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Road Trip

The automobile, as well as the notion of taking to the road, are highly charged motifs in American literature and culture. This year in American Literature Honors youve met a host of characters who have made or aspired to literal, spiritual, or emotional journeys. Throughout the year, we have discussed the ways in which the books we have read in this class interact. We can see similar themes, contrasting or complementary instances of social commentary, even plot and character comparisons. Now, you will be creating a more literal interaction more specifically, a road trip. In your groups, you will be assigned several characters from our reading. These characters are coming together to take a car trip. You will examine the characters and their literary contexts and come up with the following information: Where are they going? Do they have a specific destination or make stops along the way? You will want to consider why this group would make a trip together and who would drive. What will be the main topic of conversation? Try to think of a subject that illuminates a theme or concept shared by the characters/their books. You should attempt to approach that theme with nuance. What quotes from these characters would fit into a conversation about the subject or theme? As a group, you will create a script for the road trip. At some point, you must work in at least one direct quote from each character from the novel you read. You may have someone narrate and explain things, or you may present this as a dialogue, or some combination of the two. Either way, be creative would they fight over what plays on the radio? Ask for directions? Above all aim to show a CLEAR connection between the characters and the themes they represent. Set decorations are encouraged but not mandatory.

YOUR FINAL PRESENTATION MAY NOT BE LONGER THAN TEN MINUTES you will be asked to stop at that point, so make sure when you practice you time yourselves!

We will work on these throughout the week because they should be well-researched, planned, and rehearsed. Presentations will be on Monday, June 4th. Youll come in, set up the fake car, and create a scene you have rehearsed using the script you write together this week. Your presentation must be appropriate (rated PG). Wittiness is encouraged, goofiness is not.

Im Outta Here

Matthew, Larissa, Lauren C., Claire, Spencer

Nick Carroway Denver Mothers Younger Brother Stella Kowalski Paul D.

Check out my new paint job Nicole, Austin, Callie, Lauren

L., Maggie, Simone, Shanelle Huckleberry Finn Tateh Jay Gatsby Stamp Paid Coalhouse Walker Chuck Ramkissoon Blanche Du Bois

Made in the USA Reena, Andrew, Joe, Sarah, Daphni

Sethe Hans van den Broek Hester Prynne Daisy Buchanan Jim

Final Project Grading Rubric You will be graded as a group and individually. The grades break down as follows: Group grades (15 points): Category 5 4 3 2/1

Script Writing

Carefully constructed script that offers a clear connection to a theme. Quotes from the texts are integrated smoothly. Script shows a mastery of the materials.

Strong script that offers somewhat of a connection to a theme. Quotes from the text are there, but not necessarily integrated well into the performance. Script shows adequate knowledge of the materials. Solid performance that is performed with a few glitches. Some rehearsal is evident. Could be livelier. Ideas fulfill the requirements of the assignment.

Weak script that offers barely any connection to a theme. Missing quotes. Script shows little to no knowledge of the materials.

Not really a script. No quotes. Shows no knowledge of the materials.


Clear, lively performance that is performed seamlessly and staged well. Clearly carefully rehearsed. Ideas are creative and go above and beyond the basic requirements of the assignment

Weak performance full of mumbled lines, breaking out into laughter, and little effort. Barely rehearsed. Barely any evidence of creative effort

Complete mess with no coherence, clearly never rehearsed.


Presentation puts us to sleep.

Group Total:___________ Individual Grades (10 points): Category Use of classroom time 5 You were focused during every minute of classroom time. You participated in every aspect of the project and took on plenty of tasks 4 You were focused most of the time we worked on this project in class. You participated in most aspects of the project and took on some tasks for 3 You were focused occasionally when we worked on this project in class. You participated in a few aspects of the project and took on minimal 2/1 You were unfocused and disruptive during classroom time. You barely participated in your project and you left the work of the group to your fellow

for yourself. Performance You performed enthusiastically and stayed in character. You carefully rehearsed your parts so that you could give the best possible performance.

yourself. You performed with some enthusiasm and mostly stayed in character. You put some effort into rehearsal so you gave an adequate performance.

work for yourself. You performed with little enthusiasm and barely stayed in character. You put little effort into rehearsal so you gave a weak performance.

group members. You performed with no enthusiasm and never got into character. You put no effort into rehearsal so you gave a poor performance.

Individual Total:________________

Final Total and Grade: __________________

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