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Peridico Bisemanal para el estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weeklt Newspaper Delaware Ao 7, No. 09, 15 de junio de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No. 09, June 15, 2012

Diego Jimnez
La vida es una sola y hay que vivirla al mximo
Diego Jimnez Sosa naci con parlisis cerebral. Eso no ha impedido que haya sido galardonado con cinco premios por sus resultados acadmicos.

Life is but one and you have to live it to its fullest

Diego Jimnez Sosa was born with cerebral palsy. This has not prevented him from receiving five awards for his academic achievements.

15 de Junio 2012 Vol 07 No.09

Peridico Bilingue Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware 15 de junio 2012, Vol. VII No.09 Delaware Statewide Bi-Weekly Bilingual Newspaper June 15, 2012, Vol.VII No.09

El Tiempo Hispano es una Publicacin de Hola Delaware LLC 123 Rosmary Court, Bear, Delaware,19701

302-832 3620 fax 302- 832 3620

El Tiempo Hispano is published by

>Gabriel pilonieta-Blanco

editorial editorial
General Manager Mara Vera Rodrguez

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Cecilia Cardesa Lusardi Karyl Thomas Rattay Carlos Dipres Margaret Reyes Peter Gonzales Keyla Rivero-Rodrguez Annette Merino Miguel Acosta Laura Poppiti Tabatha Castro Lastenia Narvaez Greer Firestone Eric Doroshow Mara Picazo + Samuel Blanco Arizpe Eric Soberanis Mara Velsquez Naranjo Ismael Santos Wanda Lopez Elizabeth Cordeiro-Rowe Allison Burris Christopher Posh Ronaldo Tello Alfredo Lascoutx Vivian L. Rapposelli Nelly Arevalo Jason Keller Alma Villalobos Rafael Guerrero Javier Moreno Antonia Donato Ricardo Diaz Eli Ramos Margie King Michelle Acosta Pierre Smythe Luis Alejandro Vera Antonio Droz Zuleika Cervantes Brenda Palomo Jaime Rivera Nina Qureshi-Ibqal Melissa Skolnick Lilia Estrada Roxanna Valdes Antonio Droz Amy Libonate Tamara Romero Jennifer L. Cohan Jose R. Pacheco

El objetivo de la Operacin Rpido y Furioso era vender armas a presuntos criminales y dejarlas pasar hacia la frontera con Mxico y Centroamrica. La operacin tuvo lugar de octubre de 2009 a septiembre de 2010, tiempo en el cual se calcula que se traficaron de 1.500 a 2.500 armas que ingresaron a territorio mexicano de forma ilegal, de las cuales 797 fueron recuperadas. Todo esto pas sin que las autoridades norteamericanas informaran o alertaran al Gobierno de Mxico sobre el operativo y las posibles consecuencias que podra acarrear. Se supone que la estrategia de la Oficina de Alcohol, Tabaco, Armas de Fuego y Explosivos (BATF, por sus siglas en ingls) de los Estados Unidos era vender armas a presuntos criminales y dejarlas pasar hacia la frontera con Mxico y Centroamrica, con el objetivo de poderlas rastrear y darle seguimiento, esperando identificar a los responsables que trafican armamento que luego va a parar a manos de narcotraficantes. Un pensamiento enrevesado, sin lugar a dudas. Claro que cuando en diciembre de 2010 un agente de fronteras fue asesinado con una de esas armas que no pudieron ser rastreadas, se abri la puerta a un nuevo escndalo que no se sabe hasta dnde llega aunque se pide la renuncia del funcionario que maneja la informacin. En otras palabras: el mensajero. Hoy en da se comenta que el 74% de las armas no han sido recuperadas y eso es sin duda muy, pero muy alarmante. Alguien dice que es una operacin encubierta de la CIA para enviar armas para que los narcotraficantes en Mxico se maten unos a otros, algo as como la operacin multimillonaria de Wilson y el envo de armas y material de guerra a Afganistn para sacar a los rusos de ese pas con las consecuencias posteriores que todos deben recordar. La violencia en Mxico en la actualidad est en escalada y muchos crmenes siguen impunes y claro nadie puede determinar cuntos crmenes se han cometido con esas armas contrabandeadas por el gobierno americano, que incluyen pistolas de todos los calibres, rifles AK-47 e incluso, rifles de asalto capaces de atravesar cualquier tipo de blindajes. Y la verdad es que no puede uno dejar de pensar en el negocio de la muerte y los beneficios que le produce a los seores de la guerra, slo calculando el precio de una bala disparada por gatillada de un arma de repeticin que dispara cientos de ellas por minuto. Tampoco se puede olvidar el tema de la soberana mexicana que ha quedado muy mal parada en este incidente y sobre todo cuando la investigacin esta mediatizada a discrecin del Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos que parece estar protegiendo a los involucrados en hacer llegar armas a los narcotraficantes de la nacin mexicana. Hay algo detrs de la cortina que no es fcil de ver, ni nunca lo ser.

DISEO GRAFICO / GRAphIC DESIGN Michael Lovett/ William Galindo

Esteban M.P Vera/ Gabriel Pilonieta - Blanco . Magdalena Sierra / Wanda Lopez Jonathan Galindo/ Eli Ramos Nelson Gonzlez / Adrin Abonce. Fernando Hernndez / Pedro Escrcega

The goal of Operation Fast and Furious was to sell weapons to alleged criminals and later let them go through the border with Mexico and Central America. The operation took place from October 2009 to September 2010, at which time it was estimated that 1,500 to 2,500 weapons entered Mexican territory illegally. Only 797 of these weapons were recovered. All this happened without the American authorities informing or alerting the Government of Mexico about the operation and the possible consequences that might follow. Supposedly the strategy of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF) of the United States was to sell arms to alleged criminals and later let them go through the border with Mexico and Central America, with the goal of tracing and tracking them, hoping to identify the perpetrators involved in trafficking weapons that would end in the hands of drug traffickers. A convoluted thinking, no doubt. Of course, when in December 2010, a border agent was killed with one of these weapons that could not be traced, the doors were open to a new scandal that nobody knows how far it goes and even called for the resignation of the official who manages the information. In other words, the messenger. Today it is said that 74% of the weapons have not been recovered and thats certainly very, very alarming. Someone said it was a covert CIA operation to send weapons to drug traffickers in Mexico so that they could kill each other, something like the multimillion-dollar operation of Wilson and the shipment of arms and war material to Afghanistan to get the Russians out of that country with the later consequences that everyone remembers. Violence in Mexico today is climbing and many crimes go unpunished, and of course no one can determine how many crimes have been committed with these smuggled weapons from the US, which includes guns of all calibers, AK-47 rifles and even assault rifles capable of penetrating any type of armor. And the truth is that one cannot stop thinking about the business of death and the benefits it produces for the warlords, only measuring the price of a bullet fired from a machine gun that shoots hundreds of rounds per minute. Nor can we forget the issue of Mexican sovereignty, which has been left in the bad light throughout this incident and especially when the investigation is mediated at the discretion of the Attorney General of the United States, who seems to be protecting those involved in getting weapons to drug traffickers in the Mexican nation. Theres something behind the curtain that is not easy to see, and never will be.


Leyes / Laws: Derecho a soar / Right to Dream Locales/ Local: Premio a la Excelencia en xito Estudiantil /Excellence in Student Success Award Estado / State: Sher Valenzuela se presenta como candidata a Teniente Gobernador de Delaware / Sher Valenzuela presents her candidacy for Lieutenant Governor of Delaware. Y mucho ms / And much more

Valentina P Rodrguez . Mara Picazo + Gabriela Montilva P / Marianella Vera . Michelle Acosta

The opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors. Any published material might be used or reprinted as long as the source is cited.

123 Rosemary Court, Bear, DE 19701 302-588 9584 email:

Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09



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Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09

Buscando la manera de hacer mejor las cosas

Sher Valenzuela se presenta como candidata a Teniente Gobernador de Delaware.
> Gabriel Pilonieta -Blanco Habiendo sida elegida en compaa de su esposo Eli y su socio Ashley Wolfe como la persona del Ao de los pequeos negocios en Delaware por la Administracin de Pequeos Negocios (SBA), Valenzuela piensa que ella ofrece una opcin diferente a los electores de Delaware. En esta conversacin con El Tiempo Hispano explica sus ideas para un cargo de fundamental importancia para el crecimiento de los negocios en Delaware y, por ende, para una mejor vida para los habitantes del estado. Sher es una mujer delgada que mantiene fija la mirada mientras explica sus ideas con un voz muy bien modulada y en tono de fcil oratoria y, a pesar de que no tiene experiencia poltica, sino que ha sido una empresaria a tiempo completo en sus 15 aos de experiencia, ha visto como cada vez hay ms y ms regulaciones, retos y obstculos para que los negocios mantengan sus puertas abiertas e incluso se abran nuevos negocios. Qu tipo de obstculos est implicando? Muchas regulaciones que no tienen ningn sentido, como por ejemplo una visita que recibimos de OSHA porque tenamos un contenedor de pintura en el garaje que se tradujo en una multa por miles de dlares, o la visita que hicieron a un negocio de ms de 40 aos operando y el inspector vio un mosquitero colgante y pregunt por el permiso y aunque el dueo explic que ha tenido ese tipo de mosquiteros por siempre, tambin le aplicaron una multa. No quiero decir que OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) no sirva, creo que estas instituciones cumplen un papel pero se han vuelto ms un impedimento que un facilitador de los negocios, y ah tengo un problema, explica. Abundando sobre el tema dijo que todo lo que proponemos es pro-negocios, pro- crecimiento del empleo porque es as como creamos y ayudamos a la comunidad a crecer prspera. Cuando alguien tiene trabajo hay menos posibilidades de que se dedique al crimen. La candidata plantea que es fundamental mejorar las condiciones de los 26.000 negocios que ya hay en Delaware en lugar de buscar que vengan otras empresas de fuera del estado, no podemos olvidar a los que buscan empezar un negocio aprovechando sus talentos, si creamos un ambiente pro negocios, no tenemos que pagarle a nadie para que se mude a nuestro estado. La verdad es que como me dedico seriamente a los negocios, ca en cuenta que debo dedicarme a la poltica por un tiempo, para lograr un balance efectivo y estoy comprometida a dedicar el 100% de mi tiempo para llevar a cabo estas ideas. Es bueno que la gente sepa que el trabajo de Teniente Gobernador es un empleo a tiempo completo pero el actual Teniente Gobernador ejerce medio tiempo como abogado y eso no est bien, denuncia la candidata. Es un asunto de un balance, necesitamos una voz de negocios para relacionarnos y trabajar con el gobierno y as es como pienso que debemos movernos como un cuerpo, como un estado. Y aqu est el ejemplo de acelerador de negocios que creamos con la universidad estatal de Delaware, la ciudad de Milford y nuestra empresa First State Manufacturing en el que gobierno, empresa y educacin se convierten en un matrimonio y balancean el acercamiento para lograr que los negocios encuentren lo que buscan, y si no, qu se puede hacer para lograrlo, creando consumidores inteligentes de los recursos que estn disponibles para que los pequeos negocios crezcan ms efectivamente. Se trata de encontrar mejores maneras de hacer las cosas, dijo Sher Valenzuela, un principio que ella espera implantar en el estado de Delaware como Teniente Gobernadora. Cmo ve usted el trabajo del Teniente Gobernador actual? Es inefectivo y creo que debemos ver el ejemplo del Teniente Gobernador de New Jersey, quien cre un departamento que l mismo supervisa llamado Red Tape Cutting (reduccin de trmites burocrticos) que est dedicado a eliminar burocracia y regulaciones a travs de identificarlas y eliminndolas una por una. Cada nueva norma es evaluada para ver si tiene impacto sobre el empleo y esto es mesurable. Por ejemplo no comparto el criterio del Matt Dem de que va a crear un plan de seguridad pblica, cada calle de Delaware segura dice l y en este momento tenemos invasin de hogares que es algo que ha aparecido en los ltimos dos aos y Wilmington ahora tiene la distincin de ser la tercera peor ciudad en la nacin en cuanto a tasas delictivas. Contina diciendo que no es una cuestin de partidos, no me gusta llevar una letra despus de mi nombre, y no creo que nadie, de ningn partido, debe esperar que le paguen el sueldo completo si slo trabaja medio tiempo. Por eso estoy comprometida al servicio pblico a tiempo completo, no es cuestin de 40 horas, es hacer las cosas bien. Lo que me propongo es apoyar al gobernador en desarrollo econmico y control del crimen, que dicho sea de paso pienso que estn conectados, no importa quien sea el gobernador, porque ese es el papel del vicegobernador. Veo a Jack Markell como un gobernador que quiere lograr algo en Delaware sobre todo en trminos de crecer los negocios en el estado. Son los empleados de Delaware quienes estn pagando las consecuencias del monopolio legal causado por el dominio en el estado de un partido que evita que los ciudadanos puedan tener opciones o ser escuchados, dijo Valenzuela. Valenzuela se declara pro-life lo cual implica el respeto por la vida y punto. Madre de un hijo discapacitado, vivi la experiencia nica de que cuando la escuela dijo que Simn su hijo nunca sera capaz de hablar, leer o escribir, se afrontaron a esa decisin y hoy asiste a su primer ao en la Universidad de Delaware. El mismo tom la decisin de demandar al distrito escolar y gan. La vida es un montn de obstculos que tenemos que superar, la cosa es ver las oportunidades, agrega. Pasando al tema de la comunidad hispana en Delaware Sher, que est casada con Eli Valenzuela, nativo de Corpus Christi, Texas, de origen mexicano, piensa por experiencia propia, que los hispanos son unos trabajadores excelentes, no en balde en su equipo son el 60 por ciento de los 70 costureros y costureras que trabajan en su industria, es como si hubiesen nacido para hacer esto, tienen una gran habilidad. Creo que el mantener el ncleo familiar y su cultura da una fuerza enorme a la comunidad hispana, por eso espera su apoyo en su candidatura como Teniente Gobernador.

Es bueno que la gente sepa que el trabajo de Teniente Gobernador es un empleo a tiempo completo pero el actual Teniente Gobernador ejerce medio tiempo como abogado y eso no est bien

Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09

poltica politics
Looking for a Way to do things Better
Sher Valenzuela presents her candidacy for Lieutenant Governor of Delaware.
Having been chosen along with her husband Eli and her business partner Ashley Wolfe as the Person of the Year for Small Businesses in Delaware by the Small Business Administration (SBA), Valenzuela believes that she offers a different option to voters in Delaware. In this conversation with El Tiempo Hispano she explains her ideas for a position of vital importance for the growth of businesses in Delaware and, therefore, for a better life for the people of the State. Sher is a thin woman who maintains a fixed gaze while explaining her ideas with a well-modulated voice and an easy oratory intonation, and despite the fact that she has no political background, but instead that she has been a full-time entrepreneur in her 15 years of experience, she has been seen how there are increasingly more and more regulations, challenges and obstacles to keep business doors open and even open new ones. What kind of obstacles are you implying? Many regulations that do not have any sense, as for example a visit we receive from OSHA because we had a container of paint in the garage which resulted in a fine for thousands of dollars, or the visit made to a business that had been operating for more than 40 years and the inspector saw a mosquito net and asked for its permit, and although the owner explained that he has had that kind of mosquito net forever, they were also fined. I do not mean that OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is useless, I believe these institutions play a role, but they have become more an obstacle than a business facilitator, and hence have a problem with it, explains. Talking more about the subject she said that everything that we are proposing is pro-business, proemployment growth, because this is the way we create and we help the community to grow prosperous. When someone has a job there are less likely to engage in crime. The candidate poses that it is essential to improve the conditions of the 26,000 business already in Delaware rather than seeking for companies from outside to come to the State, we cannot forget those seeking to start a business taking advantage of their talents, if we create a pro-business environment, we dont have to pay anyone to move to our State. The truth of the matter is that because I am seriously dedicated to business, I realized I have to devote myself to politics for a while, to achieve an effective balance and I am committed to dedicate 100% of my time to carry out these ideas. It is good for people to know that the work of LieutenantGovernor is a full time job but the current Lieutenant Governor serves part-time as lawyer and this is not well, denounced the candidate. It is a matter of balance, we need a business voice to relate and work with the Government and thats how I think we should move as a body, as a State. And here is the example of business accelerator that we create with Delaware State University, the city of Milford and our company First State Manufacturing in which Government, business and education become a marriage and level off the approach to help businesses find what they are looking for, and if not, what can be done to achieve it, creating intelligent consumer of resources that are available so that small businesses grow more effectively. Its all about finding better ways to do things, said Sher Valenzuela, a principle she plans to implement for the state of Delaware as Lt. Governor. How do you see the work of the current Lieutenant Governor? It is ineffective and I believe we must see the example of the Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey, who created a Department that he oversees called Red Tape Cutting dedicated to eliminating bureaucracy and regulations through identifying them and eliminating them one by one. Each new rule is evaluated to see if it has impact on employment and this is measurable. For example I do not share Matt Dems criterion of him creating a public safety plan, he says every street of Delaware safe and at this moment we have home invasions which is something that has appeared in the last two years and Wilmington now has the distinction of being the third worst city in the nation with regard to criminal charges. She goes on to say that it is not a matter of parties, I dont like to carry a letter after my name, and I do not think that anyone, of any party, should expect to be paid a full salary if you are only working part-time. This is why I am committed to public service in full-time, is not matter of 40 hours, it is to do things right. What I intend to do is to support the Governor on economic development and control of crime, which I might add I think that are connected, no matter who is the Governor, because that is the role of the Lieutenant Governor. I see Jack Markell as a Governor who wants to achieve something in Delaware, mainly in terms of business growth in the State. Its Delawares workers who are paying for the legal monopoly caused by Delawares one-party rule that prevents citizens from having a choice, or a voice, said Valenzuela. Valenzuela declared herself pro-life, which implies respect for life and thats it. Mother of a disable son, she lived the unique experience that when the school said that Simon his son would never be able to speak, read or write, they confronted that decision and today he attends his first year at the University of Delaware. It was Simon himself who made the decision to sue the school district and won. Life is a lot of obstacles we need to overcome, the important point is to see the opportunities, he adds. Turning to the issue of the Hispanic community in Delaware Sher, who is married to Eli Valenzuela, a native of Corpus Christi, Texas, of Mexican origin, thinks by own experience that Hispanics are excellent workers, not in vain in her team they are 60 per cent of the 70 dressmakers and seamstresses working in her industry, it is as if they had been born to do this, they have a great ability. I think that keeping the family unit and their culture gives huge power to the Hispanic community, which is why she expects its support for her candidacy as Lieutenant Governor.




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Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09

opinin opinion

Un Punto de Vista A Matter Of View

| Keyla I. Rivero-Rodriguez

Una nueva dcada

Me resulta difcil sobreponerme al hecho de que esta semana cumpl oficialmente 50 aos. Adnde fue a parar el tiempo? Recuerdo que de nia tener cincuenta aos era como ser una antigedad, o como me dijo mi hijo justo despus de que sopl las velitas Mam, oficialmente ahora eres un vejestorio. Tambin recuerdo que pensaba que tener cincuenta aos era ser tan viejo que era casi el momento de residenciarse en un asilo, pero hoy en da eso est tan lejos de la verdad. Yo s que mi cuerpo no es el mismo. En realidad, quisiera que mi madre me hubiera contado sobre todos los cambios que mi cuerpo experimentara. Es como si verdaderamente no reconocieras que eso es lo que realmente te est pasando, tal como los comerciales de televisin sobre cierto tipo de enfermedades que pueden ser curadas con cierto tipo de medicacin, sin embargo, vienen con una larga lista de efectos secundarios. Entonces ustedes deberan preguntarse, debera realmente estar tomando esta medicina si los efectos secundarios podran ser ms dainos de lo que yo verdaderamente tengo? Hoy en da mi colesterol est un poco alto, por lo que debo tomar medicamentos para el colesterol que estimularn y ayudarn a mi sistema a bajar mi colesterol a niveles saludables. Despus me tengo que hacer un examen de sangre cada tres meses para verificar las enzimas hepticas y el colesterol. Adems est la retencin de lquido, las articulaciones que nos duelen lo cual causa un comienzo ms lento de nuestras maanas. Para el anquilosamiento de las articulaciones, creo que el yoga es perfecto para la flexibilidad, la meditacin y la respiracin correcta. Necesitamos buen oxgeno en nuestros cuerpos, realmente no sabemos cmo respirar correctamente. Algunas amigas me han dicho que ellas tienen cambios de humor debido a la menopausia y tambin sudores nocturnos. Y tambin est el cabello facial que crece en sitios donde nunca antes ningn cabello haba crecido. A algunas otras se les pone el cabello muy fino, todo lo contrario a lo que yo estoy experimentando. Caramba, la madre naturaleza nos est jugando sucio, o como yo digo, la madre naturaleza tiene un sentido del humor perverso! Una cosa que s con certeza es que cada dcada que ha pasado ha trado su propio encanto. En la dcada de mis veintes no tena ni idea y era muy inocente; en mis treintas estaba tratando de descifrar quin era yo como mujer y como madre; en mis cuarentas lo pas mejor que nunca. He descubierto que soy una gran persona, con una razn de ser y un objetivo. En realidad me gusto a m misma! Ahora estoy comenzando mis cincuentas y estoy ansiosamente esperando enfrentar los retos que se me avecinan, pero he aprendido algo que no tena antes, y eso es paciencia. As que comiencen los retos de mi dcada de los 50! La primera tarjeta que recib por mi cumpleaos nmero 50 fue del vicegobernador Matt Denn recordndome que ahora que tengo 50 aos tengo que programar una colonoscopia, y luego, al da siguiente, recib una oferta de membresa de AARP. Bienvenidos sean los 50!

New Decade
It is hard for me to get over the fact that this week I have officially turned 50 years of age. Where did time go? I can remember that as a child being fifty was like being ancient or like my son just called me right after I blew my candles Mom, officially you are now an old geezer. I can also remember thinking that being fifty was so old that it was almost that time for one to check into a nursing home, but today that is so far from the truth. I know that my body is not the same. Actually, I wish my mother had told me of all of the changes my body was going to go through. Is like you truly dont recognize that that is what is really happening to you, just like the television commercials for certain types of conditions that can be solved with certain types of medications, however, they come with a laundry list of side effects. Then you just wonder, Should I really be taking this med if the side effects can be more harmful than what I truly have? Nowadays, my cholesterol is somewhat high, so I need to take cholesterol meds that will help and boost my system into lowering my cholesterol to a healthy number. Then I need to get blood work every three months to check liver enzymes and cholesterol. Then, there is water retention, joints that hurt which may give us a slower start to our mornings. For the joint stiffness, I find yoga to be perfect for flexibility, meditation and correct breathing. We need good oxygen in our bodies; we really dont know how to breathe correctly. Some other friends have shared that they experience mood swings due to menopause and also the night sweats. Then there is the growth of facial hair in places where hair never had grown before. Some others experience hair thinning, the complete opposite of what I am experiencing. Wow, Mother Nature truly is playing a trick on us or as I say Mother Nature has a wicked sense of humor! One thing I know for sure is that with each passing decade, they all have brought their own enchantment. In my 20s I was clueless and very nave; in my 30s I was trying to figure out who I was as a woman and a mother; in my 40s I had the time of my life. I have found myself to be a great person, with sense of purpose and direction. I actually like me! Now I have just commenced my 50s and I am so much looking forward to the challenges ahead, but I have learned something that I didnt have before and that is patience. So let the challenges of my 50s decade begin! The first card I received for my 50th birthday was from Lt. Governor Matt Denn reminding me that now that I am 50 I need to schedule a colonoscopy and later, the next day, I received an offer to a membership with AARP. Welcome 50s!

[ cartas al editor / letters to the editor ]

A FlAx TAx lessON FrOM MexicO
With tax season finally behind us, nows an ideal time for policymakers to reform Americas tax code. With the absurd complexity of the U.S. tax system is still fresh in everyones mind, theres certainly political will for such a move. One of the most popular ideas is the flat tax -- a uniform rate applied to all income, without exemptions, deductions, or special favors. The flat-tax approach could apply to individual incomes taxes as well as to taxes on businesses. The flax tax is a bold idea, which has caught on in many so-called emerging markets. Done right, it could revitalize Americas economy. But my home country of Mexico serves as a cautionary tale for what can go wrong when policymakers try to exploit the flat tax as just another instrument to enhance tax revenues. In Mexico, the unhappy experience centered on business taxes. In January 2008, thanks in large part to the leadership of President Felipe Calderon, Mexico installed a national 16.5 percent flat tax -- officially known as the IETU -- on all corporate earnings. It was eventually adjusted upwards to 17.5 percent, which is the current rate. The problems that inspired Mexicos IETU are similar to those plaguing the American system. Mexicos code was riddled with an absurd number of deductions and special-interest carveouts. Tax code complexity generates massive compliance costs that leave businesses with fewer resources to put toward genuinely productive activities. In Mexico, code compliance expenses involve a transaction cost of almost 2 percent of GDP. In the United States, citizens spend over 6 billion hours annually filling out tax forms. Research from the Laffer Center shows that for every dollar collected by the IRS, taxpayers incur an additional 30 cents in compliance costs, totaling $431 billion every year. In Mexico as in the United States, large corporations have the resources and the (perverse) incentive to exploit complexities in the tax code to reduce their taxes. In Mexico, while the official corporate marginal tax rate was 30 percent, many businesses routinely finagled their burden down to as low as 6 percent effective tax rate. To get a sense of the size of that same problem in America, just consider that General Electric paid precisely zero percent in taxes on net income in 2009 and 2010. Done right, the IETU would have transformed the Mexican economy, radically simplifying tax compliance and getting rid of mountains of existing loopholes. But something went wrong between conception and implementation. By the time President Calderon obtained congressional approval and signed the bill into law, it looked wildly different from the ambitious conception of the flat tax. Policymakers, obsessed only with tax revenue, started tinkering -- and then tinkered and tinkered some more, to the point that the final law actually made the countrys tax code far worse. Instead of a simple, straightforward rate on earnings, businesses got handed yet another bundle of complexities in calculating and complying with tax obligations. Indeed, the worst mutation by far was that instead of replacing the old, broken corporate income tax system, the IETU was introduced as an alternative to compete with it. Every year, businesses now have to tally up how much they owe under both the old corporate rate (with countless of deductions) and the flat tax alternative -- and then, by law, are supposed to pay the higher amount. Shockingly, instead of using a simple idea to simplify life, the government managed to increase compliance costs. Businesses have to hire double the lawyers and accountants every tax season, leaving even less time and money for productive activities, and making it all the more likely that they might decide to just avoid paying taxes entirely. Tax evasion today represents almost 40 percent of all (non-oil) tax revenues collected! The IETU was conceived as a way of streamlining the tax code in order to spur business growth and make Mexico more accommodating to investment. But politicians morphed it into a brazen money grab. The law that President Calderon signed is nothing like what flat tax advocates were originally hoping for. In the process, the very idea of a flat tax has unwittingly gotten a bad rap. American policymakers need to avoid our mistakes. The U.S. tax code needs to be simplified. There could soon be the political will for installing a national, uniform flat rate. When legislators go about writing that rate into law, though, they must keep it pure and simple -- and fight back against any special-interest scheming to recreate the costly and inefficient rules of the past. By Roberto Salinas-Len

No cristero War Here

The preview of the movie For Greater Glory at Washingtons Newseum was packed. The Catholic Association had invited a Whos Who of Catholic leadership in the nations capital, including two former U.S. Ambassadors to the Vatican. As a non-Catholic, I counted it an honor to attend the screening of this film about Mexicos Cristero War. The movie is grim but gripping. I had no idea the Mexican government had so brutally cracked down on the Catholic Church in the 1920s. Shooting priests, hanging altar boys, its all shown in graphic detail. And it needs to be. The movie earns its R rating for the violence of the civil war on our border. As a student of American history, I was stunned by the severity of the religious repression there. And I thanked God that we Americans had been spared that. Yes, there were antiCatholic Bible riots in Philadelphia in the 1840s, but these were never sponsored by the U.S. government. Nor had the federal government attempted to crush private religious schools - as happened with a Klan-backed referendum in Oregon in the 1920s. There, the U.S. Supreme Court vindicated the religious freedom of all by striking down state law. Last weeks Religious Freedom conference of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC) featured distinguished speakers from across the spectrum of Americas religious communities. Roman Catholic, Evangelical, Mormon, Orthodox Christian and Jewish leaders spoke on contemporary threats to religious freedom here. The HHS Mandate that would force Catholic and other religious institutions to provide drugs that can kill unborn children held center stage, of course. The HHS Mandate is unprecedented. And it is a mortal threat to religious freedom in America. It not only threatens all Catholics, it threatens me. My granddaughters were recently born in a Catholic hospital. When they were stricken with the life-threatening RSV virus on Christmas Eve, they were rushed back into that same hospital. HHS Sec. Kathleen Sebelius would only exempt St. Marys Hospital from her proabortion diktat if they close their doors to non-Catholics like me and my family. She would thus crush our religious freedom, too. How can an administration that prides itself on being pro-choice deny to millions of Americans - Catholic and Protestant alike - the choice of pro-life health care? This is in fact the most dangerous assault on religious freedom in 225 years. More than that: This administration has defined religious freedom more narrowly than any administration in history. In the recent Hosanna Tabor Supreme Court 9-0 decision, the Obama administration contended that it and not The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod would decide who is and who is not a minister in that church body. No matter that the LCMS has designated its teachers as ministers since 1847 - and has had that ministerial exception respected by the federal government from its beginnings, the Obama administration wants to substitute freedom of worship for freedom of religion. The Supreme Court unanimously rejected this attempt. Freedom of religion includes freedom of worship, of course, but it also allows us to witness to our fellow Americans through works of charity and love in public. We pray daily for our leaders, including President Obama and Sec. Sebelius. But we will resist their unconstitutional and unprecedented crushing of religious freedom. The Soviet Constitution supposedly guaranteed freedom of worship, but only if Christians stayed inside their churches and inside their own homes. We pray as well that there will never be a Cristero War here. Fighting in the courts and in the public square against such oppression is the best way to avoid such tragedies. Robert Morrison s senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council.


As a father, you understand the incredible importance of keeping your family healthy, happy, lean and long-lived as easily and inexpensively as possible. As the president of our country, you understand the importance of educating U.S. citizens about how to do the same. My concern then is, as the most prominent role model in the land, why do you smoke cigarettes? Why do you eat so many fatty foods, as physicians have publicly noted? Why are there so many campaign tour photos of you eating unhealthy foods? At the same time, your wife is campaigning to end childhood obesity. Doesnt this send a mixed message to most everyone in America? This at a time when Americas disease, obesity and health insurance rates are skyrocketing, with no end in sight? Why does America spend only 4% percent of its health-care budget on prevention and education yet over 75 percent on disease treatment? Is the goal to make Americans authentically healthy, or to make a few industries wealthier? These are questions my own children have asked me around the dinner table, so now Im asking you Mr. President. From all the research I just completed, I now know that Americans arent getting fatter and sicker because theyre lazy; theyre getting fatter and sicker because of the steady stream of misinformation that is fed to them and that defies common sense. Theyre confused about the true biological causes of poor health and disease. You can understand then why, to the American public, it almost appears that governmental health policies are designed to cultivate disease and illness, purely for profit, rather than to authentically protect the health of American citizens. The signs are everywhere. A recent example is the fact that food manufacturers dont have to label GMO (genetically modified organisms) foods in America, when other countries do. Why? People certainly deserve to know whats in their food! A country as a whole is only as strong as the health of its individuals. As a concerned father, I wanted to ask you these questions. Because, when I give my children a kiss or a hug or tell them I love them each day, I want only the best for them. As a father, I know you want the same for your own children. And, every other parent in our country wants the same for their own children. What does the future hold for our children if America doesnt change its ways right now and do what it needs to do to end its disease and obesity epidemics? As a concerned American citizen, I know that you have the power to make America healthier, leaner, fitter and stronger. You can also choose to do nothing and give into the various lobbying interests purely for their profit and political purposes, while the citizens of our country continue to get sicker, fatter and weaker, thereby making America even less competitive in the world. The long and short of it is, Mr. President, the choice really is yours. You are the ultimate role model for America. The buck starts and stops with you. Whoever becomes the next President in the upcoming election, I wonder what the parents on their staff and throughout all the other influential government offices would wish for their own childrens future: profit or health? Frankly, it really is easy to have both if Americas health-care system were to be redesigned properly and if all Americans were taught to give their bodies what they need biologically in the first place to prevent disease and illness. Providing everyone with health insurance is a noble proposition but it does nothing to prevent or end even a single disease state. Wouldnt it be great to be remembered as the president who solved Americas health and obesity problems, and made America the longest-lived country in the world with among the lowest healthcare costs? The choice is yours. By: Gordon Filepas

Abogada de Inmigracin


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Right to Dream
Delaware Immigrant Youth Launch National Right to Dream Campaign Calling on Obama to Grant Them Real Relief.
At Rallies across the Country, Thousands of Immigrant Youth and Allies Issue Declaration of DREAMS, Urge Obama to His Deportation Record In the three years of the Obama Administration, the immigrant community has experienced record high deportations. Despite promises for reform and a more moderate deportation policy, immigrant families find themselves further in the shadows than ever. Immigrant youth from across the country have had enough. On Thursday 17th and Monday May 21st, simultaneous actions have taken place in multiple cities around the country as part of a national effort organized by the United We Dream Network. Upon them, Delaware DREAM Team and community members gathered in front of St. Pauls Church located at 1010 W Fourth Street Corner of Fourth St. and Jackson St. Wilmington, DE 19805 to launch the Right to Dream campaign within our state. Undocumented youth and allies from the community have called on President Obama to use his power to stop tearing immigrant families apart and to provide real and lasting relief for DREAM Act eligible youth. On Tuesdays visual event, members of the Delaware DREAM Team and local community showed solidarity for families who have been ripped apart due to the deportations. Information fliers were handed out, spoken word performances created rising emotions, and a small rally took part. Delaware DREAM Team are students, educators, parents, and community members that advocate for the rights of immigrant youth; especially the passage of the D.R.E.A.M. Act. Our mission is to reach out to our community and empower them to take part in the immigrant rights movement. For more information on the Right to Dream campaign, visit: and look for Delaware DREAM Team at: Website: Facebook: Dream Act- Dream Team Delaware Twitter: @DE_Dreamteam

1000 N. West Street, Suite 1200, Wilmington, DE, 19801 Tel/Phone: 302-295-4850 Fax: 302-371-9788 Website: Email:


Derecho a soar
Jvenes inmigrantes de Delaware lanzaron la campaa nacional Right to Dream (Derecho a Soar) pidiendo a Obama les conceda una ayuda real.

En manifestaciones en todo el pas, miles de jvenes inmigrantes y aliados hicieron pblica la Declaracin de DREAMS, instan a Obama a revisar su rcord de deportacin
En los tres aos de la administracin de Obama, la comunidad inmigrante ha experimentado niveles rcord de deportaciones. A pesar de promesas de reforma y una poltica ms moderada de deportacin, las familias inmigrantes se encuentran ms en las sombras que nunca. Los jvenes inmigrantes de todo el pas estn hartos. El jueves 17 y el lunes 21 de mayo, se han llevado a cabo acciones simultneas en varias ciudades del pas como parte de un esfuerzo nacional organizado por United We Dream Network (Red Unidos Soamos). Miembros del equipo de Delaware DREAM Team y de la comunidad se reunieron frente a la iglesia de San Pablo, ubicada en 1010 W Fourth Street, en la esquina de la cuarta calle y Jackson St, Wilmington, DE 19805 para lanzar la campaa Derecho a Soar en nuestro estado. Jvenes indocumentados y aliados de la comunidad han pedido al Presidente Obama utilizar su poder para detener la separacin de las familias de inmigrantes y para proporcionar una ayuda real y duradera para los jvenes elegibles a la ley DREAM Act. En el evento visual del martes, los miembros de la comunidad local y del equipo Delaware DREAM Team mostraron su solidaridad para con las familias que han sido dolorosamente separadas debido a las deportaciones. Se entregaron folletos de informacin; presentaciones habladas crearon emociones crecientes y se llev a cabo un pequeo mitin. El equipo Delaware DREAM Team son estudiantes, educadores, padres y miembros de la comunidad que abogan por los derechos de los inmigrantes jvenes; especialmente la aprobacin de la ley D.R.E.A.M. Act. Nuestra misin es llegar a nuestra comunidad y capacitarla para que forme parte del movimiento de los derechos de inmigrantes. Para obtener ms informacin sobre la campaa Derecho a Soar visite: y ubique al Delaware DREAM Team en: Pgina Web: Facebook: Dream Act - Dream Team Delaware Twitter: @ DE_Dreamteam

Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09



educacin education

Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09

Diego Jimnez
La vida es una sola y hay que vivirla al mximo
>Fernando Alcayaga Diego Jimnez Sosa naci con parlisis cerebral. Eso no ha impedido que haya sido galardonado con cinco premios el pasado 14 de mayo por sus resultados acadmicos. Fantico del ftbol, le encanta el cine latino, vido lector, uno de sus autores preferidos es Alejandro Dumas quien le ha llevado a inolvidables aventuras desde su silla de ruedas, tambin Isabel Allende, de ella he ledo dos veces la Casa de los Espritus, me encanta leer, una de sus tantas pasiones es la poltica y la defensa de los derechos de las minoras. Habla perfectamente el ingls y el espaol, tambin conoce la lengua originaria de su querido Paraguay, el guaran. Estudioso y paciente, gran observador, excelente amigo y confidente. Con una semblanza as, quin no deseara conocer a esta persona? Si se pudiera pagar un dlar por cada sonrisa que entrega Diego Jimnez, seguro de que todos quedaramos millonarios. Regaln de su familia y amigos. Al llegar a un lugar, recibe ms saludos que el propio gobernador o alcalde. Todos lo quieren, todos lo respetan. Sin duda alguna un ejemplo de ser humano. Su capacidad para demostrar que est a la altura de las expectativas es tremenda. Durante su paso por el Centro Latino como voluntario, Diego dej una huella enorme en cada uno de los que trabajan all. Su capacidad para enfrentar los desafos le permiti participar en una docena de programas diferentes, sirviendo con calidad y ejemplo. En Promotores de Prevencin ayud a la comunidad a entregar el mensaje de la prevencin de las drogas y el alcohol. Su desempeo como profesor de ingls para algunos miembros del staff que recin se iniciaban con el idioma le vali el respeto y la admiracin de sus alumnos. Los nios tambin se vieron recompensados con su ayuda como tutor. Siempre atento y dispuesto a colaborar con la agencia. En cada uno de los programas se esmer para servir con excelencia, demostrando que una incapacidad fsica no es escusa para sentirse derrotado. Hay que salir a luchar siempre, cueste lo que cueste. Y eso fue lo que Diego Jimnez propag a todos en el Centro Latino. Pero el camino no ha sido fcil ni corto. Desde su nacimiento, Diego ha venido batallando para defenderse con las mismas armas que todos. Claro, l est en una silla de ruedas y su cuerpo no le responde como l quisiera, pero sin duda su mente trabaja a mil, a un milln o ms revoluciones. Y es ah dnde radica todo, su mpetu para sobreponerse a la adversidad lo levanta hacia lo ms lo alto. Graduado del Delaware Community College en Wilmington en la carrera de ciencias polticas, destac entre sus compaeros por su capacidad de liderazgo, servicios humanos, compaerismo, gobierno estudiantil y honor acadmico al lograr un promedio de 3.6 en un carrera que le tom 3 aos y ahora espera continuar en la Universidad de Wilmington estudiando gobierno y polticas pblicas, quiero estar dentro del gobierno para poder cambiarlo, dice, me parece importante que cambian algunas polticas migratorias, sobre todo la que tiene que ver con el Dream Act. El haberse graduado del Delaware Technical Community College y continuar sus estudios en la Universidad de Wilmington son muestra palpable de sus ambiciones. A los 11 aos, dej a su familia, hermana, primos, amigos el barrio. Vino impulsado por el deseo de su madre de mejorar su calidad de vida. Hoy ya han pasado aos de eso y la valenta de atravesar el continente americano vali la pena. Aqu no hay tiempo para detenerse o lamentarse. Diego es un luchador, demostrando que s se puede. l es un claro ejemplo para los hispanos que vienen a este pas en busca de las oportunidades que no estn en nuestros pases. La tenacidad es un don que no todos llevan, desgraciadamente. Algunos pueden caminar, pero no avanzar, otros pueden mover las manos, pero no crear. Diego que una persona que no puede caminar ni mover sus extremidades con facilidad, pero puede avanzar y crear. Puedes t?

politics and advocating for the rights of minorities. He speaks perfectly English and Spanish, and also knows the original language from his beloved Paraguay, Guarani. Scholar and patient, great observer, excellent friend and confidant. With such a semblance, who would not like to meet this person? If a dollar could be paid for every smile that Diego Jimnez gives, we would all become millionaires. He is such a present for his family and friends. When he arrives anywhere, he gets more greetings even than the Governor or the Mayor. Everybody loves him and they all respect him. Without a doubt an example of a human being. His ability to demonstrate that he is capable of living up to the expectations is tremendous. During his tenure in the Latino Center as a volunteer, Diego left a huge mark in each of those who work there. His capacity to meet the challenges allowed him to participate in a dozen different programs, serving with quality and example. In Promotores de Prevencin (Prevention Promoters) he helped the community to deliver the message of prevention of drugs and alcohol. His performance as Professor of English for some staff members who were just starting to learn the language, earned him the respect and admiration of his students. Children also experienced the rewards of his help as a tutor. Always attentive and willing to collaborate with the agency. In each of the programs, he went to great pains to serve with excellence, demonstrating that a disability is not an excuse to feel defeated. We must always be willing to give a fight, whatever the cost. And that was what Diego Jimnez spread among everyone in the Latino Center. But the road has not been easy or short. Since he was born, Diego has been battling to defend himself with the same weapons we all have. Bur certainly, he is in a wheelchair and his body does not respond as he would want, but no doubt his mind works at a thousand, a million or more revolutions. And that is where everything stems from: his momentum to overcome adversity lifts him towards the highest point. He graduated from the Delaware Community College in Wilmington in the career of Political Science. He excelled among his classmates by his capacity for leadership, humanitarian services, fellowship, student government and academic honor as he achieved a 3.6 GPA completing his studies in 3 years. He now looks forward to continuing at Wilmington University studying Government and Public Policies, I want to be within the Government to be able to change it, he says, I believe it is important that some migratory policies change, specially pertaining the Dream Act. Graduating from Delaware Technical Community College and continuing his studies at the University of Wilmington are palpable demonstration of his ambitions. of his mother to improve his quality of life. Today its been years from all that, and the courage to cross the American continent was worth it.

Diego Jimnez
>Fernando Alcayaga Diego Jimnez Sosa was born with cerebral palsy. This has not prevented him from receiving five awards on May 14th for his academic achievements. He is a soccer fan, loves Latino movies, is an avid reader, one of his favorite authors is Alexandre Dumas who has taken him to unforgettable adventures from his wheelchair, also Isabel Allende, from her, I have read twice The House of the Spirits, I love reading, one of his many passions is

Life is but one and you have to live it to its fullest At age 11, he left his family, sister, cousins, friends... the neighborhood. He came driven by the desire

There is no time here to stop or complain. Diego is a fighter, proving that it can be done. He is a clear example for Hispanics who come to this country in search of opportunities missing from our countries. Tenacity is a gift not everybody has, unfortunately. Some can walk, but do not advance; others can move their hands, but are unable to create. Diego is a person who cannot walk or move his limbs easily; yet he can move forward and create. Can you?

Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09

eventos events
Allison Burris Castellanos y Cindy Mitchell recibieron el Premio a la Excelencia en xito Estudiantil por el Campus de Georgetown de Delaware Tech el jueves 17 de mayo.


El Comit de Seorita Hispanidad de Delaware est aceptando aplicaciones para el certamen del 2012
Este Certamen promueve la superacin social, cultural, y profesional de las participantes. Si deseas ser parte de este magnfico evento los Requisitos son: *Estudiante Actual *Residente de Delaware Por lo menos 6 meses *25% Descendiente Hispana/Latina *Edades 16-19 para Agosto 2012 Para el Concurso de Miss Chiquita *Estudiante Actual *Residente de Delaware Por lo menos 6 meses *25% Descendiente Hispana/Latina la edad es de 7 a 10 aos cumplidos en el 2012

Premio a la Excelencia en xito Estudiantil

El objetivo del premio es reconocer las contribuciones, logros, dedicacin y talento de los empleados de Delaware Technical Community College que ejemplifican los ms altos estndares de excelencia y compromiso con la escuela y su comunidad. Los profesores de ESL Castellanos y Mitchell fueron nominados porque ambos dominan el espaol y regularmente utilizan sus habilidades de lenguaje para apoyar el xito de estudiantes. Ellos visitan escuelas para reclutar estudiantes de ESL para que asistan a Delaware Tech, ayudan a los padres que hablan espaol con asuntos de ayuda financiera y solicitudes de beca, y tambin orientan y asesoran a estudiantes universitarios hispanos para ayudarles a mantener la elegibilidad para becas y avanzar hacia la obtencin de un Certificado, un Diploma y un Ttulo de Delaware Tech. Colaboran con peridicos y estaciones de radio en espaol para destacar el xito de los estudiantes hispanos en Delaware Tech y constantemente lleguen a la comunidad hispana para asegurarse de que todo el mundo tiene la informacin y el aliento que necesitan para sentirse bienvenidos y conectados a Delaware Tech.

Miss Hispanic Delaware 2011

Amanda Glynn

Miss Hispanic Delaware contact Jackie Pizarro or Maria Perez at 302792-1699 - Little Miss Hispanic Delaware contact Iris Torres 302-494-7014 or Jackie Pizarro at 302-792-1699

Excellence in Student Success Award

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Allison Burris Castellanos and Cindy Mitchell received the Excellence in Student Success Award for the Delaware Tech Georgetown Campus on Thursday, May 17.
The purpose of the award is to recognize the contributions, achievements, dedication and talents of Delaware Technical Community College employees who exemplify the highest standards of excellence and commitment to the College and its community. ESL Teachers Castellanos and Mitchell were nominated because both teachers are fluent in Spanish and regularly use their language skills in support of student success. They visit high schools to recruit ESL students to attend Delaware Tech, help Spanish speaking parents with Financial Aid and scholarship applications, and mentor and advise Hispanic college students to help them maintain eligibility for scholarships and make progress toward earning a Certificate, Diploma and Degree at Delaware Tech. They collaborate with Spanish newspapers and radio stations to highlight the success of Hispanic students at Delaware Tech and constantly reach out to the Hispanic community to make sure everyone has the information and encouragement they need to feel welcome and connected to Delaware Tech.

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Delaware15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09

eventos events
Folclore Venezolano en Filadelfia

Casa de Venezuela presenta Venezuelan Expressions 2012, un programa creado para promover la diversidad cultural de la comunidad latina en Filadelfia y sus alrededores.
El mejor programa de la organizacin los llevar de viaje a Venezuela a travs de bailes y msica tradicionales del pas suramericano. Lo invitamos a que venga a conocer porque Venezuela fue llamada la Tierra de Gracia. Invitados especiales The Saul Vera Ensemble (Sal Vera, Laura Lambuley, Hernn Matute, Robert Quintero). En su vigsimo aniversario, Saul Vera Ensemble fue recibido por la Orquesta Sinfnica Municipal de Caracas bajo la direccin de Rodolfo Saglimbeni en la Universidad Central de Venezuela, la sala de conciertos ms importantes de Venezuela. En 2007, Sal Vera se present nuevamente en dos ocasiones con su Bandola Llanera y la Orquesta Filarmnica Nacional. El compositor y arreglista Sal Vera naci en Caracas, Venezuela, es director musical con vasto conocimiento y experiencia en msica clsica y msica tradicional venezolana especializado en bandola y mandolina. Manera Contreras y la coral de nios Allegro Voce. Manena Contreras naci en Caracas, Venezuela, en 1966, y ha enseado en Temple University y la Universidad de Delaware. Contreras ha trabajado en varias producciones musicales que incluyen documentales, videos, discos y canciones para comerciales; tambin ha ganado numerosos premios internacionales y ha participado con varias orquestas. Contreras obtuvo un doctorado en artes musicales, dos maestras en composicin y direccin de corales de la Escuela de Msica Esther Boyer de Temple University. La herencia de una comunidad es reflejada a travs de su creatividad en las artes y tradiciones, y la cultura venezolana est llena de vivacidad en su msica, bailes y un arte visual, como podemos ver en Venezuelan Expressions. Pennsylvania Council on the Arts est orgulloso de participar junto a Casa de Venezuela, su la junta directiva, los talentosos artistas y el pblico en general, en un evento anual tan dinmico. Opina Charon Battles, Director de Programas,Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Venezuelan Expressions llen mis expectativas: fue brillante, colorido, entretenido y, sobre todo, tuvo una buena coreografa y produccin. Gracias por traer Venezuela a la ciudad de Filadelfia! Vernica Castillo-Prez, Directora Ejecutiva, Races Culturales Latinoamericanas DOMINGO, 17 de junio de 2012 a las 3 p.m. MandellTheater, Drexel University, 33rd y Chestnut Streets, Filadelfia, PA

Casa de Venezuela presents Venezuelan Expressions 2012, a program created to enhance the cultural diversity of Latinos/Hispanics in the Greater Philadelphia region.
The organizations signature program will take you on a cultural journey through traditional dance and music from the South American country, Venezuela. Join us and learn why Venezuela is called Land of Grace (Tierra de Gracia). Featuring Special Guest The Saul Vera Ensemble (Saul Vera, Laura Lambuley, Hernan Matute, Robert Quintero). In XX the Anniversary of his musical project, Saul Vera Ensemble was received in the most important concert Hall in Venezuela, the Universidad Central de Venezuela by the Orquesta Sinfnica Municipal from Caracas under the direction of Rodolfo Saglimbeni. In 2007, Saul Vera performed twice again with his Bandola Llanera and the National Philharmonic Orchestra. Composer, arranger, bandola and mandolin player, Saul Vera was born in Caracas, Venezuela. He is a musical director and arranger with great knowledge and experience in both traditional and Venezuelan folk music. Manera Contreras and her childrens choir Allegro Voce. Manena Contreras was born in 1966 in Caracas, Venezuela. She has taught at Temple University and the University of Delaware. She has also worked in musical production having written for documentaries, videos, records, and jingles for different advertising purposes. She has won numerous international awards, played with a diverse range of orchestras, and holds a Doctor of Musical Arts, two Masters Degrees in Composition and Choral Conducting from the Esther Boyer College of Music at Temple University. What people are saying about Venezuelan Expressions A communitys heritage is reflected through its artistic and cultural creations, and the Venezuelan culture is richly endowed with vivacious music, spirited dance and vibrant visual arts as evidenced in Venezuelan Expression. The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts is proud to join with Casa de Venezuela, its board of directors, and the talented artists and audiences for this dynamic annual arts event Charon BattlesProgram Director Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Venezuelan Expressions was everything I expected it to be: brilliant, colorful, entertaining and above all well-choreographed and produced. Thank you for bringing Venezuela to Philly! Veronica Castillo-Perez. Executive Director Raices Culturales Latinoamericanas Sunday, June 17th, 2012 at 3 p.m. MandellTheater, Drexel University, 33rd y Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA

Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.08


Last month, Julio spent more on cigarettes than on his car payment. THINK ABOUT IT.

El mes pasado Julio gasto mas en cigarrillos que en el pago de su carro.

l precio de los cigarrillos sigue subiendo. De hecho, el dinero que gasta mensualmente en un paquete de cigarrillos al da podra pagar el pago de su carro, dos semanas de vveres, o tiles escolares para dos por todo el ao. No es el momento de dejar de fumar? Ahorrar dinero y se sentir mejor. La lnea para dejar de fumar le puede ayudar. Recibir conserjera por telfono o en persona. Podra incluso recibir parches de nicotina gratuitos, chicles u otros medicamentos que le ayudarn a dejar de fumar para siempre. Este servicio es gratuito para cualquier persona mayor de 18 aos de edad y que viva en Delaware.
The price of smoking keeps going up. In fact, the money you spend on a pack of cigarettes a day for a month could pay for your car payment, two weeks of groceries, or school supplies for two for a year. Isnt it time for you to quit? Youll save money and feel better. The Delaware Quitline can help. Youll get counseling on the phone or in person. You may even be able to get free nicotine patches, gum and other medications to help you stop smoking for good. The service is free for anyone 18 years of age and older living in Delaware.

Llame a la lnea gratuita Delaware Quitline para dejar de fumar

To quit smoking, call the Delaware Quitline toll-free at 1-866-409-1858.
DELAWARE HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Division of Public Health Tobacco Prevention and Control Program

Hablamos espaol. Mantenemos su informacin personal privada y confidencial.

We speak Spanish. We keep your personal information private and confidential.

SantaRosa in Delaware

Gillian Welch, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Smokey Robinson will play the grand this summer, fall

The Grand Opera House, which announced the core of its 201213 season several weeks ago, has added three dynamic performers from three diverse backgrounds to next seasons schedule. Grammy-winning singer/songwriter Gillian Welch will perform in Copeland Hall on Thursday, July 12 at 8:00 PM. Gilberto Santa Rosa, the renowned salsa singer, will play The Grand on Thursday, October 25 at 8:00 PM. And, Motown legend Smokey Robinson will appear in an evening of songs and memories of his storied career on Tuesday, November 20. Individual tickets for Gillian Welch go on sale Wednesday, June 6. Gilberto Santa Rosa and Smokey Robinson tickets will be available the same day in MyChoice series only; individual tickets for those two shows go on sale August 1 with the rest of The Grands

2012-13 line-up that also includes comic Bill Engvall and Ron White, Broadway composer Stephen Sondheim, cult filmmaker John Waters, and the Doobie Brothers. Critically-acclaimed singer-songwriter Gillian Welch combines elements of Appalachian music, Bluegrass, and Americana that The New Yorker describes as at once innovative and obliquely reminiscent of past rural forms. Her work on the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack helped that album go platinum and win the 2002 Grammy Award for Album of the Year. Tickets for Gillian Welch on July 12 are all $39. Known as El Caballero de la Salsa (The Gentleman of Salsa), Grammy Award-winning Gilberto Santa Rosa heats up the stage with the sizzling tropical hits that have made him an international

superstar. The New York Times calls Santa Rosa one of the great Caribbean singers. Santa Rosa has played to sold-out arenas around the Latin world, and will be playing The Grand as part of his first-ever U.S. performing arts center tour. Gilberto Santa Rosa tickets for October 25 range from $47- $54. Smokey Robinson, whose singing and songwriting magic established Motown Records as a musical hit factory in the 1960s, was the featured performer at the 2004 Grand Gala. He returns to The Grand November 20 in an evening of classic songs and unforgettable stories of his long career. The legendary velvet-voiced artist has over four decades of his own hits and hits he wrote for others that include Tears of a Clown, I Second That Emotion, My Girl, and Being with You. Robinson will share his life and music in this interactive and intimate evening. Tickets are $56 - $67.


Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09

comida food

| Valentina Pilonieta-Vera

Pinchos de pollo con tocino y ranch

Ingredientes 3 tazas de aderezo ranch 1 cucharadita de pasta de chile picante (como sambal u oelek) 4 pechugas de pollo sin piel, cortar en cubitos de una pulgada 24 piezas de cebolla roja de una pulgada 12 tiras de tocino Sal y pimienta al gusto 12 palillos para pincho de 6 pulgadas, remojar en agua por dos horas Preparacin Mezclar en un envase hondo el aderezo de ranch y la pasta de chile. Agregar los trozos de pollo y revolver. Cubrir el envase con plstico y dejar marinar en el refrigerador por una a 3 horas. Precalentar el asador exterior a fuego medio y baar ligeramente en aceite. Sacar el pollo, colocar en un envase para hornear con papel absorbente. Secar el pollo con papel. Introducir un pedazo de cebolla en un palillo, seguido por una tira de tocino, de modo que tan solo una parte quede en el palillo mientras que la otra cuelga. Seguir con un pedazo de pollo, agarrar la parte colgante del tocino e introducir en el palillo. Voltear el pincho para que cuelgue la parte restante del tocino. Seguir este proceso, ensartando el tocino y usando de 4 a 5 pedazos de pollo. Ensartar un ltimo pedazo de cebolla al final del pincho. Repetir todo este proceso en todos los pinchos. Sazonar los pinchos con sal y pimienta al gusto. Cocinar todos en el asador precalentado, dndoles la vuelta cada 3 a 4 minutos, hasta dorar todos los lados de la carne y que la carne no este roja en el medio (12 a 16 minutos por pincho). Servir con aderezo de ranch como salsa para untar.

Bacon ranch chicken skewers

Ingredients 3 cup ranch dressing 1 teaspoon hot chile paste (such as sambal oelek) 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cut into 1 inch pieces 24 (1-inch) pieces red onion 12 slices thick cut bacon salt and black pepper to taste 12 (6 inch) bamboo skewers, soaked in water for 2 hours Directions Whisk together ranch dressing and hot chile paste in a large bowl. Mix in chicken pieces and toss to evenly coat. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and marinate in the refrigerator for 1 to 3 hours. Preheat an outdoor grill for medium-high heat and lightly oil the grate. Remove chicken from the bag and transfer to a plate or baking sheet lined with paper towels. Pat chicken pieces dry with more paper towels. Thread a piece of onion about 1 1/2 inches down the skewer. Thread the end portion of one strip of bacon onto skewer so the rest of the strip is hanging down. Skewer on a piece of chicken; thread on the next portion of the bacon. Turn the skewer so that the long end of the bacon is again hanging down. Repeat this process of skewering and turning until the entire strip of bacon is threaded, using 4 to 5 chicken pieces. Thread a second piece of onion onto the end of the skewer. Repeat steps 5 through 7 for all twelve skewers. Season chicken skewers with salt and pepper as desired. Cook the skewers on the preheated grill, turning every 3 to 4 minutes, until nicely browned on all sides and the meat is no longer pink in the center, 12 to 16 minutes total per skewer. Serve with ranch dressing as a dipping sauce.

Fotografa Profesional
Gustavo Grajales

Para Todas tus Ocasiones Especiales Telfono (302)252 8713

salud health
Sacerdote y Hermana de Guatemala visitan Wilmington
> Hermano Cristbal Posche, ofm

Padre Silverio Chum, pastor de la parroquia de San Jos en El Rodeo, y Sor Bernarda Rojas, Directora del Ministerio Social de la Dicesis de San Marcos, visitaron ocho parroquias y once escuelas, y dispensaron una visita al obispo Malooly. Durante su memorable visita de 9 das, Padre Silverio y Sor Bernarda se reunieron con muchos viejos amigos de Guatemala y nuevos amigos de Delaware, quienes han visitado Guatemala en los ltimos aos. En varias presentaciones de la escuela y la parroquia, Padre Silverio y Sor Bernarda describieron la vida en Guatemala, incluyendo la generalizada corrupcin y la pobreza. En la Academia de Padua, Padre Silverio respondi a los estudiantes interesados muchas preguntas acerca de la educacin y la vida familiar, acotando que muchos nios no pueden asistir a la escuela porque comienzan a trabajar en granjas a una muy temprana edad. Aquellos nios afortunados en asistir a la escuela, suelen trabajar en casa y plantaciones durante varias horas despus de clases cada da. La mayora abandonan la escuela despus del sexto ao de primaria. Muchas iglesias aqu en la Dicesis de Wilmington patrocinan nios para becas y envan fondos para libros, tiles escolares, uniformes y zapatos. Muchos sacerdotes y hermanas religiosas participan activamente ayudado a su pueblo a obtener programas de cobertura de necesidades fundamentales en sus parroquias y ejerciendo presin sobre funcionarios del gobierno para la obtencin de justicia y derechos humanos bsicos. En Guatemala se hablan el castellano y 21 lenguas autctonas diferentes. Los vnculos familiares son fuertes y los ancianos son altamente valorados y respetados. Padre Silverio describi el alegre cumpleaos nmero 95 de su padre, cuyos 12 hijos, 94 nietos y ms de 140 bisnietos celebraron con regocijo. >Brother Cristbal Posch, ofm En una misa y conferencia de despedida celebradas en la Parroquia de la Resurreccin en Wilmington, feligreses que recientemente viajaron a Guatemala compartieron sus reflexiones y Padre Silverio Chum pastor of San Jos parish in El Rodeo, and Sor Bernarda Rojas, fotos, y nativos guatemaltecos describieron su infancia en Guatemala y un traicionero cruce fronDirectress of Social Ministry for the Diocese of San Marcos, visited eight parishes, eleven schools, terizo a travs del desierto mientras llevaba un beb de seis meses. Brian, ese beb, ahora tiene and also visited Bishop Malooly. During their memorable 9-day visitation, Padre Silverio and Sor diez aos y toca la batera en su iglesia. Los participantes de la conferencia comenzaron a llamarlo Bernarda reunited with many old friends from Guatemala and new friends from Delaware whom have Moiss, porque sobrevivi y Dios debe tener planes especiales para l. visited Guatemala in recent years. Bernardina Ramos, originalmente de Tacan y ahora de Milford, coment, Me hizo recor At several parish and school presentations, Padre Silverio and Sor Bernarda described dar de Guatemala. Me sent muy alegre. life in Guatemala including widespread poverty and corruption. At Padua Academy, Padre Silverio answered the interested students many questions about education and family life, noting that many children are unable to attend school because they start working on farms at very young age. Those children, whom are fortunate to attend school, usually work at home and plantations for several hours after school each day. Most completely drop out after the sixth year of primary school. Many churches here in the Wilmington Diocese sponsor children for scholarships and send funding for books, school supplies, uniforms, and shoes. Many priests and religious sisters are actively involved with helping their people realize basics needs programs in their parishes and pressing government officials for justice and basic human rights. In Guatemala, Castellan and 21 different indigenous languages are spoken. Families bonds are strong and the elderly are highly valued and respected. Padre Silverio described the joyful 95th birthday of his father, whose 12 children, 94 grandchildren, and over 140 great grandchildren were elated to celebrate! At a farewell mass and conference celebrated at Resurrection Parish in Wilmington, parishioners who recently went to Guatemala shared their reflections and photos, and native Guatemalans described their childhood in Guatemala and a treacherous border-crossing through the desert while carrying an infant who was six-months old. Brian, the infant, is now ten years old and plays the drums at his church. Conference participants started naming him Moses, because he survived and God must have special plans for him! Bernardina Ramos, originally from Tacana and now from Milford, said, He made me remember Guatemala. I felt very happy.

Priest and Sister from Guatemala Visit Wilmington Diocese

Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09



comunidad community

Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09

Restructuracin del ESL

El mircoles 6 de junio 2012, el Programa de Ingls como Segundo Idioma (ESL) del Centro Latino (LACC) abri sus puertas al pblico en su edificio situado en 701 S. Avenida Maryland en Wilmington.

La intencin de la iniciativa fue mostrar al pblico la ampliacin y restructuracin del Programa de Educacin Bsica para Adultos (ABE) Durante esta jornada, los visitantes tuvieron a posibilidad de acceder a las clases que se imparten regularmente los das mircoles (niveles principiantes e intermedio). Adems se present al pblico el nuevo curso con que cuenta el programa: Escribiendo para el GED/ Examen para la ciudadana. El lugar en cual se imparten las clases cuenta con 10 computadoras que pueden ser usadas de forma cmoda y provechosa por los estudiantes actuales y futuros. Faith Scheibe, coordinadora del Programa de Ingls como Segundo Idioma (ESL) dijo que Estoy muy entusiasmada acerca de nuestro Programa ABE/ESL, porque hemos realizado un montn de cambios positivos para servir mejor a nuestros alumnos. Esperamos que esta jornada de puertas abiertas muestre esos cambios a la comunidad y sirvan como un estmulo para los estudiantes actuales y futuros que buscan aprender ingls, agreg la coordinadora. Las clases del Programa ABE/ESL del Centro Latino se imparten de lunes a viernes de 9 a 11:30 am y a las 7 hasta las 9 pm. Los das lunes, mircoles y viernes se agrega un nuevo horario por las tardes de 2 a 4 pm. Sin embargo, a partir del 1 de julio de 2012, habr clases de lunes a viernes de 9 a.m. hasta el medioda, de 1 a 4 pm y de 6:30 a 9:30 pm. Durante toda la semana habr clases para los niveles principiantes e intermedio, as como una clase a la semana dedicada exclusivamente a la escritura y una dedicada exclusivamente a la educacin cvica y ciudadana. La misin del Programa de ESL es ensear a los estudiantes a leer, escribir y hablar ingls con nfasis en situaciones reales relacionadas con las metas individuales de los estudiantes. Hay muchas lecciones acerca de cmo buscar empleo, uso del ingls en el trabajo y cmo acceder a la educacin superior. El LACC tambin contar con oradores de las universidades locales para responder a las preguntas de los estudiantes sobre la preparacin para ir a la universidad y cmo funciona el proceso de solicitud. En mayo, un orador de Deltech vino y los estudiantes mostraron un gran inters en muchos de los programas de la universidad, especialmente aquellos en el campo de la salud. Adems los estudiantes han recibido informacin de primera mano sobre temas de prevencin. El Departamento de Salud Pblica realiz una charla sobre la diabetes y sus formas de prevenirla y el Centro Latino, por medio del Programa de Prevencin del VIH, realiz una actividad para prevenir las enfermedades sexuales, entre otros temas de importancia para la comunidad. Muchos han realizado viajes a la biblioteca pblica para obtener tarjetas de membresa y as facilitar su alfabetizacin Para ms informacin sobre el programa de ESL, por favor pngase en contacto con Faith Scheibe al 302-351-8259 o a la siguiente direccin de correo electrnico:
Gratis - Complimentary Bilingue - Bilingual

Restructured Adult Basic Education

On Wednesday, June 6th, 2012, the Latin American Community Centers (LACC) English as a Second Language (ESL) Center held an open house in their building located at 701 S. Maryland Avenue in Wilmington.
The open house showcased their expanded and restructured Adult Basic Education (ABE) program. During the open house, regularly scheduled Wednesday classes were in session for prospective students to observe. There were beginner and intermediate ESL classes going on throughout the day, as well as one of the programs new courses: Writing for the GED/U.S. Citizenship Test. The computer lab, consisting of 10 computers, was also accessible to both current and prospective students. ESL Coordinator Faith Scheibe says, I am very excited about our ABE/ESL program because we have made a lot of positive changes in order to better serve our students. We hope this open house showcases these changes to the community and serves as encouragement to our existing students as well as recruitment for prospective students. The LACCs ABE/ESL Program currently holds classes Monday-Friday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and 7 to 9 p.m., as well as new afternoon classes from 2-4p.m. on Monday ,Wednesday and Friday. However, a new schedule will be put in place on July 1st. Beginning in July, there will be classes MondayFriday from 9a.m. to noon, 1-4 p.m. and 6:30-9:30 p.m. There are beginner and intermediate classes throughout the week, as well as one class per week devoted solely to writing and one devoted solely to civics and citizenship. The mission of the ESL program is to teach students to read, write and speak English with emphasis on real-life situations related to individual students goals. There are many lessons about to job searching, English for the workplace, and higher education. The LACC also brings in speakers from local colleges to answer students questions about college preparation and the application process. In May, a speaker from DelTech came and the students showed a lot of interest in many of the colleges programs, especially those in the healthcare field. In addition to speakers from colleges, so far this year the students have heard a representative of the Department of Public Health speak about diabetes prevention, a representative from the LACCs own HIV Prevention Program spoke about HIV and STD prevention, and the students have also gone on a field trip to a local library in order to obtain library cards and facilitate literacy. For more information please contact Faith Scheibe at 302- 351-8259 or email

Peridico Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly Newspaper Delaware Ao 7, No.05, 06 de Abril de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No.05, April 06, 2012

Peridico Bisemanal

Pequea Empresa del Ao 2012

Los dueos de First State Manufacturing Eli Valenzuela, Sher Valenzuela y Ashley Wolfe han sido seleccionados como Personas de la Pequea Empresa del Ao 2012 de Delaware de la Administracin de Pequeos Negocios de Estados Unidos.

NTARY para el Estado de Delaware www.eltiempohispano Delaware Ao 7, No. 06, 20 .com de Abril de 2012 - Delaware, Year

Bilingue - Bilingual



Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly Newspaper VII, No. 6, April 20, 2012

Peridico Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weekly Newspaper Delaware Ao 7, No. 07, 04 de mayo de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No. 07, May 04, 2012



Celebrando a Chile
Cientos celebran la asociacin estelar de negocios de Chile con los Estados Unidos y con la llave que abre todas las puertas los puertos del ro Delaware

Bi-weeklt Delaware Statewide .com 08, May 18, 2012 www.eltiempohispano , Year VII, No. de Delaware 2012 - Delaware para el estado de mayo de 7, No. 08, 18 Peridico Bisemanal Delaware Ao


Nueva Sede

Mejor Lo Mejor de lo Best The Best of the

El sbado 12 de mayo se llev a cabo el Programa de Reconocimient o a los estudiantes hispanos de Delaware. Delawares Hispanic Student Recognition Program was held on Saturday May

12th .

Ao l Femenina del Estudiante ExcepcionaHigh School Female Outstanding Hispanic the Year Student of

Claudia Gonz


Delaware Small Business Persons of the Year

First State Manufacturing owners Eli Valenzuela, Sher Valenzuela, and Ashley Wolfe have been selected as the U.S. Small Business Administrations Delaware Small Business Persons of the Year.

La Red Inaugura

Nueva Sede

Ao l Masculino del Estudiante Excepciona High School Male Outstanding Hispanicthe Year Student of

Reinaldo Reina

Crisis en la Escue la Lewis / Lewis Elementary Crisis

La Red New Fac ility

Hundreds Celebrate Chiles Stellar Business Partnership with the United States and the Key that Opens All the Doors - the Ports of the Delaware River

Celebrating Chile
Homenaje a la Mujer Hispana - Tribute to Hispani c Women


Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09

Tiene Baja Autoestima?

Test y tips para fortalecerla

consejera counseling


Sicologa con F
| Ronaldo Tello-Marzol

Psychology with Faith

Dou you have Low Self-Esteem?

Test and tips to improve it
Do you believe in yourself and in your abilities? Can you handle rejection and criticism in a healthy manner, or does one negative comment completely shatter your self-view? Self-esteem is an integral part of personal happiness, fulfilling relationships and achievement. This test is known for being one of the most valid ones to measure self-esteem. It was created by sociologist Morris Rosenberg and is used by psychologists from 53 countries. Learn more about your true sense of self by answering the Rosenbergs Self-Esteem Scale (it has been altered in order to simplify scoring). For questions 1-5, use the following scoring system: Strongly agree= 3 Agree= 2 Disagree= 1 Strongly disagree= 0 1. I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others. 2. I feel that I have a number of good qualities. 3. I am able to do things as well as most other people. 4. I take a positive attitude toward myself. 5.On the whole, I am satisfied with myself. For questions 6-10, use the following scoring system: Strongly agree= 0 Agree= 1 Disagree= 2 Strongly disagree= 3 6. All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure. 7. I feel I do not have much to be proud of. 8. I wish I could have more respect for myself. 9. I certainly feel useless at times. 10. At times I think I am no good at all. Now, add your points for the first and second part. Scores below 15 points suggest low self-esteem. Self-esteem is formed since childhood and is influenced by different factors: a. By the messages received from parents and people of influence. Some people had parents that made them feel rejected, unloved, ignored. Other people were neglected, abused and constantly criticized. This can leave a feeling of non-worthiness or not being enough. b. Self-esteem is also molded by your self-image. The image you have of yourself can be negative when we feel that we are not the person wed like to be. c. Also, our history of failures can impact our self-esteem. They can instill a feeling of not being competent. Attention: Low self-esteem is the most destructive feeling. If you feel identified with this and believe to have low selfesteem, you should look for help. Your low self-esteem is robbing you from the possibility of being happy. Solution: Ill mention one of the ways to strengthen self-esteem that we teach in the talks and personal development events. But before, let me extend you an invitation to our 2-day retreat Rompiendo Tus Barreras, where professionals in psychology will help you transform your low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence so you can live the life you always wanted to live. It will be held on July 14-15 and you can get a $50 discount if you register before June 15. Call 302-576-4126 and leave a message with your name and number so one of the members of the team can call you and provide you with more information and register you. You can also register online at . Dont feel shy about calling, we are Hispanics like you and if we cannot help you, we can refer you to resources in your community. All calls are important and confidential. We look forward to your call, in the meantime; I leave you with one of the best ways to start strengthening your self-esteem: - Set a goal that you know you can achieve. For example: painting your room with two colors; run tow loops around the park 3 times a week; make a cake for your friends birthday. Setting goals that are attainable and achieving them will make you feel more competent and will improve your self-esteem because you will focus on your own abilities and strengths. Start the change right now!

Cree en si mismo y en sus habilidades? Puede enfrentar el rechazo y la critica de una manera saludable, o un comentario negativo puede destrozar la forma en que se ve a si mismo? La autoestima es un parte importante de la felicidad y posibilita relaciones positivas y el logro de los objetivos. Este simple test es considerado uno de los ms vlidos para medir la autoestima. Fue creado por el socilogo Morris Rosenberg y es usado por siclogos en ms de 53 pases. Aprenda ms de su verdadero nivel de amor a s mismo respondiendo a la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (la escala ha sido alterada para simplificar la suma de puntajes): Para las preguntas 1-5, sume los puntos de la siguiente manera: Totalmente de acuerdo = 3 puntos De acuerdo = 2 puntos En desacuerdo = 1 punto Totalmente en desacuerdo = 0 puntos 1. Siento que soy una persona valiosa, o al menos de igual valor que los dems. 2. Siento que tengo un nmero de buenas cualidades. 3. Soy capaz de hacer cosas tan bien como las otras personas. 4. Tengo una actitud positiva hacia mi mismo. 5. En general, estoy satisfecho conmigo mismo. Para las preguntas 6-10, sume los puntos de la siguiente manera: Totalmente de acuerdo = 0 puntos De acuerdo = 1 punto En desacuerdo = 2 puntos Totalmente en desacuerdo = 3 puntos 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. En general, me siento inclinado a sentir que soy un fracaso. Siento que no tengo mucho de que sentirme orgulloso. Deseara tener mas respeto por mi mismo. De hecho, me siento intil a veces. A veces siento que soy un bueno para nada.

Ahora sume sus puntos de la primera y segunda parte para obtener su puntaje total. Los puntajes menores a 15 sugieren baja autoestima. La autoestima se forma desde la niez y es influenciada por diversos factores: a. Por los mensajes que uno recibe de sus padres y del entorno. Algunas personas han tenido padres que les hicieron sentir rechazados, no amados, ignorados; otros fueron maltratados y criticados gravemente. Esto puede dejar un sentimiento de no ser lo suficientemente bueno o no valer mucho. b. La autoestima tambin es moldeada por la imagen que tiene de usted mismo. Nuestra autoimagen puede ser negativa cuando sentimos que no somos como quisiramos ser. c. Tambin nuestra historia puede afectar nuestra autoestima, una historia de fracasos o errores puede dejarnos un sentimiento de no ser lo suficientemente competentes. Atencin: No hay un sentimiento mas destructivo que la baja autoestima. Si usted se siente identificado con esto y cree tener baja autoestima debe buscar ayuda. Su baja autoestima esta quitndole la posibilidad de ser feliz. Solucin: Voy a mencionar 1 de las maneras para fortalecer su autoestima que enseamos en nuestros eventos de Superacin Personal. Pero antes, si desea tener la oportunidad de transformar su baja autoestima y falta de confianza en si mismo y empezar a vivir la vida que siempre dese, permita que profesionales en sicologa le ayuden participando en el retiro Rompiendo Tus Barreras que se llevara a cabo el 14 y 15 de Julio. Obtenga un descuento de $50 si se inscribe antes del 15 de Junio. Puede llamar al 302-576-4126 y dejar un mensaje con su nombre y numero de telfono y uno de los miembros del equipo lo contactar para darle informacin e inscribirle. Tambin puede ingresar a e inscribirse all. No sienta timidez de contactarnos pues somos Hispanos como usted y si no podemos ayudarle, le podemos guiar para encontrar ayuda en la comunidad. Todas las llamadas son importantes y totalmente confidenciales. Esperamos su llamada, mientras tanto le dejamos con una de las maneras en que puede empezar a fortalecer tu autoestima: - Propngase una meta que usted sabe que puede lograr bien. Por ejemplo: pintar usted mismo su cuarto con dos colores; correr 2 vueltas al parque 3 veces por semana; cocinar un pastel para el cumpleaos de su amiga. El proponerse metas posibles y cumplirlas bien le har sentir competente y mejorara su autoestima pues se enfocara en sus habilidades y fortalezas. Empiece el cambio ahora mismo!


informacin information

Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09

Por qu los hombres son abusivos?

Se trata de una pregunta que muchas mujeres me han hecho a travs de los aos. Cuando las personas en general se enteran de que yo soy facilitador de grupos de hombres que son abusivos, se muestran sorprendidas e inquisitivas.
Las razones de por qu los hombres son abusivos no son un misterio para m. Vivimos en una cultura que apoya el machismo. La mayora de los hombres pasa mucho tiempo mostrando un sentido exagerado de la masculinidad, destacando la fuerza fsica, valenta, agresividad y falta de respuesta emocional. Muchos hombres que asisten a los procesos de intervencin hablan sobre el hecho de cumplir con las expectativas del papel tradicional de lo que se supone que los hombres deben ser. Muchos de los hombres latinos que trato tienen el mismo sentimiento exagerado. Parece que siempre estamos en competencia los unos con los otros. El peligro de todo esto es que por vivir en lo que yo llamara una Caja Masculina no nos permitimos vivir integralmente. En otras palabras, vivimos en una forma que la cultura apoya y esa forma es tratando a las mujeres con menos respeto. Decidimos ser abusivo porque no queremos que una mujer nos diga qu hacer. Tampoco queremos ser como una mujer. Tenemos que permanecer protegidos en esa Caja Masculina. Si elegimos vivir en esta caja slo estamos medio vivos. Seguimos en nuestro uso indebido de drogas, el abuso del alcohol y la deshumanizacin de las mujeres. Otra razn por la que decidimos abusar de las mujeres es porque las tratamos con menos valor. Muchos hombres hablan sobre cmo su madre fue tratada cuando eran nios. Nosotros como hombres aprendemos a temprana edad que el hombre de la casa generalmente tiene la ltima palabra en la toma de decisiones. A las hijas se les presta menos atencin a veces. En la cultura actual las mujeres todava ganan menos que los hombres. Muchos hombres me dicen que ellos aprendieron muy temprano en su vida que un hombre siempre har las cosas mejor que una mujer. La cuestin de Privilegio Masculino es otra razn por la cual los hombres son abusivos. Cuando hablo con hombres norteamericanos, as como con hombres latinos, a menudo no entienden cmo aprovechan su ventaja. El Privilegio Masculino a menudo no se entiende porque como hombres no solemos prestarnos atencin a nosotros mismos al mirar a las mujeres y hacer comentarios degradantes, o cuando usamos a las mujeres para nuestro propio placer. Estas son slo algunas de las razones de por qu los hombres abusan de las mujeres. Como hombres tenemos que asumir la responsabilidad de la manera como tratamos a las mujeres en casa y en el mundo exterior. Como hombres tambin necesitamos desafiar a otros hombres a que formen parte de una solucin y no ser parte de un problema. Ya es hora de que salgamos de la Caja Masculina y comencemos a vivir integralmente.

Why are men abusive?

This is a question that many women have asked me over the years. When people in general find out that I facilitate groups for men who are abusive they are surprised and inquisitive.
>Juan Rodriguez
The reasons why men are abusive are not a mystery to me. We live in a culture that supports Machismo. Most men spend a lot of time displaying an exaggerated sense of masculinity emphasizing physical strength, courage, aggressiveness, and a lack of emotional response. Many men who come in for intervention talk about living up to the traditional role of what Men are supposed to be. Many of the Latino men who I treat have the same exaggerated sense. It seems that we are always in competition with one another. The danger in all of this is that by living in what I would call in a Man Box we dont let ourselves live wholly. In other words we live in a way that the culture supports and that is by treating women with less respect. We decide to be abusive because we dont want a woman to tell us what to do. We also dont want to be like a woman. We have to stay protected in that Man Box. If we choose to live in this Box we are only half alive. We remain in our drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and our objectification of women. Another reason why we choose to be abusive to women is because we treat them with less value. Many men talk about how their mother was treated when they were a child. We as men learn early that the man in the house usually has the last word in the decision making of the house. Daughters are given less attention at times. In todays culture women are still paid less than men. Many men will tell me that they learned early in their life that a man will always get things done better than a woman. The issue of Male Privilege is another reason why men are abusive. As I talk to American men as well as Latino men they often dont understand how they take advantage of their advantage. Male privilege is often not understood because as men we tend not to pay attention to ourselves when we stare at women and make degrading comments, or when we use women for our own pleasure. These are only a few of the reasons as to why Men abuse Women. As men we need to take responsibility for the way we treat women at home and in the outside world. As men we also need to challenge other men to become part of a solution and not be part of a problem. Its about time we got ourselves out of the Man Box and start living wholly.

Cumbre de Seguridad Hispana

Ms de 100 trabajadores, empresarios y representantes de organizaciones comunitarias participaron en la Cumbre de Seguridad Hispana, conducida por la Administracin de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (OSHA por sus siglas en ingls) del Departamento del Trabajo de los Estados Unidos el 10 de junio en la Iglesia Dios Maranatha Church en Seaford, Delaware.
El evento se celebr para tratar el tema de la alarmante estadstica que en 2010, 707 trabajadores hispanos (ms de 13 por semana) fallecieron a nivel nacional a causa de lesiones relacionadas con el trabajo, una tasa mayor que todos los dems trabajadores. Los asistentes participaron en talleres de salud y seguridad relacionados con las industrias avcolas, de paisajismo y de la construccin. Representantes del Proyecto del rea de Filadelfia sobre Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (PHILAPOSH por sus siglas en ingls) demostraron cmo llevar correctamente un arns para proteccin contra cadas y alentaron a los trabajadores a ser sus propios defensores de seguridad. OSHA tambin discuti su actual Campaa de Calor que educa a los trabajadores y los empleadores sobre la prevencin de enfermedades de calor para las personas que trabajan al aire libre. La Divisin de Horas y Salarios del Departamento proporcion informacin sobre la proteccin del salario federal y los derechos de los trabajadores, respondi preguntas y escuch las preocupaciones de los trabajadores. Esta es una parte fundamental de la misin de OSHA para garantizar condiciones de trabajo seguras y saludables para hombres y mujeres por medio del establecimiento y cumplimiento de normas y proporcionando capacitacin, divulgacin, educacin y asistencia, dijo Kurt Petermeyer, Administrador Regional Interino del OSHA en Filadelfia. Agradeci a todos los trabajadores por participar en la Cumbre y expres su sincero agradecimiento al Pastor Israel Figueroa por el uso de las instalaciones de su hermosa iglesia.

Hispanic Safety Summit

More than 100 workers, employers and representatives from community organizations participated in the Hispanic Safety Summit, hosted by the U.S. Department of Labors Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on June 10 at the Iglesia Dios Maranatha Church in Seaford, Del.
The event was held to address the alarming statistic that in 2010, 707 Hispanic workers more than 13 per week were killed nationwide from work-related injuries, a higher rate than all other workers. Attendees participated in safety and health workshops related to the poultry, landscaping and construction industries. Representatives from the Philadelphia Area Project on Occupational Safety and Health (PHILAPOSH) demonstrated how to properly wear a fall protection harness and encouraged workers to be their own safety advocates. OSHA also discussed its current Heat Campaign which educates workers and employers on preventing heat illness for outdoor workers. The departments Wage and Hour Division provided information on federal wage protections and worker rights, answered questions and listened to workers concerns. This is a fundamental part of OSHAs mission to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance, said Kurt Petermeyer, OSHAs acting regional administrator in Philadelphia. He thanked all the workers for participating in the summit and expressed his sincere appreciation to Pastor Israel Figueroa for the use of his beautiful church facility.

West Chester, Pennsylvania BIENVENIDOS NUESTROS AMIGOS HISPANOS Y SUS FAMILIAS Brandywine Garden Apartments 215 North Everhart Avenue West Chester, PA 19380 Amplios Apartamentos con Balcn A distancia de caminar de la ciudad, centros comerciales y el Bus SEPTA Comenzando desde solo $675 mensuales mas utilidades Apartamentos Estudio y de dos y una Habitacin Disponibles Llame al : (610) 918-1694 Horario: L-V: 10.00A- 4.00P Sab: 10.00A-12.00P
CAREGIVER Assisted Living Facility in Grasonville MD. Help bathe, dress, cleaning. Speak some English. Housing available. 310-494-1904, (1-1) WANTED LABORERS IN DOVER, DE. Full-Time/Seasonal Positions available. Average of 50 hours per week. OT at time and a half. Starting at $8 per hour. Please call Freddie at 302222-9111. (1-3) HOJALATERO Busco Hojalatero para trabajar en Wilmington Llamar a Abel 951-254 5773 ACCOUNT REp/SALES MANAGER Account Rep/Sales Manager position available. Flexible 30 hour Monday thru Friday work week. An excellent opportunity for advancement for the right person. send your resume to RECEpTIONISTposition available at established construction Management/ real estate development firm. Flexible 30 hour Monday thru Friday work week. An excellent opportunity for advancement for the right person. Please send your resume to MECHANIC body shop need mechanic with experience call:302-7313180 302-4947154 2213 Ogletown rd, Newark,de 19711 Monica Cardenas MECANICO taller de mecanica necesita mecanico con experiencia. llamar:302 4947154 2213 Ogletown rd. Newark,DE 19711 302 4947154 no dejar mensaje de voz. sra;Monica Cardenas. MESEROS/AS Para trabajar en Tequilas Mexican restaurante en Middletown. Favor llamar al 302-378 9900 con Alicia. BUSCO TRABAJO en la tardes en Kennett, yarda o restaurante Tel. 484-908 2314 Clemente Gonzalez COCINERO Experiencia en comida gourmet e hispana en el area de Rehobooth, cualquier turno 302- 259 8796 Daniel Huertas. CORTO ARBOLES y hago trabajos de mecnica. Miguel Aguila Tel. 803-622 8627 BUSCO TRABAJO Chofer o construccin en Newark. 302- 981 8954 Jose Quiroz BUSCO EMpLEO en restaurant o yarda En Wilmington. Telfono 323-973 6478 Cecilio Vergara- Jose Luis Morales COSTURERO BUSCO TRABAJO DE COSTURERO, tengo experiencia y ganas de trabajar. 302761 3098 Humberto Chavez. COSMETOLOGA Hago limpiezas faciales, tratamientos de piel, manicures, pedicuras. Servicios a domicilio en el norte de Delaware. Irma (302) 743-9920 pAyASO El payaso Teterete esta disponible para animar fiestas infantiles. Diversin Garantizada. Llame al 302 444 7661 O TRABAJO En plomera Jose Sanchez 240- 216 2553 BUSCO TRABAJO En jardinera en Delaware vivo en New Castle 302- 983 3592 Agustin Vasquez BUSCO TRABAJO De costurero. Tengo experiencia en mquinas industriales, hablo ingls. 302563 5847 BUSCO TRABAJO EN CONSTRUCCIN Tengo experiencia en drywall, pisos etc. Newark 302- 981 8954 Miguel Dorantes VENDO pOSTRES Gelatinas, flanes, tortas cheseecakes etc. Para toda ocasin vivo en New Castle, entrego en cualquier parte. Ana Garcia 302 442 8826 pINTOR Tengo experiencia en trabajos de pintura de casas, todas las herramientas, para trabajar en Delaware. Rigoberto Sanchez 302- 727 9486 pLOMERA DELAWARE Jose Sanchez 240- 216 2553 COSTURA- ALTERACIONES Todo en confeccin Lucy Romero 610- 888 8463 West Grove

SI BUSCA TRABAJO Llame al 302-832 3620 Lunes a Viernes de 9 a 5 pm. para publicar un aviso gratis.

empleos jobs

AIRE ACONDICIONADO/ CALEFACCION Hago trabajos profesionales a domicilio, tenga 14 aos de experiencia. Delaware 561-420 7363 BUSCO TRABAJO Limpieza o jardinera Wilmington o New Castle Pedro Rivera 302- 256 3212 BUSCO TRABAJO En construccin o jardinera. Javier Vega 302- 553 8564 Kennett LANDSCApING y pATIOS proyectos para patios. Wilmington o Newark 302- 444 1574 Rogelio Dominguez. CHOFER BUSCO TRABAJO Como chofer para bodega o distribuidora. Tengo licencia clase D. Tel. 302- 384 3253 Antonio Gutierrez SONIDO pARA FIESTAS Cualquier evento Sonido fish contar 302 444 7661 JARDINERIA En Salsbury MD Carlos Arce 410- 845 2095 BUSCO TRABAJO En Drywall en Wilmington o Newark. Pedro Ceballos 302- 319 0858 CONDUCTOR- MOTORISTA Me ofrezco para trabajar para empresa o particular. Interesados llamar a Miguel Cceres 302- 258 8286 Georgetown HAGO TRABAJOS DE pINTURA Techos acsticos y pintura en general en el Condado de New Castle 302-383 2840 Santiago Vera Espinoza. LIMpIO CASAS y OFICINAS En Wilmington y Newark 302-530 4164 Manuel Alczares


LA IGLESIA SAN pABLO en la calle Van Buren y la calle 4 en Wilmington ofrece clases de Ingles gratis los domingos de 12 a 1:30. Para mas informacin llame a 302-655-6596. GRATIS-GRATIS! CLASES DE INGLES! Los domingos 11:15 am y miercoles de 6:30 a 7:55 pm 140 Airport Rd...New Castle, DE Ignacio (302) 328 3800 ex 94 pARROQUIA SAN JOSE 321 East Main Street en Middletown,Los Mircoles de 7:00 a 8:30 PM mas informacin llamar a Antonia al 302- 378 5805


CARpINTERO SE OFRECE Tengo mucha experiencia, tengo todas las herramientas y trabajo a domicilo Cesar 512-634 7097 BUSCO TRABAJO En jardinera en Delaware o Maryland tel. 443- 880 8597 Jose Sena

ESL CLASES GRATIS Casa San Francisco, 125 Broad St.,Milton, (302) 684-8694.Lunes y Mircoles de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. Todos los niveles. LACC En la calle 4 y Van Buren, Wilmington. para informacion llamar al tel 302- 655 7338 QUIERE MEJORAR SU INGLES? La iglesia Presbiteriana de la Gracia en Dover ofrece cursos desde principiantes, intermedios y avanzados. Los cursos son los jueves de 6:30-8:45 pm. Inscripcin en la Iglesia: 350 McKee Road, Dover, DE. Se facilita cuidado de los nios. Mas informacin:(302) 734-8150. THE SUSSEX TECH Divisin de adultos Ofrece ingles como segunda lengua Los mircoles y jueves de 7:15 - 9:15 p.m. Cualquiera que quiera aprender ingles puede asistir.En la ruta 9 carretera LaurelGeorgetown.Mas informacin: (302) 856-9035 CLASES DE INGLES Ingles basico por las maanas de Enero 23 a Marzo 8 Lunes y Miercoles de 9 a 11:30 am y por las tardes desde el 9 de enero a el 4 de abril, Lunes y miercoles de 7 a 9:00 pm. Tambien ofrecemos clases de ingles avanzado, Cecil College, 107 Railroad Avenue, Elkton, MD 21921 Salon 328 Para mas informacion, 410-392-3366 LINCOLN: Lincoln United Methodist Church ESL martes/jueves 9am-1pm 4-7pm information Laurie Holubik 398-8945 x30 Administered by Lake Forest School Early Childhood Center GEORGETOWN: Georgetown Middle School (intermedia) ESL 301Market St (luz intermitente) Lunes a jueves 6-8pm (cuidan nios) 856-1900 Administered by Indian River School District La Esperanza ESL/Ciudadania 216 north Race St. Georgetown, DE 19947 302 854-9262 Sussex Tech ESl 856-9035 SELByVILLE: Selbyville Middle School ESL 80 Bethany Beach 302 436-1020 llame para dias y horas administered by Indian River School District BRIDGEVILLE ESL Phyllis Wheatley Middle School ESL Bridgeville, De 19933 (302) 337-3469 Administered by Sussex Tech H.S.

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ALQUILO HABITACIONES EN NEWARK RUTA 273 $250 y $350 LLAMAR AL TEL 302- 494 7154 SE ALQUILAN HABITACIONES. llamar;302- 4947154 no dejar mensaje de voz. razon ;Ruth Matos ApARTAMENTO EN ALQUILER Cmodo apartamento de dos habitaciones en Wilmington, DE. Para ms Informacin llamar a Magda al 302- 333- 3270. RENTA 1216 Rodman Road, Canby Park Wilmington, DE 19805, 4 Recamaras 2 Banos, Driveway Privado, Washer, Dryer Front and year yard $1,300.00 @ Mes. (302) 777-2162 SE VENDE Vendo equipo completo de Sonido listo para empezar negocio de DJ o para un grupo musical. Precio de oferta $5500.00 incluyendo una traila de 5X8. Llamar para mas detalles al celular (302) 382-1530 Rene Acevedo

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Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09


Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09

calendario calendar
loS SeoreS Del TiemPo El Penn Museum de Filadelfia explora los orgenes de las predicciones del fin del mundo en 2012 con la nueva e importante exhibicin MAYA 2012: Los Seores del Tiempo, una exhibicin de estreno mundial que se inaugur el 5 de mayo, el Penn Museum confronta la fascinacin actual con el ao 2012 y compara las predicciones de un apocalipsis que transformara el mundo con sus supuestos orgenes en la antigua civilizacin maya. La exhibicin se presentar hasta el 13 de enero de 2013. Las entradas de admisin ncluyen la admisin al resto del museo Las entradas especiales para la exhibicin pueden adquirirse por Internet: maya2012, PeacH FeSTiVal The 2012 Middletown Peach Festival will be held Saturday August 18, 2012 beginning at 9am with the annual parade on Broad Street and will conclude at 4pm. Many activities are centered on Main Street. Main Street and a portion of adjoining N Cass Street will be closed to traffic for the event. Entertainment is scheduled throughout the day around town. There are activities for children, a local artist exhibit, historical exhibits, a peach pie contest, crafts, music, food, games, and of course peaches! The Peach Festival is a rain-orshine event! Last years attendance was about 27,000 people. For more details, visit

SerVicioS a la comuNiDaD
NEW CASTLE Centro Comunitario LatinoameriCano

Da: Sbado 30 de Junio de 2012 Hora: 11:00am-5:00pm. Lugar: Parque de Georgetown en la calle Bedford. (al lado de la Iglesia Presbiteriana) Habr pollo asado, elotes, raspados, hotdogs, payasos, dibujos de cara trencito, y mucho pero mucho mas!!! Amenizar La Nueva 87.7 FM

!No se lo puede perder!

4 0 2 N. V a N B u r e N S t r e e t , W ilmiNgtoN , De 19085. t el . 655-7338 La ofiCina nios y famiLia 301 N. HariSoN Street, WilmiNgtoN De 19805. tel.302- 655-6486 ameriCan CanCer soCiety 92 reaDS Way Suite 205, NeW CaStle Corporate CoNmoNS, NeW C aStle , De 19720. t el . 3244227 VoCes sin fronteras parroquia SaN paBlo, 1010 WeSt 4tH St. WilmiNgtoN, De 19805 tel. 576-4120 Caridad CatLiCa 260 W. 4 tH. Street, WilmiNgtoN, De 19805. 655-9624 ChiLd inC. 507 pHilaDelpHia pike, De 19809, tel.762-8989 Westside heaLth 1802 WeSt4 Street,WilmiNgtoN, De, 19805. tel. 655-5822 ayuda LegaL inmigrantes CommuNity SerViCe BuilDiNg, 100 WetS teHt Street, Suite 801, W ilmiNgtoN , De, 19801, t el . 575-0660. Westend neighborhood 710 N. liNColN, De, 19805 tel. 658-4171 h enrietta J ohnson m. 601 NeW CaStle aVe.WilmiNgtoN, De 19801tel 302.655.6187 diVisin de mantenimiento de Los nios CHurCHmaNS Corporate CeNter 84 a CHriStiaNa roaD, NeW CaStle, De 19702 VCtimas de VioLaCin sexuaL C oNDaDo De N eW C aStle 302761-9100 cancer care connection One Innovation Way, Suite 300, Newark, Delaware 19711. 302- 294-8551 or 866-2667008 (toll-free). http://www. CONDADO DE KENT deLmarVa ruraL ministries 26 W yomiNg a Ve . D oVer , De, 19904. tel. 678-2000 ChiLd inC. 2089 DupoNt HigHWay, DoVer diVision de mantenimiento de Los nios CarrolS plaza, 114 S. DupoNt HWy. DoVer, De 19901 CONDADO DE SUSSEX Centro La esperanza 216 NortH raCe Street, georgetoWN, De, 19947 Tel.302854-9262 Fax 854-9277 diVision de mantenimiento de Los nios 9 aCaDemy St. georgetoWN, De 19947 a b r i e n d o p u e r ta s a yu Da
para mujereS VCtimaS De VioleNCia

aNNual PHoTograPHic arT exHibiT The Coastal Camera Club will again present to the public its annual photographic art exhibit and sale at the Nassau Valley Vineyards in Lewes, June 2-28, 2012. The Vineyard is open daily Monday through Saturday, 11 am5pm and Sundays, noon to 5 pm. Over 30 participating artists will be displaying their art photography in this unique local vineyard setting. In addition to enjoying the hanging art, visitors can observe the wine cellar through long glass viewing stations, a delightful backdrop to the art images. An Artists Reception will be held on June 10th, 2-4pm where visitors will be able to interact with the artists, ask questions, and learn more about the many different styles and techniques used by the represented artists. For additional information visit CCCs website at The show will come down on the morning of June 29th.

WaTercolor WeDNeSDayS at Dover, Del.s Old State House during June 2012 Historical vantage-points within Dover, Del.s Old State House will serve as subjects for Watercolor Wednesdays, a weekly program in which visitors can paint scenes inside one of the oldest statehouse buildings in the United States. Led by the museums interpretive staff, Watercolor Wednesdays will take place between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on June 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2012.

earTH From SPace Smithsonian exhibit explores our planet from the eyes of a satellite. Discover Earth from Space on exhibit at the Delaware Museum of Natural History June 16 to September 3, 2012. detailed satellite images of the planet-from the swirling arms of a massive hurricane and the grid-like pattern of Kansas farmland to the triangular shadows cast by the Great Pyramids and the sinuous channels entering the Arctic Ocean. A Magic Planet digital video globe-a digital display with a sphere-shaped screen- that allows visitors to observe the global extent of images returned from orbiting satellites. An educational companion an online version of the exhibition, as well as additional images and information. It also provides numerous educational resources, including lesson plans, classroom activities, web links and available publications. Earth from Space was developed by the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies at the Smithsonians National Air and Space Museum, in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES). The exhibition has been made possible by Global Imagination. Additional support has been provided by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Smithsonian Womens Committee. Delaware Museum of Natural History, 4840 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807 Monday- Saturday 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 12-4:30 p.m. ADMISSION: $9 for adults, $7 for children (3-17), $8 for seniors, FREE for children 2 and younger. FREE for museum members. MORE INFO: Visit www.delmnh. org or call (302) 658-9111

Auspiciado por: Pepsi, El Mercado, Jadens Party World, Wal-Mart, Iglesia de Dios Maranatha, La Quetzalteca, Discover Bank, Perdue Farms, Herr Foods, Inc.

July 4TH celebraTioN Wawa Welcome America! Highlights Details of 10-Day Celebration of Americas Birthday in Philadelphia Wawa Welcome America! 2012, the countrys largest, free July 4th celebration, will feature two fireworks displays, The Largest Free Concert in America, the nations most diverse Independence Day Parade and unparalleled Taste of Philadelphia foodevent Whether it is July 4, 1776 or July 4, 2012, Philadelphia is the only place to celebrate Americas birthday. People of all ages are invited to the City of Brotherly Love to make a lifetime of memories at Wawa Welcome America! -- the nations largest, free 4th of July festival -- from June 25 to July 4, 2012. With 10 patriotic days packed with free, family fun, Philadelphia rolls out the red, white and blue carpet to area natives and visitors from the Greater Philadelphia region and across the nation.

Job Center @ Delaware Libraries, WILMINGTON Location

OPEN HOURS FOR JOB SEARCHING ASSISTANCE: Monday: 5pm to 7:30 pm Tuesday: 11am to 2pm Wednesday: 5pm to 7:30 pm Friday: 9:30am to 2pm During these open hours, drop in to receive one-on-one help with: ** Resumes & Cover Letters ** Interview Preparation ** Online Job Applications ** Email Account set-up ** Job Searching (including job leads, Internet job site navigation) ** Printers and scanners available; computers with Internet available ** Spanish-speaking job coach available Tuesday and Friday open hours ** Referrals to partner agencies providing GED preparation or job searching assistance for those with barriers to employment ** Classes in Computer Use, Linked In, Small Business and more Wilmington Public Library Job Center 10th and Market Streets (3rd Floor) 302-222-8507

DomeStiCa. tel. 745-9874 Centro de informaCin para padres 1 0 9 N. B e D F o r D S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947, t el . 302-856- 9880 La Casita 308 N.railDroaD aVe. georgetoWN 856 9660 Centro de saLud La red 505-a W e S t m a r k e t S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947. t elOP . 855-1233 teLamon Corp. StoCkley CeNter W-3. georgetoWN, De, 19947. tel. 934-1642 Lnea de apoyo para VCtimas de VioLaCin sexuaL CoNDaDo De SuSSex y keNt 1-800Dur 262-9800

Jo W

CONDADO DE CHESTER PA ** O La Comunidad hispana 314 e. State St. keNNett Square** Jo , pa, 19348 ** P telFoNo: 610-388 72 59 ** S misin santa mara 37 S peNNSylVaNia aVe, aVoNDale** R , pa 19311, telFoNo 610-268 3365 ** C programa madrina oxForD - (610) 444-4002 keNNett Square,(610) 444-4002 Wil (610) 917-1360 10t
DelaWare HelPliNe 1-800-464 4357 mara para espaol

** R


Delaware 15 de Junio 2012 Vol 7 No.09

El Tiempo Hispano Delaware Bilingual Newspaper


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Si ha sufrido un accidente, obtenga la ayuda e informacin que necesita rpido y gratis!
Tiene dolor y necesita ver a un mdico? Tiene el auto daado? No puede trabajar debido a sus lesiones? La Lnea Hispana de Accidentes puede ayudarle a obtener cuidado mdico aunque no tenga seguro y todo es estrictamente confidencial. Adems usted puede tener derecho a recibir compensacin por dolor y sufrimiento.

Anuncio por parte de los doctores en medicina quiroprctica Nikki Patel DC, Trisha Mangano DC, Kent Messer DC


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