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Derek Whiting Econ.

/Starr November 21, 2010 The Immigration Debate(extra credit) Immigration is a huge debate and one of Americas leading problems. Looking into history America would not be what it is today without immigration; in some way everybody has some tie in immigration. In the early 1900s we had immigration problems as well. Certain races or religions would fight or cause mayhem. Today it is costing the United States billions of dollars and some would argue jobs. In 2009 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimated that there is 10.5 million Illegal Immigrants in the United States. They all have the right to welfare and public services. Because of federal laws all hospitals are not aloud to reject their services to Illegals even if they cannot pay. Keeping in mind American citizens pay high taxes and have insurance cost to have these services. According to The Washington Post illegal immigration is costing the United States 29 billion dollars a year. This does not even include legal immigration. Its estimated for every one immigrant to enter America and be legalized cost U.S. taxpayers $10,000 dollars, last year the U.S. immigration offices reported 1,001,750 immigrants. In Arizona alone it is costing taxpayers 2.7 billion dollars a year to fight against and deal with illegal immigration. Arizonas cost for their law enforcement against illegal immigration is 140 million dollars. It is time for the government to step in and do something drastic about the immigration problems. The cost alone is a good enough

Derek Whiting Econ./Starr November 21, 2010 reason, not including all the crime and drug trafficking that comes along with it.

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