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Michael Langler 1) The importance of theorists in the progression of motivation is very high.

It started off at a primitive level with Taylor. His basic motivational theory was that the more money one earns, the more one works. The piece-rate system of pay was born as of this. Moving on to Mayo next this built on Taylors theory to include the surrounding area, and the effect that had on productivity. The Hawthorne Effect became communally known as the great effect that lighting conditions had on productivity. Later, Maslow introduced his Hierarchy of Needs. This was a step-by-step level of what motivated employees. It started off with Physical Needs, to Security Needs, to Social Needs, to Esteem Needs, and finally SelfActualisation. This had a great effect on how employers later motivated their employees. Finally, Herzberg introduced the Hygiene Factors, and the Motivational Factors. The Hygiene Factors included the job environment and what de-motivated employees. Secondly, the Motivators included; Growth and advancement, relationships, salary, responsibility, interest, recognition, supervision, personal achievement, and finally company policy and administration. All these added up to the Herzberg theory of motivation. 2) In the workplace, there are various methods to motivate employees. These are divided into two categories, Financial and Non-financial. Firstly, Taylor was the forefather of motivation in the workplace and strongly believed in financial methods of motivating people. He said that pay motivated employees to work to their full potential, and also introduced the piecerate system in which a production-line worker will earn more money, the higher their productivity is. On the other hand, particularly Maslow believed in motivating people by satisfying their needs. This included hygiene, praise, job enrichment, and job enlargement. This is different to financial methods as the employee doesnt obtain any amount of money more than their wage/salary, but encourages them to be more productive. Google are very good at this by making the head-office in America a very fun place to work, with added bonuses of chill-out rooms and the opportunity to progress through the company structure. Overall, different people react to different motivation practices. Some will work harder for more money; others will work harder if they are challenged. 3) As for me, I think that money defiantly comes in to how hard I am willing to work, but the job enrichment challenges me to increase my productivity. All in all, I think that a mixture of all, Herzbergs theory, is the best for me.

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