delaney?
{24555}{24603}Do you want me to rub him out?
{24607}{24655}Anything, you name it.
{24659}{24715}I have friends making enquiries.
{24761}{24825}The jewels are very safe.
{24829}{24921}If I get sent down, it all gets handed back|to cut my sentence.
{24925}{24981}Now, to cut my sentence even more,
{24985}{25043}I could tell them who done it with me
{25047}{25112}if I wasn't very happy about everything.
{25157}{25201}What was the middle thing?
{25205}{25253}Piss off.
{25344}{25402}- You want me to spring you...|- Now!
{25594}{25632}You don't think...
{25636}{25674}Do you?
{25912}{25936}- George.|- What?

{25988}{26048}Are you sure the garage is very safe?

{26100}{26142}Trust me.
{26146}{26189}Thank you very much.
{26193}{26230}Thanks a lot. Bye.
{26234}{26262}Have a good day.
{26317}{26351}He's not sure it was you.
{26355}{26378}What about you?
{26382}{26415}No, no, he believes me.
{26419}{26477}That's why he can't figure out about you.
{26481}{26505}Figure out what?
{26509}{26570}Whether you turned him in or not, stupid!
{26594}{26642}Don't er
{26646}{26712}ever, ever, ever
{26716}{26755}call me stupid. OK?
{26931}{26971}That's George's lawyer.
{26994}{27048}The other guy must be the barrister.
{27120}{27147}Trust me.
{27235}{27294}Let me know|if anything unexpected turns...
{27298}{27327}Excuse me.
{27331}{27371}Don't I recognise you?
{27399}{27449}No. No, I don't think so.
{27496}{27555}You are a famous barrister, aren't you?
{27606}{27654}Well, hardly.
{27658}{27714}Could I have your autograph, anyway?
{27764}{27796}Yes, yes, certainly.
{27827}{27894}I'm studying aspects of your legal system.
{27898}{27921}I'm American.
{27925}{27948}Oh, really?
{27952}{28017}I've only just started. It's fascinating.
{28021}{28069}What er... What brings you here?
{28073}{28121}Oh, it's a little embarrassing.
{28125}{28173}I... have a friend.
{28211}{28234}I see.
{28238}{28263}There you are.
{28267}{28290}I knew it!
{28294}{28331}You're Archie Leash.
{28391}{28425}I saw you in court!
{28429}{28477}Er... two weeks ago.
{28481}{28512}The casino break-in?
{28516}{28554}You were great!
{28558}{28606}Oh, I'm a big fan of yours.
{28610}{28653}I love the way you er
{28718}{28777}Oh, I really admire your work.
{28781}{28804}Thank you.
{28859}{28910}- I'd better not...|- I don't suppose...
{28914}{28962}No? Fine, right.
{28993}{29030}Thank you for this.
{29034}{29065}I'll treasure it.
{29123}{29175}Au revoir.

{29224}{29267}You speak French, too!

{29752}{29793}What's going on?
{29797}{29881}Whatever George decides to do,|he'll tell Leach first.
{29922}{29959}Because he's his lawyer.
{29963}{29989}Yeah, I know that.
{29993}{30045}So I'm going to get to know Mr Leach.
{30052}{30123}So George will tell him|where the diamonds are?
{30127}{30181}That's what I'm going to find out.
{30473}{30504}You done well, my son.
{30530}{30584}Now, where are we going to hide it?
{30671}{30705}Very good!
{30709}{30750}Don't tell Wanda anything.
{30754}{30807}Otto might get something out of her.
{30881}{30924}You are going to g-get off?
{30928}{30976}Sure, don't worry about it, Ken.
{30980}{31003}We'll fix it.
{31007}{31043}Now, anything on Otto?
{31047}{31091}No. Not yet.
{31119}{31162}You watch him.
{31344}{31412}Looks like the police have been all over it.
{31416}{31487}Let me change clothes,|then I'll help you look.
{31556}{31606}K-K-Ken's p-p-pets.
{31674}{31717}Wake up!
{31721}{31752}Wake up, limey fish!
{31809}{31891}So. How are you going to get friendly|with this lawyer?
{31895}{31944}I don't know. I'll improvise.
{31959}{31992}Fucking insects!
{31996}{32087}I thought Englishmen didn't like women,|the way they talk.
{32121}{32233}He's straight. He's kinda cute, too,|in a pompous sort of way.
{32237}{32280}Have you got the hots for him?
{32284}{32348}I'm not into necrophilia, thanks.
{32389}{32448}What is this? Hump-a-limey week?
{32452}{32490}Otto doesn't approve.
{32494}{32532}Otto might get jealous.
{32536}{32646}E molto pericoloso, signorina.
{32666}{32712}Molto pericoloso...
{32894}{32932}Oh, speak it, speak it!
{32952}{33021}Un ossobuco milanese con piselli.
{33044}{33163}Melanzane parmigiana con spinaci.
{33167}{33202}Dov' la farmacia?
{33206}{33247}Yes, yes, yes!
{33251}{33274}No, no, no.
{33278}{33313}- Si, si, si.|- No, no, no.
{33317}{33345}No, not here.
{33349}{33374}Otto, not here.
{33378}{33411}Dov' la Fontana di Trevi?
{33415}{33440}Not here, Otto!
{33506}{33533}Er... Parmigiana...
{33537}{33607}- Gorgonzola!|- Otto, no!

{33884}{33932}Look what I've got, Wanda.
{35157}{35194}Oh, my God, Ken, it's you!
{35198}{35246}I thought it was the police again.
{35250}{35298}Isn't it horrible about George?
{35302}{35382}I've such a headache.|Could you go and get me some aspirin?
{35420}{35493}- What's that?|- My brother's using the bathroom.
{35497}{35562}- Otto?|- Mm. We just went and saw George.
{35566}{35625}It was horrible, Ken, just horrible...
{35794}{35815}Isn't it terrible about George?
{35819}{35892}When I find the bastard who squealed!
{35896}{35929}I love that man!
{35954}{35997}What are you d-d-doing here?
{36022}{36051}What am I doing here?
{36055}{36131}Wanda was upset, Ken.|She needed to talk to family.
{36172}{36236}She's just had a sh-sh-shower.
{36279}{36321}I've got to speak to you.
{36377}{36406}Are you OK, now, sis?
{36410}{36487}- I'm fine, thanks for coming.|- Call me if you need me.
{36547}{36618}What's up with you?|Can't you think about her feelings?
{36622}{36672}Something f-f-funny is going on.
{36676}{36709}Oh dear, oh dear.
{36713}{36764}You don't know why you're excited.
{36768}{36805}- I saw the b...|- Ken, Ken, Ken!
{36809}{36894}I didn't want to say anything|while George was around.
{36898}{36943}Isn't it time you faced facts?
{36947}{36982}Come on!
{37009}{37053}You're a very attractive man.
{37062}{37089}You're smart.
{37093}{37141}You've got wonderful bones,
{37145}{37209}great eyes, and you dress interestingly.
{37233}{37283}We could have a lot of fun together.
{37287}{37353}I think we'd be really good for each other.
{37357}{37380}What do you say?
{37427}{37467}You must be j-j-j...
{37471}{37498}May I kiss you, Ken?
{37502}{37535}No, you fucking can't!
{37539}{37576}Just a peck! No tongue!
{37580}{37603}No, no!
{37607}{37669}Ken! Ken!
{37784}{37838}OK. You didn't realise I was gay.
{37842}{37890}OK, no, look.
{37894}{37917}I'm sorry.
{37921}{37965}I've handled this badly.
{37969}{38019}Look, the physical side can wait.
{38044}{38082}You need time.
{38128}{38163}Will you think about it?
{38716}{38749}Oh, my God.
{38804}{38852}Oh, my God!
{38899}{38939}Somebody just called!
{38943}{38986}They said that the police...

{38990}{39049}No, that the loot|is in a garage in Fulham.

{39053}{39097}You and I have to go get it now.
{39101}{39156}We have to move it|before the police find it.
{39160}{39183}No, no, no...
{39187}{39232}- What?|- It's all right!
{39236}{39284}- What?|- Ge-Ge-Ge
{39411}{39457}George moved the loot?!
{39501}{39538}Where did he move it, Ken?
{39542}{39582}Where did he move it?!
{39879}{39957}I don't know where it is.|There's a key for something.
{39961}{39984}It's in...
{40042}{40065}Don't tell me.
{40069}{40120}It's better that you don't tell me.
{40154}{40241}Oh, you know, if it wasn't for George...
{40429}{40472}tried to k-k-k
{40476}{40507}kiss me.
{40554}{40592}I thought he might.
{40701}{40749}Nothing, no marks at all.
{40753}{40801}But it is a safety deposit box key?
{40805}{40863}Yes, but there are millions of them,
{40867}{40910}hotels, banks, offices.
{40946}{40977}Thank you.
{41419}{41456}That's him.
{41460}{41508}That's him, lnspector.
{41512}{41574}He's the one|who tried to murder my dogs.
{42059}{42141}An American legal student|wants to see me for a moment.
{42145}{42204}- What time is Sir John due?|- 1 2.30, sir.
{42469}{42502}Come in!
{42529}{42575}- Hi.|- How very nice to see you.
{42579}{42624}Am I interrupting?
{42628}{42663}Absolutely not.
{42694}{42738}Really. Delighted to see you.
{42884}{42917}This is the place.
{42921}{42947}- This is it.|- Very nice.
{42978}{43056}I was at the courts this morning.|It's fascinating!
{43060}{43100}Really, so much to know,
{43104}{43152}Everybody wears these. Do you?
{43159}{43203}Oh, ridiculous!
{43284}{43307}Well, erm
{43311}{43362}I only have a few minutes. Sorry.
{43366}{43389}I'm sorry.
{43393}{43457}But until then,|I'm all yours, as they say.
{43460}{43510}I just have a couple of questions.
{43532}{43580}I'm having a little problem
{43584}{43662}understanding|preliminary criminal procedures.
{43684}{43744}What exactly is the committal?

{43748}{43774}Ah. Interesting.
{43778}{43854}Basically,|it's a preliminary investigation
{43858}{43923}where the prosecution|presents evidence
{43927}{43982}that the accused has a case to answer.
{43986}{44032}That's what it says in the book.
{44036}{44109}Let's take, for example,|my friend George Thomason.
{44146}{44217}- His committal is on Wednesday...|- Thomason?
{44254}{44280}George Thomason?
{44304}{44346}Yes. Do you know him?
{44392}{44427}I'm defending him.
{44431}{44473}What are you talking about?
{44477}{44526}I'm his barrister, his lawyer.
{44563}{44597}That's so great!
{44634}{44685}That's so weird, isn't that weird?
{44689}{44769}Oh, I'm so happy you're defending him!
{44773}{44796}Thank you.
{44800}{44844}He's sure to get off now.
{44919}{44957}I can watch you work now!
{45084}{45113}Well, anyway.
{45117}{45185}At the committal,|George would then plead...
{45189}{45230}Not guilty.
{45262}{45333}The evidence is largely circumstantial.
{45337}{45395}But wasn't there an identification?
{45399}{45444}True, but a very elderly lady.
{45448}{45499}I think they've got the wrong man.
{45544}{45587}You don't think he did it?
{45618}{45677}Let's just say, for argument's sake,
{45681}{45724}that you did think he did it.
{45728}{45803}Sure, if more evidence|against him came to light.
{45807}{45830}Right, right.
{45834}{45913}You would then advise him|to plead guilty,
{45917}{46008}and turn over the jewels|to get his sentence cut.
{46012}{46073}And he would turn them over|to who, to you?
{46124}{46164}Theoretically, yes, yes.
{46168}{46191}Oh, of course.
{46195}{46221}Erm. Well er...
{46259}{46339}I'm so sorry, I've forgotten your name.
{46410}{46456}Wanda! What a fool, what a fool.
{46460}{46508}Well, Wanda, there are three...
{46636}{46667}Not Wanda Gershwitz?
{46721}{46765}Oh, my God.
{46797}{46825}You're his alibi.
{46829}{46878}I can't talk to you!
{46882}{46905}Why not?
{46909}{46967}My dear lady, you're a defence witness!
{46971}{47021}I'm sorry, I must ask you to leave.
{47025}{47063}What did I say?
{47067}{47131}It's not ethical for me|to talk to a witness.
{47134}{47181}Everybody does it in America.
{47185}{47225}Not in England, it's forbidden.

{47230}{47288}I insist, or I may have|to give up the case.

{47292}{47340}I'm sorry. Please.
{47452}{47493}Oh, Archie.
{47542}{47642}I didn't come here to talk about|boring criminal procedures.
{47694}{47737}Come on, you know!
{47775}{47829}You knew the minute I walked in here.
{47879}{47919}I want you.
{48069}{48110}- Hello?|- Sir John is here.
{48114}{48142}Show him in, please.
{48146}{48187}Make love with me.
{48191}{48230}- Pardon?|- Nothing.
{48234}{48298}- Will you take me to bed?|- No, sorry.
{48365}{48401}Bye, Uncle.
{48959}{49011}He's pleading not guilty
{49015}{49067}so you're safe until the trial.
{49084}{49131}Leach doesn't think he did it.
{49184}{49248}Ken says|there's a safe deposit box key,
{49251}{49309}but only George knows where it is.
{49326}{49357}Thank you, Wanda!
{49442}{49490}What have you found out?
{49494}{49523}Not a lot.
{49527}{49580}You realise he's in court tomorrow?
{49584}{49612}I know that!
{49616}{49650}So nothing, huh?
{50009}{50037}Oh, it's too big!
{50041}{50098}- No, it isn't, Portia.|- It's enormous!
{50102}{50155}- No, it isn't!|- Oh, please, Mother!
{50159}{50197}No! Absolutely not!
{50201}{50262}I'm so miserable|and you just don't care!
{50266}{50294}Do shut up, Portia!
{50329}{50403}All I get, all day,|is people complaining to me.
{50407}{50453}Oh dear.
{50641}{50689}Ecco I'uomo.
{51075}{51172}Ooh, le due cupole grandi|della cattedrale di Milano.
{52259}{52304}Benito Mussolini!
{52619}{52664}Dov' il Vaticano?
{53119}{53173}E cantare
{53471}{53557}Archie, I want you to speak to her|about plastic surgery.
{53579}{53640}- Hmm?|- I do wish you'd listen to me.
{53644}{53687}I want you to speak to Portia.
{53691}{53745}I'll speak to her in the morning.
{53749}{53782}Goodnight, Archie.
{53809}{53850}Goodnight, Archie!
{53864}{53906}Goodnight, Wanda.
{53919}{53952}Goodnight, who?
{53984}{54072}Sorry, darling.|Just a stupid case I've got tomorrow
{54076}{54124}with some lousy old hag.
{54128}{54202}Are you George Francis Thomason
{54206}{54270}of Kipling Mansions, Murray Avenue,
{54273}{54302}London W9?

{54339}{54368}Yes, sir.
{54372}{54443}The charge is one of armed robbery.
{54447}{54499}Are we ready for a committal,|Mr Percival?
{54503}{54587}Yes, under Section 6.2, madam.
{54591}{54622}That is correct, 6.2.
{54626}{54710}Here are the statements,|all to be fully bound, please.
{54736}{54783}Stand up, Mr Thomason.
{54787}{54843}You are committed to stand trial
{54847}{54911}at the Central Criminal Court.
{54914}{54972}There is some urgency about this case.
{54976}{55019}The main witness, Mrs Coady,
{55023}{55127}is elderly and has had|serious heart difficulties recently.
{55131}{55200}Is there any possibility|that this case
{55204}{55260}might be put down for an early trial?
{55264}{55325}That is for the Old Bailey listing officer.
{55329}{55405}Take him down to the cell, please, officer.
{55874}{55913}Hi, hon. How are you doing?
{55917}{55966}You look great. I love your hair.
{55970}{56002}Got time for a coffee?
{56006}{56063}- No, I've g-g...|- Have you thought about it?
{56067}{56102}Why did he give you this?
{56106}{56156}Eileen Coady, 69 Basil Street.
{56160}{56222}Does he want you to send her flowers?
{56226}{56250}Do her shopping?
{56254}{56283}Show her a good time?
{56287}{56332}Rub her out?
{56409}{56457}He wants you to rub her out?
{56501}{56538}He's going to kill her!
{56619}{56665}Fuck off, or I'll kill you.
{56679}{56705}Limey fruits!
{56754}{56825}So the old lady will|m-meet with an accident?
{56829}{56880}- Eh, K-K-Ken?|- Sssh. Sssh!
{56936}{56973}What's so funny?
{56977}{57057}Nothing.|Just that wasting old ladies isn't nice.
{57061}{57136}Well, it's better than b-buggering people.
{57155}{57204}I bet you 1 you don't kill her.
{57242}{57265}All right.
{57277}{57300}All right.
{57321}{57380}I love watching your ass when you walk.
{57384}{57423}Is that beautiful or what?
{57456}{57492}Don't go near him!
{57496}{57533}He's mine!
{57556}{57607}1 says you won't kill her!
{57689}{57725}When could you look at it?
{57729}{57814}Let's think.|My wife's going to the opera on Friday.
{57818}{57887}I'll look at it then|and call you on Saturday.
{57891}{57948}- I really appreciate it. Thanks.|- Bye.
{57987}{58035}I know we're not allowed to talk.
{58039}{58069}Give me a call.
{58073}{58101}I can't.
{58161}{58210}We're not allowed to speak.
{58214}{58252}We don't have to.
{58279}{58371}I don't want you for your conversation.
{58449}{58494}I'd love to...
{58774}{58830}- What happened?|- Got a date, Friday.
{59231}{59267}Look here!
{59271}{59336}Do you mind|not making that terrible noise?
{59340}{59388}My dogs will be having their nap.

{59392}{59438}Nice doggy.
{59442}{59469}Nice... doggy.
{59909}{59946}Otto, what are you doing?
{59950}{60010}It's a Buddhist meditation technique.
{60014}{60060}It focuses your aggression.
{60064}{60129}The monks did it|before they went into battle.
{60133}{60181}What kind of Buddhism is this?
{60359}{60415}It's an early Tantric meditation...
{60419}{60451}What is this?
{60455}{60549}To get information,|I might have to get friendly with him.
{60553}{60617}Well, we're ready now, at last.
{60621}{60669}Good. Enjoy the opera, darling.
{60673}{60740}- Your supper's in the fridge.|- Marvellous.
{60744}{60767}Be good.
{60788}{60874}When you say friendly,|what are we talking about here?
{60878}{60922}Cordial? Courteous?
{60926}{60956}Supportive? What?
{60960}{61022}I don't know.|Let's just see what happens.
{61059}{61135}So, friendly might include actual er
{61139}{61171}what, penetration?
{61175}{61221}I don't need your jealousy now.
{61225}{61254}- Jealousy?|- Yes.
{61258}{61332}Hey, I'm merely curious.|Me? Jealous of that fop?
{61553}{61597}What about my tits?
{61601}{61636}Does he get to handle them?
{61640}{61707}Yes. That's my forecast.|I'll stand by that.
{61742}{61796}I think $20 million is worth a nuzzle.
{61800}{61828}80% chance there.
{61832}{61896}- Sucking?|- I thought you weren't jealous.
{61899}{61983}I'm not, I don't believe in jealousy,|it's for the weak.
{61987}{62015}One thing, though.
{62019}{62075}Touch his dick, and he's dead!
{62197}{62261}I told your father|to get the car serviced.
{62264}{62298}Aren't we going, then?
{62302}{62339}Oh, do shut up, Portia.
{62644}{62677}Hurry up.
{63153}{63197}Do you despise me?
{63309}{63370}No, that's not a word that leaps to mind.
{63394}{63442}Can I stay, then?
{63561}{63594}Of course. Look,...
{63624}{63659}- Wanda...|- I know.
{63663}{63700}Your wife's coming back.
{63704}{63757}No, it's not her. She'll be hours.
{63761}{63805}It's about what I said to you.
{63809}{63854}It is all right for us to speak.
{63858}{63882}It is?
{63886}{63948}Provided that we don't discuss the case.
{64009}{64035}Oh, fine.
{64039}{64095}It's just, if anyone saw us talking...
{64099}{64142}Oh, but they won't.
{64324}{64367}Sorry if I seem
{64405}{64448}Oh, you're the best, Archie.
{64604}{64630}Not yet.
{64634}{64665}I'm thirsty.

{64750}{64782}What shall I get you?

{64969}{65052}You are the sexiest,|most beautiful girl
{65056}{65099}I have ever seen
{65123}{65180}in my entire life.
{65239}{65277}Get me my drink.
{65816}{65862}Oh, Archie.
{65917}{65945}Mm, Archie.
{66142}{66203}If George decides to change his plea,
{66207}{66287}he'd tell you|where the loot is first, wouldn't he?
{66338}{66407}Darling, we mustn't talk|about the trial, OK?
{66411}{66465}I know. I just meant theoretically.
{66499}{66527}Kiss me there.
{66569}{66606}Oh. Theoretically.
{66774}{66849} his legal representative...
{67058}{67093}What's the matter?
{67097}{67140}Oh, it's wonderful, Archie.
{67257}{67292}What? What, darling?
{67296}{67343}- You're getting me hot!|- Sorry.
{67347}{67386}I need something to drink.
{67390}{67417}Something cold?
{67421}{67452}Maybe in the fridge?
{67483}{67531}Oh, my favourite.
{67554}{67587}Don't go away.
{67659}{67696}Je reviens!
{67950}{67985}What are you doing here?
{67989}{68039}- Relax!|- Get the fuck out of here!
{68043}{68119}- Your moaning worried me.|- I was faking it, stupid!
{68123}{68162}Don't ever call me stupid.
{68166}{68217}- And I'm not jealous.|- Then leave!
{68259}{68297}It's a nice place.
{68339}{68377}Don't touch his dick!
{68434}{68477}His wife, his wife!
{68554}{68604}For goodness sake, get off to bed.
{68714}{68757}God, there isn't any ice.
{69073}{69106}What's the matter?
{69149}{69178}What are you doing?
{69234}{69292}Champagne, dear. To welcome you home.
{69296}{69344}Erm... Iet me pour you a glass.
{69377}{69410}Whose is the car?
{69414}{69450}The car?
{69454}{69487}Blocking the drive?
{69491}{69534}There you are, dear. Cheers.
{69538}{69573}Nice to see you again.
{69577}{69607}How was the opera?
{69611}{69671}- Finished early, did it?|- Whose car is it?
{69710}{69744}It's a beauty, isn't it?
{69748}{69800}Where did I leave my drink, Archie?
{69834}{69882}Who is this?
{69886}{69911}Don't you know?

{69915}{69950}How do you do, Mrs Leach?

{69954}{70041}I'm Harvey Manfren... jensen... jen.
{70045}{70094}- I'm... with the CIA.|- The CIA?
{70098}{70134}That's correct, ma'am.
{70138}{70212}I was er...|just telling your husband
{70216}{70299}before I had to go|to your beautiful bathroom.
{70303}{70408}We've got a high-ranking KGB defector|in a safe house near here.
{70412}{70459}We're debriefing him as of now
{70463}{70495}and we're just er
{70499}{70557}checking all the houses in the area.
{70561}{70608}- For what?|- For KGB.
{70612}{70665}- Is there any danger?|- No, no, no, no.
{70669}{70734}No er... No, not now.
{70738}{70769}We er...
{70773}{70834}We just want to keep everyone informed.
{70838}{70888}So. Archie, thanks for the drink.
{70892}{70935}Sorry to have troubled you...
{70939}{70975}Keep everyone informed?
{70979}{71018}So there's no panic, ma'am.
{71022}{71053}But isn't it a secret?
{71057}{71097}You've no idea how secret.
{71101}{71152}Well, why are you telling everyone?
{71177}{71219}It's a smoke screen?
{71256}{71286}Double bluff.
{71290}{71376}You obviously know nothing|about intelligence work.
{71380}{71441}It's an XK Red 27 technique.
{71445}{71532}My father was in the Secret Service,|Mr Manfredjen St John.
{71536}{71627}I know perfectly well|you don't keep the public informed
{71631}{71695}when you are debriefing KGB defectors.
{71699}{71730}Oh, you don't, huh?
{71734}{71829}Not unless you're|congenitally insane or stupid, no.
{71854}{71888}Don't call me stupid.
{71909}{71943}Why on earth not?
{71969}{72084}Oh, you English are so superior,|aren't you?
{72088}{72129}Do you know where you'd be
{72133}{72195}without us,|the old US of A to protect you?
{72199}{72222}I'll tell you.
{72226}{72329}The smallest fucking province|in the Russian Empire, that's what!
{72333}{72380}So don't call me stupid, lady.
{72384}{72407}Just thank me.
{72411}{72467}Thank you for popping in|and protecting us!
{72471}{72536}If it wasn't for us,|you'd be speaking German!
{72540}{72577}Singing Deutschland, Deutschland
{72585}{72635}ber alles
{72639}{72724}He's covering for me.|Get rid of your wife and get my necklace.
{72728}{72780}Necklace. I'll think of something.
{72784}{72846}- Who are you talking to?|- Myself, darling.
{72850}{72935}- Who was that shouting?|- Th-th-the brother of a f-friend.
{72939}{72980}Archie, who on earth...
{72984}{73012}I don't know. He...
{73016}{73068}- I need a drink.|- Let's go to the pub.
{73106}{73135}Let's go to the pub.
{73139}{73177}Would you like to, Portia?
{73181}{73217}We haven't been for 1 5 years!
{73221}{73255}Portia could see it now.
{73259}{73287}Honestly, Archie!
{73318}{73350}What on earth is the matter?

{73363}{73401}I thought the picture was falling off.

{73405}{73457}Will you pull yourself together?!
{73461}{73493}What's this?
{73497}{73543}Thanks, Portia. Coming with us?
{73547}{73578}What was that?
{73582}{73616}- A kind of necklace.|- Aah!
{73620}{73644}What's going on?
{73648}{73688}Nothing. Let's go.
{73692}{73715}Can I see that?
{73719}{73750}- What?|- In your hand.
{73784}{73808}Your other hand.
{73839}{73873}Portia, go to your room.
{73877}{73906}Aren't we going out?
{73910}{73947}I can explain. I left...
{73978}{74028}- They sent a new girl...|- Oh, Archie.
{74032}{74074}No, she's Canadian...
{74078}{74132}It's lovely. Thank you.
{74219}{74272}It's even got a W for Wendy.
{74276}{74352}Oh, I'm so glad you like it.
{74356}{74430}It's the most beautiful thing|you've ever given me.
{74547}{74613}Oh, Archie. This isn't like you.
{74800}{74866}Are you fucking crazy?!
{74893}{74925}Hey, I saved your ass.
{74929}{75000}I had him right where I wanted him,|you asshole!
{75004}{75065}I give you one fucking thing to!
{75069}{75130}You had to drive me and shut up!
{75134}{75160}Oh, relax!
{75419}{75454}Hold on.
{75458}{75497}It's for you.
{75627}{75686}Not at the moment, no.
{75754}{75838}Yes, well, I'm not quite sure|when I can get hold of that.
{75879}{75925}Yes, yes, I do appreciate that.
{75929}{75974}Yes. As soon as possible.
{76009}{76092}Well, that would be very nice, obviously.
{76096}{76127}So. Erm...
{76131}{76167}See you soon, I hope.
{76171}{76205}Bye, Frank.
{76298}{76346}Calm down. Calm down!
{76350}{76409}Easy, g-g-girl. Easy, easy!
{76584}{76616}Come here!
{76620}{76657}Smell. Smell!
{76669}{76713}Smell, Maggie, smell.
{76717}{76757}Now. Now!
{76761}{76812}Kill, kill!
{77519}{77584}We therefore|commit its body to the ground.
{77599}{77627}Earth to earth.
{77631}{77678}Ashes to ashes.
{77682}{77728}Dust to dust.
{77784}{77852}Miserere Dominus
{77864}{77993}Miserere Dominus
{78011}{78099}Canis mortuus est
{78144}{78180}Hello, honey.
{78184}{78222}What happened?

{78275}{78297}What's that?
{78331}{78357}Not Granny?
{78361}{78384}Not yet.
{78388}{78441}Oh. Who is it for, then?
{78445}{78474}A f-f-f...
{78478}{78527}A fish? Frenchman?
{78531}{78574}- A phone operator?|- Friend.
{78578}{78628}Oh, a four-legged one?
{78632}{78660}Where's my sister?
{78664}{78694}She's in the b-b-b...
{78698}{78727}Thank you.
{78874}{78905}What? No?
{78909}{78948}Why are you here?
{78952}{79000}I'm here because I'm bored!
{79004}{79107}Bored, wandering around|this awful city, shoving George's pic...
{79133}{79268}Talking to a lot of snotty, stuck-up,|intellectually inferior Brit
ish faggots.
{79281}{79369}They get rigor mortis|in the prime of life in this country!
{79373}{79450}Standing there with their hair clenched
{79485}{79554}counting the seconds till the weekend,
{79558}{79630}so they can dress up like ballerinas
{79634}{79678}at the flat at four
{79682}{79708}2B, Saint...
{79744}{79827}To be honest, I er... hate them.
{79848}{79922}I mean, pretending|they're so fucking lawyer...
{79949}{80026}So fucking superior|with those phoney accents.
{80043}{80105}Not you, Ken.|You've got a beautiful voice
{80109}{80147}when it works.
{80336}{80400}So er...|Want to have some lunch?
{80404}{80439}Have you heard from him?
{80443}{80482}- Who?|- Archie.
{80486}{80542}No, I have to finish my hair!
{80579}{80607}OK, I'm out of here!
{80611}{80648}No plans to see him?
{80684}{80713}OK, bye, bro!
{80736}{80759}Bye, Wanda!
{80839}{80872}Oh, sorry.
{80940}{80999}- What?!|- It wasn't theirs to sell.
{81003}{81057}A old lady gave it to them to engrave.
{81061}{81120}Someone put it in the display cabinet...
{81124}{81179}- That's their problem.|- No. Legally...
{81183}{81206}You paid for it!
{81210}{81298}They accept their mistake|and they're offering you this.
{81302}{81340}It's much more valuable.
{81344}{81410}I adore this|and you want me to give it back...
{81414}{81468}- I don't want...|- They can't have it.
{81472}{81495}- Wendy.|- No. No!
{81499}{81537}- Wendy!|- NO!
{81541}{81580}Tell them they can't have it!
{81584}{81630}You're the bloody barrister!
{82464}{82500}- Hello.|- Hello.
{82549}{82597}Oh, Archie, it's beautiful.
{82624}{82676}It's just beautiful.

{82735}{82781}Oh, my God, look!

{82824}{82874}Oh, Archie, it's beautiful.
{82878}{82912}Isn't it wonderful?
{82916}{82950}Whose is it?
{82954}{83011}It belongs to someone|at the chambers.
{83015}{83043}And where are they?
{83064}{83094}Hong Kong.
{83098}{83121}Ah so.
{83139}{83187}Gone for weeks.
{83191}{83242}Nice rug, Archie.
{83279}{83312}May l?
{83376}{83417}Archie, what are you doing?
{83421}{83449}The polka, I think.
{83559}{83609}You make me feel free!
{83654}{83745}Do you have any idea|what it's like being English?
{83749}{83805}Being so correct all the time?
{83809}{83943}Being so... stifled|by this dread of doing the wrong thing?
{83947}{84003}Asking someone, 'Are you married?'
{84007}{84055}and hearing, 'My wife left me.'
{84059}{84117}Or saying,|'Do you have children?'
{84129}{84201}and hearing,|'They burned to death yesterday.'
{84205}{84300}Wanda, we're all terrified|of embarrassment.
{84321}{84385}That's why we're so... dead.
{84412}{84459}Most of my friends are dead.
{84463}{84524}We have these piles of corpses to dinner.
{84562}{84610}But you're alive, God bless you.
{84614}{84678}And I want to be.|I'm so fed up with all this.
{84724}{84783}I want to make love with you, Wanda.
{84801}{84826}I'm a good lover.
{84830}{84919}At least, I used to be|in the early 14th century.
{84957}{85005}Can we go to bed?
{85196}{85246}Hang on!
{85250}{85302}Mind your head.
{85324}{85365}Agh! Aagh!
{85369}{85412}Aaagh! Aaagh!
{85464}{85507}I think I love you, Wanda.
{85511}{85559}Oh, Archie.
{85563}{85609}Can I ask you a question?
{85640}{85688}Where's my locket?
{85692}{85718}I couldn't get it.
{85753}{85806}Wendy wouldn't give it back. Look...
{85810}{85847}I got you this instead.
{85851}{85894}Do you like it?
{85898}{85962}No. Archie, I have to have mine.
{85966}{86031}What's the matter? Why?
{86054}{86114}My mother gave it to me
{86129}{86237}on her death... bed.
{86241}{86285}Oh, I'm sorry.
{86289}{86322}All right, darling.
{86326}{86361}I'll get it for you.
{86365}{86388}You promise?
{86392}{86429}I'll think of something.
{86433}{86487}Sex is very, very difficult for me
{86491}{86567}with somebody|that I don't trust completely.
{86584}{86630}I promise I'll get it. OK?
{86654}{86720}Ooh! I love you, Archie.

{86749}{86853}I've loved you ever since|the first second I saw you!

{86907}{86945}What was that?
{86990}{87061}Your brother didn't bring you|here this time?
{87106}{87132}He's no idea?
{87149}{87202}He doesn't have a clue.
{87254}{87279}He is so dumb...
{87310}{87406}He thought the Gettysburg Address|was where Lincoln lived.
{87482}{87584}Those terrible lies|he told about the CIA!
{87588}{87611}So painful!
{87615}{87690}When he heard|your daughter's name was Portia,
{87694}{87762}he said,|'Why did they name her after a car?'
{87884}{87922}I love the way you laugh!
{87939}{87985}I love you, you're funny.
{88024}{88110}How come a girl as bright as you
{88114}{88165}can have a brother who's so...
{88169}{88208}Don't call me stupid.
{88239}{88290}Jesus Christ!
{88459}{88510}Ouch! Otto!
{88514}{88540}Come on!
{88569}{88616}I'll deal with you later!
{88639}{88680}What have you done with her?
{88684}{88748}- She's all right!|- Otto!
{88751}{88794}Now, apologise.
{88928}{88983}Are you totally deranged?
{89104}{89157}You pompous,
{89161}{89221}stuck-up, snot-nosed,
{89225}{89278}English, giant twerp,
{89282}{89373}scumbag, fuck-face,|dickhead asshole!
{89377}{89429}How very interesting.
{89433}{89489}You're a true vulgarian, aren't you?
{89493}{89544}You're the vulgarian, you fuck!
{89548}{89571}Now, apologise!
{89598}{89649}What? Me to you?
{89830}{89865}All right, I apologise.
{89869}{89899}You're really sorry?
{89903}{89940}I'm really, really sorry.
{89944}{89985}I apologise unreservedly.
{90008}{90032}You take it back?
{90036}{90105}I do.|I offer a complete and utter retraction.
{90109}{90203}The imputation was totally|without basis in fact,
{90207}{90255}and was in no way fair comment.
{90259}{90311}It was motivated purely by malice.
{90315}{90361}I deeply regret any distress
{90365}{90434}my comments|may have caused you or your family.
{90438}{90480}I hereby undertake not repeat
{90484}{90568}any such slander|at any time in the future.
{92170}{92267}Miserere Dominus
{92279}{92401}Miserere Dominus
{92418}{92514}Canis mortuus est
{92521}{92527}You said you loved him!
{92566}{92640}Right, Otto!|Here's a multiple choice question.

{92644}{92692}A. Wanda was lying.

{92696}{92744}B. Wanda was telling the truth.
{92748}{92794}Which one are you going to pick?
{92798}{92838}What was the first one?
{92842}{92888}You said you were not seeing him!
{92892}{92938}I knew you'd come and fuck it up!
{92942}{92999}I was dealing with something delicate.
{93003}{93057}I'm setting up a guy|who's important to us.
{93061}{93130}He knows where the loot is|and if you'll be arrested.
{93134}{93194}You lope in|like Rambo without a jockstrap
{93198}{93239}and dangle him from a window!
{93243}{93292}Now, was that smart?!
{93296}{93338}Was it shrewd?
{93342}{93402}Was it good tactics, or was it stupid?!
{93446}{93484}Don't call me stupid.
{93497}{93520}Oh, right!
{93524}{93594}To call you stupid|is an insult to stupid people!
{93598}{93655}I've known sheep that could outwit you.
{93659}{93709}I've worn dresses with higher IQs.
{93713}{93787}You think you're an intellectual,|don't you, ape?
{93809}{93855}Apes don't read philosophy.
{93859}{93950}Yes, they do.|They just don't understand it.
{93954}{94019}Let me correct you|on a couple of things, OK?
{94023}{94072}Aristotle was not Belgian.
{94089}{94143}The central message of Buddhism
{94147}{94215}- is not every man for himself.|- You read...
{94219}{94299}The London Underground|is not a political movement.
{94303}{94357}Those are mistakes. I looked 'em up.
{94361}{94426}Now. You have just assaulted
{94430}{94518}the one man who can keep you|out of jail and make you rich.
{94522}{94579}So what are you|going to do about it, huh?
{94583}{94631}What would an intellectual do?
{94644}{94683}What would Plato do?
{94811}{94855}Pardon me?
{95014}{95047}I'm sorry.
{95116}{95139}Not to me.
{95143}{95176}To Archie.
{95180}{95237}And make it good, or we're dead.
{95389}{95487}Oh, I'm so very,|very, very, very s...
{95491}{95534}Fuck you!
{95564}{95607}I'm s...
{95611}{95667}I'm very, very s...
{95671}{95695}I'm so
{95699}{95733}very s...
{95737}{95810}Very, very s...
{96144}{96192}Very, very...
{97981}{98026}Hello, Mr Burglar!
{98030}{98067}Going somewhere?
{98071}{98110}Think you can rob Mr Leach?
{98114}{98160}I'll teach you a lesson.
{98164}{98221}He's a very good friend of mine.
{98225}{98258}Otto! Otto!

{98262}{98352}He'll be very pleased with me|when he finds you all tied up

{98356}{98397}and ready for the police!
{98439}{98485}And don't call me Otto.
{98489}{98537}To you, I am Mr...
{98778}{98819}Oh, God.
{98884}{98937}I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
{98941}{98985}I'm sorry.
{99035}{99063}I'm sorry.
{99067}{99119}I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you.
{99123}{99162}How could I know it was you?
{99178}{99237}I mean,|how could you expect me to guess?
{99241}{99264}Stupid jerk!
{99268}{99370}What the fuck are you doing|robbing your own house?
{99374}{99406}You asshole!
{99410}{99469}You stupid, stiff, pompous English...
{99510}{99537}I'm sorry.
{99549}{99578}I'm sorry.
{99582}{99630}Er... Er...
{100681}{100729}God Almighty!
{100749}{100797}Bloody hell!
{101026}{101062}Are you hurt?
{101066}{101119}Speak to me! Are you hurt?
{101164}{101193}Can't you speak?
{101197}{101272}Archie! Archie, what has happened?
{101334}{101381}Archie, we've been burgled.
{101385}{101408}Oh, no!
{101412}{101440}Well, are you hurt?
{101444}{101483}No, I'm... I'm fine.
{101487}{101524}Bit of a headache. I er...
{101528}{101592}I came in here,|somebody hit me, tied me up...
{101596}{101631}My God, is that the time?
{101661}{101714}I didn't realise it was quite so late.
{101745}{101784}I'm late for a conference.
{101788}{101829}You've just been attacked!
{101833}{101879}It's nothing, I must fly. Sorry.
{101883}{101940}- Archie!|- I'll help you tidy up later!
{101944}{101975}Hello, Portia.
{101979}{102005}What's happened?
{102022}{102123}Your father has finally gone|completely mental.
{103079}{103115}Thank you so much.
{103724}{103767}- To us.|- To us.
{103838}{103899}I went back to the house,|and guess who...
{103931}{103955}Let's make love!
{103990}{104042}Well, if you absolutely insist...
{104102}{104151}Here. On the rug.
{104174}{104209}I'll be right back.
{104213}{104261}Get undressed.

{104274}{104317}Why not?
{104334}{104368}Why not indeed!?
{104514}{104562}..let's go to South America.
{104597}{104642}Let's fly to South America.
{104646}{104675}Why South America?
{104679}{104723}OK,... Iceland?
{104814}{104876}What do you really want out of life?
{104889}{104925}I don't know.
{104929}{104972}Why do I like you so much?
{105030}{105069}Do you speak ltalian?
{105073}{105096}I am ltalian!
{105100}{105153}Sono italiano in spirito.
{105157}{105255}Ma ho sposato una donna|che preferisce lavorare in giardino
{105259}{105317}a fare I'amore appassionato.
{105321}{105352}Uno sbaglio grande!
{105356}{105427}But it's such an ugly language.
{105441}{105488}How about... Russian?
{105492}{105606}Yest' sila blagodatnaya|sozvuchiy slov zhivykh.
{105627}{105759}Kamina tozhe ni trudnuyu tyesnitsya|lyubosyat'sya grust'.
{105784}{105910}Odnu molitvu chudnuyu|tverzhdaya naizust'.
{105914}{106042}V dushe kak bremya skatyatsya|somneniya daleko.
{106049}{106133}I varitsya i plachetsya, i tak legko...
{106203}{106237}Are you rich?
{106241}{106279}No, no, I'm afraid not.
{106283}{106315}What about the house?
{106319}{106378}Oh, that's Wendy's. She's the rich one.
{106539}{106626}Yest' sila blagodatnaya|sozvuchiy slov zhivykh.
{106630}{106733}I tushit nyeponyatnaya,|svetlaya, prelyestnaya rech'.
{106763}{106878}V dushe kak bremya skatyatsya|somneniya daleko.
{106898}{106992}I varitsya i plachetsya, i tak legko!
{107438}{107535}- What the hell are you doing?|- I might ask you the same questi
{107564}{107587}Who are you?
{107618}{107649}Get your clothes on.
{107653}{107725}- Will you leave immediately, please?|- What?!
{107729}{107766}You're in the wrong flat.
{107770}{107825}This flat belongs to Patrick Balfour.
{107829}{107855}He's in Hong Kong.
{107859}{107903}He lent me the key. Now get out!
{107907}{107980}We leased it|from the agents last weekend.
{108114}{108205}Yes, well obviously|that changes things a bit. Erm...
{108229}{108297}Aren't you Archie Leach?
{108346}{108411}You bought our house|in Lissendon Gardens.
{108427}{108502}Hazel and lan Johnson.
{108549}{108596}What a coincidence!
{108651}{108704}How nice to see you.
{109434}{109473}Hello, Wanda. It's Archie
{109515}{109580}I can't see you any more.|I've got to end it.

{109584}{109607}I'm sorry.
{109679}{109727}I'm sorry.
{110606}{110644}Oh, no, no. Please.
{110648}{110687}Look, I want to apologise.
{110691}{110719}I just finished it.
{110723}{110746}OK, OK, wait.
{110750}{110814}Where are you going?|I want speak with you.
{110817}{110865}Will you leave me alone?
{110869}{110905}I've ended it, all right?
{110909}{110955}Wait! I want to say I'm sorry.
{110959}{111001}It's all over, OK? It's over.
{111005}{111046}- All right!|- Jesus Christ!
{111050}{111095}- Calm down!|- Someone help me!
{111110}{111166}- Please believe me!|- It's all right!
{111170}{111239}Don't beat me up again.|I've had a terrible day.
{111243}{111269}Will you shut up?!
{111273}{111318}Jesus Christ, don't kill me!
{111322}{111346}Shut up, then.
{111442}{111484}I just want to apologise
{111542}{111586}When I hung you from the window.
{111590}{111613}I'm really....
{111636}{111677}It was not a nice thing to do.
{111681}{111731}Then when I attacked you in there.
{111735}{111771}I'm really, s...
{111775}{111837}How did I know|you were robbing your house?
{111841}{111871}I was trying to help!
{111875}{111929}Yes. Thanks. Otto.
{111933}{111968}I wanted you to trust me.
{111972}{112030}Please, it was my fault.
{112046}{112081}- That's true.|- Yeah.
{112085}{112116}Now, about my sister.
{112147}{112187}She's a very sexy girl.
{112191}{112245}I understand|you wanting to play around with her.
{112249}{112322}It's OK, I was wrong. I'm sorry!
{112326}{112349}I was jealous.
{112353}{112417}Just go ahead, pork away, pal.
{112433}{112460}Fuck her blue.
{112464}{112502}I like you, Archie.
{112514}{112557}I just want to help.
{114144}{114178}Oh, God!
{115074}{115139}Send for an ambulance!
{115729}{115767}I did it!
{115771}{115805}I did it! I did it!
{116039}{116077}You done well, my son.
{116114}{116152}Now, here's the plan.
{116156}{116245}You get four tickets|for this evening for Rio, first class.
{116249}{116302}- Then...|- F-f-f...
{116306}{116334}Yeah, four.

{116338}{116373}We get rid of Otto later.

{116377}{116444}Then, back to the flat,|pack, collect me.
{116448}{116534}Then to the Cathcart Towers Hotel|to pick up the jewels.
{116721}{116760}Oi! Oi!
{116839}{116903}It's so exciting,|I can't believe it!
{116907}{116932}He's s-s-safe.
{116965}{117011}I'm going to be late for court!
{117099}{117122}Hello, Otto.
{117179}{117247}No, she just er... I-l-left.
{117264}{117313}Oh, and Otto...
{117317}{117379}You owe me a p-p-p...
{117484}{117539}You owe me a p-p-pound.
{117579}{117602}Not Granny?
{117626}{117724}M-met with an accident.
{117749}{117794}Bullshit! You're lying.
{117872}{117910}Heart attack.
{118014}{118047}I don't believe this.
{118051}{118112}So, George will be out this afternoon.
{118116}{118157}We all go out to Heathrow,
{118161}{118199}collect the loot and...
{118241}{118386}All thanks to me.
{118410}{118474}So the loot's at the airport, is it, Ken?
{118724}{118759}What's h-h-happening?
{118801}{118824}Well, Ken.
{118847}{118903}I'm going to ask you some questions
{118907}{118940}while I eat my chips.
{118980}{119019}Who was the philosopher
{119023}{119092}who developed|the concept of the superman
{119096}{119147}in Also Spracht Zarathustra?
{119236}{119302}That's a chip up the nose, I'm afraid.
{119328}{119361}Friedrich Nietzsche.
{119404}{119459}In which book did Nietzsche claim
{119463}{119545}that almost all higher culture|is based on cruelty?
{119589}{119654}Are you thinking|or are you in mid-stutter?
{119658}{119717}You're m-mad.
{119739}{119798}Beyond GoodAnd Evil.
{119839}{119885}I'll have to ask you an easy one.
{119889}{119933}OK. Erm...
{119937}{119976}Let me think, let me think.
{119996}{120037}Where are the diamonds?
{120059}{120100}I'll give you a clue.
{120104}{120163}Somewhere round the airport.
{120234}{120289}No hassle, there's plenty of time.
{120293}{120377}I'll just sit here and eat my chips|till you tell me.
{120435}{120502}The English contribution to world cuisine.
{120506}{120548}The chip.
{120552}{120622}What do the English|usually eat with chips
{120626}{120680}to make them more interesting?
{120719}{120761}Wait a moment!
{120814}{120860}It's fish, isn't it?!
{120963}{121007}Here, boy.
{121024}{121083}Down the hatch.

{121190}{121248}You b-b-b...
{121252}{121295}Better eat the green one? OK?
{121314}{121370}What's this one's name?
{121374}{121426}Well, not Wanda, anyway.
{121430}{121471}I'm going to call her Lunch.
{121475}{121526}Hello, Lunch. Hello!
{121686}{121734}Avoid the green ones.
{121738}{121776}They're not ripe yet.
{121824}{121928}You were in court, lnspector,|when the forensic evidence was rea
{121932}{121956}Yes, sir.
{121960}{122042}And the fact that Mr Thomason|was installing windows
{122046}{122087}the previous weekend,
{122091}{122230}would explain the presence of|small particles of glass on his tr
{122271}{122319}No hurry, lnspector.
{122323}{122360}Please do take your time.
{122537}{122561}I'm almost full.
{122695}{122742}Please, don't.
{122746}{122769}Come on, Wanda!
{122800}{122823}Gullet time!
{122894}{122971}What are the names|of those hotels by the airport?
{122975}{123006}The Airway Sheraton?
{123010}{123033}The Post House?
{123037}{123068}The Cathcart Towers?
{123072}{123120}The Cathcart Towers? Yes?
{123164}{123193}Mm? Mm?
{123265}{123301}In the safe deposit box?
{123333}{123374}Where's the key?
{123405}{123429}Where's the key?
{123433}{123482}It's in the t-t-tank.
{123532}{123567}Where? Where?
{123571}{123628}In the t-t-t...
{123632}{123662}Treasure chest!
{123924}{123998}You m-m-m
{124002}{124099}murdering k-k-k...
{124106}{124149}I'll kill you, I'll kill you!
{124224}{124309}Sorry, Ken,|but your answer was incorrect.
{124313}{124397}Still, you really did think|it was in there, didn't you?
{124723}{124780}- Hello?|- I know where the diamonds are.
{124848}{124883}Where's the key?
{124971}{125001}I've got it.
{125005}{125064}When can you get|to George's apartment?
{125096}{125145}You are Wanda Gershwitz,
{125149}{125239}of Kipling Mansions,|Murray Road, London W9?
{125293}{125333}Would you tell the court,
{125337}{125385}how do you know the defendant?

{125389}{125458}We've had a relationship for two years.

{125524}{125583}We're lovers, your lord.
{125641}{125724}Miss Gershwitz,|on 4th March of this year,
{125728}{125760}in the morning,
{125764}{125789}where were you?
{125793}{125841}At the apartment at Murray Road.
{125845}{125925}And were you by yourself,|or was anyone else present?
{125930}{125985}No. Somebody else was there.
{125989}{126024}Who was that?
{126028}{126061}My brother.
{126065}{126088}Did your b... ?
{126194}{126232}Your brother?
{126264}{126309}My brother.
{126434}{126468}Yes, and...
{126500}{126557}Are you quite sure it was your brother?
{126561}{126619}I'm sure she can recognise her brother.
{126623}{126694}She's had a relationship|with him all her life.
{126750}{126783}Much obliged, my lord.
{126812}{126912}W-w-was there|anyone else present that morning?
{126916}{126966}Yes, George was there.
{126970}{127003}But he left about 6.55.
{127053}{127094}I-l wonder...
{127105}{127149}I wonder...
{127187}{127225}I wonder...
{127429}{127477}Yes, Mr Leach?
{127503}{127537}I Wendy... I Wanda...
{127541}{127579}I wonder... I w-w-w
{127583}{127657}Wh-when you say 6.55,
{127661}{127717}Miss er... Gershwitz,
{127721}{127785}how can you be so sure?
{127789}{127826}Oh, I looked at the clock.
{127835}{127868}Cos I said to myself,
{127872}{127961}'Where could he be going at 6.55|with that sawn-off shotgun?'
{128014}{128050}Mr Leach.
{128083}{128111}Yes, dear?
{128115}{128138}You bitch!
{128142}{128176}You fucking bitch!
{128280}{128308}Restrain that man!
{128464}{128489}Restrain this man.
{128493}{128524}Come 'ere, you bastard!
{128528}{128601}Clear the court!|I'm adjourning this for an hour.
{128605}{128656}Clear the court!
{128888}{128919}Clear the court!
{128923}{128976}Clear the court! Clear the court!
{128980}{129027}Officers, arrest that man!
{129174}{129241}Clear the court! Clear the court!
{129511}{129546}Bloody hell!
{129564}{129617}It's my husband, he's been hit.
{129637}{129668}Ah, you made it. Good.
{129672}{129713}A bit of a knock, I'm afraid.
{129758}{129830}I have never been|so humiliated in my life.
{129834}{129910}You can stick this marriage|right in your bottom!
{129914}{129947}I'll see you in court.

{130314}{130351}That's it, then.

{130470}{130509}- What?|- We've got to talk.
{130529}{130574}Tell those pigs to fuck off.
{130578}{130608}Fuck off, pigs.
{130689}{130725}Did you hear what I said?
{130729}{130752}Fuck off.
{130883}{130920}What's she up to, George?
{130924}{130950}What are you up to?
{130974}{131017}You called her darling,
{131021}{131047}and Wanda.
{131051}{131124}I've been helping her|get her evidence straight.
{131128}{131154}It slipped out.
{131158}{131199}Have you been coaching her?
{131203}{131265}What do you think?!|We've got ten minutes.
{131269}{131317}They'll find you guilty, right?
{131321}{131404}Plead guilty now, tell them|where the loot is, you may get
{131408}{131462}eight years, out in five and a half.
{131466}{131524}What if I tell them about Otto...|and Wanda?
{131539}{131577}- They both did it?|- Yeah.
{131581}{131607}Great, all right.
{131611}{131654}Maybe six years, out in four?
{131658}{131725}So where are the diamonds?
{131729}{131769}Where's Bartlett?
{131773}{131819}Upstairs, calming things down.
{131823}{131850}So, where are they?
{131854}{131918}Tell Bartlett Ken knows where they are.
{131953}{132049}George, it'd be a lot quicker|if you told me.
{132104}{132150}OK! I'll tell Bartlett.
{132154}{132195}Where's Ken?
{132199}{132228}He's at the flat.
{132366}{132406}Thank you for all your help.
{132410}{132436}I'll be right out.
{132801}{132840}Taxi! Taxi!
{132844}{132868}Please... shit!
{132906}{132933}Come on.
{132937}{132963}- What?|- Let's go.
{132967}{133002}- Where?|- Buenos Aires.
{133006}{133073}- What?|- We're going to George's flat first.
{133077}{133118}Get in.
{133192}{133220}Got your passport?
{133251}{133301}Check the briefcase for mine.
{133305}{133338}Get your head down.
{133480}{133564}So, you robbed the jeweller's,|turned one lover in,
{133568}{133635}and kept one to help you|find the diamonds.
{133639}{133703}When he does,|you commit perjury in court.
{133706}{133749}Everyone does it in America.
{133753}{133782}Not in this country!
{133786}{133836}Right! Nobody lies in England.
{133840}{133938}- Like Margaret Thatcher never lied.|- You lied to me from the s
{133942}{134029}- You just wanted to get me into bed.|- I fell in love with you!
{134144}{134210}How come you dumped me, then?
{134214}{134262}I wasn't rich enough, remember?
{134545}{134584}Say something in Russian.
{134731}{134776}What are you thinking, Archie?
{134780}{134836}I'm trying to find one good reason

{134840}{134894}why I should take you away with me.

{134898}{134918}How about
{134944}{135020}because I have the key|to the safety deposit box.
{135037}{135091}(both) That's a good reason!
{135182}{135217}What do we do about Otto?
{135221}{135247}I'll handle Otto.
{135251}{135299}Be careful, he's dangerous.
{135314}{135345}So am l.
{135349}{135387}Keep it running.
{135473}{135525}- Why did you bring him?|- Otto, wait!
{135529}{135595}- I'm beginning to think you like him!|- Wait!
{135599}{135633}Let's get the diamonds!
{135686}{135709}Are you Ken?
{135774}{135797}How do you do?
{135801}{135838}I'm George's barrister.
{135916}{135939}Oh, my God!
{135979}{136035}What the bloody hell...
{136039}{136077}Oh, all right, then.
{136189}{136220}Where have they gone?
{136224}{136267}Quick! Where have they gone?
{136271}{136319}They've go... they've go...
{136386}{136412}Are you all right?
{136434}{136465}Where have they gone?
{136469}{136502}They've gone to the
{136506}{136533}the Ca-ca-ca...
{136537}{136573}- Are you ill?|- No, no, no.
{136632}{136665}Have you got a stutter?
{136669}{136721}Yeah, I have. A bit.
{136725}{136760}OK, fine. Don't worry.
{136764}{136810}Do you know where they've gone?
{136841}{136875}Fine, fine. Where?
{136879}{136951}The Ca-ca
{137024}{137047}Which hotel?
{137134}{137184}The Ca... The Ca...
{137188}{137222}Go on, go on.
{137253}{137276}It's OK.
{137280}{137339}Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
{137343}{137391}Slowly. Very slowly.
{137474}{137506}The Ca
{137547}{137570}The Caa
{137675}{137703}The Caa...
{137707}{137730}No hurry.
{137734}{137772}The C-C-Caaa...
{137776}{137813}Sing it. Sing.
{137817}{137845}The Caa
{137874}{137904}The Caa

{137912}{137951}The Caa, the Caa

{138017}{138040}Plenty of time.
{138126}{138149}The Caa
{138153}{138185}Oh, come on!
{138189}{138224}Sorry. I'm sorry.
{138289}{138332}The Caa
{138390}{138431}Here. Write it.
{138709}{138744}Cathcart Towers Hotel?
{138756}{138791}Cathcart Towers Hotel.
{138795}{138823}Where is it?
{138850}{138887}Ken, where is it? Where?!
{138925}{138960}Here. Again.
{138964}{138992}No, no, no.
{139185}{139213}Heathrow Airport.
{139504}{139535}Hey! What's the idea?
{139548}{139574}You can't stay...
{139578}{139638}Terribly sorry. Take it, it's yours.
{139814}{139840}Thank you so much.
{139844}{139892}Er... British Airways to Rio.
{139896}{139935}Rio? Terminal Four.
{139939}{139977}Thank you.
{140111}{140167}Excuse me, sir. Is this your vehicle?
{140171}{140212}I'll be with you in a moment.
{140216}{140244}I'll be right back.
{140268}{140326}Aisle or window?|Smoking or non-smoking?
{140330}{140365}What was the middle one?
{140369}{140422}Anything in non-smoking, thanks.
{140426}{140461}Gate 14 is boarding now.
{141074}{141145}Otto, don't look back,|there's a cop behind us.
{141281}{141329}Yes, we can just do it, Mr Leach.
{141472}{141511}Don't really need any.
{141515}{141555}- Gate 14.|- Thank you.
{141601}{141645}Ciao, stupidissimo.
{142362}{142408}Come on, Archie.
{142412}{142440}Pick up the phone.
{142616}{142665}Ticket, sir. Airport security.
{142669}{142712}May I see your boarding pass?
{142716}{142755}Oh, yes. Certainly.
{142759}{142841}Very good. Would you mind|stepping over here, please?
{142845}{142864}Of course.
{142868}{142912}- Oh, look, the Queen.|- Where?
{143034}{143082}OK, OK, OK, don't get excited.
{143086}{143125}OK, OK, OK.
{143176}{143250}Oh, it's you!|I was actually worried for a minute.
{143254}{143295}- Keep your hands up.|- No!
{143299}{143355}- Put 'em up!|- I'll make a deal with you.
{143359}{143387}I'll put one up.
{143391}{143427}Put the other one up!
{143449}{143497}Which looks better?

{143525}{143582}I'm warning you, Otto.

{143586}{143621}What are you going to do?
{143626}{143702}Shoot me? Gun me down in cold blood,|like a dog? Hey?
{143706}{143805}If you want to settle something,|fight me. You're a man.
{143809}{143857}Let's fight like men! Come on!
{143888}{143925}All right.
{143929}{143953}All right, then.
{143978}{144024}OK. OK.
{144028}{144071}You look good, Arch.
{144075}{144131}That's right. I used to box for Oxford.
{144135}{144195}Oh, yeah?|Well, I used to kill for the CIA.
{144199}{144232}Now, get your hands up.
{144354}{144420}You spineless bimbo.
{144424}{144472}Now, out.
{144570}{144634}I'm going to have|to shoot you now, Archie.
{144637}{144694}But I've got a little time|before my plane leaves
{144698}{144750}and I'm longing to humiliate you.
{144754}{144797}So get in that barrel.
{144871}{144894}In the barrel.
{145098}{145121}You English!
{145125}{145186}You think you're so superior, don't you?
{145190}{145250}Well, you're the filth of the planet.
{145254}{145307}A bunch of pompous,
{145311}{145376}badly-dressed, poverty-stricken,
{145380}{145447}sexually repressed football hooligans.
{145484}{145519}Goodbye, Archie.
{145523}{145582}At least we're not irretrievably vulgar.
{145586}{145645}Your problem is you don't like winners.
{145649}{145679}- Winners?|- Yeah.
{145714}{145742}Winners like
{145746}{145773}North Vietnam?
{145777}{145808}Shut up!
{145812}{145849}We did not lose Vietnam!
{145853}{145881}It was a tie!
{145885}{145959}I'm telling ya, baby,|they kicked a little ass there.
{145963}{146070}Boy, they whupped|your hide real good!
{146074}{146097}No, they didn't.
{146101}{146145}- Oh, yes, they did.|- No, they didn't.
{146149}{146190}Oh, yes, they did.
{146194}{146232}Oh, no they...
{146236}{146259}Shut up!
{146284}{146310}Goodbye, Archie.
{146314}{146347}Are you gonna shoot me?
{146351}{146404}Er yes, I'm afraid so, old chap.
{146436}{146460}Look, Otto. Look.
{146794}{146829}It's K-K-Ken!
{146833}{146902}C-c-coming to k-k-kill me.
{146906}{146989}How are you going to c-c-catch me,|K-K-Ken?
{147041}{147070}Now, where was l?
{147074}{147107}Oh, yeah.
{147155}{147198}Shit! God!
{147234}{147292}Fucking limey cement!
{147498}{147523}Ken! Ken!
{147527}{147576}Wait, wait, Ken!

{147580}{147636}Kenny! May I call you Kenny?

{147640}{147664}Remember Wanda?
{147668}{147707}I got the deal of a lifetime!
{147711}{147745}50-50. What do you say?
{147749}{147799}OK, OK, 60-40.
{147803}{147836}That's my final offer.
{147868}{147896}Wait, I got an idea.
{147900}{147932}You take it all.
{147936}{147990}Here's my boarding pass. Ken!
{147994}{148065}I'm gonna... I'm gonna k-k-kill you.
{148069}{148105}OK, fine, Ken. Come at me.
{148109}{148143}Give me your best shot.
{148147}{148195}Go on, you don't have the guts.
{148199}{148231}Admit it.
{148283}{148314}OK, you have the guts.
{148318}{148353}Good. Wait.
{148396}{148468}All right, I'm sorry|I ate your fish, OK?!
{148472}{148499}I'm sorry!
{148534}{148575}Jesus, I said I'm sorry.
{148579}{148626}What the fu...? Aaagh!
{148704}{148725}Got him!
{148976}{149024}Gotcha again!
{149028}{149067}You bastard!
{149079}{149136}Hey! I've lost my stutter.
{149165}{149193}It's gone.
{149197}{149220}I can speak.
{149224}{149285}How much wood could|a woodchuck chuck,
{149289}{149341}if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
{149380}{149407}Good afternoon, sir.
{149411}{149434}Boarding pass?
{149634}{149679}Buongiorno, signorina.
{149884}{149921}Now, listen. Two things.
{149966}{150053}Behave yourself from now on,|or I'll break your neck, OK.
{150339}{150394}Er... Lenin.
{150454}{150482}Chicken Kiev.
{150486}{150542}Good. Dostoevsky.
{152115}{152152}Subtitles by Visiontext

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