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Leader's CuIde

Author: JIm EdIIn

Edtor: Larry horrIs
2011 ContInuIng Lay TraInIng 0enomInatIonWIde Study

CopyrlghL 2011

ConLlnulng Lay 1ralnlng unlL 120.03A

ermlsslon Lo quoLe from Lhe followlng copyrlghLed verslon of Lhe 8lble ls acknowledged wlLh appreclaLlon:

unless oLherwlse marked, ScrlpLure quoLaLlons are from Lhe noly 8lble, New lotetootloool vetsloo (Nlv).
CopyrlghL 1973, 1978, 1984 by lnLernaLlonal 8lble SocleLy. used by permlsslon of Zondervan ubllshlng Pouse.
All rlghLs reserved.

Cover and LayouL ueslgn: 1ony uelna
Cover hoLo: 8eacon Plll ress of kansas ClL
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.

reparlng Lo 1each 1hls SLudy .................................................................................................................... 2
ConLlnulng Lay 1ralnlng (8eglsLraLlon and 8eporLlng)
Sesslon 1: lLs Crlgln .................................................................................................................................... 4
Sesslon 2: lLs reservaLlon ......................................................................................................................... 6
Sesslon 3: lLs 1ransmlsslon ......................................................................................................................... 9
Sesslon 4: lLs 1ranslaLlon .......................................................................................................................... 11
Sesslon 3: lLs ropagaLlon ........................................................................................................................ 13
Sesslon 6: lLs CommunlcaLlon .................................................................................................................. 13
ConLlnulng Lay 1ralnlng (CheckllsL) .......................................................................................................... 17
Appendlx ................................................................................................................................................... 18

Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
repar|ng to 1each 1h|s Study
As you read now we Cot Oot 8lble and Leader's Culde Lake Llme Lo revlew Lhe owerolnL resource
avallable aL

ulscusslon quesLlons have been provlded by Lhe auLhor aL Lhe end of each chapLer ln Lhe now we Cot
Oot 8lble LexL. 1hese quesLlons wlll lead your group Lo revlew lnformaLlon ln Lhe chapLer and explore
Lhe lmporLance of Lhe 8lble for dally llfe.

Lxpectat|ons of Leaders

Leaders need Lo have a sLrong commlLmenL Lo Lhe local church and lLs leadershlp. lL ls essenLlal for
group leaders Lo be ln supporL of Lhe sLaff and lay leadershlp of Lhelr church. 1hls ls especlally Lrue lf
some of Lhe parLlclpanLs are new Lo Lhe church or are unfamlllar wlLh ChrlsLlan prlnclples. A Lremendous
amounL of damage can be done lf group leaders compromlse Lhe leadershlp of Lhe church by crlLlclsm or

repar|ng to 1each

keep Lhe followlng guldellnes ln mlnd as you make preparaLlons Lo lead Lhls sLudy:
8ead now we Cot Oot 8lble and Leader's Culde ln lLs enLlreLy Lo geL an overvlew of Lhe sLudy.
Co Lo Lo prevlew Lhe owerolnL.
1hlnk of people ln your group who wlll need Lo be conLacLed ahead of Llme ln order Lo requesL
Lhem Lo read passages from Lhe 8lble or do oLher asslgnmenLs.
lf your group wlll meeL ln homes, be sure Lhe home ls scheduled aL leasL one week ahead.
lf someone wlll be responslble for preparlng refreshmenLs or drlnks, allow persons Lo slgn-up for
Lhe week Lhey would llke Lo parLlclpaLe. keep Lhe refreshmenLs llghL and slmple.
CuLllne each lesson plan ln your own words or map lL on paper Lo glve yourself a sense of
dlrecLlon for each sesslon.
ray for Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe Poly SplrlL 1) ln Lhe way you prepare, 2) ln whaL you say durlng Lhe
sesslons, 3) ln Lhe way you respond Lo commenLs or quesLlons by class members, and 4) ln Lhe
way you glve Llme for Lhe SplrlL Lo speak Lo parLlclpanLs' hearLs as each sesslon progresses.

Lngag|ng the art|c|pants

SLress Lhe lmporLance of readlng Lhe asslgned chapLer and dolng any oLher prescrlbed acLlvlLles ahead of
Llme, so LhaL everyone ls prepared and Lhe dlscusslon flows from Lhe maLerlal Lhe auLhor has wrlLLen.

Sess|on at a G|ance
Lngage Interest: lce breaker
Work|ng 1ogether: group compares and dlscusses ldeas and percepLlons
kef|ect|on: parLlclpanLs apply whaL has been learned ln Lhe sesslon
Look|ng Ahead and C|os|ng: readlng asslgnmenL and prayer

A suggesLed Llmellne for Lhe weekly meeLlng mlghL look llke:
3 mlnuLes We|come]kefreshments
10 mlnuLes Lngage Interest
30 mlnuLes Work|ng 1ogether
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
3 mlnuLes kef|ect|on
3 mlnuLes Look|ng Ahead and C|os|ng


?ou wlll flnd Lhe owerolnL avallable aL Lhe web slLe useful ln your sLudy sesslons. lor
a compleLe llsLlng of resources for pasLors, church leaders, and lnLeresLed lay people, vlslL

keg|strat|on and keport|ng

Welcome Lo ConLlnulng Lay 1ralnlng. When Lhe course has been compleLed, reLurn Lhe class reporL form
Lo Lhe CL1 offlce vla Lmall, mall, or fax. 1he class reporL form can be downloaded from Lhe CL1 web slLe.
Lach parLlclpanL wlll be awarded CL1 credlL for hls or her parLlclpaLlon.

Pere ls a brlef checkllsL of lnsLrucLlons:
romoLe Lhe class and plan a speclal reglsLraLlon Llme.
Make sure you have a class reporL form.
Crder LexLbooks dlrecLly from nazarene ubllshlng Pouse (Lmall: orders[, on-llne aL, Loll-free: 800-877-0700) aL leasL Lhree weeks before Lhe sLarLlng daLe. A 10
percenL dlscounL ls avallable lf you order more Lhan flve of Lhe same book. unused books may
be reLurned for credlL lf done prompLly, posLage pald, and Lhe books are ln good condlLlon.
AL Lhe close of Lhe class, reporL Lhe class Lo CL1 general offlce. keep a copy for your flle.

use one of Lhe followlng meLhods for reporLlng:
aper-requesL a hardcopy of Lhe class reporL form, flll lL ln, and reLurn lL Lo Lhe CL1 offlce.
LlecLronlc verslon-an elecLronlc flll-ln LemplaLe can be senL Lo you vla Lmall or you may
download lL from Lhe CL1 web slLe aL

When reporLlng by paper or elecLronlc verslon, Lhe CL1 offlce wlll send a noLlce of credlL along wlLh
credlL cards for each of Lhe parLlclpanLs of Lhe class. ?ou are Lo flll ln Lhe name, unlL number, book LlLle,
daLe, and name of Lhe sponsorlng group. Slgn Lhe credlL cards before presenLlng Lo each parLlclpanL ln a
publlc servlce.

lor more lnformaLlon, refer Lo Lhe caLalog, Lhe web slLe, or conLacL Lhe CL1 offlce ln Lenexa, kansas.

Cont|nu|ng Lay 1ra|n|ng]Lay M|n|stry
17001 ra|r|e Star arkway
Lenexa, kansas 66220
1o|| Iree: 1-888-243-2767
Lma||: c|
Iax: 913-S77-0872
Web s|te: c|
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.

Sess|on 1
Its Cr|g|n

1hls sesslon wlll lnclude maLerlal from now we Cot Oot 8lble, ChapLer 1: lLs Crlgln (pp. 13-31) and
quesLlons from ChapLer 1 (p. 31).

Sess|on Goa|

1o help parLlclpanLs conLemplaLe Lhe dlvlne-human naLure of ScrlpLure and how Cod allows us Lo [oln
Plm ln Pls plan Lo redeem Lhe world.

repar|ng to Lead
ray for wlsdom, an open mlnd and hearL, and guldance as you read Lhrough ChapLer 1: lLs
Crlgln (pp. 13-31) ln preparaLlon for leadlng Lhls sLudy.
8evlew ChapLer 1 quesLlons (p. 31). Choose Lhe quesLlons you wlll use ln Lhe sesslon. 1hese
quesLlons wlll allow you Lo revlew key polnLs ln Lhe chapLer. 8e ready Lo answer each quesLlon
yourself ln case no one else can.
repare coffee, waLer, and llghL refreshmenLs.
lf uslng Lhe owerolnL as parL of your presenLaLlon, go Lo and download Lhe
owerolnL, now we Cot Oot 8lble.
Ask one person Lo be prepared Lo read aloud 2 1lmoLhy 3:16 and anoLher 2 eLer 1:21.
Ask someone Lo prepare Lo read aloud Lhe rologue (pp. 11-12) or be prepared Lo read lL
Ask one person Lo prepare Lo read aloud Lxodus 3:9-10. nC1L: 8e aware LhaL some parLlclpanLs
wlll be Lroubled by Lhe role of humans ln wrlLlng Lhe 8lble. Carefully revlew A ulvlne-Puman
8ook" (pp. 16-18)of Lhe LexL. 8e prepared Lo help parLlclpanLs undersLand Lhe role humans
played ln Lhe wrlLlng of Lhe ScrlpLures.

Cod could have senL down Lhe 8ook all lnscrlbed wlLh Lhe compleLe revelaLlon. Pe could
have bound lL ln black leaLher, wlLh gold edges, sllk-sewn on lndla paper. 8uL Pe dld noL
choose Lo do so. lnsLead, Lhe llghL of dlvlne revelaLlon broke ln on Lhe soul of Moses, uavld,
aul, !ohn, and many oLhers. 1he resulL ls a dlvlnely lnsplred, humanly wrlLLen revelaLlon of
Cod's LruLh for humanlLy. (16-17)

Cne man sees only Lhe scrlbe slLLlng aL a desk, pen ln hand, wrlLlng Lhe words of scrlpLure,
and he declares, 1he 8lble ls a human book." AnoLher sees only Lhe lnsplrlng SplrlL hoverlng
overhead, and he crles, lL ls dlvlne!" WhaL we need ls Lo see Lhe whole plcLure, noL [usL one
parL of lL. 1he 8lble ls a dlvlne-human book. (18)

8e prepared for a dlscusslon of lnerrancy." 1here are many deflnlLlons of Lhls Lerm. nazarenes
belleve LhaL Cod communlcaLed whaL Pe lnLended Lo communlcaLe Lhrough Lhe 8lble. 1here are
no errors abouL who Cod ls and how we can llve forever wlLh Plm. We do noL Lhlnk, however,
LhaL Lhe 8lble ls compleLely free of some mlnor spelllng errors, grammaLlcal errors, or even
facLual errors LhaL naLurally come when humans wrlLe. 8uL none of Lhese affecL Lhe LruLh abouL
Cod and salvaLlon.
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
Lngage Interest

Choose one of Lhe followlng opLlons.

Optloo 1
Ask one parLlclpanL Lo read 2 1lmoLhy 3:16 and anoLher Lo read 2 eLer 1:21. Pave Lhe group share whaL
encourages Lhem as Lhey llsLen Lo Lhese passages.

Optloo 2
1ell parLlclpanLs Lo use Lhelr lmaglnaLlons as Lhe rologue ls read aloud (pp. 11-12). Ask parLlclpanLs Lo
share how lL makes Lhem feel Lo know Cod has chosen humans Lo parLlclpaLe ln Pls salvaLlon sLory.

Work|ng 1ogether

Say, 1hls sesslon explores Lhe orlglns of Lhe 8lble. lL answers Lhe quesLlon of how Lhe books of Lhe 8lble
were wrlLLen. 8y Cod's deslgn, Lhe ScrlpLures have come Lo us from Lhe hands of boLh Cod and humans.
1hough LhaL plan may be Lroubllng Lo some, lL can also be encouraglng Lo us.

8egln Lhe dlscusslon wlLh Lhls quesLlon: WhaL caughL your aLLenLlon as you read abouL how and when
Lhe dlfferenL books were wrlLLen?

Lead parLlclpanLs ln dlscusslon of Lhe quesLlons chosen for ChapLer 1 (p. 31).

Lnd Lhe dlscusslon wlLh Lhls quesLlon: WhaL encourages you mosL abouL Lhe way Cod gave us Lhe books
of Lhe 8lble?


8ead aloud Lxodus 3:9-10. Challenge parLlclpanLs Lo spend Llme reflecLlng on Lhls scrlpLure passage
durlng Lhe nexL week by:
Lhlnklng of ways Cod has used people (blbllcal, hlsLorlcal, and conLemporary) Lo accompllsh Pls
greaL plans.
asklng Cod Lo use Lhem ln accompllshlng Pls wlll.
Lhanklng Cod for Lhe opporLunlLy Lo be a parL of Pls purpose and plans.

Look|ng Ahead and C|os|ng

Ask Lhe group Lo prepare for Lhe nexL sesslon by readlng ChapLer 2, lLs reservaLlon (pp. 32-44). 1haL
chapLer wlll explore how Cod gulded Lhe process of selecLlng Lhe books Lo lnclude ln Lhe 8lble.

Close wlLh prayer. 1hank Cod for glvlng us Lhe ScrlpLures and allowlng us Lo parLlclpaLe ln Pls greaL plan
Lo redeem our world.
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
Sess|on 2
Its reservat|on

1hls sesslon wlll lnclude maLerlal from now we Cot Oot 8lble, ChapLer 2: lLs reservaLlon (pp. 32-44) and
quesLlons from ChapLer 2 (p. 44).

Sess|on Goa|

1o help parLlclpanLs explore and appreclaLe how Cod gulded Lhe selecLlon of Lhe books Lo lnclude ln Lhe

repar|ng to Lead
ray for wlsdom, an open mlnd and hearL, and guldance as you read Lhrough ChapLer 2: lLs
reservaLlon (pp. 32-44) ln preparaLlon for leadlng Lhls sLudy.
8evlew ChapLer 2 quesLlons (p. 44). Choose Lhe quesLlons you wlll use ln Lhe sesslon. 1hese
quesLlons wlll allow you Lo revlew key polnLs ln Lhe chapLer. 8e ready Lo answer each quesLlon
yourself ln case no one else can.
repare coffee, waLer, and llghL refreshmenLs.
lf uslng Lhe owerolnL as parL of your presenLaLlon, go Lo and download Lhe
owerolnL, now we Cot Oot 8lble.
Make a copy of Lhe followlng passages from Lhe Apocrypha wrlLlngs. Ask someone Lo prepare Lo
read aloud 1oblL 1:1-8 and Slrach 1:1-8 or be prepared Lo read lL yourself. ?ou mlghL make a
copy of Lhese passages so LhaL each parLlclpanL can read along.

1ob|t 1:1-8
[1] 1he book of Lhe acLs of 1oblL Lhe son of 1oblel, son of Ananlel, son of Aduel, son of Cabael,
of Lhe descendanLs of Aslel and Lhe Lrlbe of naphLall,
[2] who ln Lhe days of Shalmaneser, klng of Lhe Assyrlans, was Laken lnLo capLlvlLy from 1hlsbe,
whlch ls Lo Lhe souLh of kedesh naphLall ln Calllee above Asher.
[3] l, 1oblL, walked ln Lhe ways of LruLh and rlghLeousness all Lhe days of my llfe, and l
performed many acLs of charlLy Lo my breLhren and counLrymen who wenL wlLh me lnLo Lhe
land of Lhe Assyrlans, Lo nlneveh.
[4] now when l was ln my own counLry, ln Lhe land of lsrael, whlle l was sLlll a young man, Lhe
whole Lrlbe of naphLall my forefaLher deserLed Lhe house of !erusalem. 1hls was Lhe place
whlch had been chosen from among all Lhe Lrlbes of lsrael, where all Lhe Lrlbes should
sacrlflce and where Lhe Lemple of Lhe dwelllng of Lhe MosL Plgh was consecraLed and
esLabllshed for all generaLlons for ever.
[3] All Lhe Lrlbes LhaL [olned ln aposLasy used Lo sacrlflce Lo Lhe calf 8aal, and so dld Lhe house
of naphLall my forefaLher.
[6] 8uL l alone wenL ofLen Lo !erusalem for Lhe feasLs, as lL ls ordalned for all lsrael by an
everlasLlng decree. 1aklng Lhe flrsL frulLs and Lhe LlLhes of my produce and Lhe flrsL
shearlngs, l would glve Lhese Lo Lhe prlesLs, Lhe sons of Aaron, aL Lhe alLar.
[7] Cf all my produce l would glve a LenLh Lo Lhe sons of Levl who mlnlsLered aL !erusalem, a
second LenLh l would sell, and l would go and spend Lhe proceeds each year aL !erusalem,
[8] Lhe Lhlrd LenLh l would glve Lo Lhose Lo whom lL was my duLy, as ueborah my faLher's
moLher had commanded me, for l was lefL an orphan by my faLher.
-- (oolloe. pooJ.llb.omlcb.eJo/blo/tvs-lJx?type=ulv1&byte=J785J65)
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
S|rach 1:1-18
1: All wlsdom comeLh from Lhe Lord, and ls wlLh hlm for ever.
2: Who can number Lhe sand of Lhe sea, and Lhe drops of raln, and Lhe days of eLernlLy?
3: Who can flnd ouL Lhe helghL of heaven, and Lhe breadLh of Lhe earLh, and Lhe deep, and
4: Wlsdom haLh been creaLed before all Lhlngs, and Lhe undersLandlng of prudence from
3: 1he word of Cod mosL hlgh ls Lhe founLaln of wlsdom, and her ways are everlasLlng
6: 1o whom haLh Lhe rooL of wlsdom been revealed? or who haLh known her wlse counsels?
7: [unLo whom haLh Lhe knowledge of wlsdom been made manlfesL? and who haLh
undersLood her greaL experlence?]
8: 1here ls one wlse and greaLly Lo be feared, Lhe Lord slLLlng upon hls Lhrone.
9: Pe creaLed her, and saw her, and numbered her, and poured her ouL upon all hls works.
10: She ls wlLh all flesh accordlng Lo hls glfL, and he haLh glven her Lo Lhem LhaL love hlm.
11: 1he fear of Lhe Lord ls honour, and glory, and gladness, and a crown of re[olclng.
12: 1he fear of Lhe Lord makeLh a merry hearL, and glveLh [oy, and gladness, and a long llfe.
13: Whoso feareLh Lhe Lord, lL shall go well wlLh hlm aL Lhe lasL, and he shall flnd favour ln Lhe
day of hls deaLh.
14: 1o fear Lhe Lord ls Lhe beglnnlng of wlsdom: and lL was creaLed wlLh Lhe falLhful ln Lhe
13: She haLh bullL an everlasLlng foundaLlon wlLh men, and she shall conLlnue wlLh Lhelr seed.
16: 1o fear Lhe Lord ls fullness of wlsdom, and fllleLh men wlLh her frulLs.
17: She fllleLh all Lhelr house wlLh Lhlngs deslrable, and Lhe garners wlLh her lncrease.
18: 1he fear of Lhe Lord ls a crown of wlsdom, maklng peace and perfecL healLh Lo flourlsh,
boLh whlch are Lhe glfLs of Cod: and lL enlargeLh Lhelr re[olclng LhaL love hlm.
-- (oo-lloe. etext.vltqlolo.eJo/toc/moJeoq/pobllc/kjv5lto.btml)

nazarenes belleve Lhe Poly SplrlL gulded Lhe process of selecLlng Lhe books Lo be lncluded ln Lhe
canon. 1hey see LhaL blbllcal books exhlblL four baslc characLerlsLlcs LhaL are llkely Lhe reasons
Lhey were chosen. 1hey are:
1. dlvlnely lnsplred
2. splrlLually edlfylng
3. wldely used among bellevers
4. conslsLenL wlLh each oLher

Lach new 1esLamenL book ls also connecLed Lo one of Lhe aposLles. 1hls ls greaL lnformaLlon Lo
lnserL LhroughouL Lhe sesslon.

Ask someone Lo prepare Lo read aloud 2 eLer 1:3-4 aL Lhe end of Lhe sesslon or be prepared Lo
read lL yourself.

Lngage Interest

Choose one of Lhe followlng opLlons.

Optloo 1
Ask parLlclpanLs Lo share one of Lhelr favorlLe 8lble verses or sLorles and Lell why lL ls lmporLanL Lo Lhem.
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
Optloo 2
8ead aloud 1oblL 1:1-9 and Slrach 1:1-10 and ask parLlclpanLs abouL Lhelr lmpresslons of each.

Work|ng 1ogether

Say, Cf Lhe many rellglous wrlLlngs avallable ln anclenL Llmes, only 66 were selecLed Lo be ln our 8lble. ln
Lhls sesslon we wlll explore why Lhese books were chosen and whaL LhaL means Lo us.

8egln Lhe dlscusslon wlLh Lhese quesLlons: Whlch book of Lhe 8lble would you mlss Lhe mosL lf lL were
noL ln Lhe 8lble? Why would you mlss lL?

Lead parLlclpanLs ln dlscusslon of Lhe quesLlons chosen for ChapLer 2 (p. 44).

Lnd Lhe dlscusslon wlLh Lhls quesLlon: WhaL are some of Lhe unlque characLerlsLlcs of Lhe 66 books of
Lhe 8lble LhaL make Lhem valuable for ChrlsLlans Loday?


8ead aloud 2 eLer 1:3-4. Challenge parLlclpanLs Lo spend some Llme reflecLlng on Lhls scrlpLure passage
durlng Lhe nexL week by:
Lhlnklng abouL how Cod has glven Lhem everyLhlng needed ln Lhe 8lble Lo grow splrlLually.
Lhanklng Cod for Pls goodness, power, and promlses.

Look|ng Ahead and C|os|ng

Ask Lhe group Lo prepare for Lhe nexL sesslon by readlng ChapLer 3, lLs 1ransmlsslon (pp. 43-60). 1hls
chapLer wlll help us see how rellable Lhe 8lble ls.

Close wlLh prayer. 1hank Cod for provldlng Lhe 8lble LhaL glves us everyLhlng we need Lo grow ln our
relaLlonshlp wlLh Plm.
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
Sess|on 3
Its 1ransm|ss|on

1hls sesslon wlll lnclude maLerlal from now we Cot Oot 8lble, ChapLer 3: lLs 1ransmlsslon (pp. 43-60)
and quesLlons from ChapLer 3 (p. 60).

Sess|on Goa|

1o help parLlclpanLs feel confldenL ln Lhe rellablllLy of Lhe 8lble.

repar|ng to Lead
ray for wlsdom, an open mlnd and hearL, and guldance as you read Lhrough ChapLer 3: lLs
1ransmlsslon (pp. 43-60) ln preparaLlon for leadlng Lhls sLudy.
8evlew ChapLer 3 quesLlons (p. 60). Choose Lhe quesLlons you wlll use ln Lhe sesslon. 1hese
quesLlons wlll allow you Lo revlew key polnLs ln Lhe chapLer. 8e ready Lo answer each quesLlon
yourself ln case no one else can.
repare coffee, waLer, and llghL refreshmenLs.
lf uslng Lhe owerolnL as parL of your presenLaLlon, go Lo and download Lhe
owerolnL, now we Cot Oot 8lble.
Ask someone Lo be prepared Lo read aloud salm 19:7 aL Lhe end of Lhe sesslon or be prepared
Lo read lL yourself.
8evlew and be prepared Lo glve a deflnlLlon of such Lerms as Mosotetlc text (pp. 46-48), ueoJ
5eo 5ctolls (pp.49-32), Cteek mooosctlpts (pp.32-33), and ettots of tbe eye ooJ eot (pp. 33-33).
lor many parLlclpanLs Lhese Loplcs wlll be new lnformaLlon and dlfflculL Lo undersLand.
WrlLe each of Lhe followlng 8lble promlse references on a plece of paper: !oshua 1:9, salm
34:18, salm 91:1, salm 103:8, lsalah 40:31, lsalah 43:18-19, !eremlah 33:3, MaLLhew 3:6,
!ohn 6:33.

Lngage Interest

Choose one of Lhe followlng opLlons.

Optloo 1
Pave parLlclpanLs Lake Lurns readlng one verse each from salm 19:7-11. Ask Lhem Lo share how Lhe
descrlpLlons of Cod's law ln Lhls salm have been or can be effecLlve ln Lhelr own llfe.

Optloo 2
ass ouL Lhe sllps of paper wlLh 8lble promlses you prepared. Ask parLlclpanLs Lo read Lhe scrlpLure Lhey
recelved and share how LhaL promlse ls meanlngful Lo Lhem.

Work|ng 1ogether

Say, 1he 8lble was copled by hand for cenLurles. 1hough scrlbes were very careful, some mlsLakes were
made. Can we LrusL LhaL our 8lbles Loday are whaL Cod lnLended us Lo have when Pe flrsL lnsplred
Lhem? 1haL ls Lhe quesLlon we wlll explore ln Lhls lesson.

Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
8egln Lhe dlscusslon by poslng Lhe quesLlon: lf someone asked you why anyone should LrusL LhaL we
have Lhe words LhaL Moses, uavld, Luke, or aul acLually wroLe, how would you answer Lhem?

Lead parLlclpanLs ln dlscusslon of Lhe quesLlons chosen for ChapLer 3 (p. 60).

Lnd Lhe dlscusslon by asklng: Pow does Lhe work of boLh anclenL scrlbes and modern scholars help us
LrusL ln Lhe rellablllLy of Lhe blbllcal LexL?


8ead aloud salm 19:7. Challenge parLlclpanLs Lo spend some Llme durlng Lhe nexL week reflecLlng on
Lhls scrlpLure and:
Lhlnklng abouL whaL Lhls scrlpLures says abouL Lhe LrusLworLhlness of Lhe 8lble.
Lhanklng Cod LhaL Lhe 8lble has been guarded and preserved.

Look|ng Ahead and C|os|ng

Ask Lhe group Lo prepare for Lhe nexL sesslon by readlng ChapLer 4, lLs 1ranslaLlon (pp. 61-82). 1he
chapLer wlll help us dlscover how Lhe 8lble was flrsL LranslaLed lnLo oLher languages.

Close wlLh prayer. 1hank Cod for preservlng and guardlng Lhe scrlpLures. ralse Plm for glvlng us Lhls
rellable and LrusLworLhy source for learnlng abouL Plm and growlng ln our falLh.
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
Sess|on 4
Its 1rans|at|on

1hls sesslon wlll lnclude maLerlal from now we Cot Oot 8lble, ChapLer 4, lLs 1ranslaLlon (pp. 61-82) and
quesLlons from ChapLer 4 (pp. 81-82).

Sess|on Goa|

1o dlscover how Lhe 8lble was flrsL LranslaLed lnLo oLher languages and Lo help parLlclpanLs appreclaLe
Lhe value of new LranslaLlons of Lhe 8lble.

repar|ng to Lead
ray for wlsdom, an open mlnd and hearL, and guldance as you read Lhrough ChapLer 4, lLs
1ranslaLlon (pp. 61-82) ln preparaLlon for leadlng Lhls sLudy.
8evlew ChapLer 4 quesLlons (pp. 81-82). Choose Lhe quesLlons you wlll use ln Lhe sesslon. 1hese
quesLlons wlll allow you Lo revlew key polnLs ln Lhe chapLer. 8e ready Lo answer each quesLlon
yourself ln case no one else can.
repare coffee, waLer, and llghL refreshmenLs.
lf uslng Lhe owerolnL as parL of your presenLaLlon, go Lo and download Lhe
owerolnL, now we Cot Oot 8lble.
Make coples of Cenesls 1:1-3 from Lhe LaLln vulgaLe for each parLlclpanL.

[1] ln prlnclplo creavlL ueus caelum eL Lerram [2] Lerra auLem eraL lnanls eL vacua eL Lenebrae
super faclem abyssl eL splrlLus uel ferebaLur super aquas [3] dlxlLque ueus flaL lux eL facLa esL
lux [4] eL vldlL ueus lucem quod esseL bona eL dlvlslL lucem ac Lenebras [3] appellavlLque lucem
dlem eL Lenebras nocLem facLumque esL vespere eL mane dles unus
-- uoooty-kbelms lotlo volqote 8lble (uk8O.OkC 2004, www.Jtbo.otq/lvb)

Ask someone Lo read aloud salm 119:97-104 or be prepared Lo read lL yourself.

Lngage Interest

Choose one of Lhe followlng opLlons.

Optloo 1
Ask parLlclpanLs Lo share abouL a Llme Lhey found Lhemselves ln a slLuaLlon where Lhey dld noL
undersLand Lhe language LhaL was spoken.

Optloo 2
ulsLrlbuLe coples of Cenesls 1:1-3 from Lhe LaLln vulgaLe and ask parLlclpanLs Lo lmaglne whaL lL would
be llke lf Lhls was Lhe only 8lble avallable for Lhem Lo read.

Work|ng 1ogether

Say, 1he 8lble has been LranslaLed lnLo Lhe maln languages of Lhe wesLern world over Lhe cenLurles. 1he
sLory of Lhe Lngllsh LranslaLlon of Lhe 8lble ls parLlcularly lnLeresLlng and challenglng. ?eL, Lhese new
LranslaLlons were noL always recelved wlLh open arms.

Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
8egln Lhe dlscusslon wlLh Lhls quesLlon: Why do you Lhlnk Lhere was so much opposlLlon Lo new
LranslaLlons of Lhe 8lble?

Lead parLlclpanLs ln dlscusslon of Lhe quesLlons chosen for ChapLer 4 (pp. 81-82).

Lnd Lhe dlscusslon wlLh Lhls quesLlon: WhaL does Lhe perslsLence of Wycllffe, 1yndale, and oLhers Lell
you abouL how much Lhese people valued Lhe ScrlpLures?


8ead aloud salm 119:97-104. Challenge parLlclpanLs Lo spend some Llme durlng Lhe nexL week
reflecLlng on Lhls passage and:
Lhlnklng abouL how valuable Lhe Word of Cod ls Lo Lhem.
asklng Cod Lo help Lhem apply Lhe wlsdom, undersLandlng, and lnslghLs Lhe ScrlpLures provlde
for Lhem.
Lhanklng and pralslng Cod for Pls guldance and dlrecLlon Lhrough Lhe 8lble.

Look|ng Ahead and C|os|ng

Ask Lhe group Lo prepare for Lhe nexL sesslon by readlng ChapLer 3, lLs ropagaLlon (pp. 83-99). 1he
chapLer wlll descrlbe how Lhe 8lble conLlnued Lo be LranslaLed lnLo dlfferenL languages as ChrlsLlanlLy
spread LhroughouL Lhe world.

Close wlLh prayer. 1hank Cod for Lhose who valued Lhe ScrlpLures so much Lhey gave Lhelr commlLmenL,
Llme, and even Lhelr llves ln LranslaLlng Lhe 8lble lnLo Lhe Lngllsh language.
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
Sess|on S
Its ropagat|on

1hls sesslon wlll lnclude maLerlal from now we Cot Oot 8lble, ChapLer 3, lLs ropagaLlon (pp. 83-99) and
quesLlons from ChapLer 3 (p. 99).

Sess|on Goa|

1o help parLlclpanLs appreclaLe Lhe lmpacL of Lhe 8lble LhroughouL Lhe world and Lhe sacrlflces made Lo
geL Lhe 8lble lnLo Lhe language of dlfferenL people groups.

repar|ng to Lead
ray for wlsdom, an open mlnd and hearL, and guldance as you read Lhrough ChapLer 3, lLs
ropagaLlon (pp. 83-99) ln preparaLlon for leadlng Lhls sLudy.
8evlew ChapLer 3 quesLlons (p. 99). Choose Lhe quesLlons you wlll use ln Lhe sesslon. 1hese
quesLlons wlll allow you Lo revlew key polnLs ln Lhe chapLer. 8e ready Lo answer each quesLlon
yourself ln case no one else can.
repare coffee, waLer, and llghL refreshmenLs.
lf uslng Lhe owerolnL as parL of your presenLaLlon, go Lo and download Lhe
owerolnL, now we Cot Oot 8lble.
Co Lo 1he ulsclpleshlp lace web slLe and llsLen Lo !ohn 1:1 ln several languages (Spanlsh,
orLuguese, lrench, korean, eLc.). nC1L: 1o use Optloo 2 wlll requlre lnLerneL access ln Lhe
Ask several people Lo prepare Lo read aloud lsalah 33:10-11 from dlfferenL Lngllsh LranslaLlons or
be prepared Lo read Lhem yourself.

Lngage Interest

Choose one of Lhe followlng opLlons.

Optloo 1
Ask parLlclpanLs Lo Lhlnk abouL one of Lhe flrsL 8lble verses or sLorles Lhey ever heard and Lell why lL was
meanlngful for Lhem aL LhaL Llme.

Optloo 2
lnvlLe parLlclpanLs Lo llsLen Lo !ohn 1:1 ln several dlfferenL languages and Lry guesslng Lhe language of
each one.

Work|ng 1ogether

Say, Wherever ChrlsLlans go, Lhey LranslaLe Lhe 8lble lnLo Lhe language of Lhe people. 1hls requlres
much Llme and efforL and ofLen means conslderable sacrlflce.

8egln Lhe dlscusslon wlLh Lhls quesLlon: Why do you Lhlnk mlsslonarles spend Llme LranslaLlng Lhe 8lble
lnLo Lhe language of Lhe people Lhey are evangellzlng?

Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
Lead parLlclpanLs ln dlscusslon of Lhe quesLlons chosen for ChapLer 3 (p. 99).

Lnd Lhe dlscusslon wlLh Lhls quesLlon: Whlch sLory ln Lhls chapLer lmpacLed you Lhe mosL and why do
you Lhlnk lL dld?


8ead aloud lsalah 33:10-11 ln several dlfferenL Lngllsh LranslaLlons. Challenge parLlclpanLs Lo spend Llme
durlng Lhe nexL week medlLaLlng on Lhls scrlpLure passage. Ask parLlclpanLs Lo:
reflecL on how Cod's Word has spoken Lo Lhem durlng Lhelr llves.
ask Cod Lo glve Lhem Lhe opporLunlLy Lo share Pls Word wlLh oLhers.
Lhank Cod for Lhe power Pls Word has ln your llfe.

Look|ng Ahead and C|os|ng

Ask Lhe group Lo prepare for Lhe nexL sesslon by readlng ChapLer 6, lLs CommunlcaLlon (pp. 100-118).
1hls chapLer wlll look aL varled approaches Lo LranslaLlon and survey many of Lhe modern LranslaLlons ln

Close wlLh prayer. 1hank Cod for Lhe many LranslaLlons of Lhe 8lble avallable LhroughouL Lhe world. ray
for Lhose who conLlnue Lo work aL LranslaLlng Lhe 8lble lnLo oLher languages.
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
Sess|on 6
Its Commun|cat|on

1hls sesslon wlll lnclude maLerlal from now we Cot Oot 8lble, ChapLer 6, lLs CommunlcaLlon (pp. 100-
118) and quesLlons from ChapLer 6 (pp. 117-118).

Sess|on Goa|

1o help parLlclpanLs explore Lhe pleLhora of modern LranslaLlons and dlscover how Lhese LranslaLlons
mlghL be a beneflL aL dlfferenL Llmes ln a person's llfe.

repar|ng to Lead
ray for wlsdom, an open mlnd and hearL, and guldance as you read Lhrough ChapLer 6, lLs
CommunlcaLlon (pp. 100-118) ln preparaLlon for leadlng Lhls sLudy.
8evlew ChapLer 6 quesLlons (pp. 117-118). Choose Lhe quesLlons you wlll use ln Lhe sesslon.
1hese quesLlons wlll allow you Lo revlew key polnLs ln Lhe chapLer. 8e ready Lo answer each
quesLlon yourself ln case no one else can.
repare coffee, waLer, and llghL refreshmenLs.
lf uslng Lhe owerolnL as parL of your presenLaLlon, go Lo and download Lhe
owerolnL, now we Cot Oot 8lble.
CreaLe a handouL wlLh several Lngllsh LranslaLlons of Pebrews 4:12. Co Lo Lo flnd a varleLy of verslons (l.e. k!v, nAS8, nlv, nCv, n8Sv, nL1, MSC).
Ask someone Lo prepare Lo read Lhe Lpllogue (pp. 119-120) or be prepared Lo read lL yourself.
Ask Lwo parLlclpanLs Lo prepare Lo read aloud salm 119:9-11 and Pebrews 4:12 from dlfferenL
Lngllsh LranslaLlons or be prepared Lo read Lhem yourself.

Lngage Interest

Choose one of Lhe followlng opLlons.

Optloo 1
Ask parLlclpanLs Lo llsLen as Pebrews 4:12 ls read ln dlfferenL Lngllsh LranslaLlons. Ask parLlclpanLs Lo
share whlch LranslaLlons Lhey llke besL and why.

Optloo 2
Ask parLlclpanLs Lo share wlLh Lhe group Lhe Lngllsh LranslaLlon of Lhe 8lble Lhey llke Lo use mosL ofLen
and why Lhey llke lL.

Optloo J
Pave Lhe deslgnaLed person read aloud Lhe Lpllogue (pp. 119-120). Ask parLlclpanLs Lo reacL Lo Lhe
lnformaLlon shared by Lhe auLhor.

Work|ng 1ogether

Say, 1he number of Lngllsh LranslaLlons of Lhe 8lble avallable Loday can be overwhelmlng. When
conslderlng Lhe many avallable verslons you mlghL ask: Why are Lhere so many? WhaL makes Lhem
dlfferenL? Are some beLLer Lhan oLhers? 1hese are some of Lhe quesLlons we wlll explore ln Lhls sesslon.

Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
8egln Lhe dlscusslon wlLh Lhls quesLlon: WhaL do you Lhlnk should be some characLerlsLlcs of a good
8lble LranslaLlon?

Lead parLlclpanLs ln dlscusslon of Lhe quesLlons chosen for ChapLer 6 (pp. 133-134).

Lnd Lhe dlscusslon wlLh Lhls quesLlon: Whlch LranslaLlon would you recommend Lo a new ChrlsLlan?


8ead aloud salm 119:9-11 and Pebrews 4:12. Ask parLlclpanLs Lo spend Llme Lhls week conLemplaLlng
Lhese Lwo scrlpLure passages by:
conslderlng how effecLlve Cod's Word ls ln shaplng Lhelr llves.
asklng Cod Lo use Pls Word Lo be acLlve ln convlcLlng and peneLraLlng Lhelr hearL.
Lhanklng Cod for Lhe Llvlng Word.


8rlefly summarlze Lhe sLudy by resLaLlng Lhe LlLle and goal of each sesslon:
ChapLer 1: lLs Crlgln. 1o help parLlclpanLs conLemplaLe Lhe dlvlne-human naLure of ScrlpLure and
how Cod allows us Lo [oln Plm ln Pls plan Lo redeem Lhe world.
ChapLer 2: lLs reservaLlon. 1o help parLlclpanLs explore and appreclaLe how Cod gulded Lhe
selecLlon of Lhe books Lo lnclude ln Lhe 8lble.
ChapLer 3: lLs 1ransmlsslon. 1o help parLlclpanLs feel confldenL ln Lhe rellablllLy of Lhe 8lble.
ChapLer 4: lLs 1ranslaLlon. 1o dlscover how Lhe 8lble was flrsL LranslaLed lnLo oLher languages
and Lo help parLlclpanLs appreclaLe Lhe value of new LranslaLlons of Lhe 8lble.
ChapLer 3: lLs ropagaLlon. 1o help parLlclpanLs appreclaLe Lhe lmpacL of Lhe 8lble LhroughouL
Lhe world and Lhe sacrlflces made Lo geL Lhe 8lble lnLo Lhe language of dlfferenL people groups.
ChapLer 6: lLs CommunlcaLlon. 1o help parLlclpanLs explore Lhe pleLhora of modern LranslaLlons
and dlscover how Lhese LranslaLlons mlghL be a beneflL aL dlfferenL Llmes ln a person's llfe.

Ask parLlclpanLs Lo share how Lhls sLudy has changed Lhelr LhoughLs and aLLlLudes Loward Lhe 8lble.

Close wlLh prayer. 1hank Cod for Lhls sLudy and for Pls glfL of Lhe 8lble Lo us. Ask Cod Lo conLlnue Lo
gulde ln Lhe work of creaLlng new LranslaLlons. ray LhaL all who read Lhe ScrlpLures wlll experlence Lhe
LruLh ln Pls Word.
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.

1hank you for parLlclpaLlng ln Lhls CL1 class sLudy. lease revlew Lhe checkllsL below. We hope you wlll
conLlnue Lo sLudy and Lraln for mlnlsLry ln your local church by uslng ConLlnulng Lay 1ralnlng (CL1)

romoLe Lhe class and plan a speclal reglsLraLlon Llme.
Make sure you have a class reporL form.
Crder LexLbooks dlrecLly from nazarene ubllshlng Pouse (Lmall: orders[, on-llne:, Loll-free: 800-877-0700) aL leasL Lhree weeks before Lhe sLarLlng daLe. A 10 percenL
dlscounL ls avallable lf you order more Lhan flve of Lhe same book. unused books may be reLurned
for credlL lf done prompLly, posLage pald, and Lhe books are ln good condlLlon.
AL Lhe close of Lhe class, reporL Lhe class Lo Lhe CL1 offlce ln Lenexa, kansas. keep a copy for your
flle. use one of Lhe followlng meLhods for reporLlng:
aper-requesL a hardcopy of Lhe class reporL form, flll lL ln, and reLurn lL Lo Lhe CL1 offlce.
LlecLronlc verslon-an elecLronlc flll-ln LemplaLe can be senL Lo you vla Lmall or you may
download lL from Lhe CL1 web slLe aL
Cn-llne-you may use our flll-ln form for reporLlng classes aL

When reporLlng by paper or elecLronlc verslon, Lhe CL1 offlce wlll send a noLlce of credlL along wlLh
credlL cards for each of Lhe parLlclpanLs of Lhe class. ?ou are Lo flll ln Lhe name, unlL number, book LlLle,
daLe, and name of Lhe sponsorlng group. Slgn Lhe credlL cards before presenLlng Lo each parLlclpanL ln a
publlc servlce.

When reporLlng on-llne, you wlll be glven Lhe opLlon Lo prlnL ouL credlL cards for each of Lhe
parLlclpanLs. 1he class presenLer can Lhen slgn Lhe cards and presenL Lhem Lo each parLlclpanL ln a publlc

Cont|nu|ng Lay 1ra|n|ng
17701 ra|r|e Star arkway
Lenexa, kansas 66220
1o|| Iree: 1-888-243-2767
Lma||: c|
Iax: 913-S77-0872
Web s|te: c|

Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
Slnce Lhe ScrlpLures are vlewed as Lhe foundaLlonal documenLs of ChrlsLlanlLy, every denomlnaLlon or
church, regardless of slze, has come Lo an arLlculaLed undersLandlng of how ScrlpLure ls Lo be
lnLerpreLed. 1he followlng shorL arLlcle by ur. Woodle SLevens, dlrecLor of Sunday School and
ulsclpleshlp MlnlsLrles lnLernaLlonal, addresses how Lhe Church of Lhe nazarene vlews Lhe 8lble and lLs
lnLerpreLaLlon. ur. SLevens wlll also help explaln whaL nazarenes mean when Lhey say, We belleve ln
Lhe plenary lnsplraLlon of Lhe Poly ScrlpLures."

Woodle !. SLevens
lv. 1he Poly ScrlpLures
4. We belleve ln Lhe plenary lnsplraLlon of Lhe Poly ScrlpLures, by whlch we undersLand Lhe 66 books of
Lhe Cld and new 1esLamenLs, glven by dlvlne lnsplraLlon, lnerranLly reveallng Lhe wlll of Cod concernlng
us ln all Lhlngs necessary Lo our salvaLlon, so LhaL whaLever ls noL conLalned Lhereln ls noL Lo be en[olned
as an arLlcle of lalLh.
(loke 24.44-47, Iobo 10.J5, 1 cotlotbloos 15.J-4, 2 1lmotby J.15-17, 1 letet 1.10-12, 2 letet 1.20-21)
--2009-201J Mooool of tbe cbotcb of tbe Nozoteoe
1hls sLaLemenL on Lhe Poly ScrlpLures, from Lhe 2009-2013 Mooool of Lhe Church of Lhe nazarene,
provldes a helpful perspecLlve on how we goL our 8lble and how we should respond Lo lL. Several
lmporLanL words [ump ouL lmmedlaLely. Words llke plenary, dlvlne, lnsplraLlon, and lnerranL are packed
wlLh meanlng and should be explored. LeL us begln wlLh Lhe word plenary.
lenary ls an ad[ecLlve relaLed Lo Lhe noun plenum, derlved from Lhe LaLln Lerm pleoos meanlng full."
When we aLLend a conference and Lhe schedule calls for a plenary sesslon, LhaL generally means Lhe
parLlclpanLs wlll all come LogeLher Lo meeL as a whole ln LhaL sesslon. Merrlam-WebsLer deflnes Lhe
words as meanlng, compleLe ln every respecL: absoluLe, unquallfled, full power."
So when Lhls arLlcle of falLh sLaLes, We belleve ln Lhe plenary lnsplraLlon of Lhe Poly ScrlpLures," lL ls
expresslng Lhe bellef LhaL Lhe 8lble ls fully lnsplred. We do noL have an opLlon Lo plck and choose among
Lhe scrlpLures deLermlnlng some books are more lnsplred Lhan oLhers. 1he arLlcle afflrms LhaL Lhe enLlre
8lble ls absoluLely, compleLely, LoLally lnsplred. 1he sLaLemenL ls careful Lo recognlze LhaL all 66 books ln
Lhe canon are lncluded ln Lhe fullness of lnsplraLlon.
When we use Lhe expresslon canon we are referrlng Lo Lhe seL of books our ChrlsLlan faLhers regarded
as dlvlnely lnsplred. ln general among ChrlsLlan denomlnaLlons, Lhe blbllcal canon ls an agreed-upon llsL
of 66 books, alLhough book order may vary. 1he book order ls Lhe same ln Lhe Creek CrLhodox, CaLhollc,
and roLesLanL LradlLlon. Some ChrlsLlan LradlLlons lnclude exLra-canonlcal books ln Lhelr 8lbles buL for
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
mosL followers of ChrlsL Lhe canon of Poly ScrlpLures ls closed and no addlLlonal wrlLlngs are lncluded ln
Lhe 8lble.
When we use Lhe word lnsplraLlon, lL ls used ln Lhe sense of a llfLlng or anlmaLlng acLlon or lnfluence. lor
lnsLance l mlghL say, l cannoL wrlLe poeLry wlLhouL lnsplraLlon." 1haL means someLhlng or someone
musL be a source of Lhe lnsplraLlon ln order for me Lo wrlLe. 1he expresslon dlvlne lnsplraLlon" clarlfles
Lhe source. Cod has spoken Lo us Lhrough Lhe 8lble. Cod ls Lhe source of Lhe Poly ScrlpLures. 1he new
1esLamenL wlLnesses Lo Lhe lnsplraLlon of Lhe ScrlpLures ln 2 eLer 1:21, lor rophecy never had lLs
orlgln ln Lhe wlll of man, buL men spoke from Cod as Lhey were carrled along by Lhe Poly SplrlL." ln
aul's second leLLer Lo 1lmoLhy we read, All ScrlpLure ls Cod-breaLhed and ls useful for Leachlng,
rebuklng, correcLlng and Lralnlng ln rlghLeousness, so LhaL Lhe man of Cod may be Lhoroughly equlpped
for every good work" (2 1lmoLhy 3:16-17).
1o Lhe church ln CorlnLh aul afflrmed LhaL hls wrlLlngs and Leachlngs were noL of hls own knowledge
and undersLandlng buL were LaughL Lo hlm by Lhe Poly SplrlL of Cod. Pe LesLlfles, 1hls ls whaL we speak,
noL ln words LaughL us by human wlsdom buL ln words LaughL by Lhe SplrlL, expresslng splrlLual LruLhs ln
splrlLual words" (1 CorlnLhlans 2:13).
l flnd lL lnLeresLlng LhaL even eLer recognlzed Lhe dlvlne source of aul's Leachlngs, because ln hls
second leLLer eLer wrlLes, !usL as our dear broLher aul also wroLe you wlLh Lhe wlsdom LhaL Cod gave
hlm" (2 eLer 3:13).
!esus, hlmself, wlLnesses Lo Lhe auLhorlLy and rellablllLy of Lhe ScrlpLures. ln Luke 24:44 he says,
LveryLhlng musL be fulfllled LhaL ls wrlLLen abouL me ln Lhe Law of Moses, Lhe ropheLs and Lhe
salms." ln MaLLhew 3:17-18, !esus declares, uo noL Lhlnk LhaL l have come Lo abollsh Lhe Law or Lhe
ropheLs, l have noL come Lo abollsh Lhem buL Lo fulflll Lhem. l Lell you Lhe LruLh, unLll heaven and earLh
dlsappear, noL Lhe smallesL leLLer, noL Lhe leasL sLroke of a pen, wlll by any means dlsappear from Lhe
Law unLll everyLhlng ls accompllshed."
!esus held a very hlgh vlew of Cld 1esLamenL scrlpLures. We belleve Lhe ScrlpLures llke !esus dld, quoLlng
Lhem, referenclng Lhem, and lnslsLlng LhaL Lhey would be fulfllled.
Cod's splrlL conLlnues Lo speak Lo Pls people Lhrough Pls Llvlng Word. Cne of my favorlLe passages of
ScrlpLure ls found ln Pebrews 4:12, lor Lhe word of Cod ls llvlng and acLlve. Sharper Lhan any double-
edged sword, lL peneLraLes even Lo dlvldlng soul and splrlL, [olnLs and marrow, lL [udges Lhe LhoughLs
and aLLlLudes of Lhe hearL." 1he 8lble ls LrusLworLhy and dependable. We can LrusL lL. lL wlll noL lead us
asLray. lL deserves Lo be valued and honored as we correcLly handle Lhe word of LruLh" (2 1lmoLhy
!ohn Wesley declared hlmself a man of one book preachlng, Ch, glve me LhaL book, Lhe 8ook of Cod,
LhaL l mlghL flnd my way Lo heaven." nazarenes are people of Lhe 8ook of Cod. We hold a hlgh vlew of
ScrlpLure, [usL llke !esus. We LrusL lL. We hlde lL ln our hearLs so LhaL we mlghL noL sln agalnsL Cod
(salm 119:11). We are people who dellghL ln Lhe law of Lhe Lord, who medlLaLe on lL day and nlghL
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
(salm 1). We seek Lo llve carefully accordlng Lo lLs prlnclples. We belleve solld food ls for Lhe maLure,
who by consLanL use [of ScrlpLure] Lraln Lhemselves Lo dlscern good from evll (Pebrews 3:12).
Powever, nazarenes do noL worshlp Lhe 8lble. We worshlp Lhe Cod of whom lL Leaches. Some people
are 8lbllolaLers or 8lble worshlpers. 1hey make an ldol of Lhe 8lble. Some lnslsL LhaL lf we don'L use Lhelr
preferred verslon, we cannoL be Lruly splrlLual and do noL have Lhe full LruLh. Some even become qulLe
un-ChrlsLllke ln Lhelr responses lf oLhers do noL pass Lhelr llLmus LesL for real" ChrlsLlans. 1hls ls
unaccepLable behavlor for Lhose who would be a godly and holy people.
LxalLlng Lhe ScrlpLures beyond Cod's lnLended role for Lhem ls dangerous. !esus sald of Lhe !ews, ?ou
dlllgenLly sLudy Lhe ScrlpLures because you Lhlnk LhaL by Lhem you possess eLernal llfe. 1hese are Lhe
ScrlpLures LhaL LesLlfy abouL me, yeL you refuse Lo come Lo me Lo have llfe" (!ohn 3:39-40). A person can
become an experL ln Lhe 8lble. 1hey can memorlze masslve porLlons of ScrlpLure buL noL know ChrlsL. All
of Cod's wrlLLen Word ls glven Lo us Lo lead us Lo Lhe Llvlng Word. 1he ScrlpLures cannoL save us. Cnly
!esus saves. Pe was cruclfled on Lhe Cross ln order LhaL we mlghL be redeemed from Lhe wages of our
sln and Lo provlde for us Pls glfL of eLernal llfe. SalvaLlon ls found ln no one else, for Lhere ls no oLher
name under heaven glven Lo men by whlch we musL be saved" (AcLs 4:12).
?our 8lble ls probably made of paper and lnk and bound ln some nlce leaLher or oLher maLerlal LhaL
lndlcaLes value. 1he book ls a very human producL. Why would we worshlp someLhlng made by man?
Powever, when Lhe Poly SplrlL, who ls aL work ln us, engages our mlnd, body, and splrlL, wlLh Lhe prlnLed
words on Lhe pages of Lhe 8ook, a mlracle happens.
Cod causes Lhose words Lo suddenly llve Lhrough Lhe Poly SplrlL who speaks LruLh Lo our hearLs and
mlnds. !esus sald, 1he Counselor, Lhe Poly SplrlL, whom Lhe laLher wlll send ln my name, wlll Leach you
all Lhlngs and wlll remlnd you of everyLhlng l have sald Lo you" (!ohn 14:26). 1he 8lble ls human enough
LhaL we do noL worshlp lL, buL we worshlp our Cod whose SplrlL wlLnesses Lo our splrlL LhaL Lhls ls Pls
Word for us. 8eware of Lhose who quoLe Lhe 8lble buL do noL reflecL Lhe SplrlL of !esus ln Lhelr aLLlLudes,
words, and deeds.
Some people dlsLorL Lhe words of ScrlpLure ln order Lo prove a polnL raLher Lhan allowlng Cod's splrlL Lo
brlng forLh Pls LruLh. Some people bend and LwlsL Lhe ScrlpLures Lo serve Lhelr purposes. 1hls ls noL a
new problem. aul wlLnessed LhaL he had renounced secreL and shameful ways, and dld noL use
decepLlon or dlsLorL Lhe Word of Cod (2 CorlnLhlans 4:2). eLer complalned of lgnoranL and unsLable
people who dlsLorLed aul's Leachlngs, as well as Lhe oLher scrlpLures, Lo Lhelr own desLrucLlon (2 eLer
3:16). aul warned 1lmoLhy of Lhose who would abandon Lhe falLh and follow decelvlng splrlLs and
docLrlnes LaughL by demons (11lmoLhy 4:1).
Cod's message ls always conslsLenL wlLh who Pe ls and whaL Pe ls dolng ln our world. Slnce we llve ln a
day of mulLlple volces offerlng many ways Lo llve, we mlghL wanL Lo conslder Lhe 8ereans who were of
noble characLer and recelved Lhe message of Lhe gospel wlLh greaL eagerness and examlned Lhe
ScrlpLures every day Lo see lf whaL aul sald was Lrue (AcLs 17:11). ScrlpLures should be lnLerpreLed ln
conLexL and valldaLed by oLher scrlpLural passages.
Iermission |o coy |or cburcb use onIy.
nazarenes have always belleved Lhe 8lble ls a dlvlne glfL glven Lhrough godly men of old. We recognlze
Cod used humans Lo wrlLe lL. 1he very human personallLles of uavld, lsalah, and !eremlah, eLer, !ames,
and !ohn sound clearly Lhrough Lhelr pens. We belleve Cod moved on Pls servanLs and gave Lhem LruLh
LhaL wlll never pass away. We belleve Lhe 8lble and LrusL lL. We love Cod's Word and hlde lL ln our
hearLs. We medlLaLe on lL day and nlghL and follow lLs precepLs and Leach Lhem Lo our chlldren. 1he
Poly ScrlpLures lead us Lo Lhe ChrlsL ln whom we have llfe. Cod's Word ls lamp unLo our feeL and a llghL
unLo our paLh and does noL lead us asLray.
We are noL radlcal fundamenLallsLs who Lend Loward a rlgld legallsm, declarlng, lf you don'L see
everyLhlng llke l see lL, Lhen you can'L be ChrlsLlan." nor are nazarenes llberal AnLlnomlans who belleve
ChrlsLlans have no obllgaLlon Lo Lhe Law because ChrlsL abollshed lL. !ohn Wesley called LhaL Leachlng,
LhaL enLhuslasLlc docLrlne of devlls."
nazarenes are 8lble bellevlng, 8lble preachlng, 8lble memorlzlng dlsclples of !esus ChrlsL who have an
asslgnmenL from Plm: Co and make dlsclples." Cur nazarene LradlLlon, our experlence and reason
polnL Lo Lhe Word of Cod whlch shall never pass away as Lhe paLh Lo llfe and hollness. lalLhful
nazarenes keep Lhe 8ook of Cod a prlorlLy ln Lhelr llves because Lhrough lL we learn Lhe way of Cod and
of !esus our Savlor. And knowlng Lhe way of Cod ls worLh more Lhan all Lhe oLher books ln Lhe world

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