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Introduction What is Hacking? Types of Hacking Some of Dangerous Unethical Hacking attacks between 2000-2011 Summary References Bibliography

Statement of Purpose:The purpose of this report is to discuss unethical hacking attacks in the world in last decade so that Internet users will be able to understand about hacking attack and reduce the unethical behavior in world of Internet. Working Title:An analysis of the impacts of hacking attacks on the companies and internet users in world from 2000 to 2011.

Abstract Hacker's society and their actions is the study of this paper. The sources in this paper describe the actions of hackers and why they lash out. There are tree types of hackers described in the information, white hat, black hat, and packet kiddy hackers. This paper outlines the differences and social structures of each type. The information used illustrates what cautions and actions used by companies to prevent attacks and security breaches. All information used was found on the Internet. The sources used was very useful for writing this paper.

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