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KPDS ve DS snavlarna girmek isteyenlerin ou kelime hazinelerinin zayflndan ikayet ederler. Ancak kelime ezberlemeye balayarak snava hazrlk yaplmaz. 1) GRAMER ALIIN ngilizce seviyeniz Intermediate ve st ise kendi kendinize gramer alabilirsiniz. nce ngilizcede isim, sfat, zarf, fiil, zamir, clause gibi temel kavramlarn ne olduunu hatrlayn. Gramer almaya ondan sonra balayn. rnein, TIME CLAUSE, ADJECTIVE CLAUSE, NOUN CLAUSE terimlerin ne anlama geldiini bilin. 2) SINAVI TANIYIN, SORU TRLERN BLN KPDS ve DS soru trlerini ve sorularn zm yollarn renin. Sizi neyin beklediini bilerek ve sorular nasl zmeniz gerektiini bilerek hareket etmek almanzkolaylatracaktr. Seenekleri elemeyi de renmeli ve bol bol uygulamalsnz. 3) OKUMA ALIMASI YAPIN Okuma almas yaparken dz metin deil paragraf sorular okumalsnz. KPDS'de her paragraf ile ilgili 5 soru soruluyor ve sorulardan baz yorum bazlar ise dorudan karm sorulardr. Okuma sorular ile ilgili teknik bilgileri P ULARI ksmnda bulabilirsiniz. 4) KELME ALIMASI YAPIN Kelime renmek kolay, aklda tutmak ise zordur. Kelimeleri aklda tutmann yolu, onlarla ilgili metinler, cmleler okumak ve bir an sahibi olmaktr 5) BOL BOL SORU ZN Gramer testleri zyorsanz nce konu testleri ile balayn. Bylece hangi konularda sorununuz olduunu anlayabilir ve derhal mdahale edebilirsiniz. En son tm konular ieren gramer tarama testleri zn. Sorular cevaplarken neden a deil? neden b deil , vs gibi sorularda sorup cevap verebildiinizden emin olun. Yani seenekleri doru eleyebildiinizi tespit edin. Baz sorularda doruyu bulmak ve baz sorularda ise yanl bulmak kolaydr. Siz her iki yntemi de kullanmaya aln. SINAVLARA HAZIRLANANLAR N BAZI NERLER Gramer ile ok fazla uramayn Gramer almak size puan ve birok soru tipi ile urarken zaman kazandrr. Bu yzden nemlidir. Ama tek bana size en fazla 20 - 30 puan getirir. Bundan dolay sadece gramer odakl bir hazrlk evresi geirmeyin. Test tekniklerini mutlaka aln ve uygulayn.

ngilizce test tekniklerini ve snavn blmlerine gre ip ularn bilmezseniz sknt yaarsnz. . ngilizce eitim alanlarn ve maalesef ngilizce eitim verenlerin faknda olmadan yaptklar ey sadece konular zerinde almak ve ondan sonra da soru zmeye almaktr. Bu kesinlikle yanl bir yntemdir. Daha nce KPDS'de km Sorular zerinde almalar Yapn Konu ve strateji almas yaptktan sonra km tm KPDS sorular zerinde aln. Sorular kendiniz zn ve aklamal zm veren kitaplardan faydalann. Gireceiniz Snavn Yapsn Tanyn Sizden sorularda ne isteniyor, ka tane soru tipi var, okuma sorular kaa ayrlyor gibi bilgileri mutlaka bilmelisiniz. Gireceiniz snav teknik olarak tanmalsnz. Unutmayn ki size eitim verecek kii de bu bilgilere sahip biri olmal ve sizi tpk bir antrenr gibi snava hazrlamaldr. Kelime ezberlemekle vakit kaybetmeyin ! Genellikle adaylar girecekleri snava 2 ay kala almaya balarlar. Bu saatten sonra akademik kelimeleri isteseniz de tam olarak renemezsiniz. Snavlarda salt kelime sorular zaten 10u gemez. Bundan dolay sadece kelime ezberlemeye almak, zaman boa kullanmaktr. Sorulara baktnzdan daha fazla seeneklere bakn. Bazen doru cevab arayacak, bazen de sadece yanl cevaplar eleyeceksiniz. Kesinlikle yanl olduuna emin olduunuz seeneklerin stn karalayn ve gz nnden kaldrn. Paragraf Sorularndan Korkmayn Okuma sorular veya paragraf sorularnda zor olan para deil, seeneklerin birbirine yakn olup olmaddr. Size bir bakta ok uzun ve ok zor grnen bir parann sorular belki de ok basittir. Genellikle paragraf ya da metin uzun ise Bu Zor Bir Para diye dnp brakyoruz. Halbuki, para ne kadar uzun ise, konu hakknda o kadar ok bilgi sahibi oluruz. GRAMER (DL BLGS) SORULARI ZERKEN NELERE DKKAT ETMEL? Gramer sorular zlmesi en kolay olan blmlerden biridir nk sizden her konu iin belli konularn detaylarn ve kurallarn bilmeniz istenmektedir. lk bakta okmu gibi grnen gramer konular ve kurallar aslnda hi de o kadar fazla deildir. Her dilde belli bal kurallar vardr ve bu kurallar snrldr. Gramer snrl kurallarla, snr sayda cmlenin kurulabildii bir sistemdir aslnda. ncelikle gramer eitimi alrken dikkat etmeniz gereken hususlar unlardr: >> altnz konuda hangi belli bal yaplar kullanlyorsa bilin, ayrca ne tr yaplar kullanlamaz, bunlarda mutlaka bilin. nk sorular bu ekilde oluturulmaktadr. rnein tense alyorsanz " By the time" hangi tenslerle kullanlr sorunsunu cevabn bilin ama ayn zamanda " By the time " grnce nelere elemeniz gerektiini de mutlaka bilin ve seeneklerde hemen eleme yapn. >> Verilen soruda nce seeneklere bakn. Bu hangi gramer konusunda sorulduunu nceden biliyor olursunuz. >> Gramer blmnde ok hzl olmalsnz. Seenekleri elemeye mutlaka nceden alm olun. Bu ksm hzlca geip, paragraf sorularna ve Close test ksmna alk vermelisiniz. >> nceden bol bol gramer testi zn. nce her konu iin tek tek ama sonra kark gramer testleri zn.

EN NEML GRAMER KONULARI Cmlelerde Zaman Uyumu Time Clause / Zaman Cmlecikleri Clause bilgisi Balalar ve Bala Trleri DKKAT : Gramer sorusu zerken kelime anlamna taklyorsanz YANLI YOLDASINIZ demektir ! Gramer sorularn zmek iin cmleyi anlamak gerekmez. VERLEN CMLEYE ANLAMCA EN YAKIN FADEY BULMAK Aada rneklendirdiim gibi bu soru tipinde sizden verilen cmleye anlam bakmndan en yakn olan seenein hangisi olduunu bulmanz isteniyor. Bir cmlenin benzer anlam yani tekrar ifade edilmesine " Restatement" denir. Tekrar ifade etmek yani restatement farkl ekillerde yaplabilir: Gramer yapsn deitirerek: rnein Active - Passive deiiklii yaparak E anlaml kelimleler kullanarak Benzer balalar kullanarak: r: Although yerine Eventhough kullanarak. Sadeletirmeler Kullanarak: r: If we do not hurry, we will be late = We had better hurry, otherwise we will be late ( IF yerine Otherwise) NELER YAPMAK GEREKL Her ey deiir ama TENSE DEMEZ !. Verilen cmle ile sizden istenen seenein zaman (TENSE) ayn olmak zorundandr. O zaman sorudaki zamanla rtmeyen seenekleri hemen eleyebilirsiniz. Sorunun sizden ne istediine dikkat edin " Anlamca En Yakn Cmle" isteniyor. Yani bire bir ayns istenmiyor. Bundan dolay verilen cmlenin tpa tp ayns seeneklerde olmayabilir. Kafanz karmasn. Bu soru tipi ile ba edebilmek iin kelime renmeniz gerekmiyor. Ancak gramer bilginiz iyi olmal. Adverb Clasue, Modal, Tense, Adjective ve Noun Clause'larn eitleri hakknda bilgi sahibi olmalsnz. RNEK: 1) Steven was accused of starting the fire that burned down the two factory buildings. A) It is certain that the fire that had burned down the two factory buildings was started by Steven. B) Although they had no proof, Steven was the one suspected of starting the fire which burned down the two factory buildings.

C) The accusations against Steven were dropped after the two buildings burned down at the factory. D) They accused Steven after they had proof that the two factory buildings had been burned down. E) Steven denied the accusation that he had started the fire that burned down the two factory buildings. KELME SORULARI NASIL ZLR? Snavlardaki kelime sorularn 3 balk altnda deerlendirebiliriz. Anlama dayal kelime sorular: Bu sorularda bolukta bizden istenen kelimenin ya e anlamls ya da kelimenin aklamas ya da istenen kelimeyi gerektiren durum cmle ierisinde bize verilmektedir. Bu yzden bu sorularda cmlenin tamamna hkim olmamz gerekmektedir. Ayn zamanda sorulan kelime tr de bizim iin nemlidir. rnein seeneklerde verilen zarflardan hangisi cmlede verilen hangi fiili nitelemektedir. rnek: More women are entering ________ male jobs and it is a clear fact that these jobs are losing their convention in that matter. relatively fortunately traditionally spectacularly recklessly Aklama: Bu soruda and den sonra verilen ksmda bu ilerin bu anlamda geleneklerini kaybettii ifadesi verilmektedir, bu yzden doru cevabmz C seeneidir. Kalba dayal kelime sorular: Bu tr kelime sorularnda, boluk iin verilen seeneklerdeki kelimelerin hepsi anlam olarak uyabilir ancak ngilizce asndan kalp olduu iin buraya sadece tek bir seenek uygun olacaktr. rnek: There are many literary figures who went further in their educations with the _________ to study a branch of science, but they all ended up being interested in literature. association remark emotion sentiment intention Aklama: Bu soruda, with the intention to kalb sorulduundan bu sorunun cevab E seeneidir.

Prepositiona dayal kelime sorular: Bu tr kelime sorularnda, bize boluktan sonra bir preposition verilir. Anlam olarak dier seenekler sorulsa da bir tek seenek sadece bu preposition almaktadr. rnek: According to new regulations of Turkish television broadcasting, films _______ on horror and violence can only be aired after midnight.

interested based enthusiastic concerned regarded Aklama: Bu soruda, boluktan sonra verilen on preposition sadece based iin uygundur. Bu yzden doru cevabmz B seeneidir. EVR SORULARI NASIL ZLR eviri sorular snavlarda en ok puan toplayabileceiniz blmdr nk zaten cmleler evirlmi olarak seeneklerin arasnda hazr beklemektedir. Bu nedenden dolay kelime sknts da ekilmez. eviri sorularn zerken dikkat etmeniz gerekenler unlardr: Zaman uyumuna dikkat edin. Verilen cmledeki fiilin atln izin ngilizcedeki VERB Trke'de cmle sonundaki Yklem, eylem, Fiildir. Onu bulun Active - Passive (Etken - Edilgen Uyumuna) bakn To be ( am, is, are, was, were) = - dr, dir , idi RNEK 1 36.-40. sorularda, verilen ngilzce cmleye anlamca en yakn Trke cmleyi bulunuz. (KPDS Mays 2003) 36. At the 1994 Brussels NATO summit a "partnership for peace" programme was formally launched, enabling the old Warsaw Pact members and former Sovlet republics to take part in a wide range of military cooperation with NATO. a) Eski Varova Pakt yeleri ve nceki Sovyet cumhuriyetleri, 1994 Brksel NATO zirvesinde kabul edilen "bar iin ortaklk" program sayesinde NATO ile askeri alanda ok kapsaml ibirlii yapma olana buldular. b) Eski Varova Pakt yelerinin ve nceki Sovyet cumhuriyetlerinin NATO ile geni kapsaml askeri ibirlii yapmalarn salamaya ynelik "bar iin ortaklk" program, ancak 1994 Brksel NATO zirvesinde resmen hayata geirilme olana buldu. c) 1994 Brksel NATO zirvesinde ilk kez nerilen "bar iin ortaklk" program, eski Varova Pakt yelerine ve nceki Sovyet cumhuriyetlerine NATO ile askeri alanda sk bir ibirlii yapma olana salamay

amalyordu. d) 1994 Brksel NATO zirvesinde, eski Varova Pakt yelerine ve nceki Sovyet cumhuriyetlerine NATO ile geni kapsaml bir askeri ibirlii yapma olana salayan "bar iin ortaklk" program resmen yrrle kondu. e) "Bar iin ortaklk", ilk kez 1994 Brksel NATO zirvesinde resmen kararlatrlp yrrle konan ve eski Varova Pakt yeleri ile nceki Sovyet cumhuriyetlerine NATO ile askeri ibirlii olana salayan geni kapsaml bir programdr. zm: Verilen cmledeki fiil PASSIVE oldugu iiin, bizde cmle sonunda passive aryoruz ve tabiki tek seenek D. PARAGRAF VE OKUMA SORULARI N NERLER Tm snavlarda adaylarn en ok ekindikleri blmlerden biri okuma sorular ya da paragraf sorular diye adlandrlan ksmdr. Bu durumun aslnda bir ka temel nedeni var: Kelime bilgisi yetersizlii Soru kklerini tanmamak ngilizce okuma deneyiminin olamamas klar elemeyi bilmemek Paragrafta nereye bakacan bilmemek Zaman Kullanma becerisinin olmamams Psikolojik nedenler METN OKURKEN : nce sorular okuyun ve size ne sorulduunu bilin :Sorularn tamamn aklnzda tutamazsnz ama paragraf ile ilgili bir fikriniz olacak ve size ne sorulduunu az ok bileceksiniz. Paragrafta bilmediiniz kelimelerle vakit kaybetmeyin Grdnz balalarn altn izin (Therefore, because, However...) Ana fikre odaklann, detaylara taklmayn SORULARI OKURKEN BLMENZ GEREKENLER Paragraf ve Okuma sorularnda 2 tip soru tr vardr. 1) Direkt Bilgi sorular: Ne zaman, Kim, Nerede, Hangi vb. Bu sorularda yorum yaplamaz ve direk metinden cevaplar bulunabilir. (bu sorular kamaz) rnek Soru Kkleri:

According to the writer/ author,... According to the passage It is stated in the passage that... It is argued in the passage that... It is suggested in the passage that The writer author/ points out that... The author argues that... The writer explains that... The writer suggests that The writer is of the opinion that... The passage explains that... The passage makes the point that... The point made in the passage is that... One essential point made in the passage is that... The writer makes the point that... It is pointed out in the passage that... It is explained in the passage that... It is suggested in the passage that... It is obvious from the passage that... It is clear from the passage that... As (it is) pointed out in the passage,... As (it is) mentioned in the passage,... As explained in the passage that... We see in the passage that... 2) Yorum Sorular: Bu sorular sizi uratracak olanlardr. Yorum yaparak seeneklerden hangisinin doru olduunu soran soru trdr. (Anlamyorsanz vakit kaybetmeyin) rnek yorum Soru Kkleri:

One understands from the passage that... One infers from the passage that... One can/ may conclude from the passage that... One can/may infer from the passage that... The author concludes that From the passage we undewrstand that... From the passage we learn that... We learn from the passege that... We can undewrstand from the passage that... We can infer from the passage that... As (it) can be understood from the passage... As we learn from the passage... As we can understand from the passage... It can be inferred from the passage that... It is understood from the passage... The passage implies that It is implied in the passage that It is shown in the passage that.. 3) Ana Fikir Sorular: Parann en genel cmlesi onun ana fikridir. Ana fikir sorularnn genellikle geni zamanda olduuna dikkat ediniz ( p Ucu) Ana fikir Sorularna rnekler: The passage is mainly concerned with... The pasage largely deals with... The main concern of the passage... The main subject of the passage... The main idea of the passage is that... Tha main point of the message is that...

Tha main argumant of the passage is that... The passage describes... The passage emphasizes... The passage gives a general account of... In this passage, the writer has set out... Cloze Test sorular nasl zlr? lk nce bu soru trnn snavlara neden konulduunun cevabn renelim. Daha nceki snavlarda rencinin kelimenin doru halini bilip bilmedii sorulamyordu. Yani kelimenin sfat, zarf, fiil ve isim halini sorulamyordu. Gramerdeki belli bal yaplar sorulamyordu. rnein, gerund/infinitive, baz fiillerin zel durumlar (help sb to do sth, help sb do sth, help to do sth, help do sth) vb. Bu sorularda nemli olan unsur parann tamamn anlamak deildir. Boluun verildii cmleyi anlamak yeterlidir. Eer bize bala soruluyorsa iki ayr cmleyi de anlamak gerekmektedir. Bu sorularda yer alan kelime sorular this, that, these, those, the, another, other gibi kalplarn arkasndan gelen kelimeler sorulur. nk bu kelimeler bir nceki cmleye gnderme yapar. Baz kelimelerin birbirleriyle sk kullanm bize sorulabilir. Sfat cmleciklerinin daha farkl trleri bize sorulabilir. Boluktan sonra yer alan preposition (ilgeler)e dayal kelime sorular bize sorulabilir. Phrasal verbs konusunda eitli sorular sorulabilir. Many/some people think __________ . Others bize sorulabilir. Ancak para olarak yer ald iin aradaki cmleler uzun olabilir. Not only(just,merely,solely) .. but also / not only . but .. as well / not only . but . too / not only . but ya da neither . nor / either . or / both .. and yaplar sorulabilir. Ancak bu yaplarn arasnda kullanlan ifadeler uzun olabilir ve bu yzden cmleleri iyi takip etmek gerekmektedir. Bu sorunun bir dier zellii ok basit bir ifadeyi bile bize sorabilir ancak karmak bir formda sunarak bize sorar. Bu sorular rahat bir ekilde cevaplayabilmek iin bol bol para almas yapmamz gerekmektedir. Okuduumuz her cmleyi gramer ve kelime olarak incelemeliyiz. Aadaki cloze teste bir gz atalm. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803- 1882 ) was a sage, not a scientist, but he was more keenly interested in the scientific advances of his day than is commonly realized . One of his early aspirations was to be "a naturalist", and he started his career (21).. a lecturer- essayist by giving talks on natural science, (22) one focused on the chemical composition of water. (23).. Emerson went on to make his mark primarily in the areas of literature, religion, philosophy and social reform,* he remained an eager lifelong student of both traditional and contemporary natural and social science. To date, however, this side of Emerson's thought and life (24) .only a handful of significant scholarly discussions. Emerson's life in science is the best of books (25) .. this aspect of Emerson that have marked the bicentennial of his birth, and it is one that will endure.

(2004 kpds cloze test) Tipik bir biografi paragraf. Bu tip paralarda sorulan kelime ve yaplar bellidir. Birbirlerine ok benzeyen paralar olduu iin sorulan sorularda aa yukar ayndr. 21. a) more b) so c) such d) as [kariyerine konferans olarak balad] e) only 22. a) describing b) including [ieren ifadesi arada on natural science olmasna ramen talks ifadesini nitelemektedir] c) considering d) intending e) defining 23. a) although [Seeneklerde verilen tek iki ayr cmleyi birbirine balayan yap -e ramen] *buradaki virgl iki cmleyi birbirinden ayrmaktadr ve bu bala sadece balayabilir. b) therefore c) so that d) but e) since 24. a) should attract b) is attracting c) will attract d) has attracted [to date u ana kadar anlam verir ve present perfect kullanm gerektirmektedir. Normalde gramer kitaplarnda bu yapy gremezsiniz ancak paralarda grebilirsiniz.] e)had attracted 25. a) to b) for c) on [hakknda anlam veren bir preposition]

d) with e) at

NGLZCE OKUMA VE PARAGRAF SORULARINDA DKKAT EDLMES GEREKEN BALALAR Eer size verilen paragraf veya cmlede "that is", "in other words", "namely", "that is to say" balalar kullanlm ise daha nce verilen cmlenin aklamas verilmi demektir. Bu balalar grdnz zaman nceki cmle ile ilgili soru beklemelisiniz. Bu balalarn yardm ile sadece paragraf veya okuma sorular deil, ayrca verilen cmleyi en iyi tamamlayacak cmleyi bulma sorular da zlebilir. rnein eer bize "That is" gibi bir balatan nceki cmlenin ne olduu soruluyorsa soruyu zmek gayet kolaydr. rnek ____________ That is, he was punnished to be executed. a) The murderer was sentenced to death. b) The murderer was arrested Bu balalarn Trke tam karlklar yledir: That is = yani... On other words = baka bir deile Namely = yani That is to say = diyeceim o ki, yani

rnekler: - The murderer was sentenced to death. That is, he was punnished to be executed. " sentenced to death = punnished to be executed" - All the newspapers were trying to influence the minister. In other words, they were trying to change his mind. "influence the minister = "change his mind" - All the newspapers were trying to influence the minister. Namely, they were trying to change his mind. "influence the minister = "change his mind"

PARAGRAF TAMAMLAMA SORULARI NASIL ZLR? Paragraf tamamlama sorular snavlarda bana gre rahata puan toplayabileceiniz blmlerden biridir. Asla "benim ngilizce seviyem yeterli deil, ben anlamam" fikirine kaplp bu soru blmn bo brakmayn. Aksine biraz dikkat ederek ve seenekleri eleme yoluna giderek doru cevaplar bulabilirsiniz. Unutmayn ! Sizden tm paragrafn evirisini yapmanz beklenmiyor.. yapmanz gereken ey, sizden istenilen boluu seeneklerden hangisinin dolduracan bulabilmek. Temel okuma tekniklerini edinerek ve seenekleri eleyerek bu ksmda baarl olmamanz iin hi bir neden yoktur. ** NOT: KPDS, DS, TOEFL veya snav hazrlk kurslarna gidiyorsanz mutlaka " OKUMA TEKNKLER" eitimi verip vermediklerini renin ve bunu nasl yaptklarn sorun ***** Paragraf Tamamlama Sorularnda ilk nce dikkat etmeniz gerekenler: Zaman Uyumu: boluktan nce ve sonra zaman uyumuna bakmalsnz. This, that, these gibi iaret sfatlarna dikkat edin Because, eventhough, but, gibi balalara dikkat edin RNEK 1 .... sorularda, bo braklan yerlere, parann anlam btnln salamak iin getirilebilecek cmleyi bulunuz . (KPDS MAYIS 2003) In Japan, the brighter economic picture of the first 6 months of 2002 failed to carry over into the second half of the year. ___________. This was no doubt influenced by rising unemployment which is now at a record high. a) External demand supported Japan's exporters to some degree, but the domestic market was at a low ebb. b) The year 2003 will doubtless be another difficult year for the Japanese economy c) Recovery looks like being slow d) This uncertainty gave rise to a cut in interest rates e) Once global investor confidence returns, equity markets will, in all likelihood, start to perform well again zm: lk nce birinci cmlenin ve ikinci cmlenin zamanlarna bakn (TENSE) , bizden PAST istiyor. Bundan dolay sadece A ve D seenei doru cevap olabilir. te size 5 saniyede 2 k ... Sonra This = ? diye dnn, bize TEKL AD lazm. O da A Seeneinde olduu iin DORU CEVAP A'dr diyoruz. RNEK 2 (KPDS MAYIS 2003) A recent survey carried out by the UK lecturers' union shows that almost a quarter of respondents rate their academic freedom as limited, poor or non-existent. ___________. In 30% of cases, that pressure had come from the organization paying for the research. a) Researchers in every sector know that they must get positive results into journals

b) Most worrying is the results of this loss of integrity on medical research c) Some researchers said they had been pressurized to alter results, delay their publication or even bury them d) The public loss of confidence in science has reached serious proportions and must be faced squarely e) Those with access to the truth are too often those with most to gain from avoiding it ZM: Bu soruyu 10 saniyede zebilirsiniz.. Sadece fiillerin zamanlarna bakmanz yeterlidir. lke cmle past, son cmle past, ve tabiki ikinci cmlede past olmaldr. Seeneklerde tek past cmle C olduu iin dnmeden iaretleyin. BR CMLENN ANLAMINI BULMA ANA FKR BELRLEME Her dilde olduu gibi ngilizce'de de her bir cmlenin bir ana anlam vardr ve buna ana fikir denir. Elbette ki cmlelerin ierisinde bulunan farkl yaplar bize olaylar, kiiler, bulunulan yer ve zaman hakknda ek bilgiler verir, ancak her zaman iin KM - NE YAPTI sorusunun cevab tektir. Yani basite tekrar etmek gerekir ise; bir cmlenin bir znesi ve o znenin yapt bir i vardr. nce bunu anlamak gerekir. Ana fikri bulmak deyince ilk nce aklnza paragraf sorular veya okuma paralar gelebilir. Ama ben size burada cmlelerin ana fikirlerini bulmaktan daha ok bahsedeceim. nk grdm kadar ile ngilizce renmek iin ura verenlerin ve snavlara hazrlananlarn ou cmle baznda skntlar ekmektedir. Ve bu sebepten dolay da, okuma blmlerinde baarsz olmaktadr. Yukardia da bahsettiim gibi karnzdaki cmle ne kadar uzun ve karmak grnrse grnsn, sonuta basit tek bir anlam vardr. Ek bilgi veren yaplar ayrt edebilmek iin ngilizce gramer eitiminizi tamamlamanz gerekir. rnek: a) The boy saw the man Basit zne ve yklem var. Ana fikir: ocuk adam grd b) The young boy saw the old man zne ve fiil de birer sfat var ama temel anlam ayn. Ana fikir: ocuk adam grd c) The naughty young boy saw the angry old man zne ve fiil de ikier sfat var ama temel anlam ayn. Ana fikir: ocuk adam grd d) The naughty young boy saw the angry old man in the room Cmlede ek olarak yer belirtilmi ama temel anlam ayn. Ana fikir: ocuk adam grd d) The naughty young boy saw the angry old man in the room yesterday Cmlede ek olarak zaman belirtilmi ama temel anlam ayn.

Ana fikir: ocuk adam grd Yukardaki basit rneklerde de grlebilecei gibi, bir cmlenin temel anlam ierisine katlan dier bilgilere ramen deimemektedir. Cmleye ierisine giren sfatlar, zaman zarflar ve yer tamlamalar bize ek olarak nerede, nezaman, hangi zne hangi nesne gibi bilgiler verirler. Dilerseniz rneimizi biraz daha karmak hale getirelim. Basit bir cmle "CLAUSE" yani YAN CMLELER ile zenginletirilir. e) The boy whom I met in class A saw the man whose mother lives next to us HE HIM zne de bulunan ismin sonuna ve nesnenin sonuna birer ADJECTIVE CLAUSE (SIFAT CMLEC/ YAN CMLE) getirerek isimler hakknda ek bilgi verilmi. Ancak temel anlam ayn. Ana fikir: ocuk adam grd e) The boy whom I met in class A saw the man whose mother lives next to us in the house where a terrible murder took place several years ago. (E) rneindeki cmlenin sonuna uzun bir yer tamlamas ekleyerek yer ve o yerde olan ek bir olay hakknda da NOUN CLAUSE kullanlarak bilgi verilmi. Ama temel anlam ayn. Ana fikir: ocuk adam grd rnekler ok daha fazla ekilde artrlabilinir. Cmle ierisine "accidentally gibi bir zarf yerletirilebilinir veya daha karmak grnen gramer yaplar eklenebilir ama unutmayn ki temel anlam hep ayndr. 1996 KPDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER 1. Among the problems facing bridge engineers, the most serious ones are those of ________ and repair. A) improvement B) reassessment C) determination D) distinction E) maintenance ZM & AIKLAMALAR Bu soru metninde yer alan mevcut kelimelerden hareket edersek, baz armlardan yararlanlabilir. yle ki, soru metnindeki among the problems.. ve the most serious ones bize baz sorunlarn olduunu, verilen boluktan sonraki and balacnn ilevi ve grevi de dnlerek (and , but, or gibi balalar ayn yap ve zellikteki szcklerin balanmasnda kullanlr) bu balatan sonra gelen szck repair (onarm) szc olduu iin, maintanence (bakm) szcn artrmaktadr. DORU CEVAP (E) 2. The two major political parties in Britain are currently _______ to extreme and radically different approaches.

A) referred B) obsessed C) committed D) implied E) meant ZM & AIKLAMALAR Bu soruda boluktan sonraki edat to bir ipucudur. Bu edat ile kullanlan iki eylem a ve c seeneklerinde verilmektedir. a seenei -den sz etmek anlamndadr ve verilen seenekler fiilin 3. hali olduundan yap passive dir. refer eylemi passive yapda kullanlmamaktadr. c seeneindeki be committed to (kendini bir eye adamak) bir kalptr ve bu yap ya bir isim (N) ya da isim tamlamas (NP) veya ula yap gerund:Ving ile kullanlr. DORU CEVAP (C) 3. It now appears that while US leaders are still willing for the nation to exert itself abroad and give large amounts of foreign assistance, the American public is _____ to go along with these policies. A) spontaneous B) precarious C) competitive D) reluctant E) deliberate ZM & AIKLAMALAR Bu soruda verilen bala (while) iimizi ok kolaylatrmaktadr. nk bu bala zt iki duygu ve dnceyi ya yap asndan ya da anlam bakmndan (ki burada szck kullamlar ok nemlidir) birbirine balar. Dolaysyla while.still willing (halaistekli iken) tam tersi (isteksiz) reluctant d seeneinde bulunmaktadr. DORU CEVAP (D) 4. It is _____ surprising that the art of ancient America reaming the most mysterious and the least accessible A) urgently B) vaguely C) indifferently

D) elaborately E) hardly ZM & AIKLAMALAR Bu soruda boluktan sonra gelen szck artc tek bana kullanldnda beklenilmeyen bir durumu ifade eder. Bu balamda ise hemen hemen (hardly) Eski Amerikan sanatnn esrarengiz ve en az ulalabilir olmas hemen hemen artc olmayn anlatmaktadr. nk hardly olumsuz bir szck ya da yap ile kullanldnda anlam olumlu olur. DORU CEVAP (E) 5. Bartok was influenced as much by the musical innovations of Debussy and Stravinsky as by East European, _______ Hungarian, folk music. A) exceedingly B) notably C) appropriately D) vehemently E) adequately ZM & AIKLAMALAR Bu soruda en son ksmda yer alan ifadeye dikkat etmeliyiz. by East European, ----- Hungarian. Dou Avrupa tarafndan ifadesinden sonra gelen virgl zellikle (notably) her hangi bir Dou Avrupa rneini istemektedir ki burada Hungarian (Macaristan) bir rnek olarak verilmitir. DORU CEVAP (B) 6. Due to industrialization and colorization, the nineteenth century _____ the greatest expansion of wealth the world had ever known. A) brought about B) put off C) held up D) looked E) set off ZM & AIKLAMALAR Bu soruda kullanlan bala Due to.. iki cmle arasnda sebep-sonu ilikisini gstermektedir. Tekrar kullanlan szcklerde (industrialization and colonization) younlarsak, ikinci cmlede bunlarn neden (brought about) olaca (ya da yol aaca) sonularn (refahn btn dnyada byk lde yaygnlamas)

verildiini grebiliriz. DORU CEVAP (A) 7. The two archaeologists have tried hard to read the inscription in old Latin, but I do not think they have ______what it really means. A) got over B) written off C) taken after D) made out E) brought up ZM & AIKLAMALAR Bu soruda yer alan ama ifadesi (infinitive of purpose: read the inscription:yazt (kitabeyi) okumak iin) den yola karak kitabelerin okunup anlalmas olduka zor bir itir. Yap da olumsuz verildiine gre (I do not think) anlamak anlamndaki make out doru seenektir. DORU CEVAP (D) 8. The children of today are healthier and better ______ than those of the past, and far fewer of them die in infancy. A) disposed of B) fed up C) rounded up D) looked into E) cared for ZM & AIKLAMALAR Bu soruda sfatlarn karlatrlmasnda kullanlan yap ile and balac iimizi kolaylatrmaktadr. and balac healthier ve better gibi iki olumlu sfat balamaktadr. Dolaysyla, bu anlam destekleyici koruma/zen gsterme anlamlarna gelen care for en dorusudur, nk karlatrlan gruptan bir ou ise daha bebeklikte ld anlalmaktadr. DORU CEVAP (E) 9. Naturally I will come to you for advice whenever I feel in need of ______. A) them

B) one C) some D) none E) another ZM & AIKLAMALAR Bu soru tiplerinde hemen seeneklere bakp bizden istenileni anlamaya alalm. Bu sorunun seeneklerine baktmzda drt seenekte saylabilir, bir seenekte ise hem saylabilir hem de saylamayan isimlerle kullanlan bir durum sz konusudur. Soru metninde verilenadvice szc ipucudur. Bu szck saylamayan bir isimdir. Dolaysyla ancak some ile birlikte kullanlabilir. DORU CEVAP (C) 10. Weve had some pretty good directors over the years but Dr. Radcliff is _____ the most capable of them. A) by far B) over all C) just in D) as much E) too much ZM & AIKLAMALAR Bu soruda kullanlan zaman (tense) en byk ipucudur. Ancak a seeneindeki by far Present Perfect Tense ile kullanlr. DORU CEVAP (A) 11. The committee showed their wholehearted approval of the designs he submitted, and ______. A) me too B) so did I C) so have I D) so we do E) we also have ZM & AIKLAMALAR

Yine seeneklerden hareketle hemen ana cmlecikte verilen zaman ile uyumlu olan seenek B dorudur. DORU CEVAP (B)

KPDSDE EN OK IKAN KELMELER Abandon terk etmek. Vazgemek. brakmak Abruptly aniden; ani ve nezaketsiz biimde Absolute mutlak; tamamen Absurd sama. gln Abundant bol. ok Accomplish baarma, tamamlama Accord uzlama Accountant muhasebeci Accurate kesin. doru. yanlsz Accused sank Accustomed alkn. Allm, her zamanki Achieve baarma. Elde etme Acknowledgement onay. Kabul etme. Tasdik Acute keskin (dnce). iddetli; dar a; ok abuk tehlikeli bir biime gelen hastalk Adapt uyum salamak Adequate yeterli. Uygun. Elverili Adjust ayarlamak. Uydurmak. Uymak Adjustable ayarlanabilir. Uyarlanabilir Administrate ynetmek. dare etmek Admirable takdire deer Advanced ilerlemi. leri Affable Agreeable. Rahat. Dosta. Anlalabilir Affair olay. mesele. sorun

Affectionate mfik. sevecen Affluent Wealthy. varlkl Agreeable raz. ho. iyi Aid; yardm Aisle sralar aras. yol. geenek Alliance ittifak Ally mttefik. dost Alter Change Ambiguous mphem. birden fazla anlama gelebilen Amend dzeltme. deitirme Ample gerektiinden ok. bol Annual yllk. yldnm Anticipate tahmin etmek. ve ona gre davranmak Apparel Clothing. klk kyafet Appetite Desire for food. itah. arzu Appreciate takdir etmek Apprehension Fear; korku. endie; anlay. kavray Approach yaklam. tarz Approval tasvip. onay; resmi izin Argue tartma. mnakaa. iddia etme Argument tartma; sav. iddia Article makale; tanmlk; madde-fkra; eya-para Artisan zanaat. esnaf Ashamed utanmak Assassinate suikast yapmak Asset Advantage kymetli ey. beceri. erdem

Asset servet; deerli nitelik Astonished hayret etmek. akn olmak. armak At once derhal; ayn anda Attack saldrmak Attainment Achievement. baar. elde etmek. marifet Attempt teebbs etmek. denemek Attract cezbetmek. ekmek Available elde edilebilir. msait Avidity gayret. heves. hrs Award dl. Mkfat Base temel. esas; askeri s Beneficial faydal Benefit fayda. yarar Blame sulamak Blink Open and close. gzlerini krptrmak Bloom iek amak Blossom iek amak. canlanmak. gelimek Blunder gaf. gaf yapmak Border snr Break off krlp ayrlmak. iliiini kesmek; birdenbire durmak Breakthrough cepheyi yarp gemek; byk bulu Briskly Quickly. Energetically canl ve istenilen tarzda; enerjik Bruise berelemek. ezmek; bere. ezik Brush up Review tazelemek Brutality Cruelty vahilik Budget bte

Bump vurma. toslama; i. tmsek Burglar (ev. dkkan) soyan hrsz Bury gmmek. defnetmek; gizlemek. rtmek Call at uramak Call off iptal etmek Call on ziyaret etmek; talep etmek Call up telefon Etmek Candidate aday. namzet Capable yetenekli. ehliyetli Captivate byleme. esir etme, cezbetmek Cautious ihtiyatl. tedbirli Chance ans. tesadfen olmak Charge cret; itham; hamle; arj Charity sadaka; hayrseverlik. hayr kurumu Cheer nee. tezahrat Chemist kimyager; eczac Choice semek Choir koro Clammy yap yap; souk nemli Clarify aklamak. aklk getirmek Clear temizlemek. aklamak. izin vermek Clerk memur. tezgahtar. sekreter Cliff uurum. sarp kayalk Clog tkamak. tkanmak; takunya Coast ky Coincidence tesadf

Collar yaka; tasma Collide arpma. arpma Combine birlemek. birletirmek Commerce ticaret Compare mukayese etmek Compensation bedel. tazminat. telafi Compete yarmak; rekabet etmek Competent Capable ehil. yetenekli. yetkili. Competition yarma. rekabet. snama Complaint ikayet etmek Complete tamamlamak; tamamen Composed birlemi; bestelenmi; kendine hakim olmak Compromise uzlamak Conceal gizlemek. saklamak. rtmek Concurrence Agreement. ayn olan. birlik olma, uyuma; ayn zamana rastlama Condense younlama; svya dnme; zeltme Confidence gven. itimat Confidence kendine gven Confidential Secret gizli. sr Confirm teyit etmek. pekitirme. onaylama. srekli. mzmin Confiscated Seized msadere etmek. haczetmek; istimlak etmek Conflict elimek Congratulate tebrik etmek Conscientious Careful vicdanl; dikkatli Consequence netice ; nem Conserve koruma muhafaza etme

Consider hesaba katmak; gz nnde tutmak; saymak Consist of mteekkil olmak. olumak Consistently mtemadiyen. devaml Constitute tekil etmek. tesis etmek; tayin etmek Constitution anayasa Contaminate kirletmek; zehirlemek. bozmak Contented halinden memnun. mutlu Cooperation ibirlii Courteous nazik. kibar. saygl Coward korkak Creative yaratc Crime su. crm Criminal sula ilgili; sulu; cezal Crooked eri. arpk. virajl. hilekar Crop mahsul Crowd kalabalk Cruelty zulm. acmaszlk Dabble su serpme; amatrce urama Deadline son teslim tarihi Decade on yl Deception aldatma. hile Deceptive aldatc. yanltc Dedicate adamak; ithaf etmek Defeat yenme. bozguna uratmak Deficient eksiz yetersiz. noksan Delicate nazik. hassas. narin

Delight sevin. zevk. haz, Denial inkar. yok sayma Deny inkar etme Depict gstermek. dile getirmek Deplore teessf etmek. zlmek Dept bor Desperate mitsiz; gz dnm Despondent mitsiz. meyus Determine belirlemek. tespit etmek azimli. kararl Detest nefret etmek. tiksinmek Device alet. aygt Devote ..-e adamak Diluted sulandrlm. su katlm Diminish azaltmak. kltmek. eksiltmek Discipline Punish disiplin; cezalandrma Discourteous nezaketsiz. kaba Discreet saygl. dikkatli ve nazik Discretion basiret. saduyu. tedbir. ihtiyat Discuss talk about tartma. mnazara etmek Disease hastalk Disgraced Ashamed gzden dm; itibarsz; yz karas Disgust irenme. tiksinme. midesini bulandrma Dishonest sahtekar Disintegrate paralamak. blnmek Disposition eilim. miza. dzen. tertip Dispute tartma

Dissolve zmek. datmak. yok olmak Distinguish Ayrmak, ayrt etmek, sekin. nl. kendine yer edinmi Distrust gvenmemek Ditch hendek. ark. kanal Divert baka yne evirmek; saptrmak Divide blmek. ayrmak Divulge Reveal ifa etmek. aa vurmak Doubt phe. kuku Drift srklenmek Drowsy Sleepy uykulu. uyku veren Duplicate Copy kopyasn yapmak Dwindle Diminishes. giderek azalmak Eagerness evk. istek. arzu Edge kenar; avantaj Efficient verimli. randmanl Elevation kaldrma. ykseltme; terfi Embark (on) gemiye binmek; balamak Embarrassment utanma. mahcubiyet Emerge meydana kmak Emit yaymak. karmak Employer i veren Encouraging tevik edici. cesaretlendirici Endearing sevdiren Enhance deerini. gcn. gzelliini arttrma, sslemek, geniletmek Enlarge bytmek. genilemek Enlighten aydnlatmak

Enthusiastically evkle. hararetle Envy kskanma. gpta etme Equivocal Ambiguous iki anlama gelebilen Espionage casusluk Essential gerekli Examine Inspect, tetkik. muayene etmek. sorguya ekmek Excessive ar. haddinden fazla Exchange karlkl deimek Excuse mazeret Exempt bak; muaf; hari tutmak Exhausted bitmi. tkenmi. yorgun Exhibition sergi Existence varlk Exotic Unusual Expand genile(t)mek. bymek Expedition yolculuk; sefer Explicit Definite ak. sarih Explore keif. inceleme gezisi Explorer kaif seyyah Expose ifa etmek; a tutmak; korunmasz brakmak, maruz brakmak; tehir etmek; pozlamak Exposure ifa; korunmaszlk; poz Extensive byk. derin. kapsaml Extremely; olduka fazla Fabric kuma. doku Fact gerek. olgu Faint Indistinct donuk. baygn

Far uzak; ok Fatigue yorgun. bitkin; yormak Fearsome dehetli. korkun Feasible yaplabilir. mmkn Feeble Weak zayf. kuvvetsiz Fever ate. hararet; humma Firing. Ateleme; piirme; iten atma Fiscal mali Flawless kusursuz. defosuz Flee from Run away kamak. firar etmek Flip fiske atmak; keileri karmak; hayran olmak; kstah Float aimlessly Drift. yzmek. su stnde kalmak. bir eyi oluruna brakmak Floor zemin Fluctuate inip kmak Flushed Red kzarmak. utanmak Foggy Misty, sisli Fool aldatmak. aka yapmak. kandrmak Foolishness aptallk. budalalk Forecast tahmin etmek Forestall erken davranp nlemek Fortunate anl. talihli Frank ak szl. iten. samimi Frightened korkmu Fume pis kokulu gaz. yaymak Futile bouna. beyhude Gain kazanmak. elde etmek

Gash Deep cut derin yara Germinate Grow imlenmek. imlendirmek Gift hediye; yetenek Giggle kkrdamak Gist Main idea ana fikir Gleeful nee dolu Globe kre Goods mallar. eya Govern ynetmek. idare etmek Grievance Complaint Grumbles Complains ikayet. yaknma Halt mola. durma Harsh sert. kaba. hain Hasten acele etmek. ettirmek Have faith in inanc olmak Hazardous tehlikeli. zararl Heat s. stmak Hectic Very busy heyecanl. telal Hence bu nedenle. bundan dolay Herd sr; ayak takm Hesitate tereddt etmek. ekimsemek Hide sakla-n-mak Highway anayol Hike Walk uzun yrmek; fiyatn artrmak Hinted Indirectly suggested. ima etmek Hoax Trick aka. oyun; hile

Homeless evsiz Honest samimi. drst Hug kucaklamak. sarlmak Huge kocaman. byk Humorous komik. gldrc Hurl Throw, frlatmak. sav Ignore pay no attention to. aldrmamak. bilmezden gelmek Impartial yansz Imprecise kesin olmayan. dikkatsiz. zensiz Impression izlenim. etki Impromptu Unrehearsed hazrlksz. doalama Improve ilerletme. gelitirme In charged sorumlu. grevli Inadvertent kastsz. elde olmayan Incline eilme. aa eilme Inconsiderate bakalarn dnmez. dncesiz Incredible inanlmaz Incurable tedavi edilmez. aresiz Indecisive kararsz. kesin olmayan Indication anlatma. belirti. gsterge Indifferent kaytsz. umarsz Indispensable vazgeilmez. zorunlu Indistinct belirsiz. bulank Induce kandrmak. ikna etmek Industrious alkan. gayretli Inert Inactive hareketsiz. uyuuk. eylemsiz

Inflammable kolay tutuan. parlayc Influence etki Initial First ilk. balang Insignificant Deersiz nemsiz. belirsiz. Insist srar etmek Insolent Rude kstah. terbiyesiz Inspire telkin etmek. ilham etmek Instructive retici. eitici Insult hakaret etme. hor grme Intensity gllk. younluk Intention niyet Interfere mdahale etme. atma. engelleme Interfere with yoluna kmak. engellemek. karmak Intermittent kesik kesik. aralkl Intrepid Ylmaz, korkusuz. cesur Intricate Complicated kark. girift Investigator dedektif. aratrc Investment yatrm. salanan gelir Irrelevant konu d. ilgisiz Irresponsible sorumsuz Issue konu; yaym-bask Item adet. tane; madde; konu-fkra Jam sktrmak. kilitlemek. izdiham Landscape manzara Lane dar yol; erit Law hukuk. kanun

Leading nde olan. klavuzluk eden Leak sznt. atlak Lecture ders. konferans Liability sorumluluk. ykmllk Limp topallamak. aksamak Lingered kolay kolay ayrlmak; Litter p Locate bulunma. bir yerde yerlemi olma Lofty High yce. yksek. azametli Lonely yalnz. kimsesiz. tenha Look up to Respect hayran olmak. rnek almak Luck ans. talih. uur Majority ounluk Management idare. ynetim Manufacture imal etmek Means yol. yntem. ara Meddle Interfere karmak. burnunu sokmak Medicine tp. ila Meditative Thoughtful derin derin dnen Melt eri-t-mek. yumua-t-mak Memorize ezberlemek Mend Repair tamir etmek Merge Become one birlemek. iine katmak Messy dank. dzensiz Mild lml. hafif. lman Misty sisli. bulank

Misuse suiistimal; yanl kullanm Moderate lml Moist nemli. slak Mold ekil vermek. kalp Monster canavar Mud amur; iftira Neglect ihmal etmek Negligible ihmal edilebilir Nod onaylamak. ban sallamak Notify bildirmek. haber vermek Notorious ad km. kt hretli Novelist romanc Object itiraz etmek Objection itiraz; saknca Obligation mecburiyet Obscured Hidden, sakl. anlalmas g, Obsess aklna taklmak. fikri sabit yapmak Obstinate Stubborn. inat Occasion frsat. vesile. nemli gn. zel olay Odorless kokusuz Of his own accord Voluntarily. kendi isteiyle On strike grevde Open-minded Ak fikirli Opinion fikir Orchid orkide Outline ana hat. taslak

Output rn. verim. kt Outrageous nefret uyandrc. fkelendirici Overdue vadesi gemi. gecikmi Overemphatic fazla vurgulu. ok fazla arpc Overseas deniz ar Oversimplify ar basitletirme Overturn Flipped over devirmek. tepe st getirmek Owing to sayesinde; yznden dolay Pace Speed adm. hz Pain ac. sz. ar Pale solgun Participate itirak etmek Partner ortak Passageway pasaj. geit Pay attention to dikkatini vermek Peculiarity zellik; ...-e zg olma; tuhaflk Percent yzde Personality ahsiyet Pessimistic ktmser Phony sahte. dzmece Pick up toplama. devirme Plentiful bol; bereketli Plunge dalma. frlama Poetic iirsel Point of view bak as Policy politika; davran biimi; polie

Polish cilalamak. boyamak Poll oylama. anket Pollute kirletmek Postpone ertelemek Praised vmek Precaution tedbir. nlem Precisely tam olarak; kesinlikle Prediction tahmin Premium sigorta primi; dl. prim Presume varsaymak Pretense rolne girme. bahane Pretext bahane Prevent engellemek. korumak Preview ilk gsterim Previous nceki. sabk Pride gurur. iftihar Prior to ncelikli. daha nemli Private zel; ahsa ait Prodigious Huge, alacak, mthi, kocaman Profilic ok eser veren Profound derin; bilgili; etkileyici Promote terfi ettirmek Promotion terfi Propose nerme. niyet etme. evlilik teklifi Prospects baar ans Prove kantlamak; kmak

Punctual dakik Punctuality Being on time Purify temizlemek. arndrmak. saflatrmak Pursue peine dmek. izini srmek, takip Put off elbisesini kartmak Quarter eyrek; blge. semt; askeri kla Quartet drtl Raise yukar kaldrmak; artrmak; ocuk yetitirmek Rate oran Readily Easily kolayca. seve seve Readily isteyerek. gnlden Recast yeniden karmak. deitirmek Recent yaknda olmu Recession gerileme. durgunluk. azalma Reckless aldrsz. kaytsz Reckon hesaplamak. tahmin etmek Recover iyilemek. yeniden elde etmek Recruit ye yapmak; ie almak Refrain from kendini tutma. saknma Refugee mlteci Refute yalanlamak. rtmek Regarded as gibi grlmek. kabul edilmek Region blge Rejection ret Relent yumuama. geveme. merhamete gelme Relentless amansz; acmasz. merhametsiz

Reliance geven. itimat Relief Ferahlama, kurtarma- takviye-; nbet kiileri Relieve hafiflemek. rahatlamak Reluctant isteksiz. tereddtl Reluctantly gnlszce Remark sz syleme; fark etme Remarkable dikkate. sz edilmeye deer Remove karmak. temizlemek. alp gtrmek Renovation yenileme. tecdit. onarm Represent temsil etme Reprimand azar. paylama Reprove azarlama. paylama Reputation n. itibar Require gerektirmek; istemek Reservation yer ayrtma; art; ihtiyat Resign istifa etmek. ayrlmak Resignation istifa; kabullenme Resonance tnlama Respect sayg. hrmet Restored onarlm; iyilemi; iine iade edilmi Restraint zaptetme. snrlama. hakim olma Restriction snrlama Resultant sonucunda ortaya kan Reveal aa karma; ilhamla bildirme Revere Loved saymak. sayg gstermek Revise gzden geirmek

Revive yeniden canlan-dr-mak Reward dl Ridiculous Absurd. Gildings derecede sama Rim Edge kenar Rival rakip Rot rme. rk ; zrva Rub ovma. ovalama Rugged zor. kaba. yontulmam. przl Rule out Reject Runaway kaak Rush aceleyle komak. hcum etmek Saucer ay. fincan taba Scattered dank Scheme plan. tasar Scholarly ok derin. bilgili. bilimsel Scholarship burs; irfan. ilim School board okul ynetimi Scold azarlama. paylama Scorch yakmak. kavurmak; ac szlerle incitmek Scratch trmalamak. kazmak. kanmak Sealed mhrl Seam diki yeri. balant yeri Seed tohum Seek aratrmak. bulmaya almak Seize tutmak. yakalamak. zaptetmek Select; semek. ayrm

Selfish bencil Sensitive duyarl Separate ayrmak Serene sakin; yce Severe ac. sert. iddetli Shade glge Shape ekil Shareholder hissedar Shattered mahvolmu. bitmi; yorgun Shield Protect, kalkan; korumak Shift vardiya; rzgarn ynn deitirmesi Shipping gemiler; sipari alp gnderme Shout barmak Shrewd Clever, kurnaz. ak gz Sinful gnahkar Sink dibe batmak Skillful becerikli Skip atlamak Slope eim Sly sinsi Smooth yumuak Sneer dudan bkmek. kmsemek Soothe Comforted sakinletirmek. rahatlatmak Sophisticated karmak. girift, Spectacle grlecek ey. Sphere. Globe kre

Spokesperson szc Sporadic Intermittent (dzensiz aralklarla olan) Squeeze skmak. ezmek Staff personel. alanlar kadrosu; kurmay Statue heykel Stature boy-pos; nem; kiilik Stayed late Lingered. oyalanmak Steady dzenli. sabit Stem from -den ileri gelmek. domak. kmak Step adm. basamak Stern sert. msamahasz Stiff kat. sert. kran krana Stingy cimri. eli sk Stockholder hissedar Straighten dorultmak Strain kendini zorlamak. gayret gstermek Stray babo. Homeless Stretch germek. esnetmek Struggle abalamak. mcadele etmek Stubborn inat dik bal Subsidize Para vermek. desteklemek Subtle ince. narin; zeka ii Sufficient yeterli Summary zet Superficial yzeysel. stnkr Superior daha stn

Supplementary takviye. ek Surgeon cerrah. operatr Surmount stesinden gelmek. alt etmek. yenmek Surpass amak. stn olmak Survive hayatta kalmak; hayatn idame ettirmek Susceptible to kolay etkilenen. dayanksz. hassas Suspicion phe. zan Sustain devam ettirmek. korumak Swell Grow imek. kabarmak; artmak. bymek Symptom Sign semptom. belirti Synopsis Summary zet Tackle aresine bakmak; stesinden gelmek; topu ayandan almak; Talent yetenek Tax vergi Tax-exempt vergiden muaf Tear (teyr) yrtmak; (tiyr) gzya Tempt ayartmak. yoldan kartmaya almak Testimony tanklk. ifade Thorough tam. dikkatli eksiz Thoughtful dnceli Thrifty tutumlu. idareli Throng Crowd kalabalk; kalabalk olarak gitmek Tilted Crooked yatrmak. emek, ; meyil Tiny kk. ufack Top st. zirve Torn yrtk

Tower kule Trace Indication iz. eser ; kopyasn karmak. ipularndan olay zmek Trail srklemek. gezdirmek; izlemek Tramped Walked heavily kuvvetli admla yrmek Tranquil serene sakin. huzurlu Transaction i grme Treachery ihanet Treatment muamele. davran; tedavi Treatment muamele, davran; tedavi Trial deneme; duruma Triumph zafer. baar Trivial abes; baya; czi Trust gvenmek Tunnel Underground passageway altgeit Underestimate az/dk olarak tahmin etmek Underground metro; yer alt Undermine baltalamak. kertmek. temelini rtmek Underrate hafife almak. kmsemek Unhesitatingly tereddt etmeden Union birlik; sendika Unique biricik; tek; esiz Unpardonable affedilemez Unpleasant naho ; tatsz Unrehearsed provasz Unrestrained denetimsiz. frenlenmemi. serbest Unwillingly istemeyerek

Unwillingness isteksizlik Vacant bo. ak; dalgn Vague mphem. belirsiz. pheli Vanity Pride, kibir. kendini beenmi; abes ey. beyhudelik Varied deiik. eitli; deiken Vast ok geni. engin. pek ok Versatile ok ynl; elinden birden fazla i gelen Vexed Annoyed, bir eye can sklmak Victim kurban Victory Triumph. zafer Violent sert. iddetli. zorlu Vital hayati nemde Voluntarily gnll olarak Vote oy vermek Vulnerable Susceptible saldr veya tenkide ak / maruz olan Wasteful savurgan. msrif Weakness zayflk; zaaf Wealthy zengin; varlkl Wheel tekerlek Whip kam; kamlamak Wise akll. akllca. mantkl Withdraw ekmek. ekilmek. ayrlmak Wither Dry up solmak. soldurmak. sindirmek Witness ahit Wrinkle burumak. krmak Yield to kazan. gelir. rn. meyve vermek; boyun emek. teslim olmak Zinnia zenya iei

Noun Clause (sim cmlecikleri) THAT I believe .She is right Bunu tam cmle yapmak istersek ; I believe that she is right (Onun hakl olduuna inanyorum) F BALA F That balacndan sonra nce zne sonra fiil gelir..ilk fiilden sonra, neyi,neye sorusuna cevap veren ksm isim cmleciidir..(yukardaki rnekte rnein ilk fiil believe dir)..that ile balayan ksm [ that she is right ] isim cmleciidir Not: isimden sonra isim cmlecii getirmiyoruz..sim cmlecii fiilden sonra geliyor rnein, I believe your words ..[] Words isimdir, o halde kendisinden sonraki ksm isim cmlecii olamaz.. I am not sure [..] Sure fiildir fakat, ardndan That gelmez.nk I am not sure kesinlik ifade etmiyor. It is saidbundan sonra that gelir...ama is yerine was, has been, had been, will be, can be, may be de gelebilir... That she likes books __________ clear. a)is b)are c)was d)been e)being bir cmlede 2 fiil varsa, 1 bala olmaldr.cevap is dir.. Aadaki fiillerden sonra isim cmlecii olarak sadece that gelir. Demand Suggest Advise Recommend Decide Rule nsist

Urge Stipulate-art koymak Order Request Want Ask That den sonra zne , zneden sonra is should V1 veya should be V3 gelebilir V1=Fiilin yaln hali V3=Fiilin 3.hali sim cmleciklerinde if , whether yerine kullanlabilir.Manas whether gibidir..bu durumda if, eer manasnda kullanlmaz. We all know that she will go Know bir fiildir..o halde that ile balayan ksm isim cmleciidir..isim cmlecii olmas iin that ten sonra nce zne sonra fiil gelmelidir.. That balac ile balayan isim cmlecikleri kesinlik ifade eder. rnein, I wonder [] F A) That she will go B) Whether she will go I Wonder(merak ediyorum) ifadesi kesinlik ifade etmedii iin , a kk deil b kk doru cevaptr. That balac kesinlik ifade etmeyen ifadelerde kullanlmaz.(istisnasn ileride gstereceiz) sim cmleciklerinde that balac yerine aadaki ifadelerde kullanlabilir. The fact that The opinion that The idea that The rumor that The assumption that The news that

The observation that The theory that It is said, that you are unhappy It znesini aklayan her cmlecik, isim cmleciidir. Fakat It yerine the book is said gibi yaplarda , the book, it yerine gemez. She is said , (that olmaz) The table is said,(that olmaz) Fakat it yerine cmle bana that i getirebiliriz. That you are unhappy is said F znenin yer ald cmlecik isim cmleciidir. That she likes children,clear a)is b)are c)being d)were e) was cevap is dir..nk That she likes children ifadesi, it yerindededir.. that he knows everything a)knows b) is known cmle IT i ifade ettii iin cevap b is known(is known edilgen-pasif) I know_________ is important Burada bolua that yazamyoruz nk that den sonra nce zne sonra fiil gelir..boluktan sonra sadece is var..kendisinden sonra sadece fiil alabilen 2 bala var.. What ve who Who ve what balalar zne ve fiilden nce gelebildii gibi sadece fiilden de nce gelebiliyor.. Do you remember ? a)when will she come b)when she will come cevap b kkdr..nk isim cmlecikleri soru eklinde olmaz.. insist fiilinden sonra sadece that gelir..(isim cmlecii olarak)

WHAT They want to learn [ what is difficult] I know [______ she likes] Yukardaki bolua what gelebilir.. Ama ________ she likes ice cream sorusunda a)that b)what klarndan that i seeriz.nk neyi sevdii verilmi..o yzden what olmaz.. We are trying to find _______________ they are doing with this report Burada bolua what gelir..nk doing ifadesi var. Do-did-done gibi ifadeler varsa, what kullanyoruz.. I wonder ______ she is doing Burada doing ifadesi var..what kullanyoruz..zaten wonder netlik ifade etmediinden that kullanlmaz That balacnn istisnas:worry netlik ifade etmez ama worry den sonra sadece that gelir.. State:aklamak WHETHER = I wonder whether (or not) you understand me (or not) Not ifadesi, whether dan sonra da gelebilir cmle sonuna da gelebilir..ya da hi verilmeyebilir.. Whether balacnn fiili olumlu olmaldr(cmleciin fiili)..bu cmlede fiil understand dr .. I wonder________ you dont want to come with us a)that b)whether c)why wonder dan sonra that gelmez..whether dan sonra olumsuz fiil gelmez..o halde cevap why She wanted to learn [whether I helped her] Whether yerine if de kullanlabilir.. Fakat: Whether she likes Ali is not clear. Cmlesinde, whether yerine If olmaz..(isim cmlecii olarak) They are talking about [_________________________] Dikkat: Edatlar tek bana anlam ifade etmedii iin ardndan isim gelmeli.rnein whether gelir ama if gelmez

..edattan sonra if gelmez..edatlar, about, on , in ,under, at .. vs Ayrca isim cmlecii olarak znede if olmaz. TOO/AS WELL/SO/ETHER/NETHER/NOR Olumlu cmlelerde I am tired.Ali is tired (too/as well) I am tired. ali . Yere so gelir.. She is happy. .am I So am I olmal She can dance.So can I Olumsuz cmlelerde She isnt lazy. I am not lazy,. Cevap either..fakat neither am I da olur It is time It is right time..(Tam zaman) It is high time(zaman geldide geiyor) Bu 3 kalpda peinden to alabilirr.. It is time to , It is right time to, It is high time to Bir kelimenin isim mi fiil mi olduu konusu, kelimeyi bilmiyorsakta anlalabilir.. Bir kelime article (artikl) alyorsa isimdir.. rnein A ,an, the gibi. Elbette bunlar almasa da isim olur..ama bunlar alanlar kesinlikle isimdir zne +HAVE +FL 3 zne +HAVE BEEN F(NG) F(NG):FLN NG ALMI HAL Bu yaplarla kullanlan kalplar, so far, up to now, as of today, to date Since 1995 we __________

We den sonra present perfect In 2005 we____________ We den sonra F2 When war brouke out, they _______________ living in Germany for 2 years a)were b)had been for olduu iin b kk.savan patlak vermesinden itibaren daha ncesine kadar olan sreden bahsediliyor..o halde past perfect continuous(yukardaki cmlede had been living) km bir soru: twenty years ago the study of ageing_____ as somewhat misdirected, but now it____ into an important science burada twenty years ago ifadesi ilk boluun past olmas gerektiini gsteriyor. Sonraki ifade de now var.o halde o ksmda present perfect ile dorldurulmal ADJECTVAL CLAUSES I know the girl.She is sitting there I know the girl[___ is sitting there] Burada the girl isimdir..isimden sonra sfat cmlecii gelir, eer insandan bahsediyorsak who ya da that gelir.. Whom dan sonra ise , zne ve fiil gelir..yukarda sadece is fiili var Whose balacndan sonra , isim sonra fiil gelebilir...veya zne+ fiil gelebilir.. They are trying to learn the name of the boy________ room mate is a dentist. a)whom b)who c)that d)whose e)which burada which olmaz nk insan yerine kullanlmaz..cevap whose, nk room mate zne olsayd, ilk 3 kta doru kabul edilirdi..demek ki room mate sadece isimdir..isimlerden nce whose gelir whose, hem insan da hem hayvanda hem de canszda kullanlabilir..aklanan isim insan deilse, whose yerine of which de kullanlabilir.. ama bu durumda peinden article gelir..of which the subject gibi..veya the subject of which I like the house_______ garden is beautiful Bolua whose, of which the gelebilir..veya the garden of which Where balacndan sonra nce zne sonra fiil gelir..

Where balacnn yerine which ve that kullanlabilir.where balacnn yerine wich kullanacaksak bana ya da cmle sonunda edat getiririz.. That ise nne edat almaz. in the city.he was born in. a)where b)that we liked the restaurant__--- we ate our lunch bolukta where olur.. we liked the restaurant__--- we ate our lunch bolua at which olabilir..veya sadece which olur at sonda olur. we liked the restaurant which we ate our lunch at ..gibi Aklanan isim zaman kavraml ise, I remember the year__________________ he was born The year isimdir..kendisinden sonra when gelir.. When yerine which yazabiliriz ama which in bana ya da cmle sonuna edat getirmeliyiz(at,under,on,during..) The years in which The day on which The hour at which The period during which Zaman kavraml ifadelerde that in bana da cmlenin sonunada edat gelir.. Virglden sonra that balac kullanlmaz. We all know the year 1938,[_____] simle bitiyor o halde sfat cmlecii olacak.That olmaz nk virgl var..when ile devam edilebilir.. We all know the year 1938, when Atatrk died. She has three houses, one of _______ is in Ankara. a)them b)these c)which d)that e)whose a ve b kk olmaz.nk onlar bala deildir..

of ile kullanlan kalp which dir.. Cevap which He has a lot of boks_______ are new. a)both of which b)two of which c)two of them d)neither of which e)two of these c ve e yi atyoruz.bala olmadklar iin..a ve d klar da olmaz..2 says yok o halde b kk I have two friends,______________ are clever. a)two of them b)two of whom c)both of whom d)all of whom e)both of there whom dan nce miktar belirten ifade varsa all of, one of vs..o zaman sadece fiil ile devam edebilir.cevap c kk. They are trying to solve two problems, _____________ is new. a)none of which b)both of which c)neither of which d)none of them e)neither of these cevap c kk..b kk olmaz nk fiil tekildir..a ve d olmaz nk none kullanlmaz yap olarak. TAG QUESTONS(SORU TAKILARI) This is new,_________ ?

snt it(deil mi?) This,that gibi ifadeler it olur. These were important,___________? Werent they(deil mi?) These,those gibi ifadeler they olur. Somebody, everybody, nobody, anybody,someone,everyone,noone,anyone Bunlar zne is fiil tekildir.. Somebody is waiting for you,________? Fakat soru taks oul olurarent they? Nobody likes me, _______? a)do they b)dont they nobody zaten olumsuz..o yzden cevap a kk noone can solve this problem,_______? Cevap can they. When she came , you slept,____________________? a) didnt she b) didnt you cevap b.. the woman who will see you is aye,_________? a)wont she b)isnt she cevap btemel cmlenin fiili you know what is important __________? a)dont you b)isnt it

c)arent you cevap a..temel cmlenin fiili temel cmlenin fiili tag question sorularnda nemlidir.. I suppose you are tired, ______________________? a)dont you b)arent you I znesi ile baladmzda, suppose,think,believe,assume,reckon,am afraid gibi fiiller gelirse, o zaman sonraki ksm alnr..yukarda suppose var o halde you are tired ifadesi dikkate alnr. DKKAT: I dont suppose she is tired, ___________________? a)do I b)dont I c)is she d)isnt she cevap c she.. nk dont suppose ifadesindeki olumsuzluk soru taksn olumlu yapyor.. something, everything, nothing,anything li soru taklarnda rnein, something is wrong with him today ,______________? Cevap..isnt it.. Thing,li bu ifadelerden sonra soru taksn it ile kuruyoruz.. Nothing can you stop you,_________ ? Cevap can it.. nothing de olumsuzluk olduu iin can i olumsuz yapmyoruz Not:another ifadesinden sonra tekil fiil gelir. .someother. Some students.baz renciler Certain students..baz renciler

Certain sfat olarak kullanldnda, baz manasnndadr.. Test sorusunda bir yerde some varsa dier boluklarda other /others gibi kullanmlar yaygndr.. There were a lot of books .Some of them were new___________ ones werent. a)another b)others c)other cevap cnk ones ifadesinde oul var. Net say verilirse; There are 50 students here.5 of them are from zmir________________arent.. Boluk The others olur.nk belli bir kmenin iinden bir miktar verilmi ise , kalanlar the others olur. SIFAT CMLECKLER The man I saw was crying.. The man ifadesi isim olduu iin kendisinden sonra whom, who ya da that gelebilir.. DKKAT:isimden sonra zne fiille devam edildiinde balalar yazlmayabilir.. The reports which are necessary for me will be discussed tomorrow. Eer which balacn atarsak, are da atlr. Sfat cmleciklerinde balatan sonra to be fiili varsa, bala atldnda to be fiili de atlr. Hold/held= dzenlemek simden sonra fiil ing halinde ise bala ve to be atlabilir. The scientist who are/were.. holding yerine the scientist holding yazlabilir.. The atmosphere_________________ the earth is important for human health.. a)which surround b)that is surround c)surrounded d)surrounding e)surrounds cevap d kk..a kk olmaz nk The atmosphere tekil ifade olduu iin tekilden sonra fiil s almal..a

kknda fiil s almam. The reports ___________________ by the authorities were in the file. a)which was evaculated b)which evaluated c)evaluating d)were evaluated e)evaluated d kkn atyoruz..were zaten var cmlede..a kkn atyoruz the reports oul olduu iin.. b ve c kk birbirini gtrr..nk balatan sonra fiil gelirse, balac atp fiili ing haline getiririz.o zaman c kkndaki ifadeyi elde ederiz..o halde b ve c birbirini gtrr.. The writer who will hold a pres-conferance tomorrow is known to all burada who yerine that de yazlabilirdi ama whom olmaznk whom dan sonra sadece zne + fiil gelir..burada balac atmak istesek nasl bir yol izlemeliyiz? a)holding b)to hold c)who has held d)held e)will hold A kk olmaz nk o yapy sadece past ya da present da kullanyoruz, cmlemiz gelecek zaman ieriyor. A ve C birbirini eler. Cevap b kk..future tense debalac atyoruz. Fiilin bana to gelir. Who will hold yerine to hold.. sim +F(ing) hem past hem de present l ifadelerde aktif dir.. sim+F3 ve isim+being +F3 hem past hem de perfect l ifadelerde pasif dir.. sim +to F, future tense de aktiftir. sim+to be F ise future tense de pasiftir. The_______ man who finished his speaking left the room.

Bu yapy ksaltmak istesek finishing yazp who yu kaldrrdk.. Ama bolua first,second,third vb..sra say sfatlar gelirse ya da only, last, tallest, most intelligent gibi ifadeler gelirse ksaltma to F1 ile oluyor. The last man who saw me was ali.. Ksaltmas: The last man to see me was ali.. The second book which was published was not good.. Pasif bir yap var,to be published.. There are two problems here.One is not a)another b)other c) the other cevap c ama klarda 2 yerine many gibi belirsiz bir ifade olsayd cevap another olurdu.. km ds kpds sorularnn zm ---- where you can read a book or meet with friends. A) Security at the new art museum is provided by young artists B) In Paris new contemporary art space, the Palais de Tokyo, there is a salon C) The new contemporary museum is being built for the French collector Franois Pinault D) None of the French contemporary artists enjoys international prominence E) France never paid much attention to its own contemporary artists, beginning with the 19thcentury impressionists Burada where den sonra zne ve fiil gelmi..sfat cmlecii olarak kullanlm..o halde yer belirten bir k olmal.. Cevap b 33. Dutch was widely known in Europe in the 17th century, ----. A) since English has had much influence on Dutch since the Second World War B) as it has had an influence in Sri Lanka

C) when Dutch-derived artistic terms such as landscape and sketch were adopted into English D) but there was a Low German influence on English starting with the later Middle Ages E) until scholars use the word Netherlandic as a historical term for the cevap c..when zaman kavraml ifadelerden sonra gelir.. In biology, isolating particular enzymes is a tedious process of trial and error ----. A) though silicon is not the best choice of material B) if several hundred steps were involved C) which involves many different experiments D) until other problems could be eliminated E) as lab experiments may prove unnecessary Cevap c .. A tedious process of trial and error isimdir. O halde sfat cmlecii olarak which uygundur.. which involves yerine involving de olur.. Condition, situation, manner, position --- bunlarn arkasndan where veya in which Level, stage, point bunlarn arkasndan at which Extent, degree to which ile.... +F Scale on which +F Period during which +F Means ,procedure, process-----by which=where by(sayesinde ,yolu ile) ..through which n which den nce edat varsa(on,in,at vs..) sonra +F ile devam eder..Aksi takdirde sadece which Imitation is a very important means ----. A) that the mirror neuron system serves as a bridge in this process

B) though Iacoboni and his group used functional magnetic resonance imaging to observe the brains of human subjects C) in which both activities triggered the inferior frontal gyrus of the brain D) from which scientists can derive evidence about gene function E) by which we learn and transmit skills, language and culture Cevap e kk..means den sonra by which kullanlr(veya where by(sayesinde ,yolu ile) ..through which)..yukarda izah ettiimiz gibi.. Pasif yapl sfat cmleciklerinde bala ve fiili atp, isim ve F3 ile devam edilebilir.. The museum which/that was built ten years ago was interesting Burada which/that was atlabilir.. The authorities who/that discussed the problem made important explanations. Burada who/that yerine whom yazamyoruz..whom dan sonra +F gelir Yukardaki cmle aktiftir..bu yzden balac atp fiili discussing diye ksaltabiliriz. The student who will write a composition is my daughter. Ksaltmas.. who will gider, gelecek zaman olduu iin to write.. .., my mother is a clever woman.. a) she is 59 years old b) who is 59 years old c) that she is 59 years old d) 59 years old e) Because she was 59 years ago My mother:zne Is:fiil Virglden sonra zne fiil var, virglden nce olmaz, o halde kkn eliyoruz. Who ve that de olmaz nk virglden nce sadece zarf cmlecii gelir. Cevap d kk long years ago, this book was very expensive.

a)It was written b)which as written c)writing d)written e)to be written virgln n tarafndaki ksaltma to ile balamaz..e kkn eliyoruz.writing aktif..written pasif.. o halde d kk ________________________ the matter carefully, the scientist will announce the results. a)they have investigated b)who have investigated c)investigating d)to investigate e)investigated a ve b yi attk..a +F ile devam ettii iin b ise sfat cmlecii olduu iin.. cevap c kk she always tries to please everyone around her, which is impossible not:virglden sonraki which tm cmlecii, virglden nceki which tm cmleyi ifade ediyor. iftli balalar such.that. .sothat. Asas. more..than lessthan enoughto ..not onlybut also.

both.and. ..neithernor. ..either..or The book was___________ boring that I gave up reading up Very/too/quite/so/much so..that.. kalbcevap so Such that kalbn uyguluyabilmemiz iin, that den sonra zne + fiille devam edilmesi gerekir. rnein: It is such a difficult problem that I cannot solve it. The book isnt ___________ interesting_________I expected. a)so/that b)such/that c)very/as d)so/as e)much//too cmle olumsuz olduu iin , a ve b kk olmaz..c ve e deki tarz bir yap yok..o halde d kk doru .soas .Morethan .less.than .tooto.. anlamca olumsuzluk veren bir yapdr.impossible,unnecessary gibi yaplar almaz..nk kendisi anlamca olumsuzdur. Enough toaraya for alabilirbana sfat gelir.rnein, He is clever enough to help you Both ali and aye are lazy Not only ali but also aye is lazy Neither ali nor aye is lazy Either ali or aye is lazy

Both..and..oul kabul edilir.dierlerinde 2.isme baklr..(aye rnein) Not only ali but also aye is lazy Not merely ali but also aye is lazy..(merely, only yerine yazlabilir) Bir cmle olumsuzluk belirten herhangi bir ifade ile baladnda, cmlenin gerisi soru hali ile olur. Never is she At no time will you.. ZARF CMLECKLER Neden (sebep) kavraml zarf cmlecii balalar.. -d iin/diinden dolay Because, since, as, seeing, that(as), now that, inasmuch as, insofar as, on the grounds, in respect that, because of the fact that, seeing that, now that, on the grounds that, on account of the fact that, owing to the fact that, due to the fact that.. Because I talked to her, I______________________you a)didnt call b)hadnt called cevap A dr..nk neden kavraml zarf cmleciklerinde , temel cmle asla past perfect olmaz. . ---- since the break-up of the Soviet Union. A) Millions of Ukrainians have gone abroad in search of a living B) Ukrainian migrants often took on menial jobs C) Many Ukrainian women had been tempted overseas by promises of glamorous careers D) There were Ukrainian immigrants in Western Europe working on farms E) From time to time Ukraine felt threatened politically Since, +F ile devam etmedii iin , den beri manasndan kullanlmtr.bu manada kullanldnda present perfect e ihtiya duyulmaktadr. Cevap a kk

Since older people perform certain tasks better than the young do, ----. A) it is wrong to categorize them as generally less capable B) older people often are more socially competent C) an older employee might prove initially slower at a particular mental function D) it is exactly what employers worry about in quality-control jobs E) this insight has important implications for the workplace cevap a dr..soruda they-them vs..aryoruz As ships use less fuel than any other form of transport, ----. A) shipping might have increased rapidly in this period B) the main environmental impact was on marine life C) shipping companies have adopted new strategies to reduce fuel costs D) ships take on a ballast of water in one port E) they are often regarded as environmentally friendly cevap e dir. ---- since it can have an overall negative impact on a persons life.

A) There was a feeling of inadequacy among the team members B) AIDS may cause depression indirectly C) He began to feel the work was too stressful D) She put off going to a doctor about the lump E) Some people are more ambitious than others Burada it cansz bir eyi ifade ediyor, o halde cevap b Although some studies have found lowcarbohydrate diets to be effective, ---- . A) the obesity epidemic has fuelled explosive growth in the weight loss industry B) Americans spend as much as $15 billion a year on low-carbohydrate aids and foods C) few doctors will have recommended lowcarbohydrate diets as a healthy way to weight loss D) others have found that they offer only shortlived benefits E) weight loss schemes have focused on reduced intake of carbohydrates someother/others kalbn hatrlyoruz..d kk Ztlk belirten balalar. (Karlatrma balalar) Farkllklar da, whereas ve while Benzerlikler de , just as Whereas/while Aye likes swimming, Ali doesnt

Just as Aye likes swimming , I like swimming , so I do ,so I like swimming Just as zmir is a big city, so Ankara is a big city , so is Ankara Just as den nce zne sonra fiil All of the worlds major national parks are included on the map___are most of the important reserves of lesser status. a) as b)as well c)such d)which e) that virglden sonra which olmas iin fiilin peinden is gelmeliydi(nk maps deil map var orada) cevap as koul belirten zarf cmlecii balalar if, unless, provided(that), providing(that), on the stipulation that, on the condition that, as long as, so long as.. Type1 if she comes tomorrow, we will(can,may,should,must..)study together burada tomorrow ifadesini kulanyoruz ama present tense ile..if li cmlelerde gelecek zaman belirtirken will kullanlmaz.bu yzden comes dedik _______he come, I will let you know. a)when b)If c)before d)should e)will burada cevap if olmaz..nk comes deils almas gerekir normalde..o halde burada devrik bir yap var..cevap should if she comes tomorrow=should she come tomorrow if in 1.tipinin devrik hali. Type 2 I am not clever , so I cannot solve this problem.(can yerine would,could,might de kullanlabilir) If I were clever, I could solve this problem I dont know french, so I cannot apply fort hat job She is sleeping now, so I cannot go out

f in birinci tipinde should, ikinci tipinde were baa yazlyor. f in birinci tipinde will, ikinci tipinde would baa yazlmaz. Yet, present perfect ile kullanlacaksa bu ancak present perfect in olumsuz olmas ile mmkndr.(not:kpds snavlar iin bu bilgi yeterlidir..yoksa normalde, ngilizce de yet baka trl de kullanlabilir.. According to a country-wide survey, people living in the North East of England are ---likely to claim psychic powers----those living elsewhere in the country. A) most / as B) more / than C) not only / but also D) so / that E) less / but Cevap b Karlatrma var ve bu yaplardan sadece more than karlatrma kalb. The last company chairman, ---- killers were never positively identified, was shot and subsequently died in New York three years ago. A) whose B) who C) that D) which E) whom cevap a .. Whom olsayd , who da olurdu..cevap whose .. Whose+isim+fiil

The acropolis ---- and ---- layers of civilization starting with the Bronze Age and going on to Greek and Roman times. A) is being excavated / would show B) had been excavated / is showing C) was being excavated / had shown D) should be excavated / would have shown E) has been excavated / shows cevap a olamaz nk is / would kullanm yoktur d kkda cevap olamaz nk should / would olmaz c kkda olmaz..past continous ile past perfect kullanlmaz..past perfect sadece simple past tense ile kullanlr.. Today virtually all country and suburban weeklies and small dailies are produced by offset lithography , a procedure ________ photographs can be reproduced inexpensively. a)why b)that c)which d)whether e)by which b, c ve e sfat cmlecii balalar b ve c birbirinin yerine kullanlabilir.. Smoking _ in almost all segments of the american population , so that, in various polls, 60 to 65 %of americans non-smokers today. a)declines/may have been b)has declined/are

Smoking _ in almost all segments of the american population , so that, in various polls, 60 to 65 %of americans non-smokers today. a)declines/may have been

b)has declined/are c)had declined/would be d)could have declined/will be e)declined/were ipucu today..bu yzden cmle imdiki zamanla balantl..o halde cevabmz b.. d kkndaki could have declined de gemi zaman

soru zmeye birebr yardmc oluyor gerekten bu bilgiler... devamn bekliyorum

Dilbilgisi nce seeneklere bakn ve eer seenekler ksa ise tmcede eksik olan blmn ne olduunu grn. Seenekler uzun ise zaman kaybetmeyin. Soru tmcesini okuyun. Soru tmcesini okurken, tmcenin temel unsurlarn (+Y+N ve ana tmce ile yan tmce) belirlemeye aln. Bunlar dnda kalan ve tmcenin uzunluuna katk salamaktan baka bir ilevi olmayan unsurlar ayklayn. 1. +Y+N yapl tmcede eksik unsur. Basit tmcede:

Tmcenin +Y+N yapsn kontrol edin. Basit tmce zannettiiniz bir yap bileik tmce olabilir. A. Eksik olan zne ise: Yklemin tekil ya da oul olmasndan yola karak tekil ya da oul zne arayn; ..... is an animal of great concern to scientists. A) That the giraffe B) The giraffe C) These giraffes D) Giraffes E) Those giraffes Nesnedeki it(s), his her, him, them.. szckleri yolu ile zneyi saptamaya aln; ..... will always be remembered for its sinking on her maiden voyage. A) This ship B) That the ship C) These ships D) Ships E) Those ships Tmcede, zneyi niteleyen unsurlar gz nnde bulundurun: Determiner: Article (a, an, the), demonstrative (this, that, these, those), possessive adjective (my, our, your, his, her, its, their) Adjective: Common (old, yellow, ..), participal (interesting, bored, ..), nominal (plactic, glass, ..) Quantifier: Cardinal number (one, two, ..), ordinal number (first, second, ..), indefinite quantifier (some, many, few, ..) Adverb: Adverb of approximation (almost, about, nearly, ..), adverb of strength and intensity (completely, extremely, quite, rather, very, ..) B. Eksik olan nesne ise: znenin tekil ya da oul olmasna gre it(s), his,her, him, them, .. arayn; Tm tmce balamn inceleyin ve tamamen sama gzken seenekleri eleyin; Yukarda deinilen (a) ad nitelendiren yaplara dikkat edin.

C. Eksik olan yklem ise: znenin tekil ya da oul olmasna gre yklemi saptamaya aln; znenin animate (canl) ya da inanimate (cansz) olmasna gre yklemin etken mi yoksa edilgen mi olmas gerektiini belirleyin; Tmce iindeki zaman gsteren yaplar yardm ile yklemin hangi zamanda olmas gerektiini saptayn. Bileik tmcede Tmce Tamamlama ile ilgili blme bakn. 2. Tmcede clause marker eksik. He was terribly disappointed with the decision of the committee, ..... he gave in his resignation. A) since B) however C) yet D) in case E) so Bileik tmce yaplar ok iyi tanmanz gerekmekte. Seenekleri yok varsayarak tmcenin anlamn karmaya aln. Tmcenin zaman, neden, sonu, kyas gibi bileik tmce yaplardan hangisine ait olduunu bulun. Seenekler iinde, saptadnz bileik tmce trne ait yaplar arayn. Seenekler iinde uygun olan birden fazla yap varsa (although ve despite gibi), yan tmceyi inceleyin. Seeneklerden hangisinin yan tmceye uygun olduunu belirleyin. 3. Tmcede phrase oluturan yap eksik ..... acute shortages of food in many countries, the delegates voted to increase programmes and services in weather reporting and research needed for greater production of foodstuffs. A) By way of B) Contrary to C) According to D) In view of E) As far as

Ana tmce ile yan tmce arasnda ne tr bir iliki olduunu belirleyin: kartlk, neden, sonu, .. Seenekleri eleyin. Birden fazla seenek kalrsa, nce yap, sonra da anlam asndan uygunluunu denetleyin. 4. Paralel yapda eksik unsur. ..... you can get the experiments completed ..... you can get the report written up. A) As soon/as soon B) The sooner/the sooner C) The sooner/sooner D) As soon/The sooner E) Sooner/the soonest Tmcenin bir bileik tmce olduundan emin olun. Bunun iin de bileik tmce yaplar ok iyi tanmanz gerekmekte. Bu tr sorularda seenekler her ne kadar birbirlerine ok benzer gibi grnse de, bazlar tmceye oturtulmas dilbilgisi asndan hatal olmaktadr. Bu ekilde seenekleri eleyin. Uygun seenei bulmakta zorlanrsanz, seenekleri tmcenin genel anlamna uygunluklar, ana ve yan tmcelerin her birine uygunluklar asndan snayn. 5. Tmcede tag question eksik Prior to taking up this appointment, he used to work for the government, .....? A) wasn't he B) did he use C) didn't he D) did he E) didn't he use Tmcenin ana ykleminin hangi zaman yapsn ya da yardmc yklemi ierdiini saptayn. Tmcenin znesinin tekil mi yoksa oul mu olduunu saptayn. Some of the articles in the Criminal Code will have to be amended, .....? A) will they B) won't they

C) haven't they D) won't it E) will it Tmcenin, tag question asndan istisna oluturacak yaplar ierip iermediini inceleyin. Bu yaplar Dilbilgisi Aklamalar iinde bulabilirsiniz. 6. Dier yaplar a. Zamanlar At tomorrow's concert the orchestra ..... by Carl von Braun. A) will have conducted B) will conduct C) has been conducted D) will be conducted E) is going to conduct Zaman belirten yaplara dikkat edin (rnek soruda tomorrow szc). Bileik tmcede zaman uyumuna dikkat edin. Bu konu ile ilgili notlar Dilbilgisi Aklamalar iinde. Tmcenin etken/edilgen yapsn inceleyin (rnek soruda by szc edilgen olmas gerektiini gstermekte.) b. Edilgen You ..... pleased to learn that Mr Lawson ..... chairman. A) have been/appointed B) will be/has been appointed C) are/is appointing D) have been/was appointed E) were/appointed Yukarda a. Zamanlar iin verilen notlar inceleyin. c. Ettirgen Do you think you will be able to ..... him to lend his car? A) get

B) have C) let D) permit E) allow Dilbilgisi Aklamalar iinde ilenen ettirgen yaplar iyi bilmeniz gerekmekte. Bu tr sorularda ettirgen yapnn gemekte olduunu hemen farketmek her zaman iin kolay olmamakta. Tmcede esas yklem dndaki eylem yaplarn (rnek tmcede lend) past participle (V3) ya da infinitive (to+V) eklinde kullanlmalar sz konusu ise, dikkatli olun! Karnzda bir ettirgen yap bulunabilir. ________________________________________ DLBLGS - RNEK SORULAR Aada rnek olarak 32 dilbilgisi sorusu verildi. Yantlar btn sorulardan sonra gelmekte. 1. The very idea of establishing a literary "canon" has become ..... controversial that the people running the Library of America have wisely avoided using the term. A) too B) as C) such D) so E) more 2. Had they apologized for deliberately overcharging me, I ..... a complaint with the Consumers' Rights Office. A) will not have filed B) may not have filed C) would not have filed D) was not filing E) may not file 3. He is diplomatically qualified ..... to negotiate for a mutual reduction of the armed forces in the region. A) enough B) though

C) as well as D) not only E) also 4. As he was not satisfied with the contents of the document, he declined to sign it, and none of the members attempted to persuade him to, ..... . A) also B) too C) as well D) either E) yet 5. They haven't met for twelve years or more, but I understand they still write to ..... at regular intervals. A) the other B) each other C) themselves D) the others E) one other 6. Economic recession and rising unemployment, coupled ..... continued increases ..... retail food prices, have curtailed consumption. A) with / in B) through / through C) by / for D) at / about E) within / over 7. In Ethiopia, primitive farming practices and uncontrolled clearing of natural vegetation have transformed much of the country's highlands ..... bare landscapes, all but destroyed ..... erosion. A) above / of B) for / with C) into / by

D) in / under E) to / at 8. When the relief workers reached the scene of the disaster, they immediately began to help ..... who could do nothing for ..... . A) that / himself B) them / their C) those / themselves D) these / themselves E) us / yourself 9. Under these circumstances he should never have been allowed to take charge of the operation ..... he was the most senior of the officers available. A) whyever B) whether C) even though D) whenever E) so that 10. Why can't you admit that, ..... hard he works, he will never manage to achieve what his elder brother has achieved? A) unless B) whatsoever C) though D) whenever E) however 11. Clifford Goertz, probably ..... famous anthropologist in the world today, has revolutionized the way anthropology is taught on campuses. A) more B) most C) the most

D) the more E) a 12. Many more people would doubtless have attended the debate ..... they had known in advance who the principal speakers were. A) if only B) while C) since D) after E) until 13. In recent decades the efficiency of the United Nations ..... by a growing number of countries. A) will have been questioned B) was questioned C) had been questioned D) would be questioned E) has been questioned 14. It seems likely that by the end of the week, the costs involved in the construction of the bridge ..... by the Ministry. A) would have been announced B) would be announced C) are being announced D) will have been announced E) have been announced 15. They set up a liaison office in East Africa for marketing their goods but now they wish they ..... so. A) had not done B) have not done C) would not do D) would not have done

E) never do 16. I was forced to admit that there was a drop in sales towards the end of the year ..... he had predicted. A) such as B) even so C) in case D) just as E) so far as 17. We ..... no problems whatsoever with the dam since it ..... forty years ago. A) had / has been constructed B) have had / was constructed C) had had / had been constructed D) are having / is constructed E) were having / was being constructed 18. It was foolish of me to turn down such an offer; in fact ..... I think about it ..... I regret it. A) as much / so much more B) the more / as much C) much / as much D) the most / so much E) the more / the more 19. The scheme has been ..... consideration for a long time now, but I doubt whether it will ever be put ..... effect. A) under / into B) within / through C) for / to D) in / off E) over / over 20. It was ..... his efforts that the two sides finally agreed to hold talks ..... the principle of economic

cooperation. A) by / through B) over / for C) through/ on D) with / at E) without / from 21. There ..... many efforts to eradicate racism, but very little success ..... . A) were / had been achieved B) had been / has been achieved C) have been / has been achieved D) are / was achieved E) may be / will have been achieved 22. Evaporation ..... the process by which a solid or liquid ..... into vapour by heat. A) had been / resolved B) was / had resolved C) has been / was resolved D) may be / has resolved E) is / is resolved 23. The Etruscans, who ..... a great part of Italy about 900 B.C., ..... from Asia Minor. A) had colonized / originally came B) colonized / had originally come C) were colonized / have originally come D) have colonized / originally come E) were colonizing / might originally come 24. The orders were that we ..... the area within hours to prevent further loss of life. A) had evacuated

B) have to evacuate C) will have evacuated D) had to evacuate E) shall have to evacuate 25. He ..... his paper by saying that the entire history of the human race ..... by transfers of cultural and technological advance from one civilization to another. A) concluded / had been marked B) concludes / would have been marked C) has concluded / was marked D) had concluded / is marked E) will conclude / was being marked 26. The advance in the steel industry has been marked ..... a progressive increase ..... size, complexity and capital outlay. A) at / of B) with / to C) over / from D) by / in E) under / through 27. The answer to the question ..... great art can exist independently of religion will, ..... depends on society's moral and aesthetic values. A) what / in the same way B) even if / in due course C) whether / to a large extent D) so that / in short E) since / now and again 28. Thailand has lost half of its forests ..... its population has ..... doubled in recent decades. A) as / more than B) just as / mostly

C) so as / soon D) in case / quite E) because of / much 29. Holding a yellow umbrella in his hand he said he didn't know ..... it was, and added that it was not ..... . A) which / him B) whose / his C) who / her D) whom / us E) that / theirs 30. The Deputy Prime Minister announced today that it was ..... early to propose amendments in the legislation concerning industrial relations. A) as well as B) just so C) just as D) as soon as E) as yet too 31. Activists are these in a political movement who insist on taking active steps towards their objectives, ..... merely putting forward an action programme. A) in order to B) rather than C) as far as D) in that E) so long as 32. If our delegates hadn't shown themselves willing to come to terms, those from other countries ..... . A) would be, too B) wouldn't have, either C) had not, either

D) have had, too E) would have, too ________________________________________ YANITLAR 1. The very idea of establishing a literary "canon" has become so controversial that the people running the Library of America have wisely avoided using the term. so + adjective + that. Yant D. 2. Had they apologized for deliberately overcharging me, I would not have filed a complaint with the Consumers' Rights Office. Third condition, devrik yap. Yant C. 3. He is diplomatically qualified enough to negotiate for a mutual reduction of the armed forces in the region. adjective + enough to + V. Yant A. 4. As he was not satisfied with the contents of the document, he declined to sign it, and none of the members attempted to persuade him to, either. Olumsuz zne (None of the members). Yant D. 5. They haven't met for twelve years or more, but I understand they still write to each other at regular intervals. Tmcenin znesi oul. A seenei tekile deiniyor; C seenei kendilerine, D seenei de baka kiilere yazdklarn anlatyor; E seeneinin one other + noun olmas gerekir. Yant B. 6. Economic recession and rising unemployment, coupled with continued increases in retail food prices, have curtailed consumption. couple + with; increase + in + nesne. Yant A. increase + in yaps 26. soruda da gemekte. 7. In Ethiopia, primitive farming practices and uncontrolled clearing of natural vegetation have transformed much of the country's highlands into bare landscapes, all but destroyed by erosion. transform + into. Yant C. 8. When the relief workers reached the scene of the disaster, they immediately began to help those who could do nothing for themselves. Boluk sonrasndaki whoszcnden tr bolua insan(lar)a ynelik bir szck gelmeli. A seeneinde that + man/woman/.. olmalyd; B seeneinde their yanl nk iyelik tayor; D en yakn eldirici, ancak these szc u an yaknlarda olanlar ("bunlar") gsterir, oysa olay oktan bitmi; E seeneinde us ve themself uyumsuz. Yant C 9. Under these circumstances he should never have been allowed to take charge of the operation even though he was the most senior of the officers available. "He should never have been allowed ... he was the the most senior officer". elikili durum anlatlmakta. Yant

C. 10. Why can't you admit that, however hard he works, he will never manage to achieve what his elder brother has achieved? however + adjective/adverb + tmce. Yant E. 11. Clifford Goertz, probably the most famous anthropologist in the world today, has revolutionized the way anthropology is taught on campuses. Bir baka kii ile kyaslama yok. Yant C. 12. Many more people would doubtless have attended the debate if only they had known in advance who the principal speakers were. Third condition. Yant A. 13. In recent decades the efficiency of the United Nations has been questioned by a growing number of countries. Tmcedeki recent szcnden tr present perfect. Yant E. 14. It seems likely that by the end of the week, the costs involved in the construction of the bridge will have been announced by the Ministry. Tmcedeki by zaman gsteren szcnden tr ana tmcede past perfect veya future perfect olmal. Yant D. 15. They set up a liaison office in East Africa for marketing their goods but now they wish they had not done so. Pimanlk. Third condition gibi olmal. Yant A. 16. I was forced to admit that there was a drop in sales towards the end of the year just as he had predicted. En yakn eldirici E. Yant D (Similarity Clause) 17. We have had no problems whatsoever with the dam since it was constructed forty years ago. since + simple past; tmce present perfect. Yant B. 18. It was foolish of me to turn down such an offer; in fact the more I think about it the more I regret it. zerinde dnme arttka pimanlk artmakta. Birbirine baml kyas. Yant E. 19. The scheme has been under consideration for a long time now, but I doubt whether it will ever be put into effect. put + into + effect. Yant A. 20. It was through his efforts that the two sides finally agreed to hold talks on the principle of economic cooperation.

lk boluk asndan en yakn eldirici A, yant ise C. 21. There has been many efforts to eradicate racism, but very little success has been achieved. Tartmal bir soru. Zaman gsteren hi bir yap olmad iin A seeneinin ve C seeneinin doru olduklarn syleyebilirsiniz. Dilbilgisel adan bu doru olsa bile anlamsal olarak C doru yant. A seeneinde ikinci blmn past perfect olmas hatal. Burada was achieved gerekirdi, nk nce aba sarfedildi, sonra baarszlk geldi. 22. Evaporation is the process by which a solid or liquid is resolved into vapour by heat. Hereyden nce, by heat yapsndan tr edilgen yap gerekir. Seenekler iinde bir tek C ve E seeneklerinde edilgen var. Tmce doal, her zaman gerekleebilecek bir durumu anlatt iin yant E. 23. The Etruscans, who colonized a great part of Italy about 900 B.C., had originally come from Asia Minor. Etrskler nce Asia Minor'dan (=Anadolu) geldiler, sonra Italya'nn byk bir blmn koloniletirdiler. Yant B. 24. The orders were that we had to evacuate the area within hours to prevent further loss of life. Bir noun clause tmce. Ana yklem simple past olduu iin bolua gelecek yklemin de past olmas gerekir. B, C ve E seenekleri elenir. Tmcenin znesi emir ve bir zorunluluk durumu da D seeneinde var. 25. He concluded his paper by saying that the entire history of the human race had been marked by transfers of cultural and technological advance from one civilization to another. Tmce bir noun clause. lk bolua past tense bir yklem gelirse, ikinci boluk da past olmal. "Entire history of human race" henz sona ermediine gre, bu kii u an konuuyor olsa "Entire history of human race has been marked by ..." derdi. A seenei, bu tmcenin aktarm (= reported) hali. 26. The advance in the steel industry has been marked by a progressive increase in size, complexity and capital outlay. Tmcenin yklemi edilgen. Bu durumda ilk aranacak szck by olmal. Yant D. increase + in yaps 6. soruda da gemekte. 27. The answer to the question whether great art can exist independently of religion will, to a large extent depends on society's moral and aesthetic values. Tmcenin ana yklemi depends on. "The answer to the question" blmnden sonra gelen blmn, bu sorunun ne olduunu aklamas gerekir. Bu durumda da ilk bolua gelecek szck bir soru szc olmal. Bir tek A (what) ve C (whether) soru szckleri tamakta. Bunun ardndan anlam asndan bir niceleme yaplmas gerekir. Yant C. 28. Thailand has lost half of its forests as its population has more than doubled in recent decades. lk boluktan sonra bir tmce gelmekte. Bu durumda C ve E elenir (so as + to, because of + noun/-ing). D seenei anlamsal olarak yanl, bir koul durumu yok. En yakn eldirici olan B seenei tmceye yerletirilirse ikinci bolua gelen mostly szc ile doubled szc uyumamakta, nk mostly = often. Yant A. (as = because / when) 29. Holding a yellow umbrella in his hand he said he didn't know whose it was, and added that it was not his .

emsiyenin sahibi soruturuluyor. Yant B. 30. The Deputy Prime Minister announced today that it was as yet too early to propose amendments in the legislation concerning industrial relations. too + adj./adv. + to + V. Yant E. 31. Activists are these in a political movement who insist on taking active steps towards their objectives, rather than merely putting forward an action programme. Seenekleri eleyerek gitmek en iyisi. Boluktan sonra Ving gelmekte; burada insist on taking .... (insist on) putting yaps mevcut. A seeneinde to + V gerekir. C seeneinde as far as + tmce. D seeneinde in that + tmce. E seeneinde so long as + tmce. Yant B. 32. If our delegates hadn't shown themselves willing to come to terms, those from other countries wouldn't have, either. Third condition. Yan tmcenin yklemi olumsuz olduu iin en yakn eldirici olan E seeneindeki too yanl. Yant B.

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