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Have you ever heard of a book named Holes? Allow me to tell you how great this book is. This is a brief summary of the book. It begins with its main character, Stanley Yelnats the 4th, who was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. According to Stanleys grandfather, the Yelnats family was cursed because of their no good, dirty, rotten pig stealen great great grandfather. Stanley had to go to court one day because everybody thought he stole Clyde Livingstens famous shoes, but they really just fell on Stanelys head. Stanely was then sent to Camp Green Lake for 18 months. He thought it was going to be like normal camp, but it wasnt. When he got there the first person he saw was Mr. Sir, who told Stanley all about Camp Green Lake. Stanley was assigned to tent D with some other boys named XRay, Zero, Armpit, Magnet, Squid, and Zig-Zag. Stanleys best friend was Zero, but his real name is Hector Zeroni. Zero was tired of everybody being mean to him so one day he ran away. Stanley ran away a few days later. Both boys then went on this big adventure. They found food and water on a mountain called Gods thumb. Stanley and Zero decide to go back to Camp Green Lake to dig one more hole. In that hole Stanley and Zero would find a suitcase full of great things, and they did. The Warden (the ruler of Camp Green Lake) saw them, and was so happy to finally see the suitcase. Just then a bunch of yellow spotted lizards appeared on the suitcase. The next morning, Stanleys attorney came and took Stanley and Zero home. Right when they were about to get into the car, it finally started to rain at Camp Green Lake. Stanley and Zero were finally home and, for the first time, Stanley felt very lucky. Along with Stanley and Zero, Mr. Sir, the Warden, and Mr. Pendanckei are the main characters in this book. The supporting characters include X-Ray, Armpit, Squid, Magnet, and Zig-Zag. The book has two main settings: Camp Green Lake and Stanleys house. The story also presented several problems, but they were all resolved. For example, when Zero was hurt and sick, Stanley carried him up the mountain so Zero could become stronger. Also, when Stanleys great grandfather had no food and water for 16 days, he found it on the mountain, Gods thumb. Lastly,

Stanleys fathers invention (a cure for foot odor) never worked until he discovered the secret ingredient: peaches and onions. Overall, I enjoyed the book. Some of my favorite parts included when Stanley found Zero, Stanley and Zero made it to Gods thumb, the Yelnats became rich, and when Zero found his mother. Other least favorite parts when Sam and Mary Lou died, Zero almost died, Stanley got hurt by ZigZag, and when Mr. Sir got hit by the Warden. I really enjoyed this book. The book also had so many surprises; things I couldnt believe. I would recommend this book to children ages10 to 12. They will love it. I was touched and you will be to. This book also inspired me to take chances in life. It is one of those books that will change your ones life forever.

The End By: Allie DelPrete

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